HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.300 Harold Ross Ct.0028.2019 (2).ARBK APPROVED DATE BY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN ATHEN BUILDERS 300 Harold Ross Aspen, CO ASPEN, CO 81611 Building "K" RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Purpose 1.2 APPLICABLIITY 1.3 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 1 1.4 REFRENCES 2 2.0 PROJECT LOCATION 3 2.1 DISTURBANCE AREA 3 2.2 LOCATION 3 2.3 DESCRIPTION 3 3.0 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION 3 3.1 PERMITS/OTHERDOCUMENTS 3 3.2 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION 3 3.3 PROJECT SIGN 4 3.4 CONTACTDESIGNATION 4 4.0 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 4 4.1 DATESOFCONSTRUCTION 4 4.2 HOURS OF CONSTRUCTION 5 4.3 SEQUENCE (PHASING) OF CONSTRUCTION 6 4.4 ADJOINING PROPERTIES 6 4.5 PROJECT FENCING 6 4.6 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE 6 4.7 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 6 5.0 SITE AND RIGHT OF WAY MANAGEMENT 7 5.1 RIGHTOFWAYMANAGEMENTPLAN 7 5.2 EMERGENCYVEHICLEACCESSANDORDINANCE35 7 5.3 CONSTRUCTION PARKING DETAILS 7 5.4 STAGING AREAS 8 5.5 RIGHT OF WAY LIMITATIONS 9 5.6 SITE PLAN 10 5.7 WASTE MANAGEMENT 11 6.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL 12 6.1 GENERAL 12 6.2 HAUL ROUTES 12 6.3 ONSITE VEHICLE LIMITATIONS 12 RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 6.4 DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS 12 6.5 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 12 7.0 PEDISTRIAN PROTECTION 13 7.1 GENERAL 13 7.2 LIMITATIONS 13 8.0 SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL 13 8.1 REQUIREMENTS 13 8.2 SMUGGLER MOUNTAIN RESTRICTIONS 13 9.0 FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL 14 9.1 FUGITIVEDUSTCONTROLPLAN 14 9.2 REQUIREMENTS 14 10.0 EMISSIONS 15 10.1 GENERAL 15 10.2 EMISSIONS FROM DIESEL POWERED ENGINES 15 11.0 NOISE SUPRESSION 15 11.1 GENERAL 15 11.2 NOISE SUPPRESSION PLAN 16 11.3 NOISE LIMITS AND SUPPRESSION REQUIREMENTS 16 11.4 NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS 17 11.5 CONTINUNEDNOISEMONITORING 17 11. 6 SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS RELATED TO MANUFACTURING ON SITE 18 12.0 ENFORCEMENT 19 12.1 CITY CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION OFFICER 19 12.2 CORRECTIVE ACTION 19 12.3 INSPECTION REPORTS 20 13.0 CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION COMMITTEE 20 14.0 APPEAL PROCESS 20 RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPENDICES A—Required Project Sign B—Haul Route Map C—Noise Suppression Plan, Techniques and Equipment D—Smuggler Mountain Superfund Site Map E—Core and Central Resort Area Map F—Encroachment Zone Map G—Stormwater Pollution Plan Requirements H—Construction Waste Management Plan I—Holiday Season Dates 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Construction Management Plan Manual is to provide a consistent policy under which certain physical aspects of construction management will be implemented. The elements contained in this document are related to the development process. It is intended that they apply to both public and private work designated herein. These standards cannot anticipate all situations. They are intended to assist,but not to substitute for competent work by design and construction professionals. The City of Aspen does not intend to limit any innovative or creative efforts that could result in better quality, greater cost savings, or both. Any proposed departure from the manual will be judged on the likelihood that such variance will produce a comparable result, adequate for the user and City resident over the duration of the improvement/project. If the project changes ownership or contracting services change, the City Engineering Department must be notified, and must agree to comply with an approved CMP in writing. Any departure from the approved CMP must be submitted in writing and approved by the City Engineer. The approved construction management plan must be kept onsite. 1.2 APPLICABILITY This manual shall govern the construction and development of all public and private construction projects in the City of Aspen. These regulations shall apply to all commercial, industrial, residential, and mixed use developments which disturb 1000 SF or greater or require demolition, improvement, or renovation(interior and/or exterior) of 400 SF or greater within any twelve-month period. Additionally 1.3 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS Construction Management Plan—A Construction Management Plan is a combination of diagrams, documents, drawings, and specifications that clearly define the steps that will be taken to demonstrate how the impacts to the community will be minimized. How the impacts associated with any construction project will be managed. Herein described as "Plan"throughout the remainder of this policy. Construction Mitigation Officer—An appointed employee of the City of Aspen whose charge is to ensure that all aspects of a Construction Management Plan are followed, and to further ensure that the impacts associated with construction activities within the City of Aspen are effectively managed and impacts associated with those projects are the least necessary to accomplish the project. Disturbance Area—A portion of land where topsoil or native soils have been removed for purposes of construction(development). RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Best Management Practices(BMP's)—Schedules of activities,prohibitions of practices,maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state. BMP's also include treatment requirements,operating procedures,and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks, waste disposal, or drainage from material storage. Tree Dripline and Protection Zone -Use the longest branch of the tree as a radius from the center of the tree and make a circle. The circle is then defined as the Drip line and thus is the tree protection zone. Final Stabilization — Uniform vegetative cover has been established with a density of at least 70 percent of pre-disturbed levels. Major Impact: Major projects as defined by the Urban Runoff Management Plan(URMP). Moderate Impact: Minor project as defined by the URMP and located in the CRA. Minor Impact: Minor project as defined by the URMP and located outside of the CRA. URMP Triggers can be found in Table 1.1 of the URMP. A link to the table can be found at: http://www.aspenpitkin.com/Portals/O/docs/Chapter%201.pdf 1.4 REFRENCES A. City of Aspen Construction and Mitigation Standards for Work in the Public Rights-of- Way B. City of Aspen Municipal Code Titles 8.56, 13, 21, 26, 28 and 29 C. City of Aspen Ordinance 35 D. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways — Most recent edition E. Colorado Department of Public Safety General Permit Part IB F. Colorado Department of Transportation M&S construction standards G. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment—Air Pollution Control Division 2.0 PROJECT LOCATION 2.1 DISTURBANCE AREA Soil disturbance shall be kept to a minimum. Construction staging and phasing shall occur,where applicable,to minimize soil disturbance time. Scaffold setup only. Soils will not be disturbed.No excavation 2.2 LOCATION Please see CMP vicinity map and plan per drawing labeled"CMP" RECEIVE 2/20/2019 ASPbN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2.3 DESCRIPTION This project has been in progress during the summer months per the last several years. One portion of the existing building has been selected for the summer work. A perimeter of work is established with caution safety and circulation patterns for pedestrian access and then scaffold is erected within the caution area. The existing siding is removed, the substrate inspected,repairs are made, then the new siding is installed. All demo materials are hauled off site and landfilled. There is no impact on public utilities. There will be no excavation or soils stabilization required. 3.0 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION 3.1 PERMITS / OTHERDOCUMENTS The contractor shall maintain all applicable local, state and federal licenses and permits that apply to the construction project. Applicable permits shall be listed, described and copies of the documents shall be attached in Plan appendices. In addition to permits all PUD's, Subdivision Improvement Agreements, and Related City Ordinances must also be attached in the Plan appendices. 