HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.council.042-95 ,Ar 1\., RESOLUTION NO. rj;;? (Series of 1995) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN REGARDING THE ENTRANCE TO ASPEN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) WHEREAS, preserving the character and integrity of the Aspen communi- ty is our number one priority; AND WHEREAS, Joint Resolution #396 dated October 26, 1992, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Pitkin County, the Town Council of Snowmass Village, and the City Council of Aspen, Colorado, and endorsed by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) regarding transportation into Aspen stated: It-. · Alternative solutions that provide a balanced program of incentives to '. individuals to reduce their use of the private automobile should be utilized initially; . Alternatives which encourage the use of mass transit shall have preference over others; . The concept of a fixed guideway system between Snowmass and Aspen as an integral part of the overall transportation strategy shall be pursued; . That alternative solutions selected must combine to form a transpor- tation strategy that is enduring and one that the community can be proud of; AND WHEREAS, the Aspen Area Community Plan (AACP) written by over 400 citizens of the area and adopted unanimously in January, 1992, by the Aspen City Council, the Board of County Commissioners, the Aspen Planning and .. Zoning Commission and the Pitkin County Planning and Zoning Commission, I. states that "Aspen cannot build its way out of traffic problems anymore than ~a.. 19 Los Angeles was able to solve its problems with ever larger and wider free- ways" and includes the following adopted policies: . seek to balance public and private transportation both within and without the Aspen Metro area by increasing the number of available transportation choices; . create a less congested downtown core; WHEREAS, the Elected Officials group, representing Aspen, Snowmass Village and Pitkin County, unanimously endorsed the community goal of holding auto traffic in 2015 to levels at or below those in 1994; AND WHEREAS, the history of transportation in America demonstrates that the construction of larger highways consistently increases both auto traffic and distant development; AND WHEREAS, safety improvements on Highway 82 are of paramount Ita importance to the City of Aspen; AND WHEREAS, a four-lane highway into Aspen, with or without restricted lanes, would induce additional vehicle trips into Aspen, and would violate the following Entrance to Aspen Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Project Objectives which were agreed to by the City and CDOT in the Agree- ment dated March 1,1995, specifically: 1) Community-based Planning; 2) Transportation Capacity; 4) Environmentally Sound Alternatives; 5) Community Acceptability; 7) Clean Air Requirements; and 9) Livable Communities; AND WHEREAS, the aforementioned agreement between CDOT and the City of Aspen for a "Cooperative Process Contributing to the Entrance to Aspen EIS" included the specifications for a cooperative public process culminating in the Symposium held on March 31 - April 1, 1995. Results of the Symposium (ex- pressed in material presented by each of five separate citizen discussion groups) included: l.' W \'s~._, 2 de ~. . ''('... "- r< ~, ~< a.;..... Ii '~'-. - . use of intermodal facilities to effect transfers from private cars to transit from several possible locations between the Airport and Castle Creek; . an emphasis on Transportation Demand Management to limit increas- es in vehicle numbers and miles traveled; . maintaining the traffic entry to Aspen on the "S Curves" which would be improved for safety and traffic flow without substantial increases in width; . development of a separate transit alignment, preferably a fixed guide- way to be connected with Main Street or following Shadow Mountain; . USe of modem roundabouts to smooth traffic flow between Castle Creek and the Airport; . and use of traffic calming measures to enhance the pedestrian envi- ronment on Main Street and in the central core; AND WHEREAS, these concepts taken collectively, comprise the City of Aspen's alternative which may be referred to as "Alternative G" and which should be presented in the DEIS for public review and evaluation; AND WHEREAS, the preliminary Entrance to Aspen Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) appears to focus on typical urban transportation solutions instead of innovative small scale alternative solutions more in harmony with Aspen's historic small town and environmental values; AND WHEREAS, the City of Aspen did not object - as it could have - when the original Basalt to Aspen EIS was segmented in 1992; and Aspen later cooperat- ed with the Basalt to Buttermilk EIS process and agreed to the solution of a four-lane highway to Buttermilk; AND 3 ~e:, sl \;., ~, \';. lA" ~- WHEREAS, the two-mile area covered by the Entrance to Aspen EIS lies primarily inside the City of Aspen -- and the Asven community has the richt to decide the character of its own front door: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, 1. That CDOT should add "Alternative G" to the DEIS. 2. That the successfully screened DEIS alternatives should not be limited only to variations of a four-lane highway (restricted or unrestricted), because we believe any four-lane would (1) add greatly to future auto congestion; (2) harm the environment; (3) clearly detract from the character of our community; (4) violate the scale of our community; (5) hurt tourism by making us less unique and attractive to visitors; (6) erode the quality of life for local residents; and (7) ignore the desires both of the elected representatives of Aspen and of a majority of our citizens. 3. That under no circumstances should afour-lane be considered until the kinds of measures contained in Alternative G have been built, implemented and tested. If these measures were to prove unsuccess- ful, only then should other options, including a restricted four-lane , be reconsidered. 4. That CDOT should add to the DEIS the Purpose and Intent Statement (Exhibit A) agreed to in February, 1995 by the Aspen City Council. 5. That the City of Aspen hereby agrees with Resolution No. 4 (Series of 1988) of the Aspen City Council endorsing the existing alignment for an improved highway, but rescinds that portion of the Resolution with respect to the four-lane highway. 6. That if CDOT saves funds by building "Alternative G" instead of a four-lane, those funds should be used to speed up construction of the Basalt to Buttermilk project. 4 ~e' ~ lz''C, 'w'8' , II "\< e~ , Vi. ~ SOLVED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this <>20 day of , 1995, by the City Council for the City of Aspen, ~ '7. 17~~ John S. Bennett, Mayor I, Kathryn S. Koch, duly appointed and acting City Clerk do certifY that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of that resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Aspen, Colorado, at a meeting held ~ C::Z&> F 1995. xI~ 5 APR 16 '96 03:50PM PITKIN COUNTY GOVT. A 10INT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO, THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ~SNOWMASS vn..LAGB, COLQRADCI. AND THB CITY COUNCIL OF ASPEN, COLORADO, CONFIRMING A FRAMEWORK FOR AN UPPER V ALLBY TRANSPORTATION STRATEGY AND PORWARDING IN'TERMODAL TRANSPORTATION PR01BC'll' RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OP TRANSPORTAT[()N ~ Resolution II ~ 1Ul'flT A ts. I, '1\0 Pidcln Countllleonl of Cornmlaloom 0>mIna1lat Iho '!l<lo,d"). Iho TClWl'I CouooU of Sno_ VID..., Colorado (homlllllcr 11>. "TOSV Couooil'l. and Iho Aspea City Coun<;il ..... ...... _Ills to develop. lmlIpOfIIUOIl .......n for wn.t i. w... .. Iba r_ 10 "'-' T.....,.,.,..,tl.. PimI. 2. 'l'bA lleon1. TOSV c:ow..lI and Iba AJpeIl Cil)l c::.mmoll baVI dl...... ;:" \:'. ,,' bav.1'01lllhaiI .groe_' OIl oovmllmllpOfllUontuu.. Ibrou.b !bill p- 3. 'I?I. Colorado lloparlolootofTl'IJ1IIl'Of!alloilllOliol1a, on IDIlllIDAI bull. req~' '," lmopO,lalIoo !mp""'.lIlIIlllJ from Colorado .......lIas. ,; . ,. .... \ . 4. The In........w Surl'ooo ~ori Eft'\oleooY M. (heroloaIta: "'STIlJ\") IrI<lI1.>Iso Ilmdill, :ri.. for...,.u.a IllOdao or lmlIpOfIIlioA 1.....,.~1I and. AII.....IIcxIblUIy in Iba "'" of I\Indo Ii>r olhor . NOW 'I'Iriiimrou BE IT mOLvED by Iho BeonI or Ccanly o,lInIIlmo...,. of iPitl:/.o County. Col.~. Iba T..... ~II or S_ Viii.... CoI.rado. and. !he Cil)' c:ow..lI of AIt.... CoIo". '" _ '" !he rouowIoa ...........wI !he llowIop"",,1 of . lrImpOrIIlloo -n for Iho 1\11'1"'" RooMg PmIC vAlloY' I. no .."",il)l of Iba """,,,OrlallCllIYllllllIiaa ...... .......s..I .. - '{":hl. ""'"'* .F limos during peak periodl. Ill.9lheref... ~ 10 ...,linuolo-w coII~, vel (Iba 1loAnI. TlIlSV C<lIIDOil, ~ City CooIleil. Iba AJpeIl Ski Compu>y. IIIllloorlnll'ork 1....il Ar.""""I A). ...d 111. CoI...d. tlep.._l of TnmpmalioA (CDOT)) 10 rodIlCO and/or ......jl. Iba wI.... .r .. oolbo mod 0)'- for noli wIo," (Sop_De,. 1993) and. dowlop . oomprolloMl... 101\8 ,""go Il>olOJY II>ol wiU Ioouro . _.......1 ..d oflioimll IrIIlSpOI'laIloil ~m for Iho RoarIns rod: Valley. 2. In develop,"S thlSlflmpO\1IIlon ....18&:1'. Iho foIIowica foolod IIIl acbowledpll. 6 1ft Iba paat, impRlWliioGta io Iho lrIIIIl~.;..Iom It&ve ilot iept 'up ..ii.liiom.- iIIlmIffio; . Cl>OT and. 1'''''-1 HiahwalflllllldiDJ.... e!wIaod willi Iho .... iSmA IolSioloil...; 6 Corronl om! prevlowo lIlu4i.. """""'I'1hhed 10cAIIy hlva """'~ I!Iat _~..ioIolbar IholIlhoofl I!Iat IIIl CIJlilal intwlvo _ 1>0 emplO)'OllIO mum II\lbllaAlW rodoclI... Of I~I .f 1rafI'''_~I:'..'' .'.. AlthoUSh....-.nl iiuJI.. i...... boon ~ ':1"'-C ~ 1IIDIJle<Wi..1D Iba up"",, Roarins fork \'OlIO)', Iho c....-jl)l.... _II' ..lIIlC!rJrIyins slralo&lI' Ib&t 0VI1f.Y0ll* could "l\1li up<lIII . . ~. .00 1i>O....... of~ PIItlD ~ ~-,';..p;...1lM I.... zil8>ll iwld. . 1'),(-10 probl... b7 Iho IlIIvIioAmoIIlaI PI\lIIlOIicB Ar.""""I (l>l'A,), - Iba eommunil1 - Ilfld:as ihO problom. . .,' , . 6 :I. P.2 ," , .' ...4 l' .:.~ ," .~ :!il'.~,. " ".'i&"~. ".' . ~ '" ''It-t.\ .... L.......,.:.\."'/ .~~,.".%,: .; :..- "'" APR 16 '96 03:52PM PITKIN COUNTY GOYT. 3. In develeplng .hemallv. ",Iuti"", 10 1lI.lfiWI'OrWlcoJ'robl..... lb. D<<:1.100 Mol:"" (B..I/'d. T~V. A<pen Chy CoWlCII. A8pM Ski Colllpllly, IU'TA. llIld CDOT), aftor COMlderlnS Ill. _..II yln'lIl .r Ill. community. d.vel.ped Ill. rollowlBS .rllOrio that IIlid oItematiy. IOluU.... mUIIllIIld tha_I... ,.: . 1""'lOvemen.. 10 Swa Iliabwoy 82 (SIl 821 shoutd bo COMlilm:d III llIo COO"OI .f II' ....",11, ..""'rehOllliv. ImlSpOrlltiOll pi... IIIld fll i.1O ..y l\Uuro. lIppOM!\Iey 0, ..lIey..,ldo tnJ\'l"'IUUOll 1mp"",.",0'"' _lollljll.tJOIl wllhlo tha S....""'" 10 A8pco '/'~.. pi... Of the MI. Soprl. 'l'iwpoltlU.. SIIldYI I!.ocb .It.....U.. mUll he IIO!IlMIf'OlI II 10 Illo dopa III ~ illIlIoCO\llII"I. 4i~... or I... .. I"'!,""l .. tha .... of..... InIIBIt. Al.....U"'" wblcll -illll. tha ... of ..... IIllOllt ol...1 heva !'fIr_ ..., OIIloro; All 'ronopor!IIliOll a1tem1ll... or iIIrIilor!.. dovoIopod mUll ba _live 10 ~ obao,... Iheroby """plzlo,llbo 1011.....f ""'IOIliOllWt OCCW' II . pari or...lOII ~ly dfll'lllleal Altomativ. ..IUU_Nt PfOYldo . baltI:Iood p_ .f IMooU...1o Iodiviclutlllo ...1.... ihel, "'" of Ibo po.alo IIUIolllo,l>lI. sbould bo Illlllirm "Ioltlally; Tho con"'l'l of a 11..01 rrnldoway ,y_ or ')'110'" -.... S_1IIld "-' lIS an ....&181 parlor Ibo .....-.II trIIIOpOrtaliOll .......U ebiII ba l"'mIIIII; The allOroative ...1011_ ..Iect.od ....1..mbiDe 10 f.rm aIlalllporIaliOll_.U thai Is; CIIo.rios "". GOO Wt lb. COlMlllllll)' CM ba plO1ld 01'. NOW, TlIEREFOM BE IT FURTHER ImSOLV1l'D by lb. Iloml o~r County CO_..I...... or Pitkin County. Colond., Ibo 1...... Couaell of S_ Vlllipl,CIoIOl'll<lo, _ b~~ Council 0' A<peo. Col."".. III aJl'" .. N ro1l0lllln, InIlI'portaUoa 1IlljlI"lMIMIIlI, WIlIc:h ...... _ ,loYoJ .. .. inl~al pat! of . co""""".....!v. InIlI'poRl,loa p.... Wt coGolm 01' lilt.. main oI011lCl1lr. I. "filA Ill. DEMAND MANACll!MENT. 2. TRANSPORT ATlON !!NHAloICBMBNTJ. Md 3. POOlD ClUltlllW A 11' SYSTllM(SI, Sold Improvomooll .... I\IItbet qwllllilled ... IlIhlbil 'A'. 1l3l1....'od Cc.I. .~ ReeClmmen~tlOl'lt: I. TllA VEL DIlMAND MAloIAOIlMl!N1'. Impl....... IIIld .._I... oompmbenai.. T....lllomll.d l\!"agem<:lll (TOM).y..... io ll>o ol'l"'" ilcorlng PO<t Valley. illoIllClioll' .J A pI'kIo, IIIld ....EOSIlotI ~ mloIIllo Aopeu .. __w..i wllhlo b 1)..11 Nt'"" A... Coll\llllllll.y Pion. TbilI)'IlO\ll will bo dovoIop.d Md implemlllltJOll b)'ll>o Cit)' of Nt"'; over lb. n... 2 y.... (SopWobor. 1994); COOIi....lioa IIIld ..h.-....t of Ibo WIIio& ~ ............' 1I)'IIll" 10 _8 Vi!lAB"l JIllJlfOVI'lI"'I of Iho ..IsI.W, bv& ~ ~ by IU'TA by Cll~ tho IIoOi, ..kIW, .... IOUlOS. AIld IBonulog Iho ~ of 8CI\'lco1 The provilloc .f penlWlOllI IoIeceepI Md M...w.:lUdo Loll alOIlJ SH n belweeB !11IIImI'IiIk IIIld Clrboo.1dole. Ie '! ~: !, ! Ie I . . . . b) 0) d) 2. TRANSPORTATlONl:OOlANt:IiMI!NTS. Dewlopaoilplaeo'/'~OII~_lhat ",,"c6, bolb lb. looal nosidoo' AIld Ibo IolIfIoI, IIIompIIo odd_ llle 1Il'I"'I' wlIC)". P~.IO probIeI1l, Md plllIluro pl... OI....SI.. Wt heoofil dowlI.yalloy cOlMlWllUilo. Tbooo ""-1lI iDeludoz . 0) IIlllb ~)' lIc:hlul. (HO'll 10... wilhlo !be SII i:z~. n ia ;.;q,md IhaI imp.........t 10 or ~. ot Ibo M...... Crook ancI CIut.Io e.eeIc bridl"" .., 110 "'lUi.Ili. lI.we..... Ill... potmUoI brldSO in'l'......~,". _ ba """" ID II.e _lor 1I1l1lwlllbo .UII..I1.. .r..... .....il MdIlOt.. . _ of incmailtlll!le .......III1I1I)'.f pri.... ...-~.. 10 Ill. ^"'"" ...... b) Ma1nlllo Brwb Crook JIAlId .. . -..1.... I1ll'Ii &cl!lI.r. Mob.......,. ..'"'ll"'l".......nlll ...b III pusln2 I..M, pull 0IIIa IIIld ""ilia! h....~._1II Wt do IIOt aiSOlI.i"",ul)' imp'" ...I,""""",tally 1OIIIl1i... ...... . ::l :'RPR 16 "'96 ., , . ",....;;"':"""', ;~.~~~;~~ ~ ~ ../:",:~ <. ..:; 0,)1<;" ,f ... ....."!...'<:..' 0) Illw _ delormlftod b, tho communiI)' lhal a Ifgnslizod .II",,,,,,tiOll Illl1rusb CreoI: Rood IllIl SH S2 I. IlCli ~lAbl., It 18 Iho..,... ~ lhaIa ....~.. ..luU.., whlcb ",tail, Il>. OOlIBttllOtloo of a ~ ~. ......llDAIizod Illlonoollon bo ,.....1<1 .. ._ .. ~Iy _Ibl., Tho doI''''I_ for !bi. Ill......u... willlal:e Illro _'I the ,..ral oatil.. of lil. higbway coll'ida, b, folJowing Igmod IJpOil lIUldeIJMa: , VWnce rmml'"'"Oivod dllliga _dank I, _lbI;; Tho I.o~... ohould '" buill III . -..fTectNo _or, " Tho 1ll!olOCClioo lllloold bo 1lI-a1o will> the oxiaIiaJ IlllIIII)'IIomIllll sIlootid .....11 In . Imoutilld. allP'''J"ial. an4 ...1Id 1......-.1. cI) II lw - fwther de!1ItlIIined IhaI 111..- of . ...u-deliso<ll. IlZI<!scao<od IllIl .ifl'llilod inlerooel.... .. Iho Airporlllual.oooi c:r...WfAirportlSH S21'ljlprOprt.~, rm4 IlIould 00 "",...04 iD ooopmll... wiill -;:00 l'i . .) Th. Owl CreoI: RoodI!lIlIe RCIOI:!fSH B~ illlm<loll... """"" to be evaI..1ed for 1ru1""V""""" ODdlor ro-cbI.... -'oil, If d.o Owl Crook corridor Is 10 bolllili2lod for Iha """..,.... of...... "".,,1 ~ SaGwmui aad hpoo; I) Wmlc -pcmi..I, willi CDO'I" 10 pIsoo . plldootrioD/BlJro polh lIICl1f1Ih<, M...... Crool< bridga. $l Work ~lIvol, willi CDOT an4 atbor _Iol mlitios ill tho Roaring Fod: Vatlo,'" P\lNIwo tho RI. OlOlldo ItaIllllllllRlshi...r.....' Iiom G~ Spriollllo Waod1 CreoI: for IolemIodal iIIDoporIaIi... I""l'08l& bl WmI: !""'I'Oi"'tively will! CI>OT.. pi_ . ~Il>lbi>ooll iD Iho SIIIo HI~.....,1I2 0_ 1\0lIl So_ (Old ill_lID Illlll~ , , : I) """'"" 1..p;".,IoB Owl, CreoI: Rco4 II a decllclt.d ;..... ....... coll'i"", 110, ... .biui peok _,oa porICldI, Aa11_1o or Owl CreoI: IlllIII for lIIIo J"'rpooo ""'"' mi... 10 DIoIliitol. the rural .._ of Iho \'IIlq aad ..... ""'1 be IIllpIcmcalIl4 ,. ~lJIleIiao 'With a., ~tia. of ...... ltunit ......11_ In Iho 'fCWll of Soowmio:o VW"&,, ""d tIiI. CllJI' .f Aipoo. .", "' 3. FOOlD GUTDilW A Y SotSTllM(S). ' Mob/1'ollr1 .......w. ai1empl1li oiovolop "lhod lllidewAy syotam(.) bolwooo S._ and hpoo Il>'illllo Iho _llWo yom. DMlGpllllllI oflhlt 1)'V!oIII(.) tdWl bi iAiU.lm! .. followr. . IlIlJIlOIlialoly l'oml. Tcdu!Icolllooo!me Oroup (TIlCl) .. . "lilt mp ., iIovoloploa Iho 111ttm; ltatIi. leoIm;ool. ohjOClivo, ...-... ,,",,"led irIIl.lporl.IIIon OIlgiDoelilng ml"'ftlso 10 l""rom ptolllllillll7 oooplng """ f....1>lU.,.f oI......iMl aIIg1lllllll:1f1."" r.cIiooloai..; SaI prnIlmltJar7leolm1oo1 I'Ior.._ orillria iD idoatir, pol...iIol aII~ m:I IcdulaIop" Ilio. ......". ell ...tid.... -...,.pI; . . IlequIm I\mdill, ~ Iiwi aD~ lIIoI...."Il...."Il~ l'IItmo aod .....'" focIcroI aod _1ftIII1I1o oubtIb 0IG,Ii0earil" 0mI_1IOI!oa of Iho ~')I CloadU.I al"dool", eompcllil.... wIlem pakatlalli:ed pIdoI&'IY ",_.) COlI be datcriberl ~IO" JllllpllgllWllho lllIol>IlW4 part.......... oriloria. ' 4. ., . T. fiiilhet I'ffllI\Ols !h. oianiopm!ili of . cC",*"~"; looi ";'p IniltjlO.I>dIoa pia" fer &bo ""Ii... Roaring Park VoI/.y, Pilkio OlulllY. Tho T..... .r SnowiDaa V"tllue. """ Iho Coil)'.r "- ",""""", ..d ...d.... Iho impmvome,llA Pl'OpClBll<110 IIlo .,~ eod a'SH 82 conidot by Iho ClI!' of G""""""" ~prioS'. ,Tho',' ..d.......",l.f 1hooio.1Dlp"'......la,; wlUob.... ...... fully """,,liberl wi~ 1iT.hJbl1 "lI'. "'" ilo1I<Il"....s llJ"lolilll foUowlog: '1#;~1.:'::' "".1....,.. ,. ~~.;,\::.:;~. ,.,9ii"','~":' w:, ~~~~{ ,. " :3 . - -mu....""'" , . '1' ~~~...Q '.' I <-I-;,~~ ,__0,., al l.Ionelal'l' -- ::lor Ill... 11Ili'..........1I ab,..1ri ""1llO r..... bud~d COOT lW>dJnB whioh ... "'" bo 0j>0li1 .. Sf! 82 bo!wicu BIiIllI' lOld A8p<II '" . UllIOIy _.... IlIc1lherefO", ",c"ld be moved Ie llthet ..... of Il1o &laic; Any fuN," pr-. ot. 'lIyi'W' Of .1I0/llaU.. vobloullt mul1lJuoou&b GIOIlvmod Spriop will IlOI plOClodt Il1o pI"'_l of. pa,aaen8*t 1Ill11)'8l<Ol1o rho Roorio. Pork \'Il1.~ ....loll -.._ dlre<U~ 10 rho miJo. ..111m. ....ilnB willliD IbO 1.70 conirlor. '.~~.,..:., Ill,J.,IIIlI.IlII'_ _:.~_.~.~:.~ k [t~ ':-i.; ., ',- '. ,- . . I .. ',: . ..""'1 ",' '~.'"-' '~~:'~AI,:';;,,~:. ~,"'i.4 "1':'-' :,' , "~":l',~' ' ':t~~I\l'~,,, ,~~i?::' ,"", _ ".;.{';."\,,,..tl ", ;~t ":, ~>'.~':.. ;1;f,0{ .'r: . IL. ~ '~;' : II) AmOVED AND AOOPTIi:D AT THE REGtlLAR MUTING 1);-;mE PIlT&N COUNTY BOARD 0100MMmSIONDS ON TmS n DAY OF _Ot.:;t,,--, 1m, ATfESTI BOARD OF COUNTY OOMMISS:rCIND,ll PITKIN OOl.JNTY, OOLORA.DO ~~T~~~- - ~~ /11/-:'-.:.- Reid aue 'I, PIIk!a Coilnly M...sor . AmOVED AND ADOPTED AT m REGt1LAR MEETING 101" Tm: TOWN COUNCn. OF SN'OWMASS VILLAGE, COLORADO ON TmS -LIlIAY elF Janulltn l1~ 1993, SNOWMASS VILLAGE TOWN C ,'t'...~..l.l.......~~ TrIll!y Worlioo, TOWIl Ci;li ~~~: ~Of. M........ s- vw.,. :: 4 .. ~....,<'"i~4'~(RPR -', '.?r::~,"". .....,.;' .-..;-:..jf: _<wm""tftft; ....~:.. ; ....-, .:......~.~;"!!> . f '96 04:01PM PITKIN COUNTY GOYT. P.6 , " " .' ol I'tqlooe deolJlll allom&IIvee for Olv! Cnd: Ild./SuJIll id.ISM 12 lrll~ AcoIldoeDIlIfIliOll AD<< IoIlIwH1 turD lanes at ird41iflecdOft............uu"......u..................,..... to . ~ ,',.' ,,::;. ~ ;."". ~. ':~f f) I) lIeI>edulo: I'otIy RlIIpO<lIlblo, Pill:io Couol)' M_ c:...l< Ilrid/lO ~lko!'alll ! .' : ,0 . : <~ Vlililll IST'SA JO.h--......,e FlmdIID CIaIal:NI.l& ~........U...IU..I..........lunlluuu..U..,,'UU 1Il 3OO.M '..i "i. '} &l 8cWule: 1'oIIIoI......."bIol CDoT. 1'It.l:la Cloo.vJI)' We> Onndo ll.oiltood Ili.hl...r_, UlUlu lmA Jl.' . l'lmdo for puoelmo of niImod risbl- ol'-tio !'rom CIIomoo:<ld .......... 10 Woe{, CmIt for Io~" ~onpurp:llllll........n......I....................."......."..... ltolbt~ .;. I . "~" l'~ ~ r, " ; .' '.. ~ ParI)'~11I: CDoT Ii). liatnI~... III lIo8oII ~lb I'aIIa , tlllllio fmA il.;;.' 'I Plinlt. III _uoI~lbjlOlll r- ~1!lI=I (Oid kJ. ) to a..rt.'''...UI.......''''nl.....u'n ~>':. ..,. .' .:: .'...... ". .... '.," i....'. ",''' Ii SOO,MlI ",':i'!. ~" . ,', ',.,. 1'MleI, ~ cDar, I'IlI:lD c:c...:1 o IlIvuIIip'" -1bilit1 of Owl CRok IIIaerI Tmml WI1. mill . IoclIIllcd 0ilIII0IlaDl1o =~~VIII~.:.~......I.........n...........u.....u to be ~ ,,' .i " i ,,' ! " . ~d: ", .:',.'S, ! .~. 1. 3. 3cWu1at ParI)' ~ Pitkla Cowll7,IIII'TA. CDoT, hoiwlimt, v~ IltI o.m~ Pr-.I VIlli! ~ IIDd DovoIGp .r I'Iaid O~ S)-. · imoroHll. Todtaie.J __ Olmml",," 1IlII1IM IIIIcluIlcoI -.ul1Oll1 '" =::=~............................uU.......". :S 250,. .~:.:.I; .i .... \ l ' 1 , ...... i .. ,", j. :;.. ~ " . i WoduIII: I'atIks hpoculblel l'itkla CoomI7. Arpoo. Saov-- '~~ mil. hi ~l'. CDO'l'. l'edonI 0il0I& . ~ ., ~f, ~ ,~I ii :~ , .~,; I' .' '\' . :~ ).~ , ',\~ ~. '. ,~J, , '~' ","', "''''. !:i.~ .'j! ....; ~r" " "10< "<-C:i ~,~'~~.:3:~ :"1'.~ ~:q~'i &l APR 16 '96 04 :05PM PITKIN COUNTY GOYT. EXHIBIT "D" Endorsed Improvements Proposed by GlenWood Springs P.14 To I\IfIll<< pro_1bo doVeIopOlOlll of. co...' . -..v.. 1cIDi...... ~Iim pion for Ibo Il'llirI,1!.ooril>m l'or'!: "alloy. P1ikln Co\IIlly. 'I'bo or_ of $aoW!llIISI VII'"P.> oncI Ibo City of A1If"'" ....... ",,4 ~ Ibo l",~te propooid 10 Ibo _ oncI of SM 11 comdor by Ibo Cit)' 01 Ol~ SpriIl:I'" Tho ...clem'".''' 011boSO iInP-'" .... coodid""orll1]lOD Ibo f.U","",.' MooeW1 __ ,.. IboSO ilnto... II ~ _ tmiloldpoil d)Cl'I' food..a whieb _ IlOI be IIi<d .. 1M &:l '*'""'" IlaoBIIIIiI4 AJP'Il Ill. liilIol1- ....t lbOlOfom .....,J<l f&m ...",..s Ie o\MIr ..... .f 1M oYIO; ADy 1\IlGfOp!~0r. '~. Ofall.ollllllV'lvtl>lculll' IOllI8 iIIroIIsbl3"'W1~will =~~.!~:....:~.:n.:m~~I'Olt'\'IIOY ~ , ' .. I. PI~ 01' . ..... (..-.I) brIdi" _ Ibe Celom&> 111- """"" II'lllllo ...... ... d.. o&IlIIIns IIloIa Klpay 82 bri4p. 'l'bla I>ria.. _4 a\II:l be 11IiIb04 .. . put 01'. ~ ~11_!lII SpriIlp 'Ily' 1"""' 1hal......14 ~ \.'/0 Ie IlIlo Ripe? a.. ~'boI<rw. :l.. Dovot.,.,,;..t of . (11__ SMifte# .~. "","s ...-lli& II !al<iMI III Ibe Soo~lI>om l'ioitio Ii~ ' way. 't\Il.by_-"l"""""'ibo_bri4B"deoonWollOVOwlihmailft7ad3t11~ 'ni> " ' ~ _fd I10Ip 10 aUovIol...>>JllIllOllIll ~ SpriIlB"by pouvIdlI inhl~omolil ~ ,.. Mqll . . . ' , .' .'" 3. Pi-' .reddi!lmlol Pat.-.ill<li Wi~ ~ lho~ G1 ~ Illlbo li.....ilClol~?"'" '. ),i: ~,.';) " VoIIoy Ilil4Ibo c:ololOllo 1lhoc velloy ~ 111110- ......~ -n-, M-<lD4-1Udo I\CiIItlse " ':'i ';". ...,' ecuilfbe bolpM ill ~ ..."""""" 1I'llffiI.... iU~ chrchQ A_ll8IHiI~ &:l ~.;" ':~::l!..: :L .,:" '.- . ~,'<;' ".:<>,:::~\~~~;..!, .' ",....'l....~ .,(::;<::;.,.t:~ "':\!.:; ",;{t~ . .~, .:':J~~~ .d(,;i1~, , ,';;i::+:t!~~~ '. :~::..'>/>:\A. t~!J;.~\ .. '.';~I)~..r"~:u'~' " .~:.,:~,: ',:- ':~:f:i ~~~.." ...... . . "~, " ,..,..,. . ,..'~ ~' I.':' , ",;' :.'", ';,,':\ . II ",,::':,.: ' ., .', ~ ': ' :'. .. ,-,'- .' ',f , . ." ~ A e APR 16 '96 04:04PM PITKIN COUNTY GOVT. 2Gj/a'-l1-ic /d<?p P.13 ATI'ACHMENT A Entr:mcl6 to ASJ~en EIS :Pro.ied Objectives ,March 1, 1995 1. CommWlity-Based Plllnning. Provide a process which is responsive to local eomml!wty- based plamli.og efforts, including the Aspen to Snowmass TranspOr1tatioll:l Project and the Aspen Area Co=unity Plan., with special attention focused on limiting vehicle trips into Aspen to create a less congested downtown. 