HomeMy WebLinkAboutordinance.council.044-91 ORDINANCE NO '~
Senes of 1991
AMENDING SECTIONS 8 1/2-1.1, 8 1/2-6(a), 8 1/2-6.1(b), 8 1/2-9 1, 5-28(a), 5-31, 7-141(e)
AND 21-102 AND ADDING SECTIONS 24-1-106, 24-1-107, 24-1-108, 2-33, 2-34, 2-35, AND
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aspen adopted an Emergency Alarm Systems
and ProtecUon Services Ordinance in 1980 to regulate the use of alarm systems and the operaUon
of emergency alarm protecUon services; and
WHEREAS, the aforemenuoned ordinance was mended in 1984 to establish a ten dollar
($10 00) false alarm fee (Ord. No. 1-1984); and
WHEREAS, the aforementioned ordinance was amended in 1988 to, iruer alia, increase the
false alarm fee from ten dollars ($10.00) to fifty dollars ($50.00) (Ord. No. 3-1988); and
WHEREAS, the Aspen Pohce Department, since the adoption of the increase m the false
alarm fee in 1988, continues to experience a steady and significant increase in the demand for law
enforcement services to respond to false alarms; and
WHEREAS, requests for services by alarm compames, including false alarms, require
s~gmficant police department resources to adequately respond to such requests and urmecessanly
divert financial resources and law enforcement personnel from other community needs, and
WHEREAS, statistical data maintained by the Aspen Pohce Department of the number of
false alarms responded to by Police Department personnel reveal that some emergency alarm users
suffer disporpomonate numbers of false alarms; and
WHEREAS, the City Council deszres to mcrease fees charged for annual emergency alarm
user pernuts and for responding to false alarms fees, and deszres to impose a late fee of ten dollars
($10.00) upon emergency alan'n users that fail to pay false alarm fees wathin the prescribed tame;
WHEREAS, the City Counc0. deems it to be in the best interest of the Cxty of Aspen,
residents and visitors to amend the Emergency Alarm Systems and Protectton Serwces ordinance
as hereto promded; and
WHEREAS, the C~ty Council has deterrmned that the last mcrease in the fees collected for
the ~ssua.nce and transfer of annual dog hcensing tags was enacted m 1981 pursuant to Ordinance
30 Series of 1981); and
WHEREAS, the City Counc~ has further determined that the cost of City staff time reqmred
to ~ssue and transfer annual dog licensing tags has increased substantially since 1981; and
WHEREAS, the City Counc5 desires to increase fees charged for annual dog licensing tags
to raise revenues sufficient to pay for the attendant costs of such hcensing activity; and
WHEREAS, the C~ty Council has determined that ~t ~s m the best interests of the City of
Aspen, ~t,s inhabitants and visitors to facilitate the issuance of specml parking pernuts; and
WHEREAS, the special parlmng permit Ordinance No 12 (Series of 1991) provades for a
processing fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) per permit exceptang those for handicapped persons, and
WHEREAS, the C~ty CouncO. desires to increase the fees charged for processing the special
parking permits to rinse sufficient funds to pay for the attendant costs of such processing actawty;
WHEREAS, the C~ty Council has determined that the last increase m the fees collected for
the ~ssuance of budding pernuts was enacted m 1981 pursuant to Ordmanc,~ No. 33 (Series of
1981), and
WHEREAS, the City Councul has further determined that the cost of City stuff nme reqm_red
to issue bu,lding perrmts has increased substantially since 1981; and
WHEREAS, the City Councd desn'es to increase the fees charged for building permits
issued in accordance with A.mcle V, Chapter 7 of the Aspen Municipal Code to raise revenues
sufficient to pay for the attendant costs of such perrrutting acnwty, and
WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a pohcy of annually reviewing the Planning
Office's land use apphcat~on fee structure to insure that revenues raised through the fee structure
are sufficient to pay for the attendant costs of such review processes, and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the current fee structure for the
processing of land use apphcat~ons, contao_next in Ordinance No. 73 (Series of 1989), does not
accurately reflect the current cost of provadmg the necessary level of sermces associated with
adrnirdstenng the land use provisions of the Mumcipal Code, and
WI-IF, REAS, the City Council has deterrm.ned that a Base Fee should be established for each
type of review process wi'rich, when considered in relation to the number of applications expected
during the forthcoming year, w'21 have the effect of offset'ln.ng 100 percent of the total cost of
adrrdnister[ng the land use provisions of the Mummpai Code; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 67 (Series of 1982) C~ty Council provided for
Addiaonal Bdhngs to cover the additional cost ~ncurred by the City when processing of a land use
apphcauon by the Planmng Office takes more nme than is covered in the Base Fee structure and
des~es to re. establish smd billings as set forth below, and
WI--I~REAS, the City Council has further determined that the Engineering and
Environmental Health Departments, as land use referral agencies, should charge fees to offset the
cost of their review actiwty, and such fer..s shall b~ collected by the Planrrmg Office; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has further determined that the Zomng Department reviews
building perrmt apphcations to insure comphance with C~ty land use regulations, including
calculating building heights, sethacks, floor areas, checking for tustodc designation requtrements,
compliance w~th cond,fions of approvals such as landscaping bonds, construclaon of pubhc
improvements, housing fees and dedications, all of winch reqmre approximately sixty percent of
a staff person's time to accomplish, and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to recover the cost of the Zoning Department's
activities related to building perrmt apphcanon reviews and Code enforcement acUwt~es; and
WHEREAS, the C~ty Count, 1 has adopted a pohcy of reqummg actual consumers and users
of the C~ty's Golf Course, Ice Oarden, sw~mrmng pool, and other recreational programs and
acnwUes sponsored by the C~ty's Leisure Services Department to pay fees that fairly approximate
the costs of prowding such recreanonal opportunities; and
WHEREAS, the C~ty Counc~ has deterrraned that certain user fces currently in effect do
not raase revenues sufficient to pay for the attendant costs of providang smd recreational and leisure
services, and
WI-IEREAS, the C~ty Council desires to codify the fee structures for all recreanonal and
leisure services prowded by the City to its cmzens and guests; and
WI4EREAS, the City Council has determined that the existing tax levy ~s not sufficient to
adequately pay for the attendant costs of providing mun,c~pal services to smd businesses.
Section 1
That Section 8 1/2-1.1 of the Mumcipal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, winch sect0.on
requ~es every emergency alarm user to obtain a user's permit and pay a prescribed fee, is hereby
amended to read as follows
Sec. 8 1/2-1.1. Alarm user permit.
Every alarm user shall obtain an alarm user's perrmt for each seperate emergency alarm
system from the dzrector of finance pnor to the use of an alarm system The "permit year"
shall extend from January 1st to the following December 31st. Applicanon for an emergency
alarm user's permit and a fee of fifty dollars ($50 00) for each perrmt shall be fi/ed unth
the director of finance before January 1st of each year Revoked perrmts may be reaclavated
during the peri'mt year for a fee of one hundred dollars ($100 00) Each perrrut shall bear
the signature of the d~ector of operations and shall be for a one year period. The director
of operations may require the user to provide such knformatlon deemed reasonably necessary
for the expeditious and safe response of officers and the tamely and effectave billing of false
alarm fees Tbas information shall include, but shall not be llmitecl to, the name and current
mazhng and physical address of the person responsible for paying false alarm fees. The
perrmnee shall also provide, th.rough the alarm business, current and reasonable dlrectaons
to the alarm site Residential perrmtees may be requzrecl to display the house number so that
it is visible and discernible from the street. An alarm business may act as agent for the user
in the handhng of permit matters.
That Section 8 1/2-6(a) of the Municipal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, which
section sets the apphcable fees for responding to false alarms, is hereby mended to read as
Sec. 8 1/2-6. False alarm fee.
(a) Except as provided m SectJ_on 8 1/2-9.1, each tame an alarm business relays a false
alarm to the Aspen Police Department, the alarm user who has contracted with the
alarm business to momtor that alarm shall pay, w~thin thn-t'y (30) days of receiving
a bill from the director of finance, a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first false
alarm wlthi.n a perrmt year, seventy five dollars ($75 00) for the second false alarm
vathm a perrmt year, and one hundred dollars ($100 00) for each false alarm
thereagcer wlthhn a pernut year.
