HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.apz.014-99 RESOLUTION OF THE ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL REZONE BURLINGAME RANCH TO THE CONSERVATION (C) AND RURAL RESIDENTIAL (RR) ZONE DISTRICTS. PARCEL NO. 2735-031-00-805 Resolution #99 -_~ WHEREAS, a pamel of land located on either side of State Highway 82 at the Owl Creek Road intersection, commonly referred to as "Burlingame Ranch" was annexed into the City of Aspen on May 10, 1999, pursuant to Ordinance No, 16, Series of 1999; and, WHEREAS, the property is approximately ! 86.8 ± acres, legally described herein; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aspen must designate a zone district for the property within 90 days of the annexation; and, WHEREAS, the City Council may approve Amendments to the Official Zone District Map (Rezoning) after taking and considering recommendations from the Community Development Director, the Planning and Zoning Commission made at a duly noticed public hearing, and taking and considering public testimony at a duly notioed public hearing in conformance with the review criteria set forth in Section 26.92; and, WHEREAS, the Community Development Department analyzed the parcel of land and recommended the property be included in the Conservation (C) and Rural Residential (P_R) Zone Districts; and, WHEREAS, the boundaries for said zone district designations are described below; and, WHEREAS, the Community Development Department, recognizing the pending land use application to rezone a portion of this parcel located just north of the Maroon Creek Club affordable housing complex for the purpose of a Seasonal Affordable Housing development, recommended the Planning and Zoning Commission include language associated with the area of the proposed project to allow the more specific land use approvals to prevail; and, WHEREAS, during a duly noticed public hearing on June 1, 1999, the Planning and Zoning Commission took and considered public testimony and recommended, by a six to one vote (6-1), City Council include this property in the Conservation (C) and Rural Residential (RR) Zone Districts, as described. NOW, THEREFORE BE iT RESOLVED by the Commission: That the City Council should include the land commonly referred to as Burlingame Ranch in the Conservation (C) and Rural Residential (RR) Zone Districts, as described I IIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIII III IIIII IIII IIII 438591 i2/15/1~99 11.~4~ RE$OLUT! D~VI$ $'rLVI 1 o~ 9 R 45.~0 D Et.~ N 8.85 PITKZN COUNTY CO below, and direct the Community Development Director to amend the Official Zone District Map accordingly. Burlingame Ranch Legal Description: Lot gl of the Burlingame Ranch Subdivision is legally described as a tract of land located in the west ~A of section 2, Section 3, and the northwest ¼ of the northwest ¼ of Section 2, all in T10S, R85W of the 6t~ P.M., Pitkin County, Culurado, more fully described in Exhibit A. Land to be included in the Rural Residential 0iR) Zone District: Land to be included in the Rural Residential Zone District shall include: I. The portion of Burlingame Ranch residing east of State Highway 82 and commonly referred to the "bowl" and legally described aa land located in the west ½ of Section 2 T10S, R85W of the 6*b P.M., Pitkin County, Colorado, more fully described in Exhibit B aa "Parcel A." 2. The portion of Burlingame Ranch residing east of State Highway 82 and south of the Aspen Airport Business Center, legally described as land located in the northeast ¼ of Section 3, T1 OS, R85W of the 6~ P.M., Piti{in County, Colorado, more fully, described in Exhibit B as "Parcels C & D." Land to be included in the Conservation (C) Zone District: Land to be included in the Conservation Zone should include: The entire portion of Lot #1, Burlingame Ranch Subdivision, as described in Exhibit A, excluding the lands described in Exhibit B intended for the Rural Residential Zone District. Land Within Road Rights-of-Way: All land within State Highway 82 and other public street rights-of-way shall be zoned consistent with the City Zone District designation of the adjacent parcel. In the event the right-of-way is bordered by two different City ZOne districts, ~e center line shall become the zoning boundary. In the event the right-of-way is bordered entirely by parcels in Pitkin County jurisdiction, the zoning for that area of the right-of-way shall be consistent with the City Zone District designation of the parcel in closest proximity. AND, BE IT FURItER RESOLVED by the Commission: That in the event the pending land use application for the Seasonal Affordable Housing development is approved, the zoning for that land should coincide with the recommendations and approvals granted in the final Ordinance for said project, otherwise the zoning for that land should be Rural Residential. I IIIIII IIIII IIIlll IIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIII Ill IIIII Ilil IIII 438591 12/15/lg~g 11:48R RESOLUT! DRVZS SZLVZ 2 of g R 45.80 D 0.88 N 0.00 PZTKZN COUNTY CO APPROVED by the Comraission at its regul~x meeting on June 1, 1999. APPROVED AS TO FORM: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Ci~ Attorney ~ V ATTEST: , l~puty City Clerk C:home/chdsb/¢a.qe~Big_Burly/PZ_Rcso.do~ BURLINGAME RANCH SUBDIVISION and BUI{LINGAME SEASONAL HOUSING PROJECT P,U.D. COI~EX~ PLAT ,'t,, ,,Dmxel.Barr¢ll ~. /\ June 21, 1999 Co~er~ Boulder. Color~io gO30 I-:..t?$ A legal descrip:ion of a ~rac: of land locate~ in the W1/2 of Sec:ion 2, 7105, RSSW of ~he 6th P.M., Pitkin County, colorado to be rezoned des=ribed as follows: Commencing a= %he W1/4 corner of ~aid Section 2'from which %he Northwest Corner of said Section 2 bears N03"54'00"E t~ence N54a23'151'E, 1167.08 feet to the Westerly line of ~ha~ tract of land as described in deed recorded in Book 351 ak Page I44 of records Of Pitkin County and the T~U~ ~OINT O~ The following courses and ~is%ances ara aiong'the Westerly and Sou~hwes=e=ly line of the tract of land as described in ~aid 351 a~ Page 144: 'L~e~ce S02'19'31"W, 172.74 feet; Th~Ce S00~09'12"E 57.52 fee:; Thence S24e33'$0"E Thence S23e06'$g"E Thence S19e00'16"E Thence S01e13'45"E 'Thex~ce S02a09,1?"W 90.25 feet; 294.29 fee~; 80.14 feet; 243.I6 feet; I65o4~ feet to %he North l~ne of t-hat tract of la~d as describe~ in ~eed recorde~ in Book 181 at ~age 320 of the records of ~itkin County, Colorado; Thence leaving the Westerly line of%ha~:ract of land as described in sai~ Boo~ $51 at. Page 144, NST*l$'00"W, 324.&9 feet along the Northerly line of t~a: trac~ of land as described in said Book 181 ~t page ~20 =o %he NorThwest ¢or~er thereof; (S. Pulling - $655-5C - $02$L3.SP) I IIIIII IIIll Illill illll Illl lilt Illlllll Ill IIIll Ill IIII 4385~t ~.2/t~/1.9~ 'l~,:4~q RE~OLUTI DRVI$ $ILVT 5 et' 9 R 4~.08 O e.oe N ~.88 PITKIN COUNTY ¢0 Legal. Descrigtion (Continued) Thence S01o46'00"E, 233.55 feet along th~ Wes= line of that tra~ of land as described in said B~o~ 181 a= ~age 320; Thence Northwesterly, 127.83 feet along t~e arc of a curve =on=ave Northerly said acc having a radius of 646.6S feet, a central angle of 11'19'34" and bain9 subtended by a chord that ~ars N76931'01"W, 127.63 feet; 26.29 feet; Thence Northwesterly, 74~8~ feet along ~he arc of a curve concave ~ou~hwesterly sai~ arc having a radius of 1226.18 feet, a central angle of 03'2~'50" and being subtended by a c~ordthat bears N30~S2'45"W, 74.~ feet~ Thence Northwesterly, 217.44 feet along t2:e arc of a curve concave Southwesterly said ar= having a radius of 615.87 feet, a oen=ral angle of 20~13'43" and being s~btended by a chord that bears N47~9'27"W, 216.31 feet; Then¢~ Northwesterly, i7.24 fee~ along the arc of a cu~-ve concave Southwesterly said ar= having a ra4ius of 36.57 feet, a central angle of 27.01'00" and being subtende~ by a chord Y-hat bears N65"54'ZO"W, 17.09 feet; Thence Nor~hwesterly, 181.80 feet along ~he arc of a curve concave Northeasterly sai~ ar= having a radius of 110.00 feet, a central angle of 94~41'39" and being sub,ended by a chord that bear~ N26~$7'02"W, 161.80 feet; Thence Northerly, 78.93 fee= along =he arc of a curve con=ave Northwesterly said arc having a radius of 215.00 feet, a central a/lgle of ~1'0='02" an~ being s~ended by a c/lord ~hat bears N04-36'l="E, =9.49 feet; Thence Northeasterly, 107.96 feet along ~he a~c of a Curve concave Easterly sai~ ar¢ having a radius cf.100.00 feet, a csntral allgle of 61~1'26" and