HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreement & As Built_111 S Garmisch St_0035.2020.BCOMRECEPTION#: 704164, R: $68.00, D: $0.00 DOC CODE: AGREEMENT Pg 1 of 12, 08/19/2024 at 11:14:13 AM Ingrid K. Grueter, Pitkin County, CO STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT City of Aspen. Colorado THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 11 With day of November , 20 23, by and between (insert Full Name of Owner) Hay -Max Lodging LLC hereinafter called the "Landowner", and the City of Aspen. Colorado, hereinafter called the "Cky". W ITNESSETH N HEREAS, the Landowner is the owner of certain real property described as (Pitkin County tar Map. Parccl Identification Number) —Parcel ID # 2n5 imsm located at 11 I S Garmisch Street. Aspen. CO ! 1611 and as more fully as follows, to wit also known as, Molly Gibson Laije Pk) _Lot I , hereinafter called the "Property and WHEREAS, the Landowner is proceeding to build on and develop the property, and WHEREAS, the stormwater management H%IP Operations and Maintenance Plan for the property identified herein has been approved by the City, herein after called the "Plan", which is attached hereto as Appendix A and imide part hereof, as approved by the City, provides for management of stormwater within the confines of the PropertN through the use of stormwater management or Best Management Practices (BMPs) facilities, and WHEREAS. the City and the Landowner, its successors and &-signs, agree that the health, safety, and wcltiirc of the residents of City of Aspen. Colorado and the maintenance of water quality require that on -site stormwatcr managemcnt/131W facilities be constructed and maintained on the Property. and WHEREAS, the City requires, through implementation of the Plan from the Landowners dated 11/28/2023 and attached hereto, that on -site stormwatcr managcmcnu13%1Ps as shown on the Plan be adequately constructed, operated, and maintained by the Landowner, its successors and assigns NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, the mutual covenants contained herein, and the following terms and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows 1. Construction of SNIP faciflty by Landowner The on -site storm%atcr managcmcnt,1110P facilities shall be constructed by the Landowner, its successors and assigns, in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the City and identified in the Plan 2. Duty of Operation and Maintenance of Facility. The landowner, is successors and assigns, including any homeowners association, shall adequately operate, inspect, and maintain the stormwater managemcrivWkIP facilities as acceptable to the City and in accordance with the specific operation, inspection, and maintenance requirements noted in the Plan Adequate operation and maintenance is herein defined as good working condition so that these facilities are performing their design functions RECEPTION#: 704164, 08/19/2024 at 11:14:13 AM, Pgs 2 of 12, Ingrid K. Grueter, Pitkin County, CO 3. Duty of Documentation. The I andowrer. its successors and assigns, shall document inspections, maintenance, and repairs pedormcd and provide said documentation to the City or its representatives upon request 4. Right of Entry on Prol". The Landowner, its successors and assigns, hereby grant permission to the ( ity its authon7ed agents and employees. to enter upon the Property at reasonable times and upon presentation of proper identification, and to inspect the stormwater management/BMP facilities whenever the ( lty deems necessan The purpose of inspection is to follow-up on suspected or reported deficiencies. to respond to citiien complaints, and'or to assure safe and proper functioning of the facilities "f he City shall prov ide the I andowner. its successors and assigns, copies of the inspection findings and a directive with timeline to commence with the repairs if necessary S. Failure to Maintain. In the event the Landowner, its successon and assigns. fails to constrict, operate and maintain the stormwater managementRMP facilities in good working condition acceptable to the City. the City, its authonred