HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.20020905CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SePtember 5~ 2002 MINUTES ................................................................................................................. 2 CASE #02-03:73 SMUGGLER GROVE, LOT 5, EAST MEADOW SUBDIVISION - MIKE SEGUIN ............................ ., .................... ~, ....................... 2 CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT September 5~ 2007~ Charles Paterson opened the City Of Aspen Board Of Adjustment continued meeting at 4:00 p.m. with Mark Hesselschwerdt, Greg Hughes, Rick Head, and Howard DeLuca present. Jim Iglehart and Bill Murphy were excused. Staff in attendance: David Hoefer, Assistant City Attorney; Sarah Oates, Zoning Officer, Scott Woodword, Community Development; Jackie Lothian, Deputy City Clerk. MINUTES MOTION: Rick Head moved to approve the minutes of August 15, 2002; seconded by Mark Hesselschwerdt. APPROVED 4-0. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: CASE #02-03:73 SMUGGLER GROVE~ LOT 5~ EAST MEADOW SUBDIVISION - MIKE SEGUIN Charles Paterson opened the continued public hearing for Case #02-03, 73 Smuggler Grovel David Hoefer stated that public notice was provided at the August 15th meeting. Paterson said that the applicant requested a 15-foot front yard setback variance for a principal building, 20-foot front yard setback variance for an accessory building, a 5-foot setback variance for the south side yard and a 5-foot rear yard setback variance for the principal building for the construction of a single family dwelling unit and a detached accessory dwelling unit and garage. Scott Woodword said that the applicants have made some strides but staff still recommends denial of the new plan. Rally Dupps, Consortium Architects, said that they took to heart the board and public comments with a revised site plan, elevations and revised proposal included in the packet. Dupps utilized drawings to illustrate the changes on the variances for the front and side yard setbacks. The architecture was revised with different roof pitches with more ins and outs to create more visual interest. Dupps said that 432 square feet was removed from the building. Dupps said this re-design was more in the spirit a board of adjustment to grant variances; they were no longer seeking the maximum FAR or variances. Mr. Hawk, public, stated that he did not oppose the re~development but that there was still 4500 square feet of structure, which wasn't small. Charles Paterson read the letter from Ruth Brown that stated no objections to front and side yard setbacks with the current scheme, which was greatly improved. 2 CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT September 5, 2002 Rick Head noted that the garage was reconfigured and a shed was added but it looked like the square footage was removed from the house. Sarah Oates said that the revised proposal was 359, which would count as FAR. Head asked how the electrical easement was resolved. Dupps replied that would be worked out with Holy Cross. Howard DeLuca asked staffif the front yard were a side yard instead of a front yard what would the setback be. Sarah Oates replied that it was 10 feet. Mark Hesselschwerdt said that he was disappointed with the roof on the garage because it made that a little more monolithic but made sense if time will be spent on the second floor above the garage. Hesselschwerdt said that the criteria for an ADU were subordinate to the main house. Hesselschwerdt said the review standards will probably be a problem and the main house was going to be a huge monolithic structure, the front door won't work for the city criteria; minimum variances still haven't been addressed and he said that he was disappointed that more cOnsideration wasn't given to making the main house smaller. Greg Hughes asked Mr. Hawks his objection. Hawks said it was quite a bit of square footage for the neighborhood. Hawks said the house was about 4500 square feet of structure even though some of it doesn't apply to the FAR. Dupps said there was one-story structure facing 73 Smuggler Grove, the height of the roof was pretty loW, below the maximum height limit: Dupps said that they were giving up FAR with a large number of one-story elements on the front. Dupps disagreed with the maximum square footage and that the house was in compliance and was a smaller residence than all of the other houses in the neighborhood. David Hoefer asked if these plans were finalized so the board could put a condition if they decided to approve the variances that it would be subject to these plans. Hesselschwerdt stated that if these variances were granted they would be for this proposal. Sarah Oates said that for the record that the application did not meet certain residential design standards and the applicant needed to go to P&Z for variances even if this plan was approved by the board tonight. David Hoefer asked if the square footage was on the plan. Oates replied that the FAR was 3007 square feet. Dupps noted that due to site constraints the garage had to be side loaded and a one- story element. Oates responded that was correct about the garage but this doesn't 3 CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT September 5~ 2002 qualify for a one story because of the deck element and a variance would be needed. Further approvals were required. DeLuca said that part of his judgment depended on these drawings and not what another board determined as the correct square footage and design. DeLuca said that he liked what was done and was more pleasing to the eye; it accommodated what was talked about at the last meeting. DeLuca noted that the lot runs the wrong way; he liked the entry and that he was in favor of the drawings. DeLuca stated that he also liked the porches. Head said that he was in agreement with Howard. Head stated that the approval was subject to plan as presented with 3007 square foot FAR with the design. Hesselschwerdt said that they were trying to come up with a marketable property and the 5-foot setback on the south was still tough; he said that not going to max height with limited approval to the plans was better with the 3 levels of FAR at 835 for the upstairs, the main is 1083 and then the basement. Hesselschwerdt said that this would be contingent on these plans to make it work. Greg Hughes said that it would be a nice addition and they have come to terms with what they have in the new plan. Charles Paterson said there was a practical difficulty with the lot and that he could consider the variances with conditions agreed to with the assessment agreed upon. MOTION: Rick Head moved to approve A fifteen (15) foot front yard setback variance for a principal building, a twenty (20) foot front yard setback variance for an accessory building and a five (5) foot setback variance for the south side yard for the construction of a single family dwelling unit and a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit and garage for Mike Seguin at 73 Smuggler Grove, Lot 5, East Meadow Subdivision be limited to 3007 square feet as represented in the September 5, 2002 meeting. The approved plans require variances from the Residential Design Standards, Section 26.410 of the Aspen Municipal Code. Mark Hesselschwerdt seconded. Roll call vote: DeLuca, yes; Hughes, yes; Hesselschwerdt, yes; Head, yes; Paterson, yes. APROVED 5-0 Adjourned t4:10 p.m.. ~ckie Lothian, Deputy City Clerk 4