HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.19970130BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JANUARY 30, 1 997 Rick Head opened the special meeting at 4:09 p.m. Jim Iglehart, Ron Erickson, David Schott, Dan Martineau, Charlie Paterson and Howard DeLuca were present. Staff present were David Hoefer and Sara Thomas. PUBLIC HEARING: CASE #97-1, 926 EAST DURANT - BRASS BED Rick Head asked for the notice of posting. David Hoefer asked if the mailing was sent 10 days prior to this meeting. Rob Tobias affirmed. Hoefer stated there was sufficient notice to proceed. Charlie Paterson opened the variance request hearing for a 10’ rear yard and a 5’ side yard variance on the North 20’of the East and West sides for covered parking. Augie Reno, architect, stated that everyone was familiar with this property, the Brass Bed. He said the facility that stands today was constructed but never finished since about 1987. He mentioned the ownership has changed many times also, and now there are new improvements proposed for that structure. Reno said the configuration of the building will remain the same with cosmetics. He said there was an electric transformer in one of the parking spaces (now 11 spaces) in the rear of the building on the North side. Reno noted the entire roof sheds on the North side, the entire length of the building and supplied photographs of the site. Reno explained they were requesting a 5’ set back on the Western portion of the property and 10’ set back variance on the Northern portion of the property. He said the vertical structure (the columns) are setback 6’ and the roof overhang goes up to the property line. He noted there were health, safety and damage control concerns about snow sliding off the existing building. Reno said the gable roofs all slope towards the parking lot. They propose a flat roof on the structure to hold the snow to protect the automobiles from damage and snow accumulation. Reno further noted this was an existing condition that they are trying to make better. Rob Tobias, applicant, read the related letter from Chris Casper and placed the following letters from Paul Anderson, Mark Kwiecienscki, Aspen Silverglo Board into the file supporting the covered parking. Paterson read (for the record) a letter from Neil Ross against the covered parking structure. Reno stated the entire property is 138’ and the covered carport length is 101’. Reno agreed with staff’s response to the standards and feel that we have met standards 1-3. 1 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JANUARY 30, 1 997 Mark Tye, public, asked the Board if they had seen this property and asked the reasoning behind placing the roof where the snow will shed onto it. He asked if fire trucks would be able to get through this alley. Howard DeLuca stated that fire trucks do not go down alleys. Dan Martineau said that Neil Ross raised a good issue about all of the snow. He noted that was the reason for the setback, the snow would fall on your own property. Reno said the design was made to retain the snow. They would provide drainage (dry wells), snow stops and heat tape which should solve the problem. Jim Iglehart commented the roof should be shoveled, put in a dump truck and hauled away (in a big snow year). Martineau asked for a condition prohibiting shoveling snow from the roof into the alley. DeLuca said there already was a law not allowing the shoveling of snow into the streets. After reviewing the drawings, Ron Erickson asked where the structure ends. He said that the alley is very narrow with snow built up at the property line which makes it almost impossible to get through the alley. Tobias said there are 3 orange poles at the property lines. He said there are real spaces behind the building and the carport will give definition to the parking area. Erickson said the property condition was not created by this owner. Rick Head asked about the box in one of the parking spaces. Reno said it was being relocated. Martineau questioned the 18’ parking spaces and why weren’t they just 12 ½ ’. DeLuca noted the parking spaces had to be 18’ by code. He said this alley has always been a problem and the plows pile the snow on top of the cars. DeLuca asked that this be restricted for parking only and not storage. Erickson commented that it also could not “grow walls”. Reno said by law they were required to have those parking spaces. Erickson asked that a clause be placed into the new condominium by-laws stipulated in these spaces. Hoefer for Parking only noted the wording would be in the covenants. DeLuca said there were restrictions for parking certain vehicles in the code. Tye said everyone in the area had concern for the parking problems. He noted the Ritz Carlton employee housing utilizes 4 of it’s parking spaces for snow storage. Martineau stated that he was in favor of the variance because this was probably the best solution for the problem. Iglehart also favored the project, noting the benefits to a dangerous situation by keeping the snow on top of the flat roof. 2 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JANUARY 30, 1 997 Head was in favor and uplifted by the City taking a pro active stance regarding placement of cars in carports. Erickson would vote for the variance because it was a better solution, but agreed with Neil Ross. DeLuca also favored the project with dry wells, heat tape, snow stops and keeping the snow away from the carport. Schott favored the variance but was concerned about parking only without storage and a flat roof not a deck. Erickson asked that the condominium association place the concern in to the covenants. Paterson concurred with the other parking only Board Members. Reno explained where the setback line was and that the carport was a separate structure. DeLuca stated that there will not be a deck on top of the carport. Iglehart said they are required to provide a drainage plan prior to occupancy. MOTION: Ron Erickson moved to approve the request for a ten foot (10’) rear yard setback variance for the distance of one hundred one feet (101’) and a five foot (5’) side yard setback variance on the north eighteen feet (18’) of the west side yard to allow for a covered parking structure at 926 East Durant finding that the review standards have been met with the addition of the following conditions: flat roof, approved for a carport only without a deck and not for storage purposes and the appropriate covenant will be developed for the restrictive use of vehicles only. Jim Iglehart second. ALL IN FAVOR, MOTION PASSED 5-0. MINUTES MOTION: Ron Erickson moved to approve the minutes of December 12, 1996 with the addition of the words added to 2 ¶2 L3. P letters of Rick Head second. ALL IN FAVOR, APPROVED. Meeting adjourned. Jackie Lothian, Deputy City Clerk 3 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JANUARY 30, 1 997 CASE #97-1, 926 EAST DURANT - BRASS BED ................................ ................................ ............................. 1 MINUTES ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 3 4