MINUTES OF December i8, 2002
Chairperson, Bill Dinsmoor called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Eric Cohen, Son Busch, Charles Kennedy,
and Andrew Kole. Excused were John Starr and Terry Butler.
Paul Rossi, ACRA representative relayed that they are near the completion
of the special event application structure and evaluation form regarding the
ACRA $40,000 funding. The application for the grants and information
will be put on the website.
Andrew said 9 people are on the review council. They review the
Evaluation form based on lodging, national sponsor, media piece etc.
There will be a two-week process in March and the funding released in
April. If there is money over a second application date is set forth sometime
in May.
Paul said there is also a smaller component that needs addressed, such as
clowns requesting $250 to $500. We need to work out if they miss a
funding date or one of the processes. We probably need to set some money
aside for smaller programs in the summer. Paul said they are not sure that
the CCLC should get that money.
Andrew suggested setting aside $5,000. and assigning 3 to 5 people from
the group who would be available on a monthly basis for evaluating the
applications. The group was opposed to that concept.
Bill asked what other events would need $500 to $1,0007 Paul said
someone who would want to co-up a tent, expand the Saturday market,
music and a stage.
Andrew said if someone has a short term event they have no way to get
through the process quickly.
Bill suggested CCLC make a decision on the small issues then forward it to
the ACRA for funding approval.
MINUTES OF D~e~b~:~ i~8, ~2002
Paul said possibly the CCLC could co-up a small percentage that ACRA
could match on funding for small special events. Politically that could go a
lot further.
Staff relayed that the CCLC has a contingency of $4,500 and some of that
money can be applied to an event if the CCLC voted to do so.
Paul informed the board that he needs some help promoting the winter
carnival on the mall for the Winterskol. ACRA offers to local merchants
the opportunity to purchase a booth $175. and $200 for non-members. The
tents are ten by ten popups with a Brunson burner. The ACRA has a deal
with Alpine party rentals. Paul said they want to re-brand the entire
carnival. There are only four vendors signed up right now and to get a good
showing they need 12 vendors. It is difficult for the ACRA because of the
labor-intensive time it takes to get these people entered. Paul said he was
going to get together a volunteer team to help set up and break down the
tents. Paul requested that the CCLC contact local businesses in the core to
encourage them to help support the Winterskol Carnival.
Eric said whoever is in charge should contact those individuals who
participated last year.
Jori said when the event first started it was a carnival event~ Over the years
it has diminished. Restaurants do not want to bother putting it together.
The board felt that the carnival should be let go and the ACRA should go
forward with something that is easier to pull off.
Andrew suggested that Paul contact Marcus Morton regarding the parade.
Andrew said for all the work you d° the end result is not worth it.
Bill said in the past we have been opposed to vending in the mall, events
that compete with existing restaurants. If the restaurants do not want to be
involved, go out and get other vendors who wants to vend. There will be
other people who want to get involved from the valley.
Eric asked if the booths are important or is it the milling around in the mall.
Eric mentioned the aspen drink and possibly hand them out.
MINUTES OF December i8~ 2002
Paul said we have the daytime and nighttime button program.
Eric said we need to market the retail stores.
Jori said Winterskol was originally for the downtime. Jori said we should
look to the non-profits on the mall.
Andrew suggested that non-profits come out on the mall and promote their
things from 11 to 3:00.
Eric suggested implementing a coupon offering for 15 % to 20% in the core
as a discount program for the day.
Andrew offered his service to interview all the n~n-profits. He also
suggested calling the movie theatres to see if they can produce a kid's show.
Maybe the Wheeler can show movies.
Bill suggested a bonfire.
Bill requested that Paul Rossi get our agenda and minutes from every
Valet parking
Tim said he would keep the side entrance open for the valet parking.
Eric suggested a check up time in the middle of the season. It would give us
a non-aggressive opportunity to address issues that come up. The CCLC
agreed with Time that they would meet with Brian Wexler if there are issues
that come up.
Jon felt that an RFP should go out after the winter season.
MOTION: Jon moved to renew the lease for the winter season only; second
by Andrew. All in favor, motion carried.
Promotional Activity
MINUTES OF DeCember 18, 2002
Andrew said he has two votes from council if CCLC requested funding for
core activities, around $5,000. The board requested that we add the funding
to the worksession with council regarding the expansion of the Saturday
The board discussed a staging area in connor Park for the saturday market.
Jon said he did not see a down side to a permanent stage.
The board supported going south on Hunter for the expansion of the
Saturday market.
Charles said the view plane going South on Hunter as a backdrop would be
wonderful and a great setting for the Saturday market. With the stage we
could do demonstrations o£artwork, flower arrangements etc.
Mall lease open for winter and expansion for summer
Andrew said people want to be able to sit outside and have hot chocolate.
Staffrelayed that the state would allow a tasting through the food service
Andrew said the other issue is if they sold a sandwich can they go upstairs
and eat it.
Kathy Strickland and Jannette Whitcomb discussed tastings only. Lunch
service was not discussed. There are issues such as snow removal. If
alcohol is to be served outside the mall lease it would have to be fenced in.
Jon said Zele has outdoor seating.
Bill suggested we meet with the restaurant owners to discuss summer
expansion into the center of the mall and to discuss revising the mall lease
to include winter leases.
Bill said he knows where the costs are with outside seating all the money
goes in your pocket. The mall lease is a great deal.
MINUTES OF December 18, 2002
Bill said he would like to meet with D'Orio before the worksession with the
city council.
Andrew said Grottos has permission from Nori to use their frontage space
for next summer.
Andrew suggested redoing the Rio Grand Park to have outdoor staging.
Jon said he doesn't like the idea of running outside theatres for nothing.
Those venues will hurt the existing theatres.
Bill said a free concert would be a great idea.
Andrew said he would contact someone regarding a concert for Wagner
MOTION: Bill moved to adjourn; second by ,Ion. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief DepUty Clerk