3.2 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION A project update shall be provided to the public on a basis no less than monthly,via website, newspaper, on-site notices, or other accepted means of notification(per request of the City of Aspen). The first public notification shall occur no later than 10 days prior to construction. The update shall include a description of the current project phase, list any traffic and/or pedestrian concerns, and describe hauling/staging operations. Additionally it shall include information of the kinds of equipment, expected noise levels and durations of loud work. Communication with neighbors can prevent complaints from arising, and resolve concerns before there is a problem. Provide a phone number where the foreman can be reached prior to the start of the job. The above notification shall specifically be distributed to neighbors located within 300 feet of the project property. The Plan shall designate a project representative, date, and time for a required preconstruction meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the project and summarize the project specific Construction Management Plan. The contractor and subcontractors are required to attend the meeting. Utility personnel, applicable City departments, the Roaring Fork Transit Authority, neighboring property owners, and the Aspen School District shall also be notified. 3.3 PROJECT SIGN A project sign shall be constructed and posted that includes the items shown in Appendix A: Required Construction Sign. The sign shall be posted in a location where it is readable from the street or driveway and shall meet criteria in City Municipal Code 26.510.030B4. RECEIVE-: 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 3.4 CONTACT DESIGNATION The Plan shall have a contact list with associated phone numbers located at the front of the document. The list will include: the owner, contractor appointed overall site supervisor, a state certified safety officer, a state certified traffic control officer, and a state certified erosion control representative. This project will not require a state certified safety officer, a state certified traffic control officer, or a state certified erosion control representative. Other information shall include city and county phone numbers, fire department,police department, Roaring Fork Transit Authority(RFTA), school district, and all applicable utility company contact information. The contact list should include hospital contact information and the Emergency 911 reminder. 4.0 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 DATES OF CONSTRUCTION Dates of construction shall be specified in the Plan. The dates of construction will be 8 weeks after the permit is issued. NO work will be performed within City ROW. 4.2 HOURS OF CONSTRUCTION Construction hours shall be limited to 7:30am—5:30pm Monday through Friday and 9am—5pm th on Saturday.No construction is permitted on Sundays, 4 of July day and/or weekend if it falls on a Friday or Monday, Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day,New Years Day. During Presidents Day: • Projects located in the Central Resort Area(CRA) are not permitted to work on any exterior elements,however interior work may be permitted with prior approval. • Projects outside the CRA will be permitted to work. During the Christmas week(12/26-12/31): • Projects located in the Central Resort Area(CRA) are not permitted to work on any exterior elements,however interior work may be permitted with prior approval. • Projects outside the CRA will be permitted to work. During Holiday Season: ❑ Holiday Season is defined as the days of the week leading up to Christmas until New Year's Day. Refer to Appendix I for Holiday Season dates. ❑ Projects located in the Core are not permitted to work on any exterior elements, however interior work will be permitted. During the Food&Wine Festival in June (Friday thru Saturday): • Projects located in the Central Resort Area(CRA) are not permitted to work projects outside the CRA will be permitted to work. RECEIVES-: 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT The CRA area and Core is defined in Appendix E. Specific indoor activities during restricted periods may be permitted with approval from the City of Aspen Engineering Depaitiuent; specific conditions will be applied to each project separately. During the off-season 24 hour a day interior work may be permitted within the CRA, the applicant must present a work plan to the City of Aspen Engineering Department and the plan must be approved prior to working outside of the normal construction hours. Additional restrictions on construction hours and encroachments will be applied for Aspen Special Events. Examples of events that will require additional restrictions include the USA Pro Cycling Challenge and the Farmer's Market. Additional restrictions on construction hours will also be applied based on the project's specific impacts on adjoining properties. This includes limiting work during sales events (for a maximum of two sales events per year),maintaining site lines to these businesses, and providing signage on the construction site advertising the adjacent business. For example, if an adjoining business has an event(such as a semiannual sale)the project will accommodate this adjoining business to ensure the construction activities do no adversely affect that business's event. 4.3 SEQUENCE (PHASING) OF CONSTRUCTION The construction schedule is as follows: Week 1 will be mobilization, tree dripline mitigation, tree protection and scaffold erection Weeks 2-7 will be removal and replacement of siding materials Week 8 will be punch list, and demobilization 4.4 ADJOINING PROPERTIES No person shall excavate on land close enough to a property line to endanger any adjacent public street, sidewalk, and alley, other public or private property, or easement, without supporting and protecting the property from any damage that might result from construction operations. No adjoining properties will be affected. The site is contained. 4.5 PROJECT FENCING The project is too small to warrant fencing. The multi-family units are occupied and fencing will impede the access to the units. 4.6 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE All construction projects located within the City of Aspen shall uphold utmost respect to public health and welfare and be reflected in prepared Plan. 4.7 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Project construction shall be oriented to minimize harm to all aspects of the City of Aspen's natural environment. All tree and natural resource protection measures must be identified in the Plan and in place prior to the commencement of any construction or demolition activities. Refer to section 13.20.020b of the Municipal Code for tree protection and removal requirements and process. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT The Plan must contain a site map showing exact tree protection fence location and accurate tree driplines (refer to Section 1.3 for dripline definition). Proposed projects should be consistent with the character of existing land use in the surrounding area. Tree trunks will be protected with safety fencing. No scaffold will be set in the dripline area. 5.0 SITE AND RIGHT OF WAY MANAGEMENT 5.1 RIGHT OF WAY MANAGEMENT PLAN No ROW will be used or impeded. 5.2 EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND ORDINANCE35 The contractor shall maintain continuous emergency vehicle access, on and around site, including but not limited to police, fire, and ambulance services. This includes projects adjacent to roads and alleys. 5.3 CONSTRUCTION PARKING DETAILS Specific construction parking spaces/areas may be requested for use by craftsman, subcontractors, and contractors involved in the site construction process. Prior to the City allowing for construction parking spaces,the project must demonstrate that it has minimized the amount of vehicles traveling to the site. This will be demonstrated through Traffic Demand Management (TDM)Plan. A site's TDM plan will consist of the following: Minor Impact—Select one or more of the following Customized Program—This option allows for the project to propose a measure not listed above. If this option is chosen, a narrative should appear below and must include the following information for staff review: *Two Parking spaces allotted by owner *Crews will carpool no less than three workers per truck *enforcement by general contractor After demonstrating that the project has minimized the amount of vehicles traveling to the site, through the use of a TDM(which includes the measures above),the City will allow minimal onsite parking No construction parking will be permitted within the free two-hour residential parking areas without a valid permit. 