Section 3
That Section 8 1/2-6. l(b) of the Municipal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, wtuch
section sets the penalty for fa~ng to pay a false alarm fee wattun a prescribed time, is hereby
mended to read as follows
Sec. 8 1/2-6.1. Revocation of alarm user's permit.
(b) Fro.lure of the alarm user to pay a false alarm fee wittun tturty (30) days of receipt
of the bill from the director of finance shall sub3ect the perrruttee to a ten dollar
($10.00) late fee and the d~ector of operanons may zruUate perrmt revocation
proceedings as set forth heremafer.
That Secaon 8 1/2-9 1 of the Municipal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, wtuch sectaon
sets the applicable fees for responding to false alarms to the prermses of alarm users that are
exempt from the permit revocation process, is hereby amended to read as follows'
Sec. 8 1/2-9.1. Exemption from statutorlly required alarm systems.
An alarm user requzred by federal, state, county or mumcipal statute, regulation,
rule or ordinance to install, maintain, and operate an alarm system shall not be
subject to permit revocatton. Each tame an alarm system relays a false alarm to the
Aspen Police Department from a user that ~s exempt from the revocation process
pursuant to ti'as seclaon, smd user shall pay, within tturty (30) days of receiving a
bill from the director of f'mance, a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first false
alarm within a permit year, seventy five dollars ($75.00) for the second false alarm
within a perrmt year, one hundred dollars ($100.130) for the tho. rd and fourth false
alarm within a permit year, and two hundred dollars ($200 00) for each false alarm
~n excess of four w~thin a perrmt year.
Secaon 5
That Sectaon 5-28(a) of the Municipal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, wtuch sectaon
sets the apphcable fees for the issuance of annual dog licensing tags, ~s hereby amended to read as
Sec. 5-28. Annual vacctnation and licensing required; fee; application.
(a) No dog over the age of six (6) months shall be kept, harbored or maintained within
the City of Aspen, Colorado, unless the owner, keeper or person m charge of such
ammal shall have the ammal inoculated against rabies and annually pay a designated
agent of the City of Aspen for collectaon (as may from tame to time be designated
by the city) a license fee of five dollars ($5 00) for an altered dog and fifteen dollars
($15.00) for an unaltered dog to be remitted to the City of Aspen for each and every
dog owned, kept or harbored For purposes of this paragraph, persons authorized to
perform vaccinations against rabies may be designated as agents of the c~ty for the
collection of heense fees hereunder
Sectmn 6
That Sectmn 5-31 of the Mumcipal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, which section sets
the applicable fees for the transfer of dog licensing tags, is hereby mended to read as follows.
Sec. 5-31. Procedure and compliance wtth articles required for dogs imported into
All dogs wbach are brought into the mty shall be m compliance w~th the laws and
rules and regulations of the state regarding the handling of the animal and shall have
been vaccinated not more than twelve (12) months prior to ~mpormfion. The tag
denoting vaccinataon shall be firmly affixed to the cellar or ha_mess of the dog, and
shall be evidence of compliance w~th this section.
If the ~mported dog remains m the city more than ttu.n'y (30) days, such dog shall
be licensed m accordance with the prov~ons of this arUcle. A.ny legally acceptable
cemficatton of the vaccination issued by a legally authorized person to the owner of
the dog, m any mumcipahty, county or state, shall be exchanged for a current
vaccmataon hcense tag of the c~ty, which tag shall bear the date of the vaccinaUon
shown on the aforesa/d certaficate. A transfer fee of five dollars ($5.00) for an
altered dog and fifteen dollars ($15.00) for an unaltered dog shall be paid by the dog
owner to the arumal control officer at the nme the exchange tag ~s issued, Much fee
shall be remitted to the mty finance du-ector by the animal control officer m the same
manner as hcense fees under Sectton 5-28 hereof.
Sectmn 7
That Section 22-12.1(C)(5) of the Mumc~pal Code of the C~ty of Aspen, Colorado, wl~ch
sectmn establishes the processing fee for the issuance of special parking permits, ~s hereby amended
to read as follows.
