HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.20010621CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT June 21,2001
DECLARATION OF CONFILCTS OF INTEREST ............................................................................................... 2
MINUTES .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
CASE #01-02 - JAMIE KNOWLTON, 1540 AND 1530 SILVERKING DRIVE ................................................. 2
Charles Paterson opened the Board of Adjustment meeting with Pick Head Jim
Iglehart, Bill Murphy, Howard DeLuca and Mark Hesselschwerdt present. David
Schott was excused. Staffin attendance: David Hoefer Assistant City Attorney;
Chuck Roth and Richard Goulding, Engineering; James Lindt, Community
Developmem and Jackie Lothian, Deputy City Clerk.
None stated.
Mark Hesselschwerdt served as the alternate.
MOTION: Rick Head moved to approve the minuets from Case #00-13
and Case #00-14 from January 4, 2001. Corrections made by Mark
Hesselschwerdt, Jim Iglehart seconded. APPROVED 5-0.
MOTION: Rick Head moved to approve the minutes from Case #01-01
from March 6, 2001. Mark Hesselschwerdt seconded. APPROVED 5-0.
MOTION: Rick Head moved to approve the minutes from Case #00-04
from May 17, 2001. Corrections made by Charles Paterson. Mark
Hesselschwerdt seconded. APPROVED 5-0.
Case #01-02 - Jamie Knowlton, 1540 and 1530 Silverkin~ Drive
Charles Paterson opened the public hearing on 1540 and 1530 Silverking Drive for
a variance from the requirement of Section 21.16.050 (h) of the Aspen Municipal
Code on driveways, both of which exceed the 12% grade. David Hofer stated that
the notice was provided.
Chuck Roth explained that when the duplex came in for Certificate of Occupancy;
he inspected the site, the driveway slopes were not as approved on the building
permit drawings. The city code provides for a 12% driveway slope for the first 20
feet from the property line, the intention was for a reasonably flat spot on private
property for a vehicle to stop to observe any activity in the public rights-of-ways.
Roth said that the slopes measured were far greater than what was stated on the
approved building permits. Hoefer ~tated that for clarity the approved building
permits would have been in compliance with the city code. Roth responded that
was tree. Hoefer stated it was the "as built" that caused the problem, the way that
the driveway was built was a self-induced hardship. Roth agreed.
Jamie Knowlton, representing the owner Gwen Gordon, stated the reason the
driveways exceeded thc 12% grade was because the house was built on the foot of
Red Butte, which makes it impossible to build at a grade of 12 % or be in
compliance. Knowlton said that they were before the board for the engineer to
reconsider the non-issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Knowlton stated that
~t was safer now for egress; the house was bulk on a very steep slope, which was
~mpossible to build anywhere else on the site. Knowlton said it was safer because
they can see better, take advantage of solar and better for public access to the
homes. Knowlton stated that was why the criteria was satisfied. Knowlton said
that staff argued that it did not comply with the code and was in conflict with Title
21 but Knowlton said that he felt this was consistent with Title 21. Knowlton
stated that he measured the bases of driveways along the street. He said that he
was not asking for anything more but for what everyone else had; he said there was
an undue hardship for building the house to begin with; they had to reduce the size
of the house due to the steep grade.
Knowlton asked that they be consistent with the code because they have met the
criteria. Knowlton said that he didn't feel that was an appropriate decision that
staff made but he said that he took full responsibility for building the driveway the
way that it was done. Knowlton stated that this was not malicious; he said that the
way that this was laid out in November made sense and in the way that it was built.
Knowlton said that he apologized and did not feel that it was properly drawn in the
first place. He said that them was a topological challenge. Gwen Gordon stated
that she believed that this was safe and the best solution at that point.
Rick Head said that the driveway plan showed 20 feet at 10% and then it went to
28 feet; he asked if that was in excess of the 12% grade. Chuck Roth replied that
the topography as indicated on those drawings stops at about 12 feet in and that
there was at least one mistake in the drawings and it needed to be drawn and
certified by an engineer. Head asked if the driveway was snow melted. Knowlton
replied that it was not snow melted. Hoefer asked what the mistake was on the
drawings. Roth responded that the end of the road was not the 20 feet in and that
one of the lines was not right. Rick Head said that what was allowed and what was
permitted was different than what was built.
Jim Iglehart asked if there was a permit that exceeded the code, as you know it.
Chuck Roth answered that he did not believe so, the drawings were in the building
permits and the topographic lines were lacking from 12 feet in after the roadway.
Barbara Long stated that there was a section on the permitted planS that showed the
driveway section as part ofthe permit for both driveways. Barbara Long, architect,
stated that it was surveyed.
Howard DeLuca stated that ail driveways on that street exceeded the code; he
asked when the 12% grade went into effect bccanse none of those driveways came
before this board. Chuck Roth replied that the code went into effect about 1990.
DeLuca said that it seems like the city overlooked a lot on those driveways. Roth
stated that in order to accurately respond to that he would have to look into the
bnilding permits on each lot. Roth said that the immediate next-door neighbor
(down valley) would be built in accordance with the city code. Paterson asked if
there would be a difference in the code for a southern facing driveway rather than a
north-facing driveway. Roth said that was a good question but the code wouldn't
be written that way; the 12% came from townhomes that were built with very steep
driveways to alley access (up to 28%), this was a source of concern. Roth stated
that he Contacted a number of other communities with driveway standards and 12%
was the consistent number. The city engineer felt that the 12% grade was.
excessive because it doesn't meet the 8% ADA requirements.
Mark Hesselschwerdt stated that the code was written for that subterranean garage
scenario patricianly Coming into an alley; he noted that the driveways were well-
spaced residential driveways coming down rather than com'mg out ora hole.
Hesselschwerdt said that they might be trying to apply a part of the code that may
not be appropriate here. Paterson stated that was why there was the board of
adjustment. DeLuca asked if it would make a difference i£the driveways were
snow melted in the code. Roth stated that was not in the code but that it might
have been considered, if the driveways were snow melted and said that if the
applicant had come in with those variances, it would have been considered. Roth
said that this was after the driveway was built. DeLuca said that then they would
have to mitigate for the energy code. Jim Iglehart said the house could have been
designed a little smaller to mitigate that extraction for the energy code, if
snowmelted. P~ick Head asked why the house wasn't designed lower to start with
so the driveway access would not have been a problem and asked why these
problems weren't considered going into the design. Barbara Long said that there
were two design issues, garages had to be 10 feet from the front of the house and
that the grade of the driveway cannot go above or below two feet from the set back
of the grade. Ian Long stated that the driveway could not be cut more than two feet
below the e×isting grades, so the driveway couldn't be lowered anymore.
Rick Head stated that he had wished that the applicant had come in before rather
than after; it now was a hardship created by the applicant. Head noted that this was
the second time the applicant has come in after he did what he wanted to do and
then asked for permission later. DeLuca asked who developed the numbers for the
percent grades for the existing driveways and asked if it was inside the 20 feet.
Knowlton answered that he and Ian developed the numbers and that it was inside
the 20 feet.
Ian Long stated that he was the general contractor; he said that the issue was safety
only. Long said that there was clear visibility both right and left in the winter
because the trees were leafless. Jim Iglehart asked if the driveways were snow
melted. Long replied that the driveways were not snow melted.
Mark Hesselschwerdt said that they probably have done the best that they could
have considering what they had to work with. He said that the site usually doesn't
get done until after the rough grading was done and because of the city code.
Hesselschwerdt said that they ended up with what they did because of the grade of
the site.
Jim Iglehart said that he agreed with both Mark and Rick and needed to be
Bill Murphy stated that he didn't know when the other driveways were built,
before or after the code and if they had permits.
Howard DeLuca stated that it would have been nice if the applicant came before
the board to mitigate. He said that the problem he had was that the applicant
knowingly built what wasn't according to the permitted plans.