2. TraJ:ISportatic:m Capacity. Provide needed transportation capacity for forecasted person trips in the year 2015, while reducing congestion. In doing this, theproji!!Ct will identify iil combination of travel modes, aligninents and 1:I:a.nsp0nation demand n:mnagement actions to seek to achieve the stated community goal of limiting the number of vehicles in 2015 to levels at or below those in 1994. 3. Safety. Reduce the high accident rate on State Highway 82 and till: exJisting S-cl.lIVes at State Highway 8217th StreetIMain Street, and provide safety improvements for bicycllllts and pedestrians. Provide safe access at all intersections for all movelILCnts. ,a 4. EnvIronmentally SOlmd Alternative. Develop an alternative WhicllL minimi.?.!::s md .. mitigates adverse impllCTS. The process follows the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the 1990 Clean Air Act .Amendments (CAAA) , the 199]l Inl:em1odal SUrface Transponation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), and all pertinent legislation. S. CommWlity Acceptability. Develop an alternative which tits the I~haracter of the community and is aesthetically acceptable to the public. 6. Finmclal Limitations. Develop an alternative that is financially reali.~til: with respect to current and expected fumiing levels and programs, while being relipop.sive to both the community's character and prudent expenditures of public funds. 7. Clean 'Air Act Requirements. Since the' Aspen area is, a PMIO air quality non-attainment . area, the selected alternatives must meet the requiremenTS of the 19901 Clem Air Act Amendment by demonstrating project cOnformity. 8. Emergency Access. Respond to the lI1eed for an alternate route for emerglency response to incidents inside and outside of Aspen. 9. Uveable Communities. Seek to provide a system which reflects the small town character and scale of the Aspen community and which enhances the quality of life for residents ane! visitors. The system shall provide more accessible transponation whil:h inC'.reases tI:J.e mobility of the community and therefore provides for a more livable cClmmunity. 10. Phasing. Provide an alternative which allows for future transit optiOn!: and upgrades. <It 6 e e e APR 16 '96 04:02PM PITKIN COUNTY GOVT. P.? A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PITKIN COUNTY, C:OLClRADCl REQUESTING THE INCLUSION OF THE STUD~: OF CITY OF ASPEN ALTERNATIVE G IN THE CnOT ENTRANCE '1'0 ASPEN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT S'I'AT1!:MEN'J~ (US) Resolution # 95 - II~ RECITALS 1. The Pitkin county Board of County commifiudol~ers. the Town Couneil of Snowma.ss Villa.ge, and the Aspon city Council hlllVQ adopted Resolution #396 (1992) confirming a frame~1ork for an upper valley transporta:tion strategy that will el'Uillll'lIt a clonvl1lniell'lt, safe" and efficient transportation system for the Roaring Fork Valley. 2. The City of Aspen has the right to provide input to the Colorado Department. of Transportat.ion regarding the SiHS2 entrance to Aspen. NOW, THEREFORE, BE :tT RESOLVED BY THE EIOAl!tD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO: That: the Colorado Department of 'I'ransportaticl!'I include the study of the Cit.y of Aspen Alternative G in the C:DO~L' entri!mClI!l to AllIpen Environmental Impact statement (ElS). APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE /f)et DAY OF dl4--. 1$195. ST: BOARD OF COWry Ii:OMMISSIONERS J OF Fl..,. J _ "LRADO 1 :tlttlk ,~tw By, -1N.... ~ . anette Jo s MD:tc~a:el C'~~}~J hair.m2l.n Deputy ClerX/Recorder ~ ~ ~~ APPROVED AS '1'0 FORM: MANAGER APPROVAL:: ~r9 ~, ~ssillltant ~~Qunty Attorney ( ~- {fA~~ - TQ!Il Oleen Act.ing County Manager . ". APPROVED AS '1'0 CONTENT: APR 16 '96. 04:02PM PITKIN COUNTY Gtf.9..!;-"'C/1" P.8 , . , . Agreement between the Colorado Department of Tr,lulsl~omtion ., ~ and the City of Aspen ' <'G)~ for a Cooperative Process Contributing to :the (0,;'\:! Entrance-to-Aspen Em @...,..},O".J'J \ . '......;;./ ".0.'