HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.20231121 REGULAR MEETING ASPEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 21ST, 2023 Commissioners in attendance: Maryann Pitt, Tracy Sutton, Marcus Blue, Eric Knight, Jason Suazo, Tom Gorman, Christine Benedetti, and Teraissa McGovern. Staff present: Haley Hart, Long Range Planner Amy Simon, Planning Director Kate Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Luisa Berne, Assistant City Attorney Tracy Terry, Deputy City Clerk COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: None STAFF COMMENTS: Ms. Hart said council voted 5-0 on amending the lighting ordinance. They are taking the old lighting code and adding a section. There is 30 days to adoption, it will be codified on the 15th of December. Ms. Simon said both meetings in December have bene cancelled, and that she is leaving the City of Aspen. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. MINUTES: Mr. Knight mo�oned to approve the minutes for October 17th, 2023, and the mo�on was seconded by Mr. Gorman. Ms. McGovern asked for a roll call: Ms. Suton, yes; Mr. Blue, yes; Mr. Knight, yes; Mr. Suazo, yes; Mr. Gorman, yes; Ms. Pit, yes; Ms. McGovern, yes; for a total of seven (7) in favor – zero (0) not in favor. The mo�on passed. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: No Conflicts. SUBMISSION OF PUBLIC NOTICE FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Ms. Johnson said that notice was provided. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 360 Lake Ave, Hallam Lake Bluff Review and Residen�al Design Standard Varia�on Review-Con�nua�on Applicant Presenta�on: Chris Bendon - Bendon Adams Mr. Bendon said the design team made some changes that will be closer to the Residen�al Design Standards. They have lowered the garage but raised the ridge height of the remaining part of the house so there is a clear break in the massing. The ridge height of the house goes up 18 inches and then drops substan�ally on the garage so the plate height on the garage is 10 feet, which is the requirement for the one-story massing. The garage now serves as the one-story element because it is the 10-foot plate height and has the width that is need and an entry way into the house. The trellis structure is now 10- feet, that is different than what’s in the packet and that’s my fault. The windows are sliding and mirror the windows on the Hallam Lake side so it will provide indoor outdoor space. There is a transom structure that will break up the lower and upper window but allow the windows to s�ll slide. As far as the RDS standards go it is not hos�le to the pedestrian experience, it is a unique site that will have a house in front of it and it is far from the street. You have both reasons to support the varia�on because of the uniqueness of the site and the capability of the design team. Mr. Gorman said the packet he received had a one-inch strip delinea�ng a s�ll 14-foot-tall window and asked if that is s�ll the case asked if the windows are s�ll 14 feet tall? Mr. Bendon said that is not the case, the height is 13’6’’. REGULAR MEETING ASPEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 21ST, 2023 Mr. Gorman asked if it is one plate of glass or if it is authen�cally transomed. Mr. Bendon said it is one plate of glass and one of the design team said when you look at it there is a 10 � plate a glass with a 1-foot break and a 2-foot 6 por�on of glass above. Mr. Gorman asked if the transom piece is func�onal or decora�on. The design team said it is func�onal. Ms. McGovern asked if what you will see from the inside is one pane of glass or if you will see one pane of glass, a metal breaker piece, and another pane of glass. The design team said from the inside you will see a con�nuance piece of glass but looking through you can see the steel header that is part of the structure. Mr. Gorman said one of the objec�ons staff has is that the trim piece is not func�onal and could be removed at some �me. Is it necessary to the func�on of the window or could it be removed in the future. The design team said its structurally connected to the building, it may in the end be used to facilitate and minimize the size of the upper view. Staff Presenta�on: Haley Hart – Long Range Planner Ms. Hart said that she will only be going over the info received November 1st. There was some supplementary informa�on received Monday but since the packet had already been published, she has to do her presenta�on based on what she received on November 1st. There are three design criteria’s for RDS that we are looking at. The street entry orienta�on is met by dropping the plate height and crea�ng the street-oriented entrance and needs to be reflected in the resolu�on. The other 3 have not been met, based on the November 1st packet. The entry porch height is met in the supplemental info sent a�er the packet was posted, we will need to edit the resolu�on to include that in the condi�ons of approval. Window placement, the window height is unchanged at 13’6’’. Staff ’s perspec�ve is that it is unchanged from the original submission was as the transom is not built in, just overlay. The light well loca�on, staff finds is met since it is not a ver�cal extension of height. Same recommenda�on as last mee�ng, staff recommends approval of alterna�ve b. BOARD QUESTIONS: Ms. McGovern asked about the lightwell being closer to the front door. Ms. Hart said that staff finds the front entry door is met though the other door does s�ll feel like the main entry, but by dropping the plate height and adding the door it does meet the standard. PUBLIC COMMENT: None BOARD Discussion: Ms. Hart as directed by Ms. Johnson explains the difference between the two resolu�ons. Alterna�ve A reflects the applicants desires and approves all the varia�ons, including the lightwell and window placement. Alterna�ve B reflects staff’s recommenda�on of approval of just the lightwell. Ms. McGovern asked if the commissioner s�ll feel ok with the lightwell, all said yes. REGULAR MEETING ASPEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 21ST, 2023 Ms. McGovern said that she s�ll thinks that 13’6’’ windows do not meet human scale. Ms. Pit said there is a separa�on that breaks it up, so she is in favor of approval. Mr. Blue said it is 130-feet from the street and there are a lot of trees, so he is ok with it. Ms. Benede� said because that piece can be removed at some point, she does not think it meets the standards. Ms. McGovern agreed. Ms. Suton agreed with Ms. Benede� as well. Mr. Gorman agreed with Ms. Benede� and Ms. Suton’s remarks, he said a true transom would achieve the same visually and meet code. He would vote to deny. Mr. Knight agreed that the trim piece changes it and agrees to deny. Mr. Suazo also agreed with them and would vote to deny. Ms. McGovern said the commission will approve the Hallam Lake Bluff review and the lightwell but not the windows. Mr. Bendon asked if the transom was permanent and integrated into the windows if that is what they are looking for. Ms. Simon said that they can have a 10-foot window that opens with the transom staying place, and the 2’’6’ window can open. Probably the best way to proceed is to let the board deny the window placement and redesign to comply at permit. Ms. Johnson explained that Alterna�ve B will work if they update the exhibit, as long as the mo�on states that. Ms. Hart said Entry porch height no longer part of the conversa�on as it meets 10 feet, window placement is no longer part of this conversa�ons as the transom will be integral to the window and it will be 10 feet on the botom with meets RDS. The lightwell loca�on is the only varia�on for Residen�al Design Standard. MOTION: Ms. Benede� moved to approve resolu�on 9 series 2023, alterna�ve B with the updated documents given to P&Z on November 21st, based on the finding that all applicable review criteria met for Hallam Lake Bluff review and the lightwell stairwell loca�on varia�on within the RDS. Mr. Blue Seconded. Roll call vote: Ms. Suton, yes; Mr. Blue, yes; Mr. Knight, yes; Mr. Suazo, yes; Mr. Gorman, yes; Ms. Benede�, yes; Ms. McGovern, yes. 7-0 vote, mo�on passes. Tracy Terry, Deputy City Clerk