agents and employees, may enter upon the Property and take whatever actionis) deemed necessary to correct deficiencies identified in the inspection report and to charge the costs of -such construction or repairs to the landowner It is expressly understood and agreed that the City is under no obligation to install. construct, or routinely maintain or repair said stormwater management/BMP facilities, and in no event shall this Agreement be construed to impose any such obligation on the City 6. Reimbursement by Landowner In the event the City pursuant to this Agreement, performs work of any nature. or expends any funds in performance of said work for labor, use of equipment, supplies, materials, and the like. the Landowner, its successors or assigns. shall reimburse the City upon demand. within thirty t 301 days of receipt thereof for all actual costs incurred by the City hereunder 7. Doty to Inspect by City The City, its employees or representatives, shall inspect the stormwater num4cment/BMP facilities at a minimum of once even,three years to ensure their continued and adequate functioning 8. Release of City. The Landowner, its executors, administrators, assigns, and other successors in interests, shall release the City, its employees and designated representatives from all damages, accidents, casualties, occurrences, or claims which might arise or be asserted against said City, employees, and representatives from the construction, presence, existence, operative or maintenance of the stormwater managemeni/BMP facilities by the Landowner or City In the event that a claim is asserted against the City. its elected officials. City Officers or employees, the City shall promptly notify the Landowner and the Landowner shall defend, at its own expense, any suit based on the claim If any judgment or claims against Use C ity's employees or designated representatives shall be allowed, the Landowner shall pay all costs and expenses regarding said judgment or claim 9. Recording of Agreement running %ith the Property. This Agreement shall be recorded in the real property records of Pitkin County. Colorado, and shall constitute a covenant running with the Property or land, and shall be binding on the Landowner, its administrators, executors, assigns, heirs and any other successors in interests, in perpetuity RECEPTION#: 704164, 08/19/2024 at 11:14:13 AM, Pgs 3 of 12, Ingrid K. Grueter, Pitkin County, CO IN W ITNTSS WHEREOF the undersigned have hereunto affixed their signatures as of the date first ahove written t.ANDOWNE By: /� 1 Print Name Michael FI Bro%m Authonrcd R=scn(atrve State of Colorado) :ss County of Pidun ) The foregoing Agreement was ackno/%fledged before me this V—day of Nytmbe 20,�3 by Notary Public Commrssion Expires,YU EILEEN BRADLEY NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY IDI 20204023620 THE CITti' OF ASPEN: YY COWASSION EXPIRES DULY 8, 2024 By: d--1 State of Colorado) :ss Print Name. PJ Kvrfau County of Pitkin ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of A99US 20! by pS MV(Qa Adiwpulilic My Commission Expires: 01 1 It 2-02.6 LORENA VARGAS NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO Notary ID 20174029180 My Canrtmmon Expires July 12, 2026 RECEPTION#: 704164, 08/19/2024 at 11:14:13 AM, Pgs 4 of 12, Ingrid K. Grueter, Pitkin County, CO PerMtfi At 0(33) -zoZO - KOM Prepared by Rick L Barth, PE 36749 15SGM 118 West Sixth Street, Suite 200 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 970.945.1004 970.945.5948 fax Digitally signed by Rick L Barth, PE DN C=US, E=rickb@sgm-inc.com, O=SGM. Rick L Barth, PE oU=SGM Civil Svcs. CN=°Rick L Barth. PE" Reason: I am the author of this document Date: 2023.11.29 13:19:27-07'00' CITY OF ASPEN DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES MOLLY GIBSON LODGE RECONSTRUCTION 101 WEST MAIN STREET ASPEN, COLORADO SGM Project # 2019-436 Construction 2021-2023 COA Building Permit # 0035-2020-BCOM 1 RECEPTION#: 704164, 08/19/2024 at 11:14:13 AM, Pgs 5 of 12, Ingrid K. Grueter, Pitkin County, CO 1.0 Project Information 1.1 Description of Existing Site and Proposed Project 1.1.1 Description