5.4 STAGING AREAS The staging area is on the north side of the parking areas. Deliveries will be limited to one per RECEIVE-: 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT week without blocking access to neighboring properties. The number of will be less than 30 minutes. 5.5 RIGHT OF WAY LIMITATIONS • This project has no limitations in the Right of Way • Location: Depending on location,there will be limitations on the use of the ROW. The core area in particular has on season restrictions. Refer to Section 5.5 (c). • Size: -this project has minimal size parameters that will not encroach day to day or emergency access. • Safety: The encroachment must accommodate pedestrians. Conflict between pedestrians and construction traffic must be minimized. Additionally, all encroachments shall ensure sight distances of 35 feet from the intersection. There must be no overhead hazards (crane swing, etc...) and there must be adequate room for Emergency Response. • Schedule: Aspen has many re-occurring special events scheduled throughout the year. Some encroachments may be limited or not approved based on impacts to these events. Holidays and special events that affect ROW closures in the core area include,but may not be limited to: Food and Wine (mid June),USA Pro Cycling Challenge (mid August), Saturday Farmer's Market(mid June thru mid October),Holiday/Christmas Week and the July 4th Parade. • Aesthetics: Consideration should be given to the aesthetics,public information, and signage for adjacent businesses, site barricades, fencing, enclosed walkways etc. can be more than barren plywood walls. Whether its artwork, information about the project or for local businesses there is an opportunity to minimize the aesthetic impact. 5.6 SITE PLAN As specified in Section 5.1, construction trailer,job materials storage, portable restrooms, waste management and recycling container locations shall be clearly designated on the project site plan. Loose job material storage is not allowed in ROW under any circumstance. Please see plan marked"CMP" The City of Aspen Engineering Department strongly recommends job trailer,waste management containers, and portable restrooms be stored on private property and not within City ROW. All job trailers, waste management containers, and portable restrooms will be contained on private property No excavation necessary. No cranes necessary. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT The City of Aspen requires recycling of construction materials. In instances where recycling containers cannot be accommodated onsite, the City Engineering Department will consider locating recycling containers within public ROW where feasible. The encroachment permit fee will be waived if it pertains to recycling containers. If at any time such a container is not being used for recycling operations, the property owner will be responsible to pay at least three Months calculated land lease fee. No recycling containers in the public ROW A wood recycling container will be available. 5.7 WASTE MANAGEMENT The City of Aspen requires recycling of materials,both conventional and construction related, according to this document and City of Aspen Municipal Code Title 12. A waste management plan must be submitted to the City prior to beginning demolition or construction. Recycling requirements included in this section do not supersede project specific Building Code requirements. Refer to Appendix H for the waste management plan requirements. Project site conventional recycling of co-mingled materials (plastics #1-#7, tin, aluminum, and glass), and cardboard must have an assigned space/area and be separated on-site during the project. Sites must comply with Colorado and Aspen landfill bans, i.e. no disposal of electronic waste, fluorescent light bulbs,hazardous waste or yard waste. These materials may not be disposed of in the trash. During the demolition phase of a project, deconstruction related activities are required(recycling and/or salvaging of material such as wood products, drywall, flooring, etc.). Concrete and scrap metals must be sorted and kept separate on-site and must have an assigned space/area. 6.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL 6.1 Traffic control will not be necessary on this site 6.2 Haul Routes are listed on the plan marked "CMP" 6.3 Construction vehicles will only be pickup trucks 6.4 Maximum delivery vehicles will be limited to one at a time which will be the siding deliveries 6.5 A preliminary Traffic Control Plan should not be necessary per City Engineer. 7.0 PEDISTRIAN PROTECTION 7.1 GENERAL The Plan shall comply with pedestrian safety per City code 21.04.060, MUTCD Chapter 6D,the Americans with Disability Act,and IBC Chapter 33. RECEIVE 2/20/2019 ASPbN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 8.0 SEDIMENT AND EROSION 8.1 There will be less than 1000 feet of disturbance and no soils shall be disturbed, excavated, moved, or removed. 9.0 FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL 9.1 FUGITIVE DUSTCONTROL PLAN All projects that result in fugitive dust emissions must submit a fugitive dust control plan and file an application for a construction permit with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The approval of a Dust Prevention and Control Plan does not relieve the owner or contractors of the of the responsibility to implement whatever additional measures may be required by the City Engineer to properly prevent and control dust. 9.2 Any dust emitted from the cutting of materials will be captured with the use of vacuums during cutting. No dust from soils considering none will be disturbed. 10.0 EMISSIONS 10.1 GENERAL All vehicles and equipment used on site will be properly maintained such that the engines will function within manufacture's standards or parameters. 10.2 EMISSIONS FROM DIESEL POWERED ENGINES Emissions from diesel engines operated within the City of Aspen shall be of a shade or density no darker than 40% opacity, except for starting motion no longer than 10 seconds or for stationary operation not exceeding 10 seconds. 11.0 NOISE SUPRESSION 11.1 GENERAL The noise limit for construction is measured at the property line of the construction site. All construction equipment shall be adequately muffled and maintained to minimize project noise. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11.2 NOISE SUPPRESSION PLAN Each site must include information on noise blocking methods, techniques, and common equipment and activities that require noise suppression(Refer to Appendix C)to meet the decibel limits in the following section. Major impact projects that include reinforced earth retention are required to have a sound engineer/consultant model the site plans and insert noise sources and specify noise mitigation measures to see how noise levels will be reduced. The models should show the anticipated noise levels at various locations surrounding the project and can take into account a variety of proposed mitigation measures. 11.3 NOISE LIMITS AND SUPPRESSION REQUIREMENTS Projects are limited to 70 decibels (dB) at the property line during the summer on season. ❑ In addition to the decibel limit listed above,projects located on the Mall will be limited to 70 decibels (dB) at the property line during the winter on season. ❑ All other times projects will be limited to 80 decibels (80dB) at the property line. On Season Summer Time Frame: June 1st thru Labor Day On Season Winter Time Frame: November 15th thru March 31 st Allowances of an additional 10 dB from the limits above will be made for short durations. However under no circumstance can the decibel limit exceed 80 dB at the property line. Allowance for an excess noise exception from the above limits will be reviewed by the City Engineer. Criteria for the exemption include: ❑ Where it is in the interest of public safety ❑ Public infrastructure work within the Right of Way ❑ Other activities within the Right of Way where there is no other reasonable alternative ❑ Short duration residential roofing repair projects Work associated with any allowances described above will not be permitted to start before 9am on weekdays and will not be permitted on Saturdays. Sites will be required to operate equipment in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and with all standard manufacturers' mufflers and noise-reducing equipment in use and in properly operating condition. The use of radios on the site before 8:00 am is not allowed. Sites may be required to move portable loud equipment including generators, compressors, and cement mixers to different sides of the property to reduce impacts on individual neighbors. Sites are required to post notices to inform workers, including sub-contractors, about the basic noise requirements, as well as specific noise restrictions, to the project. Appendix C includes recommended noise suppression methods. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11.4 NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS Noise level measurements shall be made with a sound level meter using the"A"weighting scale set on"slow"response. Measurements shall be taken at the property line of the site. The meters shall be used according to manufacturer specifications. Background noise levels may be taken for comparison with a given source for accuracy of a measurement. Extraneous or momentary spikes in the background noise readings shall not be used to compare with the source noise readings. Enforcement actions will be taken if the source of the noise is greater than the permissible levels. 11.5 CONTINUNED NOISE MONITORING This is a minor construction site with no earth stabilization 11.6 SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS RELATED TO MANUFACTURING ON SITE Considering that some structures will require an increase in the level of manufacturing of certain materials in order to complete the desired finish of the structure, additional restrictions will be placed on those activities. The primary concern is that extending the duration, for which neighbors are exposed to high levels of noise, could cause specific unwanted responses. In order to reduce those risk factors to neighboring properties all manufacturing efforts must be limited on site and when possible shall be conducted off site, or in such a manner as to not contribute to any long term noise impacts off of the property. Manufacturing activities that are in excess of a maximum of 80 decibels must be accompanied by an Extended Impact Permit,this will require that the activity is enclosed completely and limited to 90 days in duration. Air exchange/venting systems shall be installed or otherwise supplied within the enclosure to provide a clean air source for laborers. The enclosure must be constructed in a manner which prevents noise and dust from escaping. This may be accomplished with the use of plastic sheeting to contain dust and a more dense and rigid material(ply wood, foam insulation boards) erected to contain sound. Noise levels will be measured at the property line,while facing the source of the sound, and shall not exceed 65 decibels during working operations. Activities will be considered manufacturing if alterations to a material that is readily available on the market are made in order for the material to meet the needs of the end user. An example of this would be masonry wall construction. If the all of the stone was delivered as a rough cut product to the site, and each of the stones were to be cut square and fit into place. In this example the stone cutting is considered the manufacturing portion of the masonry wall, and should be conducted off site. This would allow the stones to be cut square and to the appropriate dimensions and additional work to fit the stones would be permitted on site. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT All work which requires a limited amount of additional manufacturing to achieve the desired finish(including fitting) shall be conducted between 9am and 5pm, and shall have an approved noise suppression plan on site,relating to the activity. 12.0 ENFORCEMENT 12.1 CITYCONSTRUCTIONMITIGATIONOFFICER A City Construction Mitigation Officer shall be assigned to each construction project. The City Construction Mitigation Officer will complete random site visits to determine if the project is following approved Plan and City requirements. The officer is not intended to take the place of a City of Aspen building inspector. 12.2 CORRECTIVEACTION The City of Aspen will enforce construction mitigation corrections as follows: 1. The first corrective action is a verbal warning and explanation of the violation with a timeframe for completion. 2. The second corrective action is a written warning or correction notice with timeframe for compliance. 3. Third and final notice is a"Stop Work Order"(red tag). If a stop work order is issued,no more work can be completed until the violation is corrected. 4. The City may forgo steps one and two as outlined above and go directly to the"Stop Work Order"and or a summons and compliant may be issued for violations under the following circumstances: • Work without a permit • Work that is endangering Public Safety • Work that is endangering Public Health including work that may affect water quality. • Work on holidays or Sundays (unless the site received an exemption to work during these times) The owner and general contractor are responsible for assuring compliance and both will be charged by summons and complaint in municipal court when necessary. This applies even if a sub-contractor violates the construction mitigation rules,Failure to correct violations and/or any threat to public safety could subject the owner, contractor or both to a maximum penalty of up to a year in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,650 for each violation. Each day a violation continues is a separate offense determined by the municipal court. 12.3 INSPECTION REPORTS The Construction Mitigation Officer will complete construction inspection reports. All reports are public and will be kept in the City Engineering Department. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 13.0 CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION COMMITTEE Projects seeking exemptions may seek an exemption from project durations, number of encroachments. These exemptions will be reviewed by the Construction Mitigation Committee. The committee consists of representatives from the Engineering, Parking and Building departments. If an exemption is granted then the project will be subject to the exemption fees as outlined in Title 2. Considerations for exemptions include impact of exemption on adjacent properties, duration of exemption and season that exemption is being requested. 14.0 APPEAL PROCESS Projects may appeal the decision of the Construction Mitigation Committee and/or the City Engineer. All appeal will be forwarded to the City Manager or their designee. If the appeal is approved and results in an exemption,then the project will be subject to the exemption fees as outlined in Title 2. RECEIVE 2/20/2019 ASPbN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 300 HARO ID RO SS BUILDING PERMIT # Ath e n Build e rs Genera iContra ctor Marc Tergeoglou 970-618 -8003 24 Hour Emergency Contact # 911 RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT B — Haul Route Map SEE DRAWING "CMP" C — Noise Suppression Plan, Techniques and Equipment Noise Blocking Methods Contractors shall require all subcontractors and vendors to use: ❑ "Residential"grade combustion engine exhaust silencers ❑ Electrical vs. pneumatic hand power tools ❑ Hydraulic vs. air powered rock drills ❑ "Silenced"pile drivers vs. Diesel pile drivers Temporary Noise Barrier Materials: Temporary barriers shall be constructed of 3/4-inch Medium Density Overlay(MDO) plywood sheeting, or other material of equivalent utility and appearance having a surface weight of 2 pounds per square foot or greater. The temporary barriers shall be lined on one side with glass fiber, mineral wool, or other similar noise curtain type noise-absorbing material at least 2-inches. The materials used for temporary barriers shall be sufficient to last through the duration of the construction project, and shall be maintained in good repair. Prefabricated acoustic barriers are available from various vendors. An equivalent barrier design can be submitted in lieu of the plywood barrier described above. Noise Control: ❑ Replace worn, loose, or unbalanced machine parts that cause vibration. ❑ Keep machine parts well lubricated to reduce friction. ❑ Acoustical enclosures and barriers around generators ❑ Sound absorbing material and vibration isolation systems on hand tools ❑ Shields, shrouds, or intake and exhaust mufflers. ❑ Noise-deadening material to line hoppers, conveyor transfer points, storage bins, or chutes. ❑ Noise barriers using materials consistent with the Temporary Noise Barrier Materials Section. ❑ Noise curtains ❑ Plywood with concrete blankets at the height of the equipment and that it surrounds the activity such that it directs noise up more than out from the property. ❑ Portable three sided enclosures made out of plywood to move with the activity such as jack hammering. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT ❑ Internal combustion engines are to be fitted with a suitable muffler in good repair. ❑ Noisy equipment such as cement mixers should be placed on the site to maximize the distance from neighboring houses and/or rotate location so as to not impact just one neighbor. Noise levels drop quickly with distance from the source. ❑ All equipment should be properly maintained, with special attention to mufflers and other noise control devices.❑ Between work periods,builders are required by city ordinance to shut down machines such as backhoes,bobcats, loaders and generators. ❑ All vehicular movements to and from the site must only be made during the scheduled normal working hours. This includes off-site noise that is associated with a specific project such as staging of concrete trucks. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT G — Stormwater Pollution The purpose of this chapter is to provide requirements and guidance for selecting and implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will eliminate or reduce the discharge of pollutants from construction and other land-disturbing activities to local waters. The City of Aspen Engineering Department is the administrative authority for stormwater management and erosion prevention and sediment control on construction sites within the City's jurisdiction. By policy, Aspen's requirements for stormwater management during construction are consistent with those of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's (CDPHE) Construction General Permit. The CDPHE Construction General Permit requires a stormwater management plan (SWMP)for development disturbing greater than one acre of land. However, Aspen requires a Construction SWMP detailing pollution prevention and erosion prevention and sediment control measures to be installed for projects that exceed 1000 square feet of soil disturbance, not just those that disturb greater than one acre. Wherever the City of Aspen and the CDHPE Construction General Permit requirements are in conflict, the more restrictive requirements should be applied. The regulations and guidelines stated in this chapter incorporate information from a variety of sources including: ❑ The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ❑ State of Colorado/Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE), ❑ Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD), and ❑ Northwest Colorado Council of Governments (NWCCOG). It is important to understand that these regulations are subject to change and/or alterations. For the most up to date copy please contact the City of Aspen Engineering Department. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Stormwater Management During Construction 1 .1 PURPOSE Some construction activities and materials have the potential to pollute our streams, rivers, and lakes if transported during storms or snowmelt. When construction disturbs land, the soil is more easily eroded during rainfall, snowmelt, and wind events. Eroded soil, referred to as sediment, is the greatest pollutant to rivers in Colorado and Aspen. Sediment endangers water resources by reducing water quality and causing the siltation of aquatic habitat for fish and other desirable species. Other pollutants, such as petroleum products, metals, and nutrients, easily attach to soil making sediment even more toxic. Eroded soil also necessitates the cleaning and/or repair of sewers and ditches and the dredging of water bodies. Therefore clearing, grading, and vehicle tracking during construction creates the need for erosion prevention and sediment control on construction sites. Pollutants other than sediment, such as concrete, solvents, oil, grease and metals, also cause degradation of water quality in receiving streams, and therefore must also be prevented or reduced through construction site stormwater management practices. The City of Aspen requires compliance with the criteria in this chapter in order to eliminate or reduce the discharge of pollutants in stormwater runoff, and prohibits the discharge of pollutants from construction sites to the City's stormwater system. These criteria should be followed from start of earth disturbance until final landscaping and stormwater quality measures are effectively in place and accepted by the City. The goal of these requirements is to decrease the amount of pollutants entering the stormwater system from construction and other land disturbing activities. The following erosion prevention, sediment control, and pollution prevention measures are designed to safeguard persons, protect property, minimize water quality and other environmental impacts, and promote the public welfare by guiding, regulating, and assisting the design, construction, use, and maintenance of any development or activity which disturbs or breaks the topsoil or results in the movement of earth on land greater than 1000 square feet in the City of Aspen, Colorado. 1 .11 General Requirements This project is claiming exemption "h" h. Where the owner certifies in writing to the City of Aspen and the City of Aspen agrees in writing that the planned work and the final structures or topographical changes will not result in, or contribute to, soil erosion or sediment discharges to any waterway or irrigation ditch and will not interfere with any existing drainage course or waterway in such a manner as to cause damage to any adjacent property, or result in the deposition of debris or sediment on any public right-of-way, will not present any hazard to any persons or property, and will have no detrimental influence upon the public welfare, or upon other properties in the watershed. A Construction Stormwater Management Plan (Construction SWMP) must be developed VED before a project begins that identifies pollution prevention measures and erosion prevention and sediment control (EPSC) measures that are appropriate for the actual site cooOi26rjs21J 9 construction plans for each site — generic plans will not be approved. ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT The Construction SWMP shall contain a narrative report as well as site plan maps for each phase of the project. The appropriate schedule of implementation shall be identified as well as detailed plans shown on plan sheets with appropriate contours for each phase of the project that will minimize pollution, erosion, and sediment transport. The Construction SWMP shall be submitted to the City of Aspen as part of the Construction Mitigation Plan (CMP) and along with the grading and drainage plans in order to obtain a building or landscape and grading permit. Plans for grading and erosion control should be considered in the early stages of site planning and drainage design. The Construction SWMP may have to be modified at the time a final site development plan is prepared in order to better address the site conditions as the plan changes. This modified plan, the final Construction SWMP, must be approved by the City of Aspen before ground-breaking activities can occur. EPSC measures must be designed according to size, slope, and soil type of disturbed drainage areas in order to prevent erosion and to capture sediment. Potential sources of pollution that might affect quality of stormwater discharges from the site, and practices that will be implemented to prevent that pollution, must be identified and described as part of the Construction SWMP. In addition, sites discharging directly to waters of the state or the City's stormwater system might be required to meet stricter requirements as determined by the City Engineer or City Stormwater Manager. Implementation of the Construction SWMP (i.e., installation of measures) begins when construction begins, before the initial clearing, grubbing, and grading operations, since these activities can usually increase erosion potential on the site. Implementation and maintenance of pollution prevention measures and EPSC measures are the responsibility of the permit holder and the project/property owner. Because site conditions will affect the suitability and effectiveness of pollution prevention and EPSC measures, the SWMP is a dynamic document that should be referred to frequently, amended and updated as necessary, and kept on site available for review by City of Aspen staff upon request. The City reserves the right to require the permit holder and/or property owner to develop and implement additional measures to prevent and control pollution as needed. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Pollution Prevention Pollution prevention for construction within the City of Aspen requires compliance with the following criteria: 1. Develop Construction SWMP -The Construction SWMP must identify potential sources of pollution that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater discharging from the site. 2. Practice Good Housekeeping -The Construction SWMP must describe standard operating procedures and practices that will be implemented to prevent the release of pollutants to the stormwater system from construction activities. a. Perform activities in a manner to keep potential pollutants from coming into contact with stormwater. b. Prevent spills and leaks (i.e. hydraulic fluid from leaky vehicles or equipment) c. Use phasing principals to limit areas of disturbance. 3. Contain Materials and Waste—Areas used for staging of construction activities and the storage of soil, chemicals, petroleum-based products and waste materials, including solid and liquid waste, shall be designed to prevent discharge of pollutants in the runoff from the construction site. a. Store construction, building, and waste materials in designated areas, protected from rainfall and contact with stormwater run-on and runoff. b. Dispose of all construction waste in designated areas (e.g. concrete may only be disposed of in a designated concrete wash-out area), and keep stormwater from flowing onto or off of these areas. c. Properly clean and dispose of spilled materials. 4. Dewatering — If it is determined that site dewatering will be required, the permit holder/ and or property owner must obtain a Construction Dewatering Permit for the CDPHE division of water resources. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Erosion prevention and sediment control for construction within the City of Aspen requires compliance with the following criteria: 1. Develop Construction SWMP—The Construction SWMP plan must demonstrate how stormwater, erosion, and sediment will be handled throughout construction. 2. Control Site Perimeter— Construction activities and their impacts must be controlled within the limits of the site. i. Delineate the site perimeter on the plans and in the field to prevent disturbing areas outside of the project limits. ii. Divert upstream run-on safely around or through the construction project. Diversions must not cause downstream property damage and cannot be diverted into another watershed. iii. Construction vehicles and equipment may enter and exit the site at only one designated access point. This exit must be stabilized with gravel or other appropriate material throughout the duration of the project. 3. Minimize Disturbed Areas— Construction activities must be scheduled in correct sequences to minimize the total amount of exposed soil at any given time. a. Only clear land which will be actively under construction in the near term (e.g. within the next 1-2 months). b. Minimize new land disturbance during the spring runoff/snow melt season. c. Avoid clearing or disturbing sensitive areas, such as steep slopes and natural waterways, where site improvements will not be constructed or are not necessary. 4. Stabilize Disturbed Areas — Disturbed areas must be permanently or temporarily stabilized as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after last worked,,wi„nrNED active construction is not occurring on that portion of the site. Disturbed ar6a :rn th be stabilized by November 15 of each year to minimize erosion and sedir 0/2019 transport that occurs during spring snow melt. ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 5. Protect Slopes and Channels— Concentrated stormwater flows shall be avoided or the conveyance system shall be protected sufficiently to prevent significant erosion. a. Safely convey runoff from the top of the slope and stabilize disturbed slopes as quickly as possible. b. Avoid disturbing natural channels. c. Ensure the runoff velocity caused by project does not erode channel bottoms. 6. Install and Maintain EPSC Measures —All sites must minimize pollution potential by installing and maintaining erosion prevention and sediment control measures throughout the duration of any project. a. Erosion prevention measures are those BMPs used to limit erosion of soil from disturbed areas on the site. Erosion prevention measures are required for all disturbed areas. Examples include: Contour Tracking, Rolled Erosion Control Products, Hydro Mulching and similar activities. b. Sediment control measures are those BMPs the limit the transport of sediment off-site or downstream of disturbed areas. Sediment control measures are required for all disturbed areas. The most commonly used sediment containment is silt fencing. c. Use non-structural and structural best management practices (BMPs) described in this chapter. d. All sites must be inspected regularly by a representative from the project to document the condition and effectiveness of BMPs. 7. Retain Sediment -Sediment control measures are required at all points where stormwater leaves the site as concentrated flow and at any other points where sediment has the potential to leave the site. Sediment-laden runoff will be considered a violation of City of Aspen code and can receive fines up to $1000 per day that the site is in violation. Best Management Practices Best Management Practices (BMPs) are activities or controls that are implemented to reduce the potential of discharging pollutants to the stormwater system and include pollution prevention measures and EPSC measures. 2.1 Permit and Construction Process Step 1 — Develop Construction SWMP The owner or the contractor should secure the services of a professional engineer knowledgeable in construction management practices and the City of Aspen requirements for stormwater management during construction to develop the Construction SWMP. The SWMP must be submitted as a portion of the CMP along with the building permit application. The Construction SWMP will be reviewed by the City and its comments will need to be addressed before a building permit will be issued. Projects that disturb greater than one acre of land will also need to apply for a Construction General Permit with the CDPHE. This application also requires the submittal of a SWMP. The Construction SWMP developed for the purposes of construction within the City of Aspen should be adequate to submit with the Construction General Permit Application. The Construction SWMP shall consist of a written narrative report and a site plan map describing the erosion prevention and sediment control measures to be implemented at the site. Narrative Report The narrative report must contain, or refer to, the drainage report for the site and should contain, at the minimum, the following: 1. Contact Information —The names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers of_tloc Li ILNt/project/property owner, the applicant or permit holder, the professional engineer prepare the Construction SWMP, and the site person that will be responsible for implementation of the Construction SWMP. 2/20/20190 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2. Project Description -A brief description of the nature and purpose of the land disturbing activity, the total area of the site, the area of disturbance involved, and project location including township, range, section, and quarter-section, or the latitude and longitude, of the approximate center of the project. 3. Existing Site Conditions -A description of the existing topography, vegetation, and drainage; and a description of any water bodies or conveyances on the site. 4. Downstream/Receiving Waters -Identification of the stormwater system downstream of the site including the receiving water body (e.g. Roaring Fork River). 5. Adjacent Areas -A description of neighboring areas including streams, lakes, residential areas, roads, etc., which might be affected by the land disturbance. 6. Soils -A brief description of the soils on the site including information on soil type and character. 