Sec. 22--12.1. Waiver of parking lira|rations.
(c)(5) A processing fee of $50.00 for the ~ssuance of each Service or Dehvery Vebacle
perrmt shall be lewed A processing fee of $10.130 per month per vehicle, up to a maximum total
fee of $50.00, for the ~ssuance of each Construction Vehicle permit shall be lewed There shall be
no processing fee for the issuance of temporary Hand~capped Persons pernuts
Sec~.on 8
That Section 7-141(e) of the Mumcipal Code of the C~ry of Aspen, Colorado, Much amends
the Umform Buflchng Code, 1988 Edition, by setting forth the bmldmg perrmt fees, is hereby
amended to read a.s follows
Sec. 7-141. Amendments.
(e) Table No. 3-A Building Permit Fees is hereby amended to read as follows:
$1.00 to $2,000 $45.00
$2,001.00 to $25,000 00 $45 00 for the first $2,000.00 plus $9 00 for
each additional $1,000 00 or fraction thereof,
to and including $25,000.00
$25,001 00 to $50,000 00 $252.00 for the first $25,000.00 plus $6.50 for
each additional $1,000.00 or fractmn thereof,
to and including $50,000.00.
$50,001.130 to $100,000.00 $414.50 for the first $50,000.00 plus $4.50 for
each add~Uonal $1,000.00 or fraction thereof,
to and including Si00,000.00.
$112)0,001.00 and up $639 50 for the first $100,000.00 plus $4.50
for each addiuonal $1,000.00 or fraction
Other lnqpectlons and Fees:
1 Inspecuons outside of normal business
hours ...................... $75.00/hr
(Mimmum charge -- two hours).
2. Reinspectmn fees assessed under provasions
of Sectaon 305(g) .................. $50 (}O/hr.
3. Inspections for who. ch no fee is rpecLfically
indicated ..................... $50.00/hr.
(Muumum charge = one-half hour).
4. Additional plan check review requtred by
changes, additions or rewsaons to approve
plans ............................. $50 00/hr
(Minimum charge = one-half hour).
Note: Valuation is to be based upon current bmldmg valuauon data as provided by the International
Conference of Building Officials and pubhshed in Budding Standards w~th a regional modifier of
1 3 or other evidence of value, whichever ~s greatest, as determined by the Budding Officual.
Section 9
That the Aspen Muruc~pal Co<Je ~s hereby amended by the addition of a new Section 24-1-
106 to read as follows.
S~, 2~-1-106. Land Use Application Fees.
(a) The categories of review processes, base fees and planning office average t~me
requirements for the processing of land use appb. caaons shall be as follows:
Base Fee
I GIVfP/S ubd~vmon/PUD/SPA
1. Conceptual Subnussion 25 $3,800 00
2. F~nal Plat 14 2,128 00
ri. Subd~,as~on/PUD/SPA
1 Conceptual Submission 17 $2,584.00
2 Final Plat 12 1,824 00
15I All "Two Step" Apphcations 13 $1,976 00
I'V All "One Step" ApphcaUons 6 $ 912.00
V Consent Agenda Items/Ail Staff Approvals
I. Minor Flat $ 55 130
2 Slgm.fi. cant Fee 200 IX)
VI. Referral Fees - Envn-onmental Health
1. Minor ApphcaUona Flat $ 55.00
2, Major Apphcations Fee 140.00
VI~. Referral Fees - Engineering
1 Minor Apphcanons Flat $ 90.00
2 Major Apphcalaons Fee 225 00
(b) The Planning Office staff shall keep an accurate record of the act-ual time requ~ed
for the processing of each land use apphcatmn by the Planning Office and Addlnonal Bfll.ings shall
be made commensurate with the additional costs recurred by the City when the processing of an
apphcaaon by the Plamung Office takes more time than xs covered by the Base Fee In the event
the processing of an apphca~on by the Planning Office takes less lame than promded for m
subseclaon (a), the Plann.mg Office shall refund the unused po~on of the Base Fee
(c) The following guidehnes shall be used for the adrmnistralaon of the fee structure set
forth above
(1) Fees charged for the processing of apphcatmns wi'uch fall into more than one
category shall be cumulative, while the fees charged for the processing of
apphcations within the same category shall not be cumulalave In teh event
that the fees which result from cumulation axe found by the Planning Office
to be excessxve in relatson to the number of hours ,t is anticipated to requu'e
to process the apphcatmn, the Planning Office may waive the cumulataon
(2) AddlUonal Billings shall be based solely on processing lame spent by
members of the Planning Office or it's des,ghee in the processing of an
(3) Additional Billings shall be computed at the rate of $152.00 per hour of
addluonal Planning Office staff 'nme requ~ed; while refunds of unused hours
shall be made at the rate of $152.00 per hour of ume.