Mark Hesselschwerdt said that this was built and no one else had to go through
those criteria. Hesselschwerdt said that this driveway works and the neighbors'
driveways work. Head noted the safety concerns and the abuses by the applicant.
Charles Paterson stated that the board had to give credence to people who built it.
Howard DeLuca said that this whole neighborhood had already built with out
knowing the situation. DeLuca said that to deny Knowhon the same consideration
as his neighbors, even though he did what he did would not be right; DeLuca said
that he did not agree with what he did. Hoefer stated that as Mark noted some of
the other driveways might have been built contrary to their plan or prior to 1990.
DeLuca asked to find out the number of snow-melted driveways.
The board discussed continuing the meeting to obtain more evidence on the
number of accidents, the number of driveways coming out of basements and
historical driveways with passive solar collection from south facing. Also
discussed were the mitigation factors that the applicant would have to do because
of building the house on the side of a mountain and because the driveway was built
against the penuitted plans. The other driveways were 16% to 22% and this
driveway was 28%. The city code required 20 feet compliance, which was
discussed, from the property line to the roadway and what the applicant needed to
comply with the code.
Chuck Roth stated that garage B had the permitted driveway at the black line,
which was higher than the road at the middle and that was not the permitted
driveway, the permitted driveway tied into the edge of the existing pavement.
Barb Long stated that on the original plans that the original driveway was slightly
longer with more of a curve now.
James Lindt asked Jamie Knowlton if the numbers were based on the first 20 feet.
Knowlton replied that the measurements were taken with a digital level and it was
a duplex on one lot; therefore they had to have 2 driveways. Knowlton replied that
it exceeded the 20 feet but said that he would like to ask for the variance now.
Knowlton said that they did the best that they could with the as built; they met the
leniencies allowed within the code. Knowlton said that the mountain was an undue
hardship and that them could have been a different curb cut. Knowlton said that he
didn't fee! that brining in the project now shouldn't matter more, rather than if he
would have brought it in prior to building it.
Rick Head asked that on a scale of 1-10 what was the staff position for the
recommended denial. Lindt responded that he deferred to Chuck. Lindt stated
there were probably other driveways designs that could have been instituted, such
as a single curb cut with a split off after the 20 feet. Chuck Roth replied that he
could not give that answer but he heard many arguments and that it may not be safe
and that the city engineer said that it was too steep at anything above 12%. Chuck
Roth stated that on the house next door they were required to have a maximum
driveway slope of 4% within the public right-of-way. DeLuca said that there was
nothing in the code regarding what they could do within that 20 feet. Iglehart said
that if there was nothing in the code for this, and then they had a hardship.
David Hoefer stated that the board needed to stay focused on what the request was
for in this case; they could have designed the project without creating the problem.
Iglehart asked at what point in the design process did they know that the issue
would have to be addressed. Hoefer answered that he assumed when they applied
for the curb cut. Iglehart said that tiffs did not apply to the gray area. Hoefer
restated that the issues were that the applicant could comply with the code; they
obtained a building permit in compliance with the code and then they unilaterally
decided that they could change that, now they are saying that they have a hardship.
Hoefer asked if they really had a hardship. Hoefer said that they could comply, it
may not be the best solution but it was the solution that they originally presented.
Hoe£er stated that the board identified the issues and it was the decision of the
board if this code section was too onerous.
MOTION: Rick Head moved to approve the variance for Case #01-02,
1540 and 1530 Silverking Drive from the requirement of Section
21.16.050(b) of the Aspen Municipal Code for the 28% driveway slope,
finding that the review standards have been met. Jim Iglehart
seconded. Roll call vote: Murphy, yes; Iglehart, yes; DeLuca, yes;
Head, yes; Paterson, yes. APPROVED 5-0.
Head explained that the reason he voted in favor of the variance was because of the
ambiguity of the code, every other house on the block. DeLuca stated that
Mark Hesselschwerdt moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:30. Jim
Iglehart seconded. Approved 5-0.
Jackie Lothian, Deputy City Clerk