HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.pi.425W.Francis.sidewalk,curb&gutter.1998 03/30/98 14:51 FAX $12 644 3750 TIGERMAM MCCURRY 141003 ~ " fflAR-26-199S 14'SS laEHART CONSTRUCTION = 92S 5485 P.02 '- SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUl'TER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT BS"CWEEN THE CITY OF ASPEN AND_.)_IJ_9i nl NR.l~~~. (beniaafter "Owner") WflEREAS OwncJ(s) is (1Jjl'e) lI.o~s}of~ mal ~ /QcaR!<! at (_adcWlIull.d lep1ducrip'lionofpropcrty>.A2S: . W' ~c..q AIIplm,Colcmdo, and WHF.R.EAS. Owner _ -=tly completed new constructiun and dtlsircs to obtain a . CI!!I'l:ificoote of~; alId WHEREAS, Owner's property ill within a zone district or other IIl'eIl as designated on 1hc Ci1;y of Aspen IIdopted sidewalk. curb lIIId autter pklll requiria& conSlZUCtion of lOud!. SuWsr and sidewalk prior to issuance of a eerIilicate of occ:upIIZIl:y or, in li~ llwreof. an agreement ~lr fin,=, COllSlnIctillll p~ ro Seetl0ll21.16.0.50 cftbeMUDicipal Code; and WHEREAS. !be City ~"8; n..... cIoes DOt rccommcncl tbe construction of curb, gutter and ___ llidewaIk on public ri&ht-of.way adJ_t to Ownds PJOPCrtY at this time dll" to existin& improvements or CQnditions. NOW. nlEREFORE., tbeplll.1iea-.,rwllllfbllows' I. 0MHlr fl8lWll ro COllSl:lUC:t curb. guti. and ~ meetin& City specifications. along the fiontap afOwaet'lI properly (~y q 0 feet). TOFt with associated street 88pIudt pa.VemeIlt worit, at such time as the Cll)' of Aspen deem!; c:onsuuction nccessll.tY llIld f\oouDbIe. It is acknow1edp:1 by .n pmties 1hat the present ~\Il\t is for two (2) foct pttet. six (6) inch wrtiClll cum. aDd five (5) foot wh!e conc:me sidewalk with live foot SntlW :storage between sidewa1k aM curb. or as otha:wise specified in the City of Aspen Sidewalk.. Curb and 0I1ttel" Specific:atiODS in cff'= at lbc 1ln1e of'lXIlIlIU'IlCIion. As pmvided for in Sec:liOn 2I.1l$.()(i(l. 0_ "SIftS TO pave driveway 5mn eurb to Pfilplllty Iille. 2. In the altm'DBlive, at the City. optica. !be City may eonslmct the abQ~ irnprovemems and 0- sl:W\ rei.rabo!ne the City for .n _ of aw:h ~n. Re.imblllSemem: sball be - 1 11111111111111111111I11111111111111I1111111111111111111 41!471 04/10/1998 11:46A AGREEMEN DAVIS SILVI 1 0' 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO 03/26/98 17:13 TX/RX 'NO .1969 P.002 . 03/30/98 14:51 FAX 312 644 3750 TIGERMAM MCCURRY \ ' MI'IR-26-199B 14'5<; IGLEHART CONSTRUCTrDN ~004 .3103 9.25 5485 P. IE . - I'l.Illde-Io the City wi1bin JWlety (90) days ~ I"eICl:ipt ofinvoicc.. In tile' event ol" failure tJ:> pay. the cost !IhaIl be placed .. ..lien ~rr" t1le property to run with the land. 3. In the _t that the City deterraiMs that ~ sba1J. be c:ol1Stl:ucted on one side of !he 1IlJeCt ollly. and if that side is Owner's side Qof slreet, Owner agrees to pay 10 c:oDStNCt the sidewalk with nrimbl.micment of' balf the cost at a later date it the property lICrOIl5 !:he stmlt from Owner Is de"eloped. If.tlle City determiDes that the sic1ewa.lk shaI1 be constrUCUl4 across the !Itreet from the Owner, Own<< sbalI parclclpate in the cost of thll siclevlalk in tIw amount of half of the cost. 4. 't'bP ~nt shall be binding and aIudl ~to !he '-"-'fit Qr the !t<Iir$, assigns. aM _c:rsnfll Ul title of the pIIl1ies hetero. _. =7:r~2~~~Tt/D SblleufColoraW } < , " ., , Co1mtyofPltldn 5 ()/) f/;",~t Theforecoin& ~eIIt __ ~ before me this to-#1 day of .., ~1iJ 193!. by > u looN~'11 S3~ldX3 NOISSINnClO AN SIOHl111 ~O 31VlS '01180.1 A~V1ON 3NA"'M .'" ~38Vl 1V3S 1VIOI::l::lO OFFICIAL SEAL TABER A. WAYNE NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF ILLINOIS MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES 11.13-2001 Adc1reslI: ~~~N~~6:ic &1- GIhL/MIID IL. [;OLRfD CITY OF ASPSN, COLORADO, A Municipal Cmporalion Approved_totbnn:: )'.7R'/""-~~ #'.6/v~ lCMrUI - 2 11111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111 415471 04/10/1998 11:46A AGREEMEN DAVIS sILVI 2 0' 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO TOTAL P. 03 03/26/98 17:13 TX/RX NO. 1969 P.003 .