HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.20190905Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment September 5, 2019 1 Staff Comments .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Commission Comments ............................................................................................................................ 2 Minutes ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Public Comment not on the Agenda ....................................................................................................... 2 Declaration of Conflicts of Interest ........................................................................................................... 2 1040 Matchless Drive and 1050 Matchless Drive – Variance Request ......................................................... 2 Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment September 5, 2019 2 At 4:30 p.m.; Andrew Sandler called the regular meeting to order with Board Members Megan Bentzin, Jim Farrey and Ashley Feddersen present. Also present from staff Mike Kraemer, Jim True and Linda Manning. Staff Comments None. Commission Comments None. Minutes Mr. Farrey moved to approve the minutes from June 19. 2019; seconded by Ms. Feddersen. All in favor, motion carried. Public Comment not on the Agenda None. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest None. 1040 MATCHLESS DRIVE AND 1050 MATCHLESS DRIVE – Variance Request Mike Kraemer, community development, stated the applicant is requesting a variance for minimum setback requirements for 1040 and 1050 Matchless Drive. Racquet Club Condo Association is the applicant. The request is to vary front, rear and side yard setbacks. The property is located in the R6 zone district. The minimum setback for a front yard for an accessory structure is 15 feet. The minimum for side yard is 15 feet with a minimum of 50 feet for both sides. For rear yard, it is a minimum 5 foot setback. Both lots were developed with duplexes in the 70’s. There is an existing surface parking area. In 2000 the BOA granted a variance for a similar request. It was not acted on and expired. Staff recommended denial but the board found a hardship existed and granted a variance. Tonight is a variance for two 2 car garages, trash area and retaining walls. On 1040, they are requesting a front yard setback of 5 feet for the garage and 0 feet for the retaining wall. The side yard is requested at 6 inch for the garage and retaining wall. 1050 is requesting a 0 foot setback for the retaining wall and a 6 inch setback for the side yard. He showed images of the surface area parking. Guests and residents park here since they were constructed. The trash area is also here. He showed images of renderings of what the garages would look like. He also showed a site plan of the property. Section 26.314.040 applies to variances. 1 – the grant of a variance will be generally consistent with the goals, objectives, purposes and policies of the land use code. 2 – the grant of variance is the minimal variance that will make possible the reasonable use of parcel, building or structure. 3 - Literal interpretation and enforcement of the code would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship. Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment September 5, 2019 3 In determining whether an applicant’s rights would be deprived the board shall consider the following conditions. A – There are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure, which are not applicable to other parcels, structures or buildings in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant. Or, B – Granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied to other parcels, buildings or structures in the same zone district. Staff recommends not supporting the request. First, there is a difference between unnecessary hardship or mere inconvenience. Development rights for duplexes are currently being exercised. Garages are accessory structures and do not carry the status of a fundamental development right. Requiring accessory structure setback compliance does not deprive the applicant of their rights. Second, special circumstances cannot result from the actions of the applicant or previous property owner. The existing development pushes the garage development to the north and within the setbacks. While it is a valid argument it cannot be considered by the Board. Alternatively, the Board can find a hardship on the property. Staff has drafted a resolution of approval with conditions. Staff is concerned that the 0 inch and 6 inch setback are very close to the property and we are concerned with trespass and construction and maintenance. There are also drainage issues with snow shed design. If you consider a variance it should be at least 1 foot from the neighboring property lines. Applicant Bryan May, representing the HOA. We have been sitting on an expired approval since 2000. We are trying to keep this simple. We are trying to stick within the confines of the original approval. It is the minimal size required for a garage. They are simple, minimal sized, unheated garages. The retaining wall is pretty substantial to this project. We think the wall belongs to the racquet club to the north. It is also starting