HomeMy WebLinkAboutcclc.ag.05041994 COMMERCIAL CORE & LODGINO COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 4v 1994 SISTER CITY MEETING ROOM 8:30 I. Roll Call II. Public Comments Commissioner Comments 9:00 III. Compactor, BFI, Brand Alley Bob Gish, Bill Earley Ev. Health -A.~.;~, Rachel, Ed Van 10: 00 IV. Art Sculpture Francis Chavez Discussion of Parks concerns CIRSA liability 10:30 V. Energy 2000 Adjourn PENDIN~ ~SSUES Sound control-service vehicles alleys trash removal delivery trucks Special Event performers on mall guidelines - pamphlet to coincide with SEP April 1, 1993 - Newsrack meeting placement discussion Street signs Amplified music on the mall Mall - performers on mall (permit) etc. (sign up sheet) (rotating areas, prohibiting) (reserved MAA space) Street lights - energy efficient Mall lighting carriages-vending agreement Business Licenses Notices-January newpaper ad, pick up trash; street/sidewalk cleaning; Help PM10 standards; snow ice removal; plastic bag trash PROJECT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Delivery Trucks on mall - none completed 1993 Swamp cooler Main Street Music Newsracks 5 streetlights on Durant Inter-relationship of Engineering, CCLC, Planning and HPC. worksession scheduled, slide shows and CCLC reviewing encroachments, planter designs. Phone pedastal at Elli's Bolt in front of Collins Block Special Event Guidelines Bylaws YEARLY ISSUES Snow removal - (ad in paper) Mall lease notice-Kathy (March) send out contact adjacent property owners Art display - budget issue SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1994 9 A.M. FIRST FLOOR I. May Fair Festival Library Plaza May 1 11 a.m. II. Skyrunners June 12 III Bike Rodeo May 31 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. IV. Flea Market/Paepcke Park June 18 and 19 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aspen Junior Hockey V. Hard Rock 'n' Roll Run and Ride Galena Street August 7 8 a.m. COLORADO INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK SHARING AGENCY March 7, 1994 Ms. Peggy Carlson City of Aspen 130 Galena Street Aspen, CO 81611 Dear Peg~y~ To cord/tm our phone conve:sations regarding the City sponsoring a display of sculptures on municipality property. The City does have coverage subject to limitations, terms and conditions of the policy. Each sculpture, to be displayed, needs to be appraised for its value. Please provide CIRSA with a complete list o~ the sculptures, appraised values and the scheduled dates of the display. If you should have any questions, please call me. patricia A. Lanier 'Underwriting Assistant 950 South Cherry Street, Suite 800, Denver, Colorado 80222 (303) 757-5475 (800) 22~7~36 FAX (303) 757-89~0 03/16/1-"'~9-94 12:iS 3039201824 SLrZANIq~ARVE~ PAGE 02 PLAN FOR CCLC PUBLIC ART PROGRAM MISSION: The CCLC Public Axt Program has been initiated with the purp,o,?,c of .commissioning site specific art projects in the commercial core of the City of AsPen. The ~ projects will be temporary and rotating, with the possibility of evolving t° more permanent instillations with larger budgets. The goal is to bring vitality to the commercial core by incorporating creative and sometimes surprising works of art PROGRAM GOALS: 1: To involve artists ill the selection of sites for ProjeCts; 2, TO support outstanding artists of the Roaring Fork Valley and COlorado by providing public exposure to thek work, but not to exclude artists of national reputation; 3. To conunission artists to create works which are responsive to the A~pen area and its unique characteristics; 4. To inform and educate Aspen residents and visitors about the An Program, and to provide opportunities for Aspen residents to identify with the art works; and $. To respect the public nature of'the Art Program by assuring that its administration is open, fair and professional. PUBLIC INFORMATION AND COMMUNITY RRLATIONS: Public informatinll and education activities are considered primary elements of the Program. One of the primary objcctlves will be to provide enhanced exposure to the artists of the region involved in thc Program. Activities ma}, include conferences, symposia, tours and cooperative programs with educational and arts institutions. STEERING COMMITTEE: A. The initial Steering Committee shall be: Francea Chares, Co-Chair Ioanne Lyon Sulia Marshall Laura Thorne ~ ~ ~'-~ j//~,~. Ex Offici°: City C°uncil Representative and AmlY Margemm~' 83/16/1994 i2:16 3839201824 SUZANF~E FARVER PAG~ 83 Each member shall serve a rene~i~ble two year term. Replacements or additions to this committee shall be nOminated by the e~sting steering COmnlittee, with the approval of the CCLC Committe~ All actions of the Steering Committee are subject to the approval of the CCLC Committee. B. Purpose: The Steering Committee will provide an overview and long-term planning vision for balancing diverse points of view and for facilitating thc irnpl~fi~kfi0n ofthis program. C. Responsibilities: 1. Ensure adherence to the goals of this Plan and to provide the higJ~est standard of aesthetics and continuity to the CCLC Public Art Program; 2. Appoint the ad-hoc Review Committees; 3. Provide guidance to the Review Committees and CCLC Program stal~, 4. Evaluate Review Committee recommendations for artist selections and to commission proposals and submit to the CCLC~and $. Constitute itself as a Review Committee where appropriate and expedient. 6. Create and distribute basic guidelines for materials and security. D. Composition: The makeup of the Steerln~ committee shall be at least 5 and not more than ? people, with the majority of its members being visual arts professionals, and with at least one community representative, One person may satisfy more than one category. For the purpose of this Plan, arts professionals shall be defined as visual arts professionals including visual artists, critics, curators, arts administrators, collectors and educators who are recognized by their peers as expert in contemporary art and experienced in recent public an, Arts professionals shall not include gallery owners or for-profit intermediaries. All members of the Steering Committee and Review Committees shsll serve without compensation. E.~C~.t.~t ants: , . Co~ittan~upan-from- 'ttme_!o time to provide additional expertise to ~he Steering Com ee. SELECTION OF SITES FOR ART INSTALLATION: The Steering Committee shall appoint one or more artists to recommend several sites for projects. Such sites shall be approve, x] by the Steering Committee, the CCLC and the City before they will be available for proposals. Sites for installation shall be rather broad and flexible, allowinl~ the selected artist to analyze and select the most appropriate approach in a Particular area, rather than 03/16/1~94 12:16 3039201824 SUZANNE FARVER PAG~ 84 forcing art into a predetermined space. Artists who are selected for any of the sites shall work with the appropriate City agency, allowing artists to develop proposals and concepts which are techrdcally feasible and have acceptable maintenance requirements, ~ well as work w~ll within the spaces and ~ystems of the City and without conflicting with the function ora particular area CHANGING SITF~SPECI~IC PROJECTS: .J~/u~: ~::: u~. . . .,? _. : _ ~rt works will be temporary and will be rotated every year or two years, depending upon the budget of the program and the condition of the works, The Steering Committee s}/al] have the discretion for selecting art works for rotation, and their recommendation shall be submitted tO the CCLC committee/'or final approval. Changing site- spec/tic projects will provide vitality, variety and continuing opportunities for artists. The program is intended as an ongoing creative exploration of the Cites environment by artists, and it is expected that fi.om time to time permanent commissions will be developed fi.om the most successful projects. Commissions for more permanent installations will be considered a,qer two years, depending upon the success of the projects of limited duration. All projects shall be reviewed based upon their compatibility with its surrounding area and function. REVIEW COMM1TI~EES: A. Review Committees: As individual projects are identified, the Steering Committee will appoint ad-hoc Review Committees to evaluate artists' work and proposals for each such project, B, Composition: Each Review Committee shall consist of four people: three visual arts professionals and one community representative. Appointment of Review Committees shall be by the Steering Committee. C. Rationale: The ad-hoc Review Committees will provide diversity and a continuous flesh perspective by allowing many individuals to be involved in the recommendation process. ART WORK SELECTION: A. Orientation.' Review Committee orientation shall include: review of the CCLC Art Plan goals and processes, artist selections to date and focus of the panleular project within the overall Program, tour of the proposed site, review of the project timetable, proposed budget and artist selection process. B. Selection Process: 1. All commissions shall be awarded through an open competition. 2. The first tier of arrlsts shall be selected through the review of slides of the existing artists' work. Proposals for the site will not be requested or considered at this time. A maximum of three artists will be invited to submit proposals for specific commissions, 3 03/16/1994 12;16 3039201824 SUZANNE FARVER PAGE 05 3. Review of specific proposals: The Review Committee shall evaluate the proposal submissions and shall recommend up to three artists or teams for each project and shah submit their reco~dation in order of preference to the Steering Committee. Such evaluation shall include a review 0ftechnieal feasibility and maintenance acceptability. The Steering Committee shah then evaluate the recommended proposals and shall select its recommendation to the CC:LC Committee for approval. CONFIDENTIALITY: Ail meetings at