HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.19970403ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT COMMISSIOI~ £Midfi/e~, ~p~il 3; :i9~7 935 GIBSON - Lewis .....~...A.....~.~...~....~.~.?.Q.~.. ......................................................... 2 1008 EAST HOPKINS The Marasco's....~....'~..~...7..~..~. ........................................... 3 ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT COMMISSION ,Minutes- April 3, 1997 Charles Paterson opened the meeting at 4:05 p.m. in the Sister Cities Meeting Room with David Schott, Rick Head, Ron Erickson, Howard DeLuca, Jim Iglehart, and Dan Martineau present. Staff in attendance: Sara Thomas, Amy Amidon, and Jackie Lothian. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING (03/13/97): 935 GIBSON - Lewis Charles Paterson opened the continued public hearing for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis requesting a variance of 18 feet in the front yard set back from the public right-of- way to construct a garage. David Panico, representative for applicant, Mr. And Mrs. Tom Lewis said that this hearing was for consideration of the first variance granted on February 13, 1997. Panico requested that the board re-confirm that the variance was granted. The Lewis's would like to dissolve the duplex that was granted in 1988 by removal of the kitchen returning the building to a single-family residence. Sara Thomas stated that the conditions applied that the structure would be returned to the pre-1988 variance status of a single-family residence. Ron Erickson requested that the variance be recorded. Thomas replied that all would be recorded prior to the applicant receiving a building permit. There were no public comments. The board discussed the conditions for granting the variance. · .: ::: '~ ~ MOTION: Rou Erickson moved to approve the request for an eighteen foot front yard setback variance at 935 Gibson Avenue to allow for construction of a two car garage with loft addition finding that the review standards have been met subject to the following condition: the existing duplex will be converted to and maintained as single-family residence. This will be accomplished by removal .of the second kitchen in the residence; the building permit for the construction of a garage will include a demolition permit to remove the second kitchen. The Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued for the garage until the kitchen demolition has been completed and inspected. Any further development on the property will comply with current standards for single-family residences under codes existing at the time of the development application. Rick Head seconded. Roll call vote: Schott, yes; DeLuca, yes; Erickson, yes; Head, yes; Paterson, yes. APPROVED 5-0, 2 ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT COMMiSSiON LMinut%, April 31 i997 PUBLIC HEARING: 1008 EAST HOPKINS - The Marasco's charles Paterson opened the public hearing for 1008 East Hopkins. Proof of notice was provided. Sara Thomas noted that the applicant was now only requesting a 2% (2,178 square feet) variance instead of a 7% variance (2,310 square feet) for open space. Dave Rybeck, represented Arthur Bellis, who was under contract to purchase this property with a historic mining cabin; they were working with HPC on the Historic Landmark of the structure and utilized the existing historic structure into the design ora new residence. Rybeck described the property and adjacent property with a sewer line easement. Rybeck presented a model, which included the adjacent properties and driveway easements. No public comments. Ron Erickson asked what the current square footage of the cabin was and what the proposed total square footage was including the breezeway. Rybeck responded that the cabin was 1008 square feet and it would be reduced to about 748 square feet and the total project FAR would be 3,796 square feet with the two levels above grade plus a full basement and garage at 250 square feet not in that figure. Erickson asked what the hardship was for the variance request. Rybeck replied that it was a constraint because the sewer line bisected the property that once was an alley. Rybeck said that also they were preserving the only remaining historic structure in the neighborhood. Dan Martineau stated that he did not get the connection; the problem wasn't the historic house but the new building. Rybeck said that there was a garden and a 2 car-garage on a 40-foot lot. Amidon responded that HPC placed restraints on historic properties and the design would be very different if the historic structure was not kept on the property. Martineau stated that reducing the house by 2% did not seem like a great impact on the house. Rybeck replied that he was locked into the footprint by the location of the garage, maintaining height limits and tying into the historic building. Rybeck said that the 2% was a threshold for the project to work. Sara Thomas stated that the HPC decisions forward would not affect any more Board of Adjustment variances. The Board discussed the square footage of the house, the design did not quite fit the rules but the design was good looking and utilized the historic building. 3 ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT COMMISSION -Minutes- April 3, 1997 MOTION: Rick Head moved to approve Case #97-04 variance request for a 2% reduction in the required open space, allowing for 33% open space on the property located at 1008 East Hopkins, finding that the review standards have been met. Jim Iglehart seconded. Roll call vote: Iglehart, yes; Head, yes; Paterson, yes; Erickson, no; DeLuca, yes. APPROVED 4-1. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. e Lothian, Deputy City Clerk 4