to show signs of failure. No matter whose property it is on it is within the setback. The wall needs to be safely shored up. We are not tied to the shedding of the roof in one direction or the other. We are open to all possibilities. The neighboring property has concerns we are happy to talk to them and are flexible. Mr. Sandler asked how old are the standards. Mr. Kraemer replied in 2000 when the BOA found a hardship the code language was almost identical to today’s language. Mr. Sandler asked what was the hardship that was presented back then. Mr. Kraemer said at that time staff had the same concerns about structures in the setback. The BOA minutes show a discussion with these criteria showing special circumstances exist. MR. Sandler asked the applicant what are the hardships. Mr. May replied the existence of the structures and snow removal. There is no room for snow removal on the property now. It is already tight to get into the spaces that are there. Mr. Farrey asked are you going in to the setback due to a turning radius. Mr. May said mostly due to the turning radius. MS. Feddersen asked are you losing any parking spaces. Mr. Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment September 5, 2019 4 May replied no and it will fit the recycling. Each unit gets 2 inside spaces and 4 outside guest spaces. Ms. Bentzin said the request is for a 6 foot side yard setback. The current retaining wall, it would be six feet. Mr. May said it is 6 inches from the property line. It is mostly on the property to the north. It would come entirely onto this lot. The retaining wall is behind the proposed garages. The garages would but up to where the existing wall is now. Mr. Kraemer said we think a 1 foot setback should be a minimum. Ms. Feddersen asked how would that effect the design. Mr. May replied it would make the inside tighter. Mr. Kraemer said the 1 foot is really off the side yard. Mr. Farrey asked is the existing wall modified. Mr. May said ideally it will be taken out. Mr. Farrey asked what happens to the grade change. Mr. May said we would replace it on our property line. Ms. Bentzin said I think we agree on the side yard. I want to be clear we are in agreement on the front yard. It is also a reduction of 10 feet for the front. Mr. Kraemer said the resolution identifies both properties and the setbacks for each side. Mr. Sandler opened up the public commen.t 1. Claude Salter, representing the property known as the Smuggler Racquet Club. We are supportive of them having garages. We do not support the configuration. We have issue with the way they have portrayed the setbacks. The survey delineates a lot line down the middle but it is one parcel. She suggested it is 4 lot lines instead of 8. We have issue with the way the setbacks are being portrayed. All of those lots have pulled permits. You should be able to look at the setbacks. A variance would be potentially from the rear. Regardless of who owns the tie wall, the club supports a new retaining wall but cannot support 6 inches. We recommend 2 feet mostly for maintenance and stormwater shedding. The design is also creating the hardship they are asking for. Garages do not need to be 15 feet tall. Having a retaining wall part of the garage will eventually need maintenance and they will have to access the club property. I understand why the HOA wants this design, but the club does not support it. Mr. Farrey asked is there a way to drain to the east or west. Ms. Salter replied they could change the pitch of the roof so it drains certain ways. A steeper pitch roof makes the garage higher. Mr. Farrey asked what do you support. Ms. Salter said we support them having garages but would like a design that is best for our property and not such a big variation request. We think 2 feet is more in line. Mr. Farrey said 6 feet would be the height of a fence, yet that is a retaining wall. They are proposing another 9 on top of that. Ms. Salter said visually it affects us. We want it off our shared property line and potentially a little lower. We would support a continuation for a design copasetic to the club. Mr. Farrey said are you saying a 2 foot setback and a 12 foot high garage. Ms. Salter said I think there is a place we could get to where we could support it. You may find that there are truly only 4 setbacks and it would simplify things. I am requesting a study of the setbacks, a larger setback variation and potentially a design that is a little shorter in height. Ms. Feddersen asked could you do a 2 foot setback. Mr. May replied 2 is hard. If we could compromise on 1 and get a better roof design. Mr. Farrey asked about a height of Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment September 5, 2019 5 12. Mr. May said right now the back of the garage is at 8 feet. It is probably 3 feet off the retaining wall. Ms. Salter said they are visually impacting and a good compromise could be 12 feet. Mr. May said we would be happy to compromise and go down to 12 feet. 2. Alan Becker, closest neighbor at 950 Matchless. There are mountains of snow that get built up from the whole area. It gets dumped over the retaining wall onto the club property and onto my property. In a big snow year there is nowhere to put the snow as it exists, with 2 garages there