JANUARY 11, 2016
Chief Deputy City Clerk, Kathy Strickland called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Commissioners in
attendance were John Whipple, Jeffrey Halferty, Nora Berko, Bob Blaich, Jim DeFrancia, Gretchen
Greenwood, Richard Lai and Roger Moyer.
Staff present:
Andrea Bryan, Assistant City Attorney
Amy Simon, Historic Preservation Planner
Justin Barker, Senior Planner
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk
Nicole Henning, Deputy City Clerk
MOTION: Chairperson Pember moved to approve minutes from Dec 14th, 2016. Ms. Berko had a change
to page 13 “council” to “counsel”, second by Mr. DeFrancia. All in favor, motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Pember asked for any public and there was none.
COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS: Mr. Pember asked for any Commission member commentary. Ms.
Berko welcomed new year and new members. Mr. Pember. mentioned a story he read on Facebook
regarding the Department of Interior designating 24 Historical sites around the country. Noteworthy to
Welcoming of new members. Introduction of Ms. Henning, Mr. Lai and Mr. Moyer.
STAFF COMMENT: Ms. Simon mentioned a change to the agenda. First item being continued to January
25th, 2017. Reminded everyone of HPC retreat February 22nd, 2017. 5-7 pm. 4-5:00 pm for Chairs. Mr.
Pember asked for email verification of everything. Ms. Simon answered yes.
Mr. Pember asked for any Certificates of No Negative Effect: Ms. Simon answered none. Mr. Pember
asked for any Call Ups. Ms. Simon answered None and that we were supposed to have one last night for
the Red Onion/Bidwell project, but it was pushed off to February so nothing yet.
Mr. Pember asks about any old business items, none. He then asks about new business Item B. Ms.
Simon said the applicant wants to significantly change the design and have submitted for conceptual,
however, this afternoon the applicant let her know they want to continue. Ms. Simon explained to Ms.
Bryan that she has two public notices, one for final and one for conceptual. Both noticing for a hearing
tonight. The item is going to continue conceptual review. Ms. Greenwood asks how Ms. Simon is going
to manage this since they took up the December 14th meeting, this meeting and the next meeting. What
about other items on the schedule? It seems out of sync with what we’re being told. Ms. Simon stated
that in this case, the applicant gave up other spots that he had taken for other projects and that it is very
JANUARY 11, 2016
MOTION: Mr. DeFrancia moved to continue to January 25th, seconded by Mr. Pember. All in favor,
motion carried
Ms. Simon asked to collect the drawings for Item B so they can be handed out next time.
Mr. Moyer asked if the package is likely to change. Ms. Simon replied no.
Mr. Pember announced second item of new business and calls upon Mr. Barker and then asks if
everyone has had a chance to review the new guidelines.
Mr. Barker introduced himself to the new members and says he as been serving as project staff lead on
the Commercial Design Update since April of last year. They have been working with two local firms on
this project; Bendon & Adams and Rowland & Broughton. The previous drafts have come before HPC in
the fall; Oct 19th, 2016 and Nov 2nd, 2016. On these dates, the document was broken up into two pieces
and on Nov 16th, 2016, the full version was provided. Dec 12th, 2016 City Council went over the
document as well as a public outreach meeting and one with P&Z. There are a number of changes HPC
had suggested previously. The changes are highlighted in the memo and he is happy to go over them.
Chamfered corners are being addressed and they were brought up by a member of the public in a City
Council meeting. Council determined it should remain a guideline and not a requirement and evaluated
on a case by case basis. Another issue was with building frontages and how much of the building façade
needs to be at the property line in the Commercial Core. Council felt there should be more of a leeway
than the 70% requirement that is listed in the guidelines today. It was decided that 70% would remain
the minimum for properties on the pedestrian mall and to relax a little for other Core properties to a
50% minimum so that is also listed in the current guidelines. Another discussion point was related to
the Pedestrian Amenity requirement for the pedestrian malls. The way the code language is written
right now, in draft form, is that the pedestrian malls would be required to provide a 100% cash in lieu for
their pedestrian amenity unless they wanted to do some other form, then it would go to City Council as
an additional requirement for review. There is discussion about the interior courtyard amenity as well.
Our request for tonight is to pass a motion related to the resolution as a formal blessing or approval to
recommend that Council adopt the guidelines document. The anticipated finalization of this product
would be to go to P&Z Commission next week for their approval and that Council will adopt this either
on Jan 23, 2017 or Jan 24, 2017.
Mr. Pember asked if this is still a draft or a final document. Ms. Simon said that it is a quickly moving
target and they would still like to make some edits before January 23, 2017. Mostly minor
wordsmithing, but we would like your acceptance of this tonight. The document will look better than
this by the time it gets to Council.
The members discuss the standards versus guidelines at length. Ms. Greenwood asks if they can read
over a revised copy and vote by email. She then suggests that they can agree in concept and potentially
pass a resolution based on their suggestions. Ms. Simon suggests a working lunch meeting so they can
JANUARY 11, 2016
look over the revised document. Mr. Whipple doesn’t feel that it’s fair to the community to rush
through this because of the moratorium.
Ms. Simon comments that either you would be passing a resolution tonight entrusting us to come up
with the document you want or we can have one more meeting where you can take that vote with a
little more confidence.
Mr. DeFrancia mentions that we could take the vote and come up with a subcommittee to look over the
Mr. Pember says that it violates open meetings of the board and isn’t allowed.
Ms. Greenwood says we are an advisory board and should leave it up to Ms. Simon and Mr. Barker to
edit the document. The content is good; it just needs to be reorganized.
Mr. DeFrancia proposes a motion. Mr. Pember says there is no motion to be made.
MOTION: Mr. DeFrancia says there is a motion in order and motions to approve Resolution 1 with staff
making the advised changes. Mr. Pember comments that it will be brought back to HPC. Ms.
Greenwood seconds. Mr. DeFrancia says that defeats the purpose to bring back to HPC and we are
deferring to staff with confidence. Mr. Pember agrees and states that the message is more concision
and less subjectivity.
Mr. Whipple makes a friendly amendment to revisit the standards every four years.
Mr. Pember asks Ms. Simon if this seems like deja vu all over again regarding the subject that Mr.
Whipple raised. Ms. Simon agrees and says they may not want to address this anytime soon again.
Mr. Halferty recommends that we respect staff’s time and the work that has been put into the
Mr. Whipple says he is happy to redact his friendly amendment.
Commission Member Vote: Mr. DeFrancia, yes; Ms. Berko, yes; Mr. Pember, yes; Mr. Blaich, yes; Mr.
Halferty, yes; Mr. Whipple, yes; Ms. Greenwood, yes; Motion carried 7-0.
Ms. Simon says we need to do our own elections regarding new business Item C.
Mr. Pember takes his name out of consideration for Chair or Vice Chair.
Mr. DeFrancia nominates Mr. Halferty.
Ms. Berko nominates Ms. Greenwood.
Mr. Whipple has left room for a phone call.
Ms. Greenwood accepts either nomination.
JANUARY 11, 2016
Mr. Halferty accepts nomination.
Mr. DeFrancia suggests the person with the most votes is Chair and the other Vice Chair.
Mr. Pember nominates Mr. DeFrancia, but he declines.
Mr. Whipple has returned; voting commences.
5 votes Mr. Halferty; 3 votes Ms. Greenwood; Mr. Halferty is Chair and Ms. Greenwood is Vice Chair
Mr. Lai did not vote.
MOTION: Mr. Whipple moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. DeFrancia. All in favor motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m.
Nicole Henning, Deputy City Clerk