MINUTES OF October 2~ 2002
Chairperson Bill Dinsmoor called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Eric Cohen, Jon Busch, Andrew Kole, John
Starr, Terry Butler and Charles Kennedy.
Lighting: Proposed additional lighting and additional XMAS lights.
Robert Sardinskie - Rising Sun -
Enhance nightscape of the mall.
Core unattractive at nighttime.
Lights shine in pedestrian eyes.
No continuity of lighting.
Few places of intimacy on the mall.
Lighting can provide depth and engage you. We need to draw people in
with the lighting and create a warm ambience. Lighting can provide safety.
Lighting can also provide gathering spaces for individuals.
What do we have to work with? Numerous wonderful buildings, planter
beds, trees, signage, water features, ditch, fountain.
Immediate remediation: Accent lighting on the facades of columns and
building frontages.
Light business signage more discretely.
Highlight streams.
Gathering areas for performances and provide area lighting or down
Holiday lighting or jewelry lighting.
Warm glow or ambience.
Path lighting.
Illuminate the underside of spruce foliate at the mink.
Low wattage lighting.
Grazing lights.
*Mock up a landscape lighting plan. Up light the aspen trees instead of the
spruce due to their light bark.
Salvage whatever infill structures we have.
Landscape treatment: Cost $100. Per point.
MINUTES OF OCtober 2, 2002
There are approximately 25 to 50 treatment lights on the malls.
Jeff WoOds, Parks Director said we can light the mall with a low budget.
Jeff suggested a mockup and invite city council, thc public and CCLC to
view it. He also said the mall is livelY during the day; it is at night that
needs addressed.
John said the lighting has to take into consideration infill and the new
bathrooms etc. need more lighting.
Jori said the bathrooms do not look like the rendering. We lobbied for the
fire pit unsuccessfully, which would be an enhancement in that area.
Bill said we need to keep getting Kinder Morgan to underwrite the fire pit.
The board scheduled a night site-viSit at the new bathrooms for Oct. 15th
7:30 p.m. Staffto notify council, management, businesses and the ACRA.
Pier review of vendors.
Booth fee could be increased for advertising weekly.
More signage.
Music needs changed.
Possible seating with umbrellas.
Possibly set up credit card use.
Publicity. Improve coordination with ACRA.
Concierge cards. Possible haVe the vendors do a presentation to ACRA.
Post cards in hotel rooms.
10 x 10 tent with sides are the minimal dimensions.
Smaller tables etc. in between food vendors.
Move the location of the food demonstration.
Street booths are the most desirable.
House could change 9:00 to 3:00 but should coincide with the farmers.
Capture food and wine in the middle of June.
Point person.
Balloons for advertising.
Banners on Main Street.
MINUTES OF October 2, 2002
Parking permits - increase fee to include it.
Put food demonstration on Main St. by Zele'.
Expansion should occur. The vendors can pick up another 20 local vendors.
Terry said her concern is the noise in the alley.
Jon said several possibilities come up and one could be evening pickup.
Ed Saddler suggested the CCLC propose to council no pickup before 8:00
Jori said all the compactors that we have are successful.
Terry said if infill is to be successful noise needs addressed.
MOTION: Bill moved to forWard a message to Environmental Health and
Ed Saddler to recommend that the noise ordinance be changed to stipulate
no trash pickap or recycling to be done before 8.'00 a.m. in the core area.
Motion second by Charles. All in favor, motion carried.
Kathy to send the message to Chris Bendon to be addressed at infill.
The board felt that they should be moving ahead on compactors and
eliminate dumpsters on private property.
Ed said they would have to sell the dumpster program to council.
MOTION: Andrew made the motion that the City should proceed to convert
all dumpsters in the public right-of-way to compactors.
Provides free flow of delivery trucks in the alleys.
Emergency vehicles can get through the alleys easier.
Compactors eliminate noise.
Compactors eliminate unsightly dumpsters and unpleasant smells
associated with them.
There would be the reduction of trash pickup times from seven days a week
to once a week.
MINUTES OF October 2~ 2002
The alleys would be cleaner for pedestrians.
Free up truck loading zones for paid parking.
Attached is a map of all alleys and dumpsters in the core. V~e would like to
suggest a goal to have all of those converted dumpsters to compactors
within 18 months. Motion second by Charles. All in favor, motion carried.
MOTION: Andrew moved to adjourn; second by John. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief DepUty Clerk