7. Historic Conditions—Areas of historic contamination (natural, mining, industrial or agricultural) should be described. 8. Areas and Volumes -An estimate of the quantity (in cubic yards) of excavation and fill involved, and the surface area (in square feet and acres) of the proposed disturbance. 9. Pollution Prevention Measures —A description of the potential sources of pollution from construction activities and materials and the methods described in this chapter which will be used to prevent pollution to the stormwater system. Descriptions 10. Timing of Construction Activity—A schedule indicating the anticipated starting and completion time periods of the site grading and/or construction sequence, including the installation and removal time periods of erosion and sediment control measures, and the time of exposure of each area prior to the installation of temporary EPSC measures. 11. EPSC Measures -A description of the methods described in this chapter which will be used to prevent erosion and control sediment on the site. Descriptions must be site specific. Generic or general statements are not acceptable. 12. Permanent Stabilization -A brief description, including specifications and the landscaping plan, of how the site will be stabilized after construction is completed. 13. Stormwater Management Considerations—A description of how stormwater runoff from and through the site will be handled during construction. Provide a brief description of the post- construction stormwater quality control measures to be included as a part of the site development. 14. Inspection and Maintenance -A description of how each EPSC and pollution prevention measure will be maintained and a statement that the site will be inspected at least once every 14 calendar days and 24 hours before / after forecasted storm events to determine SWMP accuracy and effectiveness; proper installation, location, and condition of EPSC measures; and implementation of construction activity pollution prevention measures. An alternative of inspecting every 7 calendar days regardless of precipitation events or forecasts may also be used. Inspection and maintenance reports should be completed and kept on site following each inspection and made available to City of Aspen staff upon request. Any loss of sediment from the site should be noted and kept in file with these reports, including date and estimated amount of sediment loss and what activities were performed to ensure that sediment loss would not occur again. 15. Calculations -Any calculations made for the design of such items as sediment basins, diversions, or waterways; and calculations for runoff and stormwater detention basin design (if applicable). 16. Other information or data as may be reasonably required by the City of Aspen. 17. The following note -"This Construction Stormwater Management Plan has been placed in the City of Aspen file for this project, and appears to fulfill the City of Aspen criteria for the management of construction activities and associated erosion and sedimentation controls. I understand that additional control measures may be needed if unforeseen pollutant transport problems are determined by City of Aspen to occur during this project or if the submitted plan does not function as intended. The requirements of this plan shall run with the land and be the obligation of the owner until such time as the project cover h plan is properly completed, modified or voided." � � ��� 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 18. Signature page for owner/developer acknowledging the review and acceptance of responsibility, a statement by the Professional Engineer acknowledging responsibility for the preparation of the SWMP, and a signature of the site representative that will be responsible for implementation of the SWMP in the field acknowledging that they have reviewed and agree to implement and maintain the proposed measures as designed or altered as necessary while meeting the intent of the design. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 19.Site Plan A plan sheet(s) size 24"x36" that shows the location of erosion prevention and sediment control measures with appropriate contours for each phase of the project must be submitted in addition to the narrative report. The site plan(s) must show: 1. A general location map at a scale of 1-inch to 1,000-feet to 1-inch to 8,000-feet indicating the general vicinity of the site location. 2. The property lines for the site on which the work will be performed. 3. The construction SWMP at a scale of 1-inch to 20-feet up to 1-inch to 200-feet with separate sheets for each phase of site development construction. 4. Existing topography at one-or two-foot contour intervals. The map should extend a minimum of 100-feet beyond the property line or beyond the project's soil disturbance limits, whichever is larger. 5. Proposed topography at one-or two-foot contour intervals. The map should show elevations, dimensions, location, extent and the slope of all proposed grading, including building site and driveway grades. 6. Delineation of the entire area draining to the site, drainage areas within the site, and discharge points from each drainage area. 7. Location of all existing structures and hydrologic features on the site. 8. Location of all structures and natural features on the land adjacent to the site and within a minimum of 100 feet of the site boundary line. 9. Delineation of trees and natural feature conservation areas such as steep slopes or natural channels. 10. Location of the storm sewer, street gutter, channel or other waters receiving storm runoff from the site. 11. Location of all proposed structures including drainage features, paved areas, retaining walls, cribbing, plantings and development for the site. 12. Limits of clearing and grading. 13. Location of construction entrance/exit. 14. Location of soil stockpiles -Areas designated for topsoil and subsoil storage. 15. Location of storage equipment maintenance and temporary disposal areas -Areas designated for equipment, fuel, lubricants, chemicals and all temporary construction waste storage. All these areas shall be cleaned out and reclaimed at end of project and waste disposed at legal disposal sites. 16. Location of designated concrete washout and a statement that concrete washout must occur within this location or hauled back to the batch plant. 17. Location of temporary roads designated for use during the construction period. 18. Location of temporary and permanent soil erosion control measures and sediment control measures. Depict all EPSC measures using the standard map symbols given in Figure C1-1. If the project will experience several phases of construction, a plan sheet must be submitted for each phase with the appropriate contours and EPSC measures depicted on the plan for that phase. 19. Detail drawings and specifications -Design drawings and specifications for erosion and sediment controls, temporary diversions and all other practices used for each phase of site development. 20. Other information or data as may be reasonably required by the City. 21. The following note: "This Construction Stormwater Management Plan has been placed in the City of Aspen file for this project and appears to fulfill applicable erosion control and construction management criteria. I understand that additional measures may be required of the owner due to unforeseen erosion, sediment or other pollutant transport off the site or if the submitted plan does not function as intended. The requirements of this plan shall run with the land and be the obligation of the owner until such time as the project covered by this plan is properly completed, modified or voided". //��►► 22. Signature block for owner/developer acknowledging the review and acc �,�EiVE1>> responsibility, a signed and stamped statement by the Professional Engineer acknowledging responsibility for the preparation of the SWMP, and a signat2re2 (€2019 site representative that will be responsible for implementation of the SWMP in the ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT field. Should the field representative change, this block should be updated with a signature of the current site representative that will be responsible for implementation of the SWMP. 1. Exemptions from the erosion control planning process may be considered for any of the following by the local jurisdiction if their MS4 permit so allows; however, exempting the owner from the preparation and submittal of a SWMP and/or from applying for a grading