SEPTEMBER 16, 2002
Chairperson, Rally Dupps called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: Jeffrey Halferty, Teresa Melville, Neill Hirst and
Michael Hoffman.
Staff present: Historic Preservation Planner, Amy Guthrie
Amy said this project was reviewed and approved in the spring. Once under
construction there was an error on the site plan. The project is exactly the
same in plan and elevation; however a mistake was made in calculating how
close they came to the property line. A side-yard setback variance was
given. Staff is recommending approval. There is no adjoining property
owner that will be affected by this.
Klm Raymond and Alan Becker were sworn in.
Kim said the house is blocked up and the footings are in. It was determined
that we were almost on the property line instead of being two feet back from
it. It was a miscalculation ora drafting error.
Alan said it is difficult to see the property line due to all of the trees etc. At
first we thought it was an error in lifting the house but a surveyor checked it
and the house in the air is exactly where it is supposed to be. We called the
surveyor to pin the comers of the walls and that is when we found out we
were on the property line.
Michael inquired about the ownership of the property and it is a right-of-
way that belongs to the city.
Jeffrey asked how far over the property line the footer was poured. Kim
said we are 25 inches from the property line.
Rally asked what other variances were granted for this property? Amy said
the 500 square foot FAR bonus, a side yard setback in this same area plus a
combined side yard variance. It would end up being about a one-foot
SEPTEMBER i6, 2002
Klm said she hoped ~he HPC would giVe them the 0 lot line. We are 60 or
80 feet below the allowable FAR.
Jeffrey said this variance will help the historic resource and mistakes occur.
He also felt that the variance would not hinder that corner.
Michael said this change is diminimous and he can accept the revision.
MOTION: Jeffrey moved that HPC amend the final approval regarding the
variance adjustment and approve Resolution #33, 2002; second by Michael.
Yes vote: Jeffrey, Rally, Teresa, Michael, Neill
MOTION: Jeffrey moved to adjourn; second by Rally. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk