Resolution No. Il Series of 2000
WHEREAS. the Rural Transportation Authority Law enables counties and
mumclpalities to create, through public vote, rural transportation authorities and to provide for
the joint exercise of transportation systems and facilities: and
WHEREAS. cities, towns and counties in the Roaring Fork and Colorado Rivers
Valleys (Highway 82 and 1-70 corridors) of western Colorado are currently discussing the
intergovernmental agreement necessary to put the creation of a Rural Transportation Authority
(hereinafter "RTA") to a vote of the people in the year 2000 for the purpose of financing,
constructing, operating and maintaining rural transit systems within the region; and
WHEREAS. several amendments to the existing Rural Transportation Authority Law
would provide more clarity and flexibility to local governments as they work toward the
creation of a RTA;
NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Aspen.
Colorado supports the following amendments to the Rural Transportation Authority Law.
Amendment #I - Include in the revenue raising powers of a rural transportation authority
the ability to implement the following:
Visitor benefit fee (an assessment on overnight visitors to help
mitigate the impacts of tourist recreation on traffic patterns.
employment, and transit. The fee will support transit service
and provide incentives to visitors to use transit more often
- e.g., free transit passes, discounts to local amenities.)
* Development impact fee (an assessment on property owners to
help mitigate the impacts of new development on transit, or
traffic patterns. Fees must correlate to the incremental cost of
specific improvements required to support the development.)
* Sales and/or use tax (an ability to increase the currently allowed
4/10 of ! % sales and/or use tax to 3/4 of 1% .)
Amendment #2 - Revise requirement that communities interested in joining the RTA after
it is formed be contiguous to the RTA boundaries. Communities in the
mountains are generally not contiguous, which makes it difficult for
neighboring communities to join an established RTA unless their county
has also joined.
Amendment #3 - Add language specifically permitting differential sales tax rates in
different areas that can be approved in a single ballot issue. Currently, it
is unclear whether local governments can ask citizens a differential sales
'tax ques.tion in one ballot issue or such a question would have to be
asked through separate ballot issues voted on in each sub-area that has a
separate rate.
Amendment #4 - State that the TABOR spending base for a newly created authority is
spending during the first full fiscal year. For example, if a region forms
a RTA during a mid-year election, spending will be much less during the
first partial year than during the following full year. These
circumstances will cause the first full year spending to grow too fast
compared to the previous partial year and require a rebate or a revenue
retention vote.
Amendment #5 - Add language making it clear that the intergovernmental agreement can
be amended after the formation election so long as the amendment
provisions in the agreement are followed.
Dated: ~L~ ~Rach~~/~ ~' , 2000.
I. Kathryn Koch. duly appointed and acting City Clerk do certify that the foregoing is a true
and accurate copy of that resolut~o~n adopted by the ~City Council of the City of Aspen,
Colorado, at a meeting held ~ ~p .2000.