HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.20210114 REGULAR MEETING ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 14, 2021 Chairperson Sandler opened the meeting at 4:30 p.m. Commissioners in attendance: Mr. Frank, Ms. Feddersen, Mr. Farrey, Mr. Sack, Mr. Pagnucco, Mr. Sandler Commissioners not in attendance: Staff present: Garrett Larimer-Planner Jim True, City Attorney Kate Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Nicole Henning, City Clerk Wes Graham, Deputy City Clerk STAFF COMMENTS: Mr. True introduced Ms. Johnson as the new Assistant City Attorney to the board. DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Mr. Farrey has a conflict with 1040 Matchless Drive And 1050 Matchless Drive. NEW BUSINESS: 1040 Matchless Drive And 1050 Matchless Drive. Mr. Larimer gave the background of the project stating that the Arthur O. Pfister subdivision is made up of three parcels and annexed into the city along with the Maroon Creek Club. He said that the subdivision is surrounded by the Maroon Creek Club but not a part of the MCC. Mr. Larimer explained the Lot configuration and said that Lot 1 contains City of Aspen utilities infrastructure and Lot 2 is a private dead-end road, that sits at the end of Lazy Chair Rd, and finally that Lot 3 the subject to the request is currently undeveloped and has development rights. Mr. Larimer stated what is being requested is the allowance for off-site construction staging on Lot 3, for the redevelopment of Lot 2. He explained the staging of equipment for the project will be stored on the building envelope of Lot 3 that was established at a previous review. Mr. Larimer stated that the review criteria for notice, hardship, impacts, ownership, and restoration have all be met. He added that the Parks and Engineering Department agrees with the staff’s position and supports the recommendation of approval with conditions. APPLICANT COMMENTS: Chris Madigan and Kevin Heineken representing the applicant. Mr. Madigan stated that the staff did a great job presenting the project and they are here to answer any question. PUBLIC COMMENT: None COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: None Mr. Sandler moved to approve Resolution #01-2021 with conditions; Ms. Feddersen seconded. ROLL CALL: Mr. Frank, Yes; Ms. Feddersen, Yes; Mr. Sack, Yes; Mr. Pagnucco, Yes; Mr. Sandler, Yes. All in favor, motion carries. Mr. Farrey joined the meeting ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR: Mr. Farrey nominated Mr. Sandler for Chair and Ms. Feddersen as Vice-Chair; Mr. Sacks seconded. ROLL CALL: Mr. Frank, Yes; Ms. Feddersen, Yes; Mr. Farrey, Yes; Mr. Sack, Yes; Mr. Pagnucco, Yes; Mr. Sandler, Yes. All in favor, motion carries. ADJOURN.