AUGUST 28, 2002
Chairperson, Rally Dupps called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: Jeffrey Halferty, Melanie Roschko and Teresa
Melville. Neill Hirst was excused.
Michael Hoffman was seated at 5:20 p.m.
Staffpresent: Assistant City Attorney, David Hoefer
Historic Preservation Planner, Amy Guthrie
Deputy Clerk, Jackie Lothian
MOTION: Jeffrey moved to approve the minutes of July 10, 2002 and
August 14, 2002; second by Teresa. All in favor, motion carried 4~0.
Disclosure: Rally will recuse himself for 334 W. Hallam.
David Hoefer, assistant city attorney stated when there are only four
members three votes have to be in the affirmative for approval.
The applicant requested a continuation of 334 W, Hallam.
MOT[ON: Teresa moved to continue 334 VE. Hallam conceptual and public
hearing until Sept. 25, 2002; second by Me[anie. .4ll in favor, motion
Michael was seated.
Affidavit of notice was entered into the records as Exhibit I.
Amy relayed that the proposal is for an historic landmark lot split. One lot
will be 6,000 square feet and the other 3,000 square feet. Both of the
residential buildings will be retained. A number of variances are being
requested. The applicant is also requesting a 500 square foot bonus.
Regarding the FAR proposal it would be agreed that the applicant not
oppose any designation of the pan abode or pull a demolition permit on it.
Staff feels this is appropriate and falls under criteria b and h. It is a rustic
style architecture and pan abodes fit into that style. Other things that are
important about preserving the pan abodes besides our architectural history
AUGUST 28, 2002
is that we know their will always be a one-story building on this site. The
pan abode is a nice transition next to the Victorian house. The criteria for
the setbacks have been met and staff`recommends approval of the project.
Mitch Haas was sworn in.
Mitch stated that the likelihood without designation of the pan abode of'
someone purchasing the property and demolishing it is probably pretty high.
It is easier to design a project with a vacant lot beside it. We have no
intention of' demolishing the building but who knows what the next owner
will do. The historic significance is not purely derived from the architecture
it is also tied to a personal significance of, a local entity and the ski industry
in general and in the way the building was used.
One of the standards for the FAR_ bonus is the preservation of' an out
building on the property. The pan abode is an out building on this property.
We are asking to elevate that to the status ora primary structure and ensure
its preservation. That alone is worthy of the bonus. The level of review by
the HPC is forever ensured on both sides of the property. The merits f,or the
FAR_ bonus easily meet the standards. The applicant has no issues with the
proposed approval.
Amy also pointed out that a variance is needed for the pan abode, which can
only be given to lots that have historic structures. If the HPC does not wish
to call this an historic structure they would have to revise the lot line so that
they do not need a variance.
Mitch said the FAR_ bonus is done at this level. What HPC is deciding is
that it is agreed that if designation were sought there ts no opposition. We
are not actually designating it historic we are agreeing to designation if it
would go f,orward.
The owner is not willing to go to the time and expense for a landmark
application. We are say~ng if an application were forwarded for designation
we are agreeing upfront not to oppose it and to accept that designation if
and when it should happen.
Amy said the lot split will go through and a plat recorded stating that the
bonus has been granted and there will be notes relating to the designation
AUGUST 28' 2002
that they or future owners will not oppose it and will not pull a demolition
Melanie inquired about the pan abodes on the Christiania Lot and were they
designated: Amy relayed that they were given exemptions that other
historic buildings receive as far as energy code relief.
Mitch said the cabin was on the inventory but the pan abodes were not.
Amy said she would probably include the pan abodes in the ordinance to
council. The applicant can come back at a later date to request the bonus if
the HPC is not ready to give it.
Mitch said if the lot split is approved without the preservation of the pan
abodes someone could tear it down and come forward with a development
proposal for a new house On that lot and ask for a bonus on it or on the other
lot with the Victorian come forward with some restoration project and ask
for the bonus with that lot. It is a lot easier to plan for this property now
with the bonus and we feel the proposal merits granting it.
Owner, Anton Uhl was sworn in. The way Mitch has designed the overall
square footage is great. It is 1,500 square feet, just about double of the pan
abode that is there now. Anton feels they are retaining part of the Aspen
history that he grew up with. The pan abode on this lot was the last one to
come up on the train. None of the walls inside or out have been changed on
the pan abode.
Michael said they could deed restrict or record a preservation easement on
the property.
Mitch said he feels everything is covered in the conditions of approval that
it not be demolished.
David Hoefer, assistant city attorney recommended that they go forward
with the language that is in the resolution.
Commissioner comments:
AUGUST 28, 2002
Jeffrey said this is an opportunity to protect another pan abode and the
history of this one.
Melanie agreed with Jeffrey and requested that an adequate plat note be
added to the plat before recordation.
Teresa said this is a great opportunity to work out something that is
agreeable to the applicant and to the HPC.
Michael said the HPC has not made any judgments about the pan abodes
being historic. Michael felt that the Victorian should be restored pursuant
to section 26, 415 10E. He WoUld aCCept the irregular plat line.
Rally agreed with Jeffrey's comments and he supports this project. This
preservation also preserves the scale of the neighborhood and open space so
that the dialogue that is created remains.
Amy said she will reword e. stated lots N and O shall receive a maximum of
3,080 square feet.
Melanie asked if there was a way in which we could grant the bonus and at
the same time protect the pan abode right now, even though it is not on the
MOTION: Jeffrey moved to aI~prove Resolution #32, 2002for 320 W.
Hallam, Historic Lot Split and variances with the amendment of E, to not
allow the square footage of the subject property to exceed. Motion second
by Melanie. Motion carried 4-1.
Yes vote: Teresa, Melanie, Jeffrey, Rally
No vote: Michael
MOTION: Rally moved to adjourn; second by Jeffrey. All in favor, motion
Holland House - no minutes
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk