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COMMERCIAL CORE & LODGING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING SISTER CITY ROOM - CITY HALL August 20. 2003 8:30 am I. Roll call and approval of August 6th minutes II. Claire Richelme - local artist III. Saturday Market budget and marketing funds. VI. Adjourn ASPEN SATURDAY MARKET APPLICATION - 2003 Name of Business ¢0CB¢~ S~,,~S~U~(~e 07/ q/o Contact person (s) ~L~o ~c~ ~ ~ ' Contact phone number(s) q~ I~ Fax q7% ~ ~ E-mail ~a~o~ ~c~ ~ ~~ ~ (~ Physical Address q ~ a [~c~ ~, ~ ~P ~ L) ~ ~ ~ {[ ~% Description of Product or se~iee to be sold Applications must be returned by March 31 St. to the City Clerk's office. Hearing will be April 2nd at 8:30 a.m. in the Sister Cities Meeting Room, CiW Hall. If applicable - Proof of non-profit status required 501(C)3 Each business must purchase a City of Aspen Business License $150. and a Colorado Sales tax license (available at the Finance Dept.) Booth (10 x 10) entrance fee is $300. Includes music, advertising, insurance. You can have ~o businesses in one booth. There will be an added fee br those businesses requesting space over the standard size. Market runs June 14th through October 4th, Application is br the entire season. If food or produce is being sold a separate approval must be obtained from the Environmental Health Department. Applicants other than crafts must be approved by the Aspen Farmer Market Group. Selling time 8:30 am until 2:30pm. City sign code - sign not'to exceed 6 square feet. (lx6) (2x3) Vendor to supply tables, canopy, trash containers. Local Businesses - Local ArS and Crafts - Not-For-Profit Booth Vendors must be approved by the CCLC at a regular meeting. Criteria: Colorado grown, made, produced and manufactured. Products will be chosen on diversiW and what adds to the liveliness of the market. PrioriW will be give to applicants from Aspen first then the Roaring Fork Valley. Plebe ret~ to Kathy Stfickl~d, City of Aspen, 130 S. Galena. Aspen, Colo. 81611 or f~ 970-920- 5197 - phone ~920-5060 -kathys~cL~pen.co.us FAX FROM GRASSROOTS TV FROM: NUmBeR OF PAGE~ INCLUDING COVER: COMMENTS: .'~u 1 - 16-03 02: 53P P.02 GRASSROOTS COMMUNITY TV UWDERWRITER OPPORTUNITIES GrassRoots community television encourages local residents to create relevant community-oriented prog:ramming by providing professional station managenlcnt, technical assistance and oroduction traln[l~g. On-air pa~Jcipants universally repom considerable commumty response [o theh' appearance on GrussR{mts TV. and visually al programs nave oevoX.ed local audiences OrassRt)ots TV reaches 10.000 cable subscribers or 30.000 lucal residents plus virtually all v~silor pillows in Aspca. Sm')wmass Village, Woody Creek, Basalt. El .lebe and the mid-valley as t~ar as Tine Ra.nch at Roaring Fork. Non-profit lelevi~ion production requires suhstantial invegtment b~ the c~)mrnunity at large· Political. emolional, and linanciat commitment is nzccssary tu create a station that rcllects tho values, dreams and accomplishments of our communily. GrassRoots TV programming ~s content driven· anracts a sophisticated audience and needs sophisticated sponsors and donors wac recognize the ii~po~aBcc alld power of/loll-~1crWOrK. Iooally relevant televiskm. Gras~Roots TV oilers all levels of opportunities and exposure for your business or organization to su pporl your community lelevision stalion, help local residents an :1 omcr non-profit orgamzarlons commonlca.ro w~t.h thc local audience, and enable (irassR(mts TV to continue improving our I~cilitics anu services. }:l'onl SDOllSOl'lllg our (7ol~illel)llm~ h?/ormaric;n (?e~er bulletin board and simple <m-air mentions by bests, tit]c sponsorships, thl 15 second video underwriter messages and membership in cndowmenv fund. you, your business or organization wi[. bc recognized residents as a cr~mmumry builder ann supporter of public access, The City of Aspen and Pitkin County provide one third of (;rassRoots TV incume. Another 15°fi comes fkom direct donatimns and fundraish~g events. This con, reunify-wide support allows m m ollhr services below standard cummercial rates· The nominal underwriting fees we do charge for services and I~eility use make up the difference. Our cummunity producers contribute many hi)uts of their own time m the creat. Jon of their programs but they are depeodenl u3on ouslnesscs and individuals to help undem,rite their prt*grams. Underwriters are alst~ needed to fund CirassR~)ots staff productions such us high school 2 rhlotics, lectures and ocrfbrma.nces. · Jul-16-03 02:54P P.03 Community Information Center Thc GmssRoots TV Commm~ity Information Center (CiC} bulletin board provides current weather conditinns and Ibrecasts. rccrcation conditions, h)cal n(m-pmlit events, spor~s schedules. GrassRoots TV programming and other in formation rclcvan! to both Ibcal and visiting viewers, As we galll moYe underwriters, we are able to provide morc usefut, timely local inibrmation, A CIC page will appear for 12 seconds over 100 times pct' day, CIC pages are static images, but can contain photos. Powe:rPoint type slides, and text inl'bm~aLitm. You nr thc ('irassRools staffcan create and update the pages. The audio behind thc images ~s local mtblic radio, l'he CIC runs daily Ibr full half mmrs at 7:00 am. 