of Existing Sites The existing Molly Gibson Lodge site was a previous hotel site that was completely demolished and reconstructed. The work triggered a major drainage permit and associated design. In general, major drainage pattern is northwest to southeast, largely ending in the Garmisch Avenue right of way. The large building footprint and limited site space warranted tight controls, compact drainage structures or ground -work, and some connections to existing, City infrastructure in the rights -of -way. As part of the basic maintenance the drainage report indicated typical practices for the lawn and landscape, as well as relevant references to the URMP Chapter 8 for maintenance and BMPs. Those are more elaborated on herein. For the purposes of reference, the particular maintenance recommendations from Chapter 8 for our stormwater infrastructure are reproduced below. 1.1.2 Description of Overall Site Drainage All drainage from roofs of the proposed structure are pipe collected and directed toward rain gardens or the City infrastructure in the rights of way. Much of the exterior finished surfaces are permeable topping and have City -standard soil layering per the COA URMP. In all, there is very little storm flow that leaves the site that is not contained in a storm pipe or through a BMP. Starting on the north side, all site drainage gets collected into rain gardens and overflows to the City inlet in Main Street. On the east, roof flow and areas near the footprint of the structure are collected into rain gardens. Portions of the east side have permeable pavers and/or drain to an improved inlet in the valley pan along the west side of Garmisch. The south side has roof collectors to rain gardens and some surface flow in the alley -side parking that is through permeable pavers with piped overflow routing around the west side to the Main Street inlet. For the west, permeable pavers and a couple more small rain gardens in the northwest corner were installed. One alteration to some of the permeable paver design is that no liners were installed, only filter fabric. It has been discovered that the liners tend to make long-term maintenance and, in some cases, drainage problems by essentially "bath -tubbing" water too long. The liner was deleted from the plan in late July/early August with City acknowledgement. All elements were verified in the record drawing, site survey completed by SGM, and various elements of data provided by the Contractor to our satisfaction. The selected methods fit the commercial use -type of the site for appropriate BMP applications per Table 8.5 of the URMP. 2.0 Maintenance 2.1 Drainage Maintenance, Block Permeable Pavers The following maintenance recommendations were found in the Water Quality Chapter of Aspen's application of the Urban Drainage Manual (Tables 8.8 and 8.12) and will be used as a guide for the RECEPTION#: 704164, 08/19/2024 at 11:14:13 AM, Pgs 6 of 12, Ingrid K. Grueter, Pitkin County, CO maintenance of the proposed facilities. Trash and debris should be removed from the element at least twice a year. If rain gardens are no longer holding storm flows or are not draining in 24 hours, immediate maintenance is required. When drainage overflows to areas not intended to detain or convey flows immediate maintenance is required. The following maintenance recommendations were found in the City of Aspen URMP for pavers. Table 8.8 Maintenance Recommendations for Modular Block Pervious Pavement Required Action Maintenance Objective Frequency of Action and Action Debris and litter Accumulated material should be Routine - As needed. removal removed as a source control measure. Sod maintenance If sandy loam turf is used. provide Routine - As dictated by inspection lawn care. irrigation system, and inlay depth maintenance as needed Inspection Inspect representative areas of Routine and during a storm event to surface filter sand or sandy loam turf ensure that water is not bypassing these for accumulation of sediment or poor surfaces on frequent basis by not infiltration. infiltrating into the pavement. Rehabilitating sand To remove fine sediment from the