permit does not exempt the owner from controlling erosion and sediment movement off the construction site: a. Agricultural use of land. b. Grading or an excavation below finished grade for basements, footings, retaining walls, or other structures on single family lots not a part of a larger development or redevelopment project and disturbing a total land surface of less than one (1) acre in size unless required otherwise by local jurisdiction. c. A sidewalk or driveway authorized by a valid permit. d. Land-disturbing activities involving less than a total of one (1) acre of disturbed area. Individual lots involving less than one (1) acre of disturbed area in a larger land use change project shall not be considered separate development projects, but rather as a part of the subdivision development as a whole and are not eligible for an exemption. It will be the responsibility of the homeowner or homebuilder to conform to all requirements of the locally approved SWMP for the development or redevelopment. As part of any Building Permit within a larger development for which an individual erosion control plan is not required, it is recommended the following statement be included: "We have reviewed the Construction Storm Water Management Plan for (subdivision name) and agree to conform to all requirements contained therein and all erosion control requirements of the (insert name of municipality) and the State of Colorado. We further agree to construct and maintain all erosion and sediment control measures required on the individual lot(s) subject to this Building Permit and/or in accordance with the provisions of the Construction Best Management Practices chapter of the Manual published by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District." e. Underground utility construction including the installation, maintenance and repair of all utilities under hard-surfaced roads, streets or sidewalks provided such land-disturbing activity is confined to the area which is hard-surfaced and provided that runoff and erosion from soil stockpiles are confined and will not enter the drainage system. f. Gravel, sand, dirt or topsoil removal as authorized pursuant to approval of the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board, provided said approval includes a construction activities management, erosion and sediment control plan that meets the minimums specified. g. Projects having a period of exposure (from time of land disturbance until permanent erosion control measures are installed) of less than 14 days. h. Where the owner certifies in writing to the City of Aspen and the City of Aspen agrees in writing that the planned work and the final structures or topographical changes will not result in, or contribute to, soil erosion or sediment discharges to any waterway or irrigation ditch and will not interfere with any existing drainage course or waterway in such a manner as to cause damage to any adjacent property, or result in the deposition of debris or sediment on any public right-of-way, will not present any hazard to any persons or property, and will have no detrimental influence upon the public welfare, or upon other properties in the watershed. 2. Variances —The City of Aspen may consider waiving or modifying any of the criteria which are deemed inappropriate or too restrictive for site conditions by granting a variance, provided such variance does not violate the laws of the State of Colorado or the Federal government. Variances may be granted at the time of plan submission or request for plan revision. Variances must be requested in accordance with the subdivision regulations and must define: a. The criteria from which the applicant seeks a variance. b. The justification for not complying with the criteria. RECEIVED c. Alternate criteria or standard measures to be used in lieu of these criteria. The criteria 4 nnd� practices specified within this section of the Manual relate to the application of specific 2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT and sediment control practices. Other practices or modifications to specified practices may be used if approved by the municipality prior to installation. Such practices must be thoroughly described and detailed to the satisfaction of the local municipality reviewing and approving the erosion control plan. To expedite the review and decisions on variance requests, it is suggested that a variance request be included with, or submitted prior to, the initial SWMP submittal. Step 3 — Project Construction — Installation, Maintenance, and Inspections During the construction phase, the following sequence is recommended for the implementation of the project and the SWMP: 1. During preparation of the Construction SWMP, the contractor designated a manager for the implementation of the SWMP. This person will be responsible for implementing all permit conditions and will communicate with City inspectors and inspectors from other agencies. 2. Install all BMPs shown on the SWMP that need to be installed in advance of proceeding with construction, such as construction fencing and limits of disturbance, tree and other natural area protections, construction exits, silt fences, inlet protection, etc. 3. Identify construction equipment and materials storage and maintenance areas and install BMPs to prevent pollutant migration from them. 4. Notify the City that the site is ready for initial inspection. 5. Install any additional BMPs that are called for in the SWMP before grading begins. a. Strip off and stockpile topsoil for reuse. Insure that soil stockpile is not located in a drainage path, downhill of a significant drainage area, is protected from erosion and dust migration, and that a sediment control measure is located downstream. b. Mulch areas that will remain undisturbed for more than two weeks during the April through September rainstorm season (e.g., stockpiles and overlot graded areas that will remain dormant for extended period of time), or for more than a month during the October through March period. c. Insure that BMPs that need to be installed at different times during the project are installed when called for in the SWMP or by the City's inspector and are in full operation before construction activities begin in areas served by them. d. Inspections by site Supervisor/ Professional Engineer e. Inspections by City will occur regularly to inspect for general compliance with the approved plan. f. Maintenance by the permit holder/ and or property owner is required for all BMP's regardless of the stage of construction. g. Maintenance time frame from City h. Enforcement from City will occur at any time when a permit holder/ and or property owner is in violation of the SWWP. Enforcement will escalate from verbal notices of corrective actions to stop work orders based on the number of violations or the severity of any one single violation. Step 4 — Project Completion — Stabilization, Re-vegetation, and CO Re-vegetate the site as called for in the SWMP. 1. After all work has been completed in an area a. including stabilization and re-vegetation, b. clean out and restore any post construction BMPs that may have been used for construction sediment controls. After all work has been completed on site, prepare the site for a CO inspection by the City and arrange for this inspection by scheduling online at https://www.cityofaspen.com/FormCenter/ Community-Development-7/Building-Inspection-47. Correct all deficiencies and call for follow up inspection. The owner or contractor needs to arrange for inspection by the local jurisdiction when the vegetation has reached acceptable level of coverage and maturity. This could take npontkis. Er)the meantime, the owner or contractor need to inspect the site on a regular basis to'determ elV if there are deficiencies or damage that need to be addressed. The owner is responsible Athe2019 performance of all erosion and sedimentation control installations until such time the sit ' ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT revegetation is deemed acceptable and a written notice is provided to the owner by the local jurisdiction. Once re-vegetation has been accepted, request release of any surety, letters of credit or other financial guarantees the local jurisdiction may have required the permit holder provide at the time the permit is issued. A closure of the construction activities permit from the State should also be pursued at this time. RECEIVED 2/20/2019 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT