HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.council.039-91 . RESOLUTION NO ~O) (Senes of 1991) A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE I1\'TENTIOi'! OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ASPEN, COLORADO, TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMR.'IT DISTRlcr IN THE CITY, TO BE DESIGKA TED AS THE UTE A VE:t\'UE IMPROVEME~ DISTRlcr NO. 1991-1, ADOPTING DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIOKS FOR THE PROPOSED DISTRlcr, At'ID ORDER.l?'!G PCBLICA TION AATI MAILING OF THE NOTICE OF HEARING TO THE OW1\cRS OF THE PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN THE DISTRlCf WHEREAS, the City CouncIl of Aspen, Colorado, prevlOusly deterrmned that It IS necessary to create a special improvement d.1stnct witlun the Clty as eVIdenced by passage of Resolution No 5, (Senes of 1990), and ResoluOoon No 33, Series of 1991, for the purpose of providing streetscaprng and related lIlJprovements and matters, and to assess part of the cost of the Improvements agamst the properties SpeclaIly benefited by the lIlJprovements and mcluded e Wlt!un the district, and, WHEREAS, the City Manager in accordance with Amcle VII, Chapter 19 of the MWUClpal Code held a public hearing on September 11, 1991, for the purpose of considenng the desirability of and the need for the lIlJprovements described in Resolution No 33, Series of 1991, and thereafter entered an Order which concluded that 1l would be In the best interests of the City of Aspen to expand the proposed lIlJprovement district to include property and lIlJprovements not Ulcluded In the proposed district as described rn ResoluOoon No 33, Series of 1991, and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Charter of the Clly, Amcle VII of Chapter 19 of the :\1WUClpal Code, and Part 5, Chapter 25 of Tllle 31 of the Colorado ReVIsed Statutes, the CIty Council has determmed to construct and UlStall such lIlJprovements, subject, however, to protest by the landowners of more than fifty percent (50%) of ail property benefited and consOotuong the baSIS e of the assessment, as the City Council may determine; and ~ WHEREAS, the CIty Engrneer has caused to be prepared and flied prellIDUlary plans, speciflcaOoons, eso.mates of cost, maps and schedules for the proposed lIDprovements, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO 1 That the Clly Council has deteI1Ill.ned there exists a necessity for the construcOoon and Installation of the lIlJprovements which are more particularly described In the notice of hearing, and to create a SpeCIal improvement distnct for such purpose 2 That the Engrneer's reports, together Wlth the prellmrnary detatls, speclficaOoons, estlmates of cost, maps and schedules prepared and filed WIth the CIty Clerk be and the same are hereby approved and adopted by the City Council for use In the construcOoon and InstaIlaOoon of the Improvements to be made In SIDd improvement dlstricts e 3 That ail assessments to be levied against the real property to be included wllrun the distnct for said lIlJprovements, shaIl be due and payable Wlth1n thirty (30) days after the publ1canon of the assessUlg ordrnance after llS passage PrOVIded, however, that at the election of the owners, such assessments may be pald Ul not more than ten equal armual Ulstallments The Ulstallment shall be payable armually Wlth interest on the unpald assessment at a rate as determmed by the City Counc1l The number of Installments, penods of payment and rate of Interest shall be determined and fIXed by the City Council in the assessing ordinance 4 That the property to be assessed for Sald lIlJprovements shall be the proper!) specially benefited by said lIlJprovements and included Wlthrn the lIlJprovement d.1stnct, and more parllcularly described In the notice hereinafter set forth. 5. That follOWing the heanng for the purpose of considering the demability of and .. the need for the proposed Improvements, and subject to the lirmtatlon Wlth respect to wnlten remonstrances, the CIty Manager of the CIty of Aspen shall enter an order approving those 2 - . e lmprovements wmch s(he considers proper and dlsapproVlng those proposed Improvements wmch s(he consIders improper. The CIty Manager shall then cause to be prepared and subIDltted to the CIty Council an ordinance authonzlng the creation of the dlstnct and the construcOoon of the improvements It IS anticIpated that the ordinance will be considered on flTSt readrng by the City Council at the regular meeong to be held on October 28, 1991 6, Notlce of the proposed lIlJprovements and of a heanng by the City Manager (or his(her authorized representative) shall be gIven by publ1caOoon in one (1) Issue of the Aspen Times, a newspaper of general circulaOoon In the CIty, the publlcaOoon to be at least twenty (20) days pnor to the date of the hearrng The same noOoce of hearrng shaIl be milled by first class mall on or about the date of publ1cation of the notice, to the owners of record of all real estate \\'ltmn the proposed d.1strict \\ ho are to be assessed for the cost of improvements The nOOoce shall be in substantially the following form. NOTICE OF THE II\TENTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRlcr IN ASPEN, COLORADO, TO BE KNOWN AS THE UTE AVENUe IMPROVEMENT DISTRlCT NO 1991-1, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTI:l'\G AND INSTALLING CERTAIN LOCAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH NECESSARY INCIDENTALS, AATI A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON All owners of real property hereinafter descnbed, and all persons generaIly, are hereby notified that the City Council of Aspen, Colorado, pursuant to ItS order has adopted prellIDl- nary detatls, plans and speclii.caOoons for construcOoon and rnstallaOoon of the local public improvements described below, in and for a proposed speclal improvement d.1stnct within the corporate lirmts of Aspen, Colorado, to be known as the Ute Avenue Improvement D1stnct No 1991-1 Please note that the following described lIlJprovement dlstnct IS not the same as the previous Iv noticed district. ThIS proposed district has been expanded to Include property as herernafter described Said persons are further notified as follows' 3 - (a) The kind of lIlJprovements wmch are proposed to be constructed or Installed are. street paving, pedestnan and bicycle trill Wldenrng and paVlng, storm drainage, landscaping, lighting, and other pedestrian amemOoes, rncludrng the reconstruc- tion, replacement, renewal or extenslOn of the same. (b) Streets on which lIDprovements will be constructed and Installed witlun the boundary of the district rnclude the following: Ute Avenue (c) e The real property to be included Wlthin the d.1strict and benefited by the proposed lIlJprovements, rncludes generally the area bounded on the north-west corner by the intersecOoon of Ute Avenue and Spnng Street, the south-west corner by the sourthern terrmnus of the Aspen AJps Road, and the north-east and south-east comers by the eastern terminus of Ute Avenue by the cul-de-sak or dirt "turn-around." By way of further description, the distnct generally Includes the follOWIng properoes. The Aspen Alps, The Aspen Alps West, The Aspen AJps South, The Aspen AJps West, Glory Hole Park, The Gant (to and including Ute Place), the Hoag Subd1vision, NewfoundJand Lode, Aspen Chance, poroons of the 1001 Lode subd.1Vlsions, the Clarendon, Black Swan Hall, Ute Cemetery, Ute CIuldren's Park, Ute Trill Park, the proposed Ute Park Subd.1Vlslon, The Aspen Club, the Benedict ProfesslOnal Building, and all property abulllng the existing Cul-de-Sac or "turn-around". (d) The proposed method of assessment is as follows' (e) e Three zones will be created for purposes of assessmg costs Zone One - AJl property owned by the CIty of Aspen shall be assessed 27 73 o/c of the total costs ($150,000 of the eso.mated $541,000 total costs) Zone Two - Consisting of the folloWlng property owners. The Aspen Club, Ute Park Partnership (the proposed Ute Park Subdivision), and Frederic Bened1ct (The Benedict ProfesslOnal Bwlding and land abuttlllg the cul-de-sac), shall be assessed 18.48% of the total costs ($100,000 of the estimated $541,000 total costs) Zone wee - All remaming property owners in the district shall be assessed 53 79% of the total costs pro-rated based on assessed value of property as of September 1, 1991 The esOomated total cost of the lIlJprovements to be constructed and Installed IS five hundred tlurty thousand dollars ($541,000 00), lOcludmg construction, engmeenng, fiscal, legal and administrative costs Such estimate excludes additional expenses for the cost of inspecOoon, collection, formaOoon costs, bond costs, and other incidentals and Interest on the bonds ISSUed to the nme of payment of the first installment of assessments, 4 - (f) Property owners are specifically referred to the schedule of proposed assess- ments wluch will be on file in the office of the Clty Engineer, from which the approximate amount to be assessed agarnst any particular parcel may be detenruned (g) All assessments shall be due and payable without demand within tIurty (30) days after the publication of the assessing ordrnance after its passage, proVlded that at the election of the owner, such assessments may be pald In not more than ten (10) equal armual Installments, which installments with interest In all cases on the unpaid portion of such assessment, shall be payable annually with Interest at a rate as deterrmned by the CIty Council on the unpald amount of assessment. The number of installments penods of payment and rate of mterest shall be determined and fIXed by the City Council in the assessing ordlnance (h) Upon compleOoon of the lIlJprovements, or any part thereof and upon acceptance by the CIty Manager, or when the total cost thereof can be defimtely ascer- lalned either prior to or after commencement of constructlOn, the City Manager shall cause to be prepared a statement showmg the whole cost of the lIlJprove- ment and the portion to be pald by the City. NoOoce of such apporoonment shall be glVen and a hearing will be held pnor to the adophon of an ordrnance assessing such cost, all as proVlded by law - (1) The City Manager (or her authonzed representaOove) shall conduct a hea.-ring for the purpose of consldenng the demability of and the need for the proposed lmprovements, on Thursday, October 17, 1991, at 5:00 o'clock pm m the Clty Council chambers at City Hall, in Aspen, Colorado Written remonstrances must be filed prior to the date and hour of the hearrng. (ll All written remonstrances shall be subscnbed and acknowledged ill the same marmer as IS reqwred for peOoOoons for proposed improvements If written remonstrances are o.mely flied by persons constituting the owners of the property to be assessed for more than fifty percent (50%) of the proposed lIlJprovements, the proposed lIlJprovements to such property shall not be ordered, (k) A map, eso.mate and schedule showing the approxlIlJate cost of the Improve- ments as proVlded by the eso.mates of the CIty Engineer and the approxrmate amount to be assessed, are on file and can be seen and examined by any inter- ested person at the office of the CIty Engineer at any hme dunng bUSiness e s . e e hours on or prior to the date of hearing Dared , 1991. ~~ 5, (3~ Y1 r~hn S Bennett, Mayor . I, Kathryn S. Koch, duly appointed and acting City Clerk do cerllfy that the foregoing IS a true and accurate copy of that resoluOoon adopted by the City Council of the Clly of Aspen, Colorado, at a meeong held .x:k{f~4q, 1991. -, Kathryn S Koch, CIty Clerk 6 e . . OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER FOR THE CITY OF ASPEN, STATE OF COLORADO ORDER OF THE CITY MANAGER FOLLOWING A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO THE CREATION OF THE UTE AVENUE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. NO. 1991.1 The undersigned, Carol O'Dowd, CIty Manager of the City of Aspen, Colorado, does hereby certify as follows 1 That on September 4, 1991, at 5.00 p.m, and September 11, 1991 at 5.00 p,m at the CIty Hall, in Aspen, Colorado, I conducted a hearrng for the purpose of consIdering the deslIRbility of and the need for the improvements descnbed In ResoluOoon No. 33, Senes of 1991, passed on August 12, 1991, relating to the creation of the proposed Ute Avenue Improvement DIstrict 1-\0 1991-1 The date, o.me and place of the hearing were m accordance Wlth the ResoluOoon and noOoce of hearrng published in a newspaper of general clrculaOoon and matled to land owners of record, ail in accordance with Article VII of Chapter 19 of the Aspen MUTUcipal Code. 2. That I heard and considered all wntten remonstrances to the proposed lIDprovement dlstnct Written remonstrances were not filed by persons consOotuOng the owners of the property to be assessed for more than flfty (50%) of the proposed improvements 3 That the proposed distnct as defmed and described In saId ResoluOoon is hereby disapproved for the reasons that follow At the hearrng, owners of property along the upper end of Ute Ave, extending from the Eastern terminus of the proposed lIlJprovement distnct to the end of Ute Avenue where it forms a cul-de-sac, presented evidence and teso.mony that an expanded tmprovement dlstr!ct would be beneficlaJ to all parnes concerned. The expanded d.1strict as proposed would add the following parcels Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the Hoag Subd1vlSlon, NewfoundJand Lode, Ute Cemetery, Ute CIuldren's Park, The Aspen Club, the Bened.1ct ProfesslOnal Building, the Ute TraiJ Park, the proposed Ute Park SubdlvislOn, and all property abutong the eXlsOng cul-de-sac or turn around After duly conSIdering the eVIdence and tesOomony presented, includlng maps, technical drawings, cost estimates, an offer by several property owners IO pay for a sIgnificant portion of the projected costs for the expanded distnct, and based upon recommendaOoons from the Clty Engineer's office, It is my concluslOn that it would be more econmmcally feasIble and effective for the lIlJprovement d.1strict to be expanded to Include the upper Ute Avenue properoes than to allow the proposed lIlJprovement d.1stnct to proceed as proposed and described in Resolutlon 1-\0 33, Senes of 1991 An improvement d.1strict that IS expanded to mclude all of Ute Avenue would be in the best Interests of the CIty of Aspen. I have further concluded that such an expanded improvement district should not include the proper!)' known as the Ajax Condommiums as I have determined that t1us particular parcel of property would not benefit to any ascertalnable degree from the proposed lIlJprovements. . . e 4. That there shall be prepared and subIDltted to the City Council a resolution of Intent to create an lIlJprovement d.1smct that has been expanded as described herein for the en Ore length of Ute Avenue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have subscnbed my name, this 19th day of September, 1991 , ,- _ c-> - _;/,.?r' __ ~ -2---- - ,/ ~- ~ ,-.- Carol O'Dowd, CIty :\1anager