HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.arc.20230207 Aspen Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes: February 7, 2023 Call to order: 2:30 pm Sue Smedstad In Attendance: Sue Smedstad, AYC Committee Vice Chair Steven Buettow Committee Member Harlan Pratt Committee Member Jay Scharer, Committee Member Ryan Doremus Committee Member Candace Cross, Committee Member Erin Hutchings, Recreation Operations Manager and Committee liaison Desiree Whitehead Recreation Manger Jay Slater Recreation Operations Manager Austin Weiss Director of Parks and Recreation Arts and Culture. Absent: Karen Dillon Committee Member Public Comments: None Committee Comments: Ice Allocation when a facility comes offline Staff Comments: None Agenda Approval: Approved Meeting Minute Approval: Candace Motioned Ryan second all were in favor. Discussion items: Ice Rental Approach: Stick with priority system as outlined in policy and place deadlines on policy. Meeting Schedule and purpose: What is the future of the Advisory Committee? Consider frequency and content of Advisory Meeting to make sure we are meeting the objectives. Policy, Business Plan Development, and the intent of the committee what are the goals of the Committee. . Events: Program, Project, and Facility Updates: Adult Hockey Leagues will finish in mid-March. Ice will be removed on April 3rd from the AIG, and we may investigate lacrosse and soccer opportunities for the spring. Roller Skating is coming back. We continue to work on opportunities for Aspen Ice Garden. Aquatics has some new programs GLIDEFIT is back. AIG will need ventilation to be a sellable space in the summer. Jay is settling in with Day Camp and Summer planning at the School District. There are some hurdles due to the construction. The team is working on the policy and procedure manual for the guest service team is getting updated. Financial: Not to far in the year not much to report. The team did meet the budgeted revenue for 2022 and exceeded the goal. Action Items: Next Regular Meeting: rd June 3 2:30-4:30pm