JULY 17, 2002
8:30 am I. Roll call and approval of July 3, 2002 minutes.
II. Commissioner comments
8:45 III. Saturday Market applicants
9:30 IV. Adjourn
j Commercial Core & Lodging Commission
/ CCLC 2002 Local Booth Application
// Dateand n.~r.e ofcontactperson ("3~1/~7e //kTa /~e.~~ ~/6 /~ ~
I Nameofgrouporperson ~ro/t~f t~a~ / /.~//~ ~e~
/ Contact phone number ~7~ ~ 'L~TG //'~/7 ~ ~7~'
Physical Ad<h'css :~ ~/~(~ ~e..~ ~a~'~ ~o ~/~/~'
Descri ption of l'roduct or items to be sold. ~/~e ~-~t , ~a6~.~
, I ' }
City of A~pen ~ales t~x license number
Multiple pames in one booth can fall under one license.
State of Colorado sale, tax license number
Proof of m~.~ ..... ~t status required 501 (C)3 .
Market runs last week of June until the end of October.
Application i~ lbr the ~ea~on.
No amplified music in booth.
If food or produce i~ being sold a separate approval must be obtained
from the Enviroumenta! ~ealth Department.
Selling time 8am until 4pm.
Must comply' with City of Aspen sign code. Sign not to exceed 6 square
feet. (lx6) (2x3)
Vendor to supply tables, canopy, trash contain,rs and h'elp clean up
entire stree~ after the msrket close~.
CCLC booths:
Taste of Aspen - l. ocal Businesses
Local Arts an~ Crafts - Not-For-Profit Booth
Vendors must be approved by CCLC at a regular meeting.
Criteria: Colorado grown, made, produced and manufactured.
~o~ c,, ~q.~e~c with local businesses.
Products will be chosen on diver~i~ and what add~ to the
liveliness of the market. Applicants will be chosen from Aspen to
Please rcmm to Kathy Strickland, City of Aspen, 130 S. Galena, Aspen~ Colo.
8161' ~rfi~970-920-5197 -phoneg920-5060
Ju[-16-02 12:30pm From-M,A,A, +9709253802 T-Tg9 P.Oi/01
July 16, 2002
To: Kathy Kook
From: Laura Smith, Director of Marketing
Re: Downtown Presence for Aspen Music Festival and School
I am writing to request that the Aspen Music Festival and School may set up a table on the
downtown Ma/1 on the following five Fridays: July 19, 26, August 2, 9, and 16.
The purpose oftbe table would be m hand out literature about the Aspen Music Festival and
School and answer questions. If possible, we would also like to invite people to attend a
performance and take orders for tickets that can then be picked up at the customer's c0nveniemce
at the performance venue.
Attending a Music Festiva/concert is a wonderfal addition to ~y visit to Aspen -- an
experience that distinguishes us from other Colorado mountain towns. Yet many visitors to
Aspen are intimidated to a'y a classical music conceru Our hope is that by encouraging people to
take advantage of our premier-query (yet comfortable and casual) institution, they will find
more reason m come backm Aspen m and the Festiva/-- again in the future.
Thank you for considering my request for this downtown presence. I look forward to discussing
this with you on the 17th.