HomeMy WebLinkAboutordinance.council.038-91 . ORDINANCE ~0,3S Senes of 1991 AK ORDIN"ANCE OFFICIALLY NAMING THAT CERTAIN STREET EAST OF BUGSY BARNARD PARK BETWEEN CEMETERY LAi'lE A..'ID STATE HIGHWAY 82 "BARNARD PARK COURT" WHEREAS, there presently eXlsts a short secnon of CIty owned nght-of-way East of Bugsy Barnard Park between Cemetery Lane and State Hlghway 82 that was created by the Colorado Highway Department upon the reabgnment of Cemetery Lane at the access point to State Highway 82: and, \VHEREAS, sald short sectlOn of right-of-way serves as the prinCIpal access road to _~ reSIdences abutting s8.1d right-of-way, and, WHEREAS, s8.1d nght-of-way does not currently have an official name causing confuslOn for postal carners, del1very persons, and VISitOrS, and, WHEREAS, at least one property owner has requested that the CIty offiClally name saId nght-of-way, and, WHEREAS, the City Council WIshes to formally adopt a name for s8.1d nght-of-way and officially recogrnze the same as a CIty street, and, WHEREAS, Dr Robert A. Barnard d1d ably and falthfully serve as a member of the Aspen City CounCIl between 1964 to 1966 and Mayor of the City of Aspen between 1966 to 1970, durrng which time he did contnbute to the continued growth and prospenty of the Clly of Aspen by making pOSSIble the annexation of the ;-.!orth and South SIdes to the CIty of Aspen: by e actively worlong to elirmnate unSIghtly outdoor advertlsements throughout the Roanng Fork Rlver Valley, and the adopnon of the City of Aspen's 1966 Ylaster Plan; and, . . . WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to honor the memory of Dr Robert A Barnard for hls d1stinguished service to the City of Aspen by co=emorattng a street ill his name, )lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAll\cD BY THE COIDICIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO' S eCl10n 1 That the nght-of-way traversing East of Bugsy Barnard Park and connecttng Cemetery Lane Wlth State Hlghway 82 shall be named and henceforth be known as Barnard Park Court Section 2 That the City Engmeer amend the "OffiCIal :\1ap of the CIty of Aspen, Pltlan County, S tale of Colorado" on me In lhe office of the CIty Engmeer In accordance Wlth SecllOn 2-1 of the MUnIcipal Code to reflect the aCllons of Council by tlus Ordmance Secnon 3 That If any secllon, subsecnon, sentence, clause, phrase or pomon of &is ordmance is for any reason held Invalld or unconsntutional in a court of competent jurisd1cllon, such pomon shall be deemed a seperate, d1Shnct and Independent proVIsion and shall not affect the valid1ty of the rem8.1rnng portions hereof. A publ1c heanng on the ordinance shall be held on the .l:r:... day of &~ ~ 1991, m the City CounCIl Chambers, Aspen Clly Hall, Aspen, Colorado 2 ,. . . Th'TRODGCED, READ M'D ORDERED PC"BLISHED as provIded by law by the Clly Council of the CIty of Aspen on the .P3 day of .~) ,1991. n L >. ()-" -;t{ John ~-e~ett, Mayor ATTEST. ~~ J i'11-/ Kathryn S, IbDch, City' Clerk FINALL Y adopted, passed and approved tlus /~ day of ~ , 1991. John S ())~ 7, /5~ B't:::~, Mayor ArrEST: \.J~_ Kathryn S b!.mlJ'dOTd 3