which artists materials are reviewed and opinions ventured about their merits in relation to the project at hand shall be closed to the public and media to permit frank evaluation and discussion. A written report shall document the committee discussions and recommendations. colvl ICT OF errEmcST: Artists serving as Steering Corm~ttee members may not be selected for direct involvement~in-an~ : .' An-a 'mst-servi~g:owaR~view ' CONTRACTS: Individual contracts between the selected artists and the CCLC shall be executed before any work on the site is conducted. INSURANCE: Insurance for liability as well as theft and damage shall he provided by the city.. Routine maintenance shall be provided by the City. If substantial repair is required for an object, the Steering Committee shall recommend a solution to the CCLC. The CCLC shall be rcsponsllt[e for documentation of each work, and with communication of such documentation to the City. FUNDING AND BUDGET: The initial Budget for 1994 is $$,000. These funds shall be used as $500 Administration and adyertising $4,500 Fee for three artists, $1,500 each \ Additional funding shall be sought from individuals and corporate sponsors. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for recommending each year's budget, based upon the funding available, and subject to the approval of the CCLC. 83/16/1994 12:16 3839281824 SUZANNE FARVER PAGE 86 Gi~ffT ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURES: Proposed gifts of att works or of funds for the acclui-- =i a _ s :~ lo the Steering Committee for review and recommendation to the ~ssion on Cultural Affairs.~geview shall be based on the same goals and criteria aa for works ac~ ~'~ ,his Approved by: Steering Committee CCLC C~ C~~% ~ City of Aspen MEMORANDUM TO.' Commercial Core and Lodging Commission CC: Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk THRU: George Robinson, Parks Director FROM: Rebecca Baker, Parks Department DATE: March 28, 1994 RE: Plan for CCLC Public Art Program We have reviewed the proposal for the display of publ/c art on the mall as submitted by Frances Chavis and Suzanne Farver. The program proposal appears to have been well thought out and covers most details to get a program of this nature started. However, we do have a few concerns regarding site selection and maintenance for sculptures or other pieces of art. The program goals state as the first goal "to involve artists in the selection of sites for projects". While it is important for the artist to be involved in the selection of sites to display their work, the goal should be expanded upon to involve the steering committee and staff in the goal statement as well. The section describing the process for Selection of Sites for Art Installation should include involvement of city staff during initial site selecti0n2 The importance of this initial involvement is to assist artists in selecting the best site for their work. Staff can foresee problem areas with regards to flow of traffic(both emergency vehicles and pedestrians); location of art pieces conflicting with irrigation lines or sprinkler heads; areas where sculptures may be more prone to damage; snow removal routes and storage areas, etc. While it may not be agreeable to "force" art into predetermined spaces, suitable areas may be more limited than anticipated and it may simplify the selection process for the artist if staff is involved up front. The other consideration is if art will be displayed year round or summer only. If the piece is to be displayed year round, the number of selection sites may decrease due to the complication of snow removal and snow storage in the winter, whereas if displayed summer only more spaces may be available. Another concern with regards to the proposal is the section regarding Insurance. It may be standard for the sponsoring party to provide liability coverage for theft and damage. However, cost of these pieces should possibly be included in the selection process. For example, the City may not want to take responsibility of a quarter million dollar piece of mt when another piece is acceptable for less liability. Some maximum standard shOuld be established for cost of replacement or damage to art. An additional consideration for insurance purposes is liability coverage with regards to personal damage to persons or property. Again, this should be detailed in the program proposal. CIRSA, the City's insurance carrier, should review the program proposal before proceeding with proposal submissions. The final concern involves the section of Care and Maintenance. The proposal states "routine maintenance shall be provided by the City". This is a fairly ambiguous statement and needs to be more clearly def'med. Public art should require minimal maintenance and be suitable to withstand the elements of weather and climate. If an additional service level is required of staff with associated costs and labor this needs to be estimated and stated in the proposal.