Routine - Sweep the surface annually infill surface top of the sand and restore its and, if need be, replace lost sand infill to infiltrating capacity. bring its surface to be '. below the adjacent blocks. Replacement of Remove. dispose, and replace Non -routine - When it becomes evident Surface Filter Layer surface filter media by pulling out turf that runoff does not rapidly infiltrate into plugs or vacuuming out sand media the surface. May be as often as every two from the blocks. Replace with fresh year or as little as every 5 to 10 years. ASTM C-33 sand or sandy loam turf plugs, as appropriate. Replace modular Restore the pavement surface. Non -routine - When it becomes evident block pavement Remove and replace the modular that the modular blocks have deteriorated pavement blocks, the sand leveling significantly. Expect replacement every 10 course under the blocks and the infill to 15 years dependent on use and traffic. media when the pavement Surface shows significant deterioration. 2.2 BMP Application Guidelines, Rain Gardens To further address the specific rain gardens, we refer to Section 8.5.3 with a focus on table 8.12 of the URMP, Maintenance Recommendations for Bioretention. For consistency and ease of maintenance techniques all the drainage BMPs are Bioretention, full infiltration rain gardens. The typical practices for such BMPs from the URMP has been reproduced here. If the rain gardens fail to detain water in the designated locations or are not draining in 24 hours after a storm event, they have failed and the maintenance steps outlined below should be carried out immediately. As a good practice, annual checks on the overflow pipes should be conducted with clean water to observe if each rain garden overflow, or the pipe collector from the parking area along the alley, is passing flow normally. The areas should be individually checked for that discharge route (the connection to the inlet in Main Street). RECEPTION#: 704164, 08/19/2024 at 11:14:13 AM, Pgs 7 of 12, Ingrid K. Grueter, Pitkin County, CO Maintenance Sediment build-up may require periodic removal of sediments and plants when clogging reduces infiltration capacity to unacceptable levels. Access to facility must be provided to enable maintenance operations. Plant materials in areas prone to sediment build-up should be limited to grasses and groundcovers tolerant of periodic wet -dry cycles. Table 8.12 Maintenance Recommendations for Bioretention Required Action Maintenance Objectives Frequency Inspections Inspect detention area to determine if Routine — Annual inspection of the sandy growth media is allowing hydraulic performance. acceptable infiltration. Lawn mowing and vegetative care Occasional mowing of grasses and Routine — Depending on aesthetic weed removal to limit unwanted requirements. vegetation. Maintain irrigated turf grass as 2 to 4 inches tall and non - irrigated native turf grasses at 4 to 6 inches. Debris and litter removal Remove debris and litter from Routine — Depending on aesthetic detention area to minimize clogging requirements. of the sand media. Landscaping removal and The sandy loam turf and landscaping Every 5 to 15 years, depending on replacement layer will clog with time as materials infiltration rates needed to drain the accumulate on it. This layer will need WQCV in 12-hours or less. May to be removed and replaced to need to do it more frequently if rehabilitate infiltration rates, along exfiltration rates are too low to with all turf and other vegetation achieve this goal. growing on the surface. A .,65-Mrr b001 606OL6 •.7, OJ •s6ui ds poon,uai0 opeio103'uadsy r uolslnlpgns pue 1uawdolan94 on pauueld 96pog uosgig AIIoW ' � job EFE =y��' ff-�Y¢3v s ¢ 3 Eiji � 4 � • ��gg� �[� a a€xsy �x: [ i-� Fi sF�g�S }�",3 4ge e5�gis ��_$� � � -{�°� egaejpgeg palyEF Y° �y P g ! o€ a' - 5�"s :S�j$ a ; € ¢4[ a� �g 4 R fli ii ii E4f 5 8 8 e$�n'�^Ct"a �_ i : l � I 1 �k� E�d=� s!€ `� g;g t`$•� si �('.Y� �:_ee€9 � B ' •�° 9 �; -'1;y 9 ;�rgqt E"�p[!f I S^3 : +s - ! E� •. aye �'" @y i; � b= °��z e_ a g�'$qi F gaysgy ¢5� i ^ ieE !� 5ib! 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L.�.�....'. Q•- i a II B, R B 0 t c j } 0 °� N 'C °? C2' Fol _ / C > N a () � 3 c a r po�`V�aa a _a O C .c } Q � U � 0- 0 15 C)y � QN �0•. N a O j 0-20 3 0 ac e o L11 I—_ �s 8Q h xkk�CRRR�CI��C�C yW. G _ p pp pp pp 6 pp pp 6 6 pp 6 S pp pp 0 0 Z� 6 6 6 6 6 6 6q M 6 O q q 3 RECEPTION#: 704164, 08/19/2024 at 11:14:13 AM, Pgs 10 of 12, Ingrid K. Grueter, Pitkin County, CO SSGM www.sgm-inc.com TO: Hailey Guglielmo, City Engineer, Aspen, CO FROM: Rick L Barth, PE, SGM Civil Services �J DATE: November 29, 2023 RE: 101 West Main Street, a.k.a. Molly Gibson Lodge Drainage Affirmation SGM collected and published an as -built site survey to affirm the site and drainage layout in November of 2023 and is attached to this memo along with the design drainage sheet from 2021. As can be read the as -built conditions show the drainage was installed very accurately to the design intent for inlets, pipe works and areas of infiltrative surface types. One alteration, made and approved in July 2023, was the removal of the liner for portions of the pervious pavers. It has become evident in recent months the liners often cause problems and the primary concern was the immediate sub -surface soils becoming too saturated and never drying out. The permeable surfaces remain to accept flow as calculated, and where applicable the "drain out" pipe is installed, but there is no liner on this project. As a pervious paver area now, we still account for the void space in the #57 rock. Presuming a 33% void space we get several hundred CF of available volume under the pavers which is more than sufficient, yet still with overflow pipes and infiltration capabilities. SGM affirms the installation of the drainage elements should suffice to satisfy the drainage intent and calculations provided in permit some 2-years ago. There is no significant change to report. In all cases, the designated stormwater element (rain garden, paver, etc.) met or exceeded the design volume required and was in an appropriate location. Attachments: Permit Drainage Report Permit Set Drainage drawing Memo of August deletion of RG liner ("Common" or Basin #6) Permit Set Detail sheet showing edits to liner SGM As -built survey Re -Calculated WQCV calculations with Perm Paver (liner removed) Totals Tabulation of Volumes and Credits with Perm Paver Draft Drainage Certificate Document for Applicant GL&W@0Qe FRiRt 4Vbr MJjd)6LWaiprSixth St, Suite 200 1 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 1 970.945.1004 > N DM °�° v a ��O�C0 N V v1 t0 N .-I N 01 000 Z 3-6 > u > r vo n n 0mo o m 0 0 0 0 0 0 '.R ap M r� N .+ m m a y n r, 00 00 00 n M a w E w o w 0 M M N N w O E a m um 0No n^ v W — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � N w O O O O O O O � J W V l7 m u O O O O O O O O O O C C O O � V U— H � � � A O N N N N N N a O K a C O ut w 0 00 b C y ^ O R ti O O O N p m vi w v A> J N lD m y 00cc v l7 u `y Oio O'O C mm > O 0 j vat vat a > L 0 0 0 0 0 0 v > a O O O O O O 0 p3 a O O O O o 0 0 > ` w , o o o O o 0 o > ID ID O o o C 0 ID ID N 0 V N N 0 d Q M m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 `-' t0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 c v uo Q o o 0 0 0 0 0 •D m o o 0 o 0 0 0 u y G! Q U p 00 N O 1, rl O m QV - , n v. O Ll V1 v1 f+1 K 3 > u 1-1IDtaD M m n N O N m M m w 00 > L v1 %D n n 00 Ln O 1.1 N ti N N ti N N y Cf ir 3 — �e��eo � y n n 00 00 00 O 00 O c a E J _ o t0 T T- rl m vl N m N O M D a y v m in w n rn N a r+ v o N o o v o N m m tD O m a d lD O N, 0 1� O N N m 00 ti t0 O' c' C c oZ zV)uz Ej m V C N m V '-1 N M v ut lD 7 ~ N 0' 0\ X �a J No,��e J P �a eQ�`�ea ceo�5�� J OOJ C�e o`.x` o0Q�Gt ee etP � Pei0 t Jec 0 0 Qe� Q JSV 0 c a m J O co Q o O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Ln 01 O N O o Ln r- M �D 4 4 Ln Lr� Lr� 00Lnop 00 'ZT N .--1 Ql t.0 rn m rl M m + N lD N M r--4 00 I Ol Ln 00 r- MLn O cV 0 0 0 fn Ln lD N Ql C7 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1D 0 0 0 0 0 N m M M --I N �zl- (V m fV O N1 Uf1 am Ln 00 r- r- m m -1 -1 rn O N O O Ol 91 lD 0 m N O N fV O r� Ln K:T N N m c o 3 � = W W u° 00 �D M r- W m Ln Ln �D Lj� V r-� O M lD 00 Ln e i 00 Lf) N .1