Chairman Ball called the meeting to order at 8:36 a.m.
Commissioners present: Angi Wang, Terry Butler, Charles Cunniffe, Stephanie Davis, Noemi Kiss-
Baldwin, Jeb Ball, Terry Butler and Bill Dinsmoor. Absent were Kiki Raj and Amanda Tanaka
Staff present:
Emmy Garrigus, Downtown Services
Nicole Henning, City Clerk
Other attendees: Alycin Bektesh, ACRA
Presentation: Main Street Asphalt Repair Briefing – Jack Dannenberg, Engineering & Pete Rice, Parking
Mr. Dannenberg spoke about the work on Main Street and the paving, striping, and fixing of potholes.
They are working with CDOT on this project. CDOT is lacking manpower and dollars, so we are stepping
forward to help with this. It has been a little bit last minute because of feedback received. They will be
paving piecemeal sections of the highway, and 82 is heavily used so our roadway deteriorates at a high
rate that requires a lot of maintenance. The s curves will be closed. That will take three days and then
we will start working down Main Street and it will be a rolling work zone with two lanes closed.
Ms. Wang entered the meeting.
Mr. Dannenberg explained the detour as the work progresses. They are encouraging people to bike to
work during this time.
Mr. Rice said the 11th, 12th, and 13th will be the worst days for people coming into town. Mr.
Dannenberg said the work hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Dinsmoor asked how the city engages CDOT and Mr. Rice said it’s a constant exchange. It’s a
continual process of trying to create more of a priority on their list.
Mr. Cunniffe and Ms. Davis asked about installing another bridge and Mr. Rice spoke to that. There are a
lot of inaccurate narratives out there right now. He said council isn’t currently in favor of the preferred
Ms. Kiss-Baldwin asked Mr. Dannenberg to draw what the preferred alternative looks like.
The board continued to talk about the entrance to Aspen.
Mr. Rice offered to come back in a month and talk entrance and transit.
Mr. Rice said police will help with outbound traffic during the project. Ms. Bektesh asked about
incentives for riding buses during this time, etc. Mr. Rice said it’s an option and they will let businesses
Mr. Dannenberg said the best place to get information is on the website. They exited the meeting at
9:36 am.
Mr. Ball made recommendation for meeting on the 27th for a special meeting after the project is done
and said the next agenda item is the planning and goals items. The board agreed to meeting on the 27th.
Ms. Wang motioned to adjourn; Charles seconded. All in favor motion carried.
Nicole Henning, City Clerk