(4) The Planning Office shall estabhsh appropriate guidehnes for the collecuon
of Addilaonal Billings as required.
(5) This fee structure shall be reviewed annually as parr of the Cxty of Aspen's
budget hearing process and should any adjustments be necessary, they shall
be changed to become effective on January 1.
(6) The Planning Office shall identify, prior to or at the lame of subrmsslon of
a land use application, whether the applicalaon is to be referred to the
Englneenng or Environmental. Health Departments. The Plarmmg Office shall
also xdentffy whether the application constitutes a minor or a major referral,
based on the number of hours wi'ach w,ll be reqmred to review the
apphcalaon, and charge the apphcant for each referral accordingly. Addilaonal
Bilhngs and Refunds shall not apply to the computation of referral fees
That the Aspen Mumc~pal Code ~s hereby mended by the addinon of a new Section 24-1-
107 to read as follows:
Sec. 2.4-1-107. Historic Preservation Application Fees.
The types of apphcations and fees for the processing of Mstonc preservanon and landmark
des~gnatmn apphcatmns shall be as follows:
I Exempnons and Insubstanlaal Modificalaons ................. $ 50.00
Example. Exterior changes considered to not alter the character of landmarks or structures
w~tl'an historic d~stncts, or teebaucal changes to pre,aously approved plans.
II. Minor Development .............................. $ 1130 00
Example' Exterior changes (in combmataon of no more than three) that do not alter the
character of landmarks or structures locatext vathin historic districts, and/or additions of less
than 250 square feet of landmarks and structures located w~tlnn historic dista'icts, and minor
changes to designated sites. These are considered one-step apphcataons and go before the
I--IPC A public hea_nng is not required
lII S~graficatnt Development (Under 1,0430 sq fi ) .............. $ 250.00
Example: Multiple exterior changes, additions of less than 1,000 square feet (between 250-
1000sq fi.), and some paretial demohtaons. These are two-step applications that require a
pubhc hearing before the I-IPC at Conceptual Development (first step) Pubhcatton, posting
and mathng are reqmred for all I--IPC public hearings. A bond or finanmal security may be
IV. Sigmfica.nt Development (Over 1,000 sq. ft.) ........... $ 500.00
Example. Major remodels revolving partial demohtaon, add,nons over 1,000 square feet and
on-s~te relocaUons These are two-step applicatmns that require a pubhc heanng before the
I--IPC at Conceptual Development (f~rst step). Publication, posting and mmhng are reqmred
for all HPC public heanngs. A bond or fmancml security may be requzred.
V. Demohtaons and Off-Site Relocations ......................... $1,000.00
Example Full demohuon and complete relocations off-site. These are two-step apphcalaons
that require a public hearing before the HiPC at Conceptual Development (first step).
Publ~cag. on, posting and mmlmg are reqm_red for all I--IPC pubhc hearings. A bond or
financial security may be reqmred.
The examples hsted for d~fferent types of applicalaons are intended solely as a grade and are
not binding upon the Planning Office in assessing the proper fee for processing any particular
historic preservaUon or landmark designation apphcatlon
Section 11
That the Aspen Mumcipal Code ~s hereby amended by the addition of a new Seclaon 2,1-1-
108 to read as follows:
See. 24-1-108. Zoning Department Fees.
The Zoning Department shall charge the following fees for the serv, ces listed
I Budding Plan Checks by Zoning
1. Repair/Remodehng (includes new construction
which ~s f00 sq ft or less) ................ $ 50 00
2. New Work greater than 500 sq. ft. and less
than or equal to 3,500 sq ft .............. $ 75.00
3. New Work greater than 3,500 sq ft. and less
than or equal to 7,500 sq. ft ............... $200.00
4 New Work greater than 7,500 sq ft .......... $400 00
5. Depomt for mulU-fanuly residential structures greater
than or equal to five (5) dwelling
umts, non-residential projects greater
than 7,500 sq. ft., and other complex
projects .................................. $750.00
6 Structures Built Without a Perrmt ............................... DOUBLE
II Zomng Enforcement'
1 Repair/Remodel - 500 sq. ft. or less ........................ $100.00
2. New work - greater than 500 sq ft and less
than or equal to 3,500 sq. ft ................... $150.00
3. New work - greater than 3,500 sq. ft. and less
than or equal to 7,50~ sq. ft ................ $400.00
4 New work - greater than 7,500 sq. ft ......................... $800.00
5 Penalty fe~ for enforcement ac~.ons which require a one-step
or two-stop land use hearing ................. $300.00
IH. S~gn Perrmts.
Processing and Code Comphance for all sign pernuts ........... $ 50.00
IV Board of Adjustment Fees:
Processing and application fee for all Board of Adjustment appeals.. $ 50.00
Section 12
That the Aspen Mun,¢~pal Code ~s hereby amended by the addition of a new Article IH to
Chapter 2 to read as follows.
Sec. 2-33. Aspen Goff Course Fees.
The Aspen Golf Course user fees shall be as fo[lows'
Individual Pass - Unhrmted Sea.son /Purchased before June 15) . ,. $425 00
(Purchased after June 15) ....... 475.00
Spouse Pass - UnOam~ted Season/Purchased before June 15) .... 750 00
(Purchased after June 15) ...... 800 00
Limited Season ................................ 250 00
L~rmted Hours (good after 3'00 p m ) .................... 250 00
Junior Pass (17 yrs. & under) ...................... 50.00
20 Punch Ticket (Purchased before June 15) ................. 165.00
(Purchased after June 15) ................ 225 00
V~s~tor's Pass - 3 lames 18 hole rounds w~thm 7 days .......... 90 00
Green Fees - 18 holes ................................. 35.00
9 holes ............................. 20.00
Green Fees - Senior C~tizens - 18 holes ....................... 18.00
(65 yrs & over) 9 holes ......................... 10 00
Off Season Green Fees (October 1 to Close) - 18 holes ......... 18.00
Sec. 2-34. Aspen Ice Garden Fees.
The Aspen Ice Garden user fees shall be a.s follows:
Publxc Adrmssmn - Adult (over 18 yrs) .................. $4,00/sessmn
Youth (4 - 18 yrs.) .................. 3 00/session
Tots (under 4 yrs,) ..... 2 00/session
Skate rentals - All ............................ 1,50/session
Skate sharpening ....................... 3.50
10 Punch card - Adult .................................. 32.00/caxd'
Youth ..................... 22.00/card'
Tot ...................... 12.00/card'
Pink-up .................. 60 00/card
Pink-up Hockey ....................... 7 00/session
Ice Rental - Prime ............................ 120,00/hour
Non-Prime ....................... 80.00/hour
Non-profit Adult - Prime ............. 85 00/hour
Non-Prime .................... 60,00/hour
Youth - Prime ....................... 70 00/hour
Non-P'nme .................. 50 00/hour
Locker Rentals .......................... 50 00/'season
Patch Ice .................................. 5.00/patch
Classes ..................................... 5,50/cla~s
' Rentals may be addec[ to any card for a charge of $10 00/ca.rd,
Sec. 2-35. James E, Moore Pool User Fees.
The James E Moore Pool user fees shall be as follows'
Daily Rates
Infants/Toddlers (under 3 yrs,) ................. FREE
Tots (3-5 yr. olds) ................................ $1.00
Youth (6-12 yr, olds) ............................... 1,50
Teen (13-17 yr olds) ........................... 2,00
Adult (18-64 yr, olds) ........................ 3 00
Seniors (65 and over) ......................... FREE
20 Punch Pass
Tots ................................. $18 00 2 tim days
Youth ................................... 27 00 2 fx~e days
Teen ........................................ 36 O0 2 f~e days
Adult ............................ 54130 2 free days
Season Pass
Tots ...................................... $56 (D
Youth .................................... 84 (D
Teen ................................ 112.00
Adult .................................... 168.00
Faro.dy ...................................... 250.(D
Annual Pass
Tots .......................... $125.00
Youth ..................... 150.00
Teen ................... 225.00
Adult ...................................... 300.00
Family .................................... 450.00
Sec. 2-36. Miscellaneous Leisure and Recreation User Fees.
The following leisure and recreation user fees shall be as follows
Four classes ......................... $ 25.00
SLx classes ...................... 40.00
Adult Winter Sports
Basketball ................................. $3.00/evening
Volleyball ............................ 3 .(D/evening
Youth Baseball (8-15 yr. olds) ........................ $25,00/summer
T-Ball (6-8 yr. olds) ................. 25 (D/summer
G~rl's Softball (8-14 yr, olds) .................. 25 (D/summer
Men's Softball ................................ $450 (D/team + $10.(D fee
Ladtes Softball ................................. $3(D.00/tearn + $10.(D fee
Co-ed Softball ................................. $100 (D/team + $10 (D fee
Day Camp
10 am - 3pm ....................... $30.(D/week
8 am - 5 pm .......................................... 40.00/week
Fall Sports
Soccer (.grades 1-8) .............................. $20.00/season
Flag football (grades 1-6) ................... 15 00/6 wks.
Youth Basketball (grades 1-8) ....................... 15.00/8 wks.
Cross Country Ski ....................... $225 00/season
~ .................................... $65.00/session
Per week ........ 530 00/week
Per team .................................... 200.1Xl/te.m'n
Seclaon 13
That Section 12-102 of the Mumclpal Code of the City of Aspen, Colorado, which section levies
and assesses an occupalaon t~x upon every business not exempt therefrom, is hereby mended to read as
Sec. 21-102. Tax levy.
There is hereby levied and assessed for the period of January 1 to December 31 of each ye2x,
commencing January 1, 1992, an occupalaon tax upon every business not exempted from the provisions
of ttus article, based on the number of employees of smd business perforrmng wathm the City of Aspen,
as follows:
Employees Tax
Less than 6 $150.00
More than 5, but less than 16 200.00
More than 15, but less than 51 400.00
More than 50 750 00
The number of employees shall be computed on a monthly average during the preceding year. In the
event that a business ceases operaUon during the yea.r, the number of employees shall be computed on
the monthly average dunng the lame it was in operalSon The number of employees for a new business
shall be computed on the estimated monthly average for the ensuing twelve (12) months. For the purpose
of this section, an owner shall be counted as an employee The tax herein provaded is upon business in
the performance of local functions and is not a tax upon the funclaons related to interstate commerce.
Section 14
The effective date of tfus ordinance shall be January 1, 1992. All emergency alarm system users
that apply for and pay for a permit in accordance with ttus ordinance and that have a vahd perrmt on the
effective date of th.~s ordinance shall receive a credit for one half of the permit fee previously paid or the
permit year of July 1, 1991, through June 30, 1992. The credit shall only be applied towards a permit
issued for the January 1, 1992, through December 31, 1992, permit year.
Section 15
This ordinance shall not have any effect on existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement
of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances amended as herein
provided, and the same shall be construed and concluded under such prior ordinances.
Section 16
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason
held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a
seperate, distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions
A public heating on the ordinance shall be held on the'/(~%tr~day of~ ~.d 1991, in
the City Council Chambers, Aspen City Hall, Aspen, Colorado.
INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBLISHED as provided by law by the City Council
of the City of Aspen on the ~4t~ day of ~,, , 1991.
John/S~ Bennett, Mayor
Kathryn S~och, ~ity Clerk
FINALLY adopted, passed and approved this__j/(x?t~-'day off~'~' ~'/~4'~Y~t-~-x'c~ , 1991.
John S. Bennett, Mayor