HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.council.025-90 '. ,a 'I. Ie ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO. J<.") (SERIES OF 1990) A RESOLUTION OF THE ASPEN CITY COUNCIL GRANTING A PUD AMENDMENT AND GMQS EXEMPTION FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE GOLF MAINTENANCE FACILITY LOCATED ON THE CITY OF ASPEN GOLF COURSE/PUD. WHEREAS, the Golf and Parks Department, as represented by Davis Horn Inc., submitted an application for an amendment to the PUD; WHEREAS, the applicants also requested a conditional use review for the expansion of the maintenance facility in the Park Zone and a GMQS Exemption for the construction of Essential Public Facilities for the 2,160 square foot addition; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed Public Hearing was held by the Aspen Planning and Zoning commission (hereinafter "commission") on April 17, 1990 to consider the application for PUD Amendment and conditional use review, at which time the Commission reviewed the application; and WHEREAS, the Commission considered the representations and commitments made by the applicant; and WHEREAS, the Commission approved the conditional use and tabled review of the PUD amendment until such time that the applicants could provide a comprehensive map of the site and a program plan identifying a more efficient use of the site in a manner that addresses the concerns of adjacent neighbors; and WHEREAS, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held by the Commission, May 8, 1990, the applicant's presented a program plan and comprehensive map of the site; and WHEREAS, the Commission considered the representations made :1- I~. 1- Ie by the applicants and amended the conditions of approval and recommend to council approval of the PUD Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO that is does, having considered the commission's recommendation, hereby grant approval for an amendment to the Final PUD with the following conditions: 1. The applicant needs to submit a plat which depicts the applicable information required by Section 7-1004 (D) (1) (a) (3) and (D) (2) (a). 2. The applicant shall comply with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards and Colorado Visibility standards and shall install compact fluorescent lights which reduce air pollution. 3. The applicant will need to apply for a fugitive dust control plan approximately 6 weeks before construction. 4. The applicant shall be required to pave the access road/driveway to minimize dust from the traffic into and out of the maintenance buildings. The parking/storage area in the back of the current building should also be paved when funding can be approved. 5. The applicant shall design noise reduction into the storage/maintenance facility as a responsibility to the neighbors. 6. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new addition, the plantings on the existing berm shall be reinforced and the relocated berm replanted. 7. Based upon the recommendation of the CIRSA, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the existing building ::e Ie ,a I,. shall be inspected to ensure the stability of the structure. 8. A GMQS Exemption for Essential Public Services shall be approved before final approval of this project. 9. A block wall shall be included in the construction of the addition between the fertilizer storage and garage areas. 10. Approval of conditional use is dependent upon subsequent approval of review and approval of the PUD amendment. 11. This proposal shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning commission after 1 year of operation. 12. The building shall be located as shown on plans and recorded on the amended plat. 13. The maximum height of the addition shall be 11.5 feet. 14. The maximum size of the addition shall be 2,160 for a total of 4,160. This cannot be altered without an amendment to the PUD. 15. The on and off site storage of Park and Golf equipment shall be consistent with Exhibit A of Resolution if:>: Parks and Golf Operations plan as submitted and accepted at the May 8, 1990 Planning and Zoning commission meeting. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED by the Council that it does hereby grant GMQS Exemption for the construction of the addition to the ~jJJj~Yor-~~ T~ , golf maintenance facility. I, Ke>thryn S. Koch, duly ce-rtify _ that the foregoing resolutiorl- adopted by the CoJorado a~a meeting held appointed and acting City Clerk do is a true and accurate copy of that C'ty Council of the City of Aspen, // , 1990. .,d 4e--A Koch, city Clerk 3 tL anu..,,, {'01,', ~ Hl ->-lll.,,~' ,.. " , ,. II,. r:4t re ., ~,........~....-. --7 _.... ~- ~~ "1':- ~ '" ",I -~,'" H~ ~ "'It' ~ J?<l<,~::l. ~" ~ ~,," I ~ .... . =-- -: f " EXHIBIT A PARKS AND GOLF OPERATIONS (Summer and Wmter) The baSIC pan,lng sC:1eme for the Parks and Golf operatlOns are d1VIded Into 5 maln areas There are 3:50 .:: SUPDDrt SItes usee for storage of equIpment and miscellaneous SUP:;:;2S, I am dIvIdmg the operatlOn by seasons so you can see summer and w;nte;, operatIOns There will be no more pari<1ng of eqUlpment allowed adjacent to the ><15 ladles tee box and there ;-,e no personal ver,lcles left on s;~e at the e"c: 0: tl)(: day Auction items have been r.;oved to the Truscott Place sol1 storage "rea along WIth other m1scellaneous tems Summer Area 1 - ThIS 31ea IS located 1n the yard adjacent to trle bUIldmg :-hlS area ~s used In the summer by both Parks and Golf It wIll hold both Parks and Golf eqUIpment as :o::ows and are used dally Pan'~, r..,1 f ~. Stelner T;-~ctors (3) r,l-~f \J....I-11... e" (Ci .....1'., \; '="1,,1..... '-' oJ LF-: 00 !":owers (2) F-l0~ower Hahn Spray RIg Jake Tractor (shared) Dlahatsu Work Carts (2) CUshman Spray RIg Bobcat Loaders (2 sha,ed) Tu,~ Cat :V:ower (shared) r--"e1y -:--ac.o-- (2' lJ101/ . I. l I::> ) -Area 2 - :;,;s "lea 1S locatec Just above the yard and WIll be usee :or heavy e4U~p:ne:l~ ;J~i~~Ij"'I~ 33 70110\V5 a:ld are used 00 a oon-:requent ~aSi3 9a-~: Go 1 ~ :"02<::e, (:;3;,e>eJ Durn;) Trucf~ (s:iarec) Dump 'Tr1;lck, -lsB,\i;l;red) Ml:tsSe'fr'CWarel1) :S1ia~e::, ii€<< '.TL-u BRar(:slJta red) !l~-ck:le~~:. {~ered) 1M {l.lI", "<'''' ,< ' :- fa .. (Ie I', "1\,\>,-,. -" .,'" ~\ ~ .,,-, ,111 1 'i:, "'1-' ~ "'\I ''-<1-''-4-1'4(. ~klf) ~ ~ "t'(~" .1'.0'\.' '~ '-1' ' ~\ f " EXHIBIT Al Area 3 - Th1S 3rea Is located across from Area 2 and Is used prlmarlly for GOlf equIpment as follows and are used on a dally baSIS Golf Trap Ral e3 (2 shareC) Cushmans (3 shared) tlatlOnal Mowers (2 Shared) Aerlfler (Shared) UV-4 Dump Cart (shared) Fertlllzer Spreader (shared) Dwt Spreader (shared) Turf Cat Mower (shared) Dlahatsu Area 4 - ThIs area IS located across from tlte offIce bUl1dl:lg and IS used dally for employee parf~.ng (13 slots) Area 5 - ThIS aiea 15 located clrectly m front of the offIce bUIlding a:ld I~ usee dally for city vehIcles, employee and busmess parkIng (20 slots). Winter Area I - 100% Parks equlPmen:. Snow rem0val equIpment and plStO:l bully for NordIC Tral Js mamtenance used dally Pcrf:'.~ Stemer Tractors (3) Bobcats (2) CIty VehIcles (5) Turfcat Tractor (1) Gravely Tracto~s (2) Area 2 - Same 2S summei Area 3 - Vacated. Equ~pment stored forr the wlnter ~n the cart barn by the Pro Shop .u,. ->.<".,,/>' - '-'~..} ., .............a................-....-....---._<J4>-... ,,,q~ . , ~r, -1 ' ~ 1 - -- -;,~ ~? R7 l --m'f_ -!j'>~ 1_ ;. ' I ,I / ' } ~, ~ ~ :_~Hl" >.lUll' .:aMI\J1'/J,'\'f 'Ilk.... '.:.....'w , ' ; ('e :- ~ .. '. "'II' , , - , EXHIBIT A2 Area 4 - Same as summer Area 5 - Same as summer " Support Sites ~lte 1 Marolt Lean-To: Wmter storage of Parks and Golf eqJlpment and summer storage of 2 pIston bullIes, snowmobile and mIscellaneous matenals Site 2 CIty Shops. MIscellaneous supplIes for Parks and Golf (paper products, fertIlIzer, seed, and mlsc Golf furnlture) Site 3 Truscott Place SOlis Storage hrea MIscellaneous materials and varlOUS sol1 piles Wmter storage of RecreatIon Dept vans and other Park.s 2na Golf fmscellaneous equlponent and traile:-s Site 4 Cart Barn Wmter storage of Golf (80%) and Parks (20%) ec;ulponent Th!s Darn IS completel}' fIlled WIth equIpment 1fl the winter. -- 'i ._..~"..., /'9",C-?Z r- ~i c~ ~! i:'1 :>< ::r: H td H >-3 > w . \L II II <:L(rro~lt'" ~ flJ.? II J II ~ \. II '--. '"yf( - . e-iHO~ . SU PPof -4t%iJ/l; ~ .' \ - '\ . I ["~rf'>d c:.It;Rr Sin PAttI<..... N :or . frw.r,,~tl;o/.rreQ ~ )'''Cy" @ ~ 171. . .' /I .~ />... S<l-~' 'r":::..... :: 501:'.~/T<:~" - , /1 ,......... < ""... <"''''''''-0- . .... .... . " "oc . "no' - · , ........... ,perr."Y"QI* , ....::::-, : .V.4J<. " 8/' lAvA! L ~ ~V:TPu7~~f'-f j ~, .' . . e) / ~.\G ~. ~. ~ ~ , ~-_. .~. ,- 1\ ,\ " ~j \' ,. . .\ "