- "- This cooperative agreement is made and entered into as of this \ ~ alLY of ~~r99.s, by and belWeen the City of Aspen and the Colorado Department of l'raospolrtlUion (CnO'I') to provide for additional citizen education and involvement with respect to the llevelopment of the Eutram:e-to-Aspen EnvironmemaI Impact Statement (BIS). WHEREAS, CDOT is responsible for developing an EIS on behalf of the Federal Highway Mministtation to evaluate alternatives for ttanspomtion improvements to thc~ Colorado State Highway 82 corridor for the ~am:e to Aspen; and WHEREAS, the BIS will bepreparecl W1cler the requirements of the Nati,onal Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other federal and state regulations, which requirl~'a thorough and integrated analysis or proposed alternatives; and WHEREAS, the EIS will identify environmental and quality of life imPIll:ts associated with each proposed alternative, evaluate appropriate measures to avoid, minimize, or mJitigate these impacts ancl select a preferred option for transPortation improvements in the l:orridor; and e WHEREAS, tbe City of Aspen has been engaged in a cooperative decision making process with Pitkin County ancl the Town of Snowmass Village to provide for altl~rnalive modes of ttanspomtion to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and other automobill: impacts, wlille improving safely and conformance with the Clean Air Act; md WHEREAS, the Aspen Area Community Plan c:aJ1s for limitiUg vehicle trips into Aspen to create a less congested downtown, and supports the development of mass transit ancl demand redm:tion strategies; ancl 'Wl"IEREAS, many users of State Highway 82 remain concerned that automobile accessibilily me! safety continue to be provided for in any trlUlsportation development plan; and WIiEREAS, citizens concerned with the environment and quality of life issue:! have expl'essed concern that transportation md highway facilities may impact sensitive en,virOllunentllJ areas me! open space; NOW THEREFORE, the City of Aspen ancl CDOT, in cooperation with :Pitkin County, agree to enter into the following agreement to provide for special elements of tile planning and eduClltional activities to analyze, identify, ancl implement a transportation alternative which It 1 e . e APR 16 '96 04:03PM PITKIN COUNTY GOVT. P.9 Ilcl:nowledges and addresses the goals of the various user groups, the Aspen Area C01llm1.l1lity Plan, open space preservation, the Imermoda! Surface TransportatiOlJ Efficiency ,Act (ISTEA), and the requiremems of the NEP A process. These activities are to ~ stmcttU'ed as follows: ' 1. The City of Aspen acknowledges and endornes the u&l:rance to ASpe'll EIS Project Objectivesu Wl.tl.:d March 1, 1995 developed for the EntrlUlCe to Aspen E.nvironmental! Impact Statem.ent. ' , 2. Both parties agree that it is necessary to proceed as expeditiously as p,08sible with the Environmental Impact Statement process. It is understood that CDOT hopes to release a draft ElIlvirolWenta! Impact Statl.:ment during the Spring of 1995. . 3. CDOT agrees that the alternatives identified in the draft BIS may be subject to modification, including the addition of DeW alternatives, if the public and! iml::ragency review process for the draft BIS should Wll1Tant these changes. 4. The City of Aspen and CDOT agree to participate in the foIlowin;g IImleWlgs. coord.i.nared and facillmted by Leadership Aspen and the Rocky MOuntaiIl Institute, and including a broad COiilitiOll of community groups. These meetings are designed to engage aU interesred parties and stakeholders in the development of the BIS and in selecting the best ' tI:'al:I8pOrtation altl.:matlve: A. A "Cltlzens'Trausportalion Summit" held in January ll995, brilllging , together an ilIterested parties and co-facilltated by LeacJlersbip AspelDl Alumni and the Rocky Mount.ain Institute. Pwpose: Give attendees basic background information on the BIS/corwnunity involvement process; provide an overview of how their participati,on \1rill be llSeful; present Project Objectives, the screening process for alrernatives, and preferred alrernatives; elicit comments and concerns on areas requiring fu.rtl:ler discussion. This event will include: .. A discussion of the BIS process as an opportunity to thoroughly and systemati~y evaluatl.: all options, and to examine their costs and benefits. . .. Presentation of the time1ine and steps of the BIS process; target dates for each step and fillal end decisions. @ Overview of the as process, including presentation of Project Objectives, screening process and prefemd alternatives. .. Facilitated group discussions to reach agreement on criteria tha.t wiill be lIlsed to evaluare alternatives (including a review of Project Objectives lwdllSTEA factors) and discuss issues of community interest and concern. .. Develop concepts for a survey to sample public opinion. 2 APR 16 '96 04:03PM PITKIN COUNTY GOVT. P.10 GI Form citizen task forces to explore identified topics. 1I Provide a Sllmm~ry of comments and concerns for further discussion at the February 1995 Open House. B. An "Open House" lWd Public: Foru.m held in FebnWy 1995 through the joint effort of the City of Aspen, CDO:r. lWei a brclsd l:olillt.lOD of citizen groups and local orpnizatioDS. Purpose: Present graphic displays of a range of altmlatives to be thoroughly amlyzed in the: Draft EIS. .Provide an opportunity for attendees to eXlllIlim~ these alter.ll.1l.tives in. the light of a checklist of project objectives: How well does each alternative satisfY the criteria which will be used to evaluate them? This event willl.ncIUl1e: . " Afternoon sessions with small groups as determined at the Janu.ary "Citizens' Summit" meeting and facilitated by Leadership Aspen Alumni. " Reporting of small group discussiollS and interim activities of Im:l.ll!l groups to the: general meeting and open house in the evening. The evening llession is to be facilitated by Barbara Cole, under contract with CDOT. oil Report of results of survey activity, to be presented at the everting session. GI A discussion of the Draft EIS alternatives will be presented by CDOT and integrated with relevant ISTEA pl~nnil"lg criteria. GI A discussion of open space related issues which will include cCIDcepts for mitigaililg any open space impacts. '" A discussion of traffic safety issues. C. A Transportation 5~os Symposium & Charrette to be h.eld in Marcb 1995, which will Include llesign experts speaking to var.I(IUS ~lSpectS of' the screened alternatives W1der consideration tor .Inclusion In thll Draft EIS. Purpose: To apply state of the art technical vision lI!ld analysis to Ithe scree.oed alter.ll.1l.tives, lI!ld to investigate the inclusion of other appropriate alternntives for consideration. . This event will include: .. A "Charrel:!e" for:mat to provide ac!l.lal design problem solving along with the introduction of state-of-the-art technological concepts. III Presentations by techoica.lexpem, followed by a sinall group cUscus:sion format, and a report by the small groups to the general meeting. Presenters will include expertS in traffic calming, demand management strategies, advanced. technologies, along with railll!ld other f'IXed guideway alternatives. Ii :3 . e e APR 16 '96 04:03PM PITKIN COUNTY GOVT. , , P.l1 · The symposium will seek support and spollSorsrnp from institutions such as the Aspen Institute, &.ergy 2000 Forum, lmd the Rocky MOunWn Institute. S. Between the first aDd second meeting as described above, the small groups will cominue to meet in order to develop responses to the specific issues l:bey are oI'ganized to lIddress. 6. Recognizing that costs for these activities have not been included in t.be CDOT budget for development. of the Entrance-to-Aspen ElS, the City of Aspen agrees to find lOr. seek sponsorship, fur these additional activities. CDOT agrees to provide l~ulSentation at the meetings described above in addition to funding and participating in those meetings and activities which would otherwise have been a part of its ErS activity. 7. The City of Aspen lmd CDOT reaffirm their interest aDd willing1:leSS to work together on this transportation project within the time line for the Enttao.ce-to-,AspE~n BIS process. They agree to seek innovative aDd sustainable responses to tramportarlon issues which are consistent with NEPA, ISTEA, the Aspen Area Community Plan, and the identified interests of tt'll1lSportatiO!l. users lmd the loc:al community. ' 8. CDOT aDd the City of Aspen agree to work together to identify flIlndiI:ig sources for implememation of the full pr.oject scope of me identified preferred trlliLlSportation alternative, including mose elements which are not slrictly related to I:lighWllY COlLlStruCtiOIl. CDOT affums that pint! in g of alternative transportation projectS and ~iDha.l1cements tbrough federal aDd state fu.ncling sources is consistent with the principles of ~iTEA lmd should be supported lIS committed to in the EIS. 9. In preparing the Draft and Final EIS for the Entrance to Aspen, ClD01' agrees to address and, to mitigate a11significant impacts as called for by the NEllA rl~gulations. THIS AGREEMENT shall be in effect for the dunition of the ED.trancl~-to-Aspen EIS process and shall guide the implantation of a preferred alternative as identified through that pI'Ol;ess. CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO COLORADO DEPAR'rMEm OF TRANSPORTATION By: ~5. '17.---~ ~O)~ ~ ~jf!(J By: . ~ ...e:..tf;f4) - Guillermo V. Vidal ExecUtive DirectOr 4 e e e APR 16 '96 04:04PM PITKIN COUNTY GOVT. P.12 . AGREED TO IN PRINCIPLE BY PITKIN COUNTY By: s