won’t be space available to dump it. the design looks bulky at 15 feet tall. It is pretty tall. Think this should be studied further. He suggested only 1 space per unit in the garage with the remaining outside. Mr. Sandler closed the public comment. Ms. Feddersen asked have you considered 4 instead of 8. Mr. May replied we did. We ended up with 2 spots per unit because we were able to create a new snow storage area. We did not see the need to reduce the size. Ms. Feddersen asked would you still be able to put snow over the wall. Mr. May said the wall would be the same height but we are trying to eliminate dumping snow onto the neighbor’s property. Mr. Kraemer said the comments made regarding the properties being on 1 lot was something we researched. We pulled plats from the 60’s and they show lots 2 and 3. We researched if there were amendments to that plat and did not see any filed. There was a condominium plat that was filed and it shows a dashed line between the two lots. Condo plats divvy up ownership not property. I hear the comments made and we can investigate further but feel pretty confident. Kathy Benzenger, HOA, said we are trying to clean up the mess in the parking lot. The retaining wall needs to be repaired. It is an immediate need. Upon fixing it we were thinking we would put up a structure for parking. We want to work with our neighbors. We will lower the roof and change the slope. We are also making the snow storage area larger. We though this project would fix the wall and the snow removal project. Mr. Sandler said staff said you were ok with a 1 foot set back. Mr. Kraemer said to be clear, that is a minimum. We do not object to a larger setback. Mr. Farrey asked are you pitching the roof now because of the sun. Mr. May said we are starting with the original 2000 approval. Mr. Farrey asked would you change the slope. Mr. May stated there are solutions and we are not tied to what is shown here. Mr. Farrey said I’m struggling with the difference between 1 and 2 feet. How many people can fit in 12 inches. Mr. May said 1 foot would make it a bit better. There would be maintenance back there. There are easements we can work through. The turning radius would be difficult with 2 feet. Ms. Bentzin said regarding the alignment of the property and where front, rear and side are defined, I’m curious about other lots in the area with an unusual configuration. Is this unique. Mr. Kraemer said I don’t think it is that unique. The block due west we looked at. Some of those single family houses have garages. Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment September 5, 2019 6 Jim True, city attorney, said in order to grant a variance you must make certain findings that indicate it is complying with the requirements of a variance. I’m happy to outline that and what you need to find for that resolution 4. The motion would be the BOA finds the following. The grant of a variance will be generally consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of Chapter 26 and other provisions of the Aspen Municipal Code. The grant of a variance is the minimum variance that would make possible reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms of Chapter 26 would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty. Determining that the applicant’s rights would be deprived the board considered certain special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure which are not applicable to other parcels, buildings or structures in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant. Consequently the Board of Adjustment approves Resolution 4, Series of 2019 with an amendment that the garage shall be limited to a height of 12 feet. Mr. Sandler moved to adopt Resolution #4, Series of 2014 as stated by Mr. True. Seconded by Ms. Feddersen. Mr. True said he would note that there was a lot of discussion as to whether the side yard set back should be 1 foot or 2 feet. The resolution says 1 foot. Mr. Kraemer said the only clarifying question staff had is the roof form design. I wasn’t clear if it was going to be a gable roof or a shed roof as proposed. Exhibit A has the design of the garages and we wanted to hone in on the design and location. Mr. Farrey replied I don’t know why it is pitched that way. I would slope it east west. It is less visual impact to the racquet club. Mr. May said we could certainly look at sloping it the other direction. Mr. Kraemer replied if the applicant is ok with that design feature then I suggest they make the change. Mr. Becker said with the 1 or 2 foot setback there will be so much snowfall between the garage and retaining wall it will create frost wedging. There could be tremendous pressures. I think it is a real engineering question. Mr. Farrey said the roof pitch should be so that the snow shed’s onto the applicant’s property. Mr. True said there would be an amendment to Resolution 4, Section 1 that would say the garage shall be limited to a height of 12 feet with a pitch from east to west or to the south. The board agreed to the amendment. Roll call vote. Board Member Feddersen, yes; Bentzin, yes; Farrey, yes; Sandler, yes. Motion carried. At 5:40 Mr. Sandler moved to adjourn; seconded by Ms. Feddersen. All in favor, motion carried. Linda Manning City Clerk