being subtended by a chord-that bears NH~"05'39"E, 102.79 feet; Thence N32"46'25"1''-, 253.93 feet; Thence Noz~herly, 93.73 feet along the arc of a ~urve concave westerly said arc having a radi~s of 77.0~ feet, a central angle of 69~42'58'' arid being subtended by a chord that bears NO6~14'58,E, 88.05 feet; Thenoe Nortlleasterly, 178.74 feet along ~he'aro of a ~lrve ($.Pulling - 5665-5c - Legal Description (Continued) June 21, 1999 Page concave Sout_heasterly said arc having a radius of 99.35 ~ee=, a een~xal tn~le of 103e02'59" a~d being s~bte~ded by a ~hor~ that T~ence Northerly, 62.83 feet along the arc of a curve concave SOuthwesterly =aia arc having a radius of 20.00 fee%, a central angle of 180~O0'00'' and being sHbten~edby a chord that ~ears NllO20'50"w, 40.00 feet; Thence 578°39'10"W, 108.72 feet; T~ence Northwesterly, 70.00 feet along ~he arc o~ a curve concave Northeasterly said arc having a radius of 35.00 feet, a central angle of 114°35'30" and being ~ubtended by a chord ~hat bears N44"03'05"W, 58.90 feet; Thence NorTheasterly, 238.21 Eeet &long the arc o~ a c%%rve concave Southeasterly said arc having a radius of Z07.35 feet, a central angle of ~5~49'23" ~d ~ing sxJ~en~e~ by a chord that bear~ N45"17'23"~, 225.32 ~eet; Thence Easterly, 301.60 feet along ~he arc of a curve concave Southerly sai~ arc hav~ng a radius of 646.88 feet, a central angle of 26~43'18" an~ being subtended by a chord ~hat Dears N81.46'12"E, 298.87 fee~; Legal Description Prepared By: Scott A. Pulling, PLS#27936 Drexel Barrell & company 4~40 Pearl East Cir¢le, Suite 114 Boulder, Colorado 80301-2475 (303) 442-4338 I IIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIII III IIIII IIII IIII 7 ~f' S R 45.~ D {}.B8 ti 8.~ PZTKZN COUNI~' ~0 F~eeL-s/Sur~e~ors Color~to Springs. Greete? Drexel Barrell ~ ¢o. A legal description of a ~rac~ of land located in the NE1/4 of Section 3, T10S, ROSW of the 6th P.M., PiPkin County, Colorado to be rezoned described as follows: Commencing an =he NoL~cheast co,er of said Section 3 ~hence S03~54'00"E, 60.83 fee~ along ~he ~ast line of the 14~I/4 of ~afd Section 3 to t_he TRU~ ~OINT OF BEGINNING. Thence S03~S4'00"W, 628.59 feet along ~ha ~ast l~ne of ~he ~T~1/4 of said Section 3; Thence S34~10'3!"W, 104.09 feet; Thence S46e43'4~"~, 171.11 fee~; Thence $31~07'15"~, 28.33 Thence S15~45'45~W, 50.$7 fee=~ The/ice S12'34/30'"~, 57.66 feet; Thence Southwesterly, 229.8% feet along the a=c of a curve concave to the NoL-~hwest saia arc having a ra~£us of 793.11, a central angle of 16~36'14" be£ng subtenaed by a chord tha~bear$ $27~$0,S6"W, 229.03 feet} - Thenc~ S41~21'17"W 196.41 fee=; Thence Southwesterly, 196.02 feet along ~he arc of a curve ¢oncav~ =o the .Southeast eai~ arc having a radius of $60.~$, a central angle of 16~$9'¢3" being sub=ended by a chor~ ~at bears S36~00,46~, 19~.30 feet;* '~- ' · ' . (S.Pulling - 5665-$c - 5033L.$P) ... I IIIIII IIIII Illlll IIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIII III Bill IIII IIII 43~.%gl 22115/tgg~ 1.1,:4~R RESOI.UTZ DRVZS SZLV! 8 of' S R 45.~ D 8.0~ N 8.~ PZTKZH COUNTY CO ,.. .Legal Description (Continued) ~ay'31, 1999 Page Thence NSO'57'53"W, 232.36 feet to the East right-of-way line of Colorado state Highway No. 82 as described i~ deed recorded in Bock 157 Page 535 of ~he records of Pi~kinCuunty, Colora~o; Thence N03°i4'00"E, 512~$2 feet along the East right-of-way line of said Colorado S~aKe Highway No. 82 to the South line Of a ~act of land as desCribed ~.n deed record~lt in Book 243 at Page 77~ of the records of Pi=kin County, Colorado; Thence along the South and Southeasterly line of that ~eed recorded in said Book 243 at page ??3, ~he following (4)co~rses: Thence $86°46'04"E, 356.35 feet; Thence N21e32'23"~, 711.89 feet; Thence N28"46'07"~, 201.4S feet; Thence N38~25'48"E, 174.73 feet to the East line o~ the NE1/4 of said Section 3 and the T~U~ ~OINT OP BN~IN~. Legal Deecri~ion Prepared Scott A. Pulling, PLS~27936 Drexel Barrell & ~o~pany 4840 pearl ~ast CLrcle, Suite Boulder, CO (303) 4~2-4335 I IIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIII I!11 IIII IIIIIIII III IH IIII IIII 43~"si~, ~,~'/15/~.ggl 11:4~1~ RESOL.UT! DI~VZS $1LVZ O of g R 4~.08 D 0.~ N 0~8~ PZTKZN COUNTY CO