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. ali duri,g NPR international news. Thc CIC also runs briefly at the top and bottom {ffthe Imur between mc)st GrassRoots TV programs, O'h.en government meetings or lecture type programs do not mn complete half htmrs, and then the CIC runs to fill thc hail'hour, This is the most ecortomlcal way for your firm or .rganlzation to support GrassRoots TV and gain exposure by either informing thc public about your owll events. or by underwriling inlbrmation pages of general interest. RATE SCHEDULE Business/Individual 50 I{c) 3 First Month (Includes ()nc time $ t 50 $ 100 Set-up/design fee-No set-up fee when you provide finished graphic) ()nc Pagc per Month $100 SS() One Page 6 m~mth contract $550 $275 One Page annual $1.000 $500 Additions pages, same layout $50/month ~>r change $25 Or complete text change to existing page, Simple text clmnges (dates, places) $10 per linc $5 per linc PREMIUM PAGES Your conmany provides imports.hi daily and seasonal information 're the entire comlnuntty as the underwriter ~[' ottr Current Weather, Weather Forecast. Ski Conditions. I.ocal Events_ Back Coun[ry Avalanche Conditions, River Levels, Ply I latch, etc. pages. One .P. ggc Two Pales I'hree Pages Monthly $200 $300 $350 Ouarterly $500 S70¢) $85 TH~ ANDREW KOL~ .SHOW Corrl:ad: ImCorma~ion: AncJrcw KoJ¢ Ham & P. gg~ ProcJucl:ion~ kole~how esopris, net GP_NP_RAL INI=ORMATION The Andrew role Show is ~kot: live to tal~e in ASF)en, colorado ancl altec{ on GrassRoot:s TVIZ, the oldest Communitzj Television station in the count~. Ir~orrnative anc~ a~: times controversial the AncJr~wv Kole 5how is the onLq show in ASl~en ctiscussin,.~ issues. I~ a~orcls an,~one an opportunittj to,e~ve their opinion on an~ins b.~ F, honin~ in, or b.~ comin~ clown to the studio, ?u~n~ on a mil~ ancl appearin,~ on the show. The shows ~orm~ ~cl~-ac, irreverer~ local ~alk, has l~n cle~,_.ril~c] as a combination o1: The o'Reill~l PacE)r, Harclball, ant] The Dail~ Show. The confetti: i~ cJiverse wi~h a ~Cocus on local ancl coun~j Foli~cal iasues. The mix'cure also incJuc]e.s visiting celebritie.% representativ~ ~rom our non-prorril: communib.j, major events ta~in~ F)~ace in AsF~n 0~ooc~ ~, Wine~ JA5 Concerts, HE~) Comec~ ~ restlval, etc.), ~i-mon~l~l covera,e~e o{: what's ,.~oin~ on in our schools ~om 1:he at'ministration ant{ stucterrffs vasd,~I c~i~J'rerent F~oirr~ ot: view, and an occasional.~umF) into the proverbial Rte to cliscuss imF~rtant national issue~. The 5ummer/l=all ~.3ason ~ns June ~Jn anc~ runs ~rou~13 C)cto~r 10~. rinall~l, Gms~Roo~ TVlZ is a ~o! © C5) non-profit: or~nization ma~n~all uncler~i ;;~ns donations clecluctible as charitable co.b ;butions. SCJMMP__R/PALL aNDP_R.WI~ITING PACKAG~'-$ June.9~ ~ru Octol~r loth SHAI~.D LIND~'RWRJ"i ($(,oo,~,~n/$~:.~o Mon~) O) S~r~cl (+ uncle) .~).Second Spo~ THE ANDREW KOLP SHOW Gra~l~oo~ TVIZ Clnc[erwri~in~ A, gr'eemerrl: CONTRACT PAP~T!P-g The Anc~rew Kole Show, GrassRocrb5 Television, Inc. anc[ AG~EEME~ In exchanse for an un~e~ridnS ~ona[ion for "The O~ssRoo~ ~ will provide exposure for company's name, ]o¢o an~ 5e~ices, ~NDER~NG 5ummer/~all 5~son PAYMENT Pa.gable as follows; Si~¢na~ure: THE ANIDKEW KOLE SHOW Gm~Kool~ TV1Z Clncler'wri~in~ A,..~reemen~: CONTI~CT PAR.TIP_~ The Anc~rew Kole Show, GrassRocrks Television, Inc. an(] AGKEEMENT In exchange for an unae~n~ng Jonatlon for The Andrew Kole Show, GrassKo~ ~ wJI ~rov~e exposure ~or company's name, ~o~o ~NDER~NG ~OSd~ Summer/pall Season PAYMENT l:'aL~able as follows Date: Sit. nature: THP. ANIDKEW KOLP_ SHOW Gra~sKoo~ TV1Z Clnc~erwr~t~n~/~'eemen~ CONTRACT PAR.TIP_.S The Anelrew Kole show, GrassKoo~ Television, Inc. anc~ AGKP-~MP-NT In exchange ~or an unclerwri~in~ ctona~ion ~or "The Andrew KoJe Show," GrassKo~ ~ will prov~e exposure ~or company', name, [oso an~ seduces. QNDER~NG ~POSU~ Pac~ge Se[~: Summer/Pall 5~son PAYM~_NT $ Pa~qable as ~Collows; Uncterwri~:er: Signature: