HomeMy WebLinkAbout828-919ERAL Nn�-S Z- --u-Nt I %J , -t- - lbe ouroose th n �ct condom- TUM ul`Hts _U la-_ to eat a n a ef a e d com� On eioment-sl 4 2 Bearing- N52­0`39� i fOu- d -1/2' cl minum discs a &,-s x, ot C northerly anqe . Bas's 0 0 %55, and the no, west c0rner o f Lot 8 (Aspen Highlo, 0 rids Cwdom_T. - -jig! Phase 4), Aspen vjjlaq��, Block SO$- ­evz- Zi 0 n: Ben&__7 m nOrK '71SY-W as depicted cir, 4, e Aspen Highic-nds 'agiago O�U,D. ficl 0�2_ - c-1 a, _eV. 4 N075 i:CE: do icw ,iou must cornmence an- -'agial action based t P, c- I survev wfth: any derfec- n this He par anni diefect dscoyer su-ct� defeat no eVent M-c"V On- action based ut ft - __C 4 - -r yo s- be commenced more en �oa a, certif; t1on shown here0i'" is i Ad -O�F Date 0� S -Vev: sect - Lember 20, 2-0-0 6 PU All ecsements existirlic r th a s 'jec- P"Oper- the date -04 record of this t. -1�c+zon. cz-, sase ent referenced a'- and�� o 'ect h C t -0 Certain p? -f Aspen hillghloinds t0llaq 0 fice of the -�­erk and Recorder --i pAkin County, Colorado, on - I n th 0 October 15. 1 in ecorzec thc� celta"n supoi-emen Mi -99-8 1 Plat Book 47 Ot P e and t a- I - tl -09 -�e at , Clerk and Recorder of 0--ict of Aso n 'Hghjands 'Village 0j ��D, 'Ie Block U,. re4corde In the Off, kin Coumb". COG� On, Sep' er 28-1 1999 under Reception Nc� 4,36o -_%z, r ­ - `001" mernom �n force and effect cor mop - mi es sz z - oei or am MIN en - - d 0 0, � -dom, r fl- erwise indicated or. tnis mop. RUO Guice. e and I in I aed -n Th- conlao."Isirt' m map sub- Jec' t- o tithe terMls, conditions and- provislot s of th e Aspen _7 11--ffc- as U Ice - 9 H e Pfan ed Ur" Development Gul recordea Ing the Office 0; , he or", and Recorder 0 t; k in C n I � ; - - , - � T__ C, �,010 ado, Octobei­ '5� 1998� i.1 -dor Reception No. 42-3274� and PftkLn County ResoluVon 98-254 recordep us' 251 as - 'I Aua mecep,'Uon No. 434844i c -s the ScMe may, be amended frorn time to Urne� Z rap 'y cluded ir` '--his condominvi..'rn; map is subject to the terms. conditionsi easements end- MOster Declicraiiion, 7in e D ert provisions con, ai ed 'M Or o�$.e, T and Recorder o ihe Decicrob, I far Aspen High1crIds Ipploge. recorded in the Office of the Clerk f Pillkin County. Colorado. cr, C T, - !-eceotion No 4232772, as the some ma e er 15� 1998, i I amended from zinne to t,-nze the Docjdra�l -i UOF; 9. The property des-onbe is dominn, mn map "s sub JeC to, the terms, condiV07­8 and oro -visions of the Ded t: uh OW U or-, lOrt Oi COr'JO-Minitum Res'cen--es acted 2001 and remrdod e -T 2-001 Fecep­�on No- ------- tn�e Office of the Clork and Recorder -of PRkhn County� Co4oro-cle 111the "De-claration'), '3. jk?1Y Of t e areas or. zh�s condco-niniurn mov� not S ally ed Otherwise s"I, be Geno,-Os Common Elements, as Adeflned pecific t C sPace-5, wc-.kwcvs 113n 'ose +�;­4 -n t ie Decicrcvon� "nclu'dinc but rot im- e to e. aj 1�, a + stairsi, 0 fers and landscaping. Hres Hign-londs Limitel Partnership ti-reby grants an or! d 0 porveYs 0 PervOtuvl, nOn-exclusive easement ow,, across, under, ObOve �.TOUG-r tne are -a of Lot 3 as deploted on $!'set 2 of this Condominium mop that -'s out side Of any building improvements rnmo- Element areas depicted hTereon fthe 'Metro District Easement Are*")�I to the A er 1119 land L i m ed 0 Metro -11tCn D�T-stri �, (t, hiand Commorc, ,Do ct � he for pedestr=-- access 'Ocr--Ss poved pedestrian plaza areas i ction, only) and for the constru stwo-Von. maintenance repair, re0acement and im'DrOve-fre0t a' the iondsaope� paving and 0+ _n ther plaza, sidewalk and roadway vrn-orove-ments 0- -0 be withl the Mo,4,ro r, in District Easernler-A Area -w Black D. Aspen High'ar, 's Vffllaq c -d uP041 the District Plozo Lots ated within 0 Re orsider-ebon a, this Qrant of easement, the District shall be soi&,iy responsible", Ot Its sot -le cost and expen-se. for al' mainioncince, repair and replacement Of. the Metro District Easement -Area and all improvements ther(xv- a oll fixt-g res- eal,it"men-' and Personal a ertv icacted therein. joilty and liob rop and for pool me no 41ty insirlance of th some. ghts granted to the D'Str 'p t Pursuant tO this Gonera`-i Note 11 Ore elvre"y subject to the following Visions rany Italized Gensa-c! Note, I etow without defind n, rm pro -ap used C. Ition, sholl have the - Ileaning ott-ibiu-ted to that t& _ in the Deoldratior �7'xcept f Or the , rovernents constructed or Installed upon. the Metro 11"istrtct Easoarnent Area 11r, conre�.atiar� wit" the ahriltial developmen, c i - RrID of U -Is condo-mm.11 rn I oro,�ectl ond replacem n nonT -herepi w; su st� qi y siry, t b an all licir z improvements. is Flo , th4 D tr.ct qt�olj cop abowe-gracle irnprovement� uoon or Within the Metro District P sement Area without the prior written cop sLrjct Or install Executi, Board, b ) lExCept as re0sonobly necessary ZO pe; form, its %notions and oblilgations within the Metro District Easement -Aroa. anca" noi, DOrK C-ny vehicl_ ol� store -or Place OnY I oteri Is debKs w.-* the Metro Df trl Easement Areo. Reference lo the reca ro'-fa of the easli-, ent ealted y 4% is Note 11 shoji be to the Book, Page and Receott Numbers for 4134- 'let- lon, I -art ocyn I -1:3UM mo VS 41 -1 Tr stor-O for propelft-_v described wath: i- 5_1 nis Condominium mo a Corkin-- p IS crowded from c carnmon trash crea located within cted on Lot 9A, Aspen Hight d I on S V#109e P.-U.D., Block Er.), according to the - dominium Map of Asp, M lage Par- inc on- Cadirc -k on r cc In "K DOC hase 11 A dom! lum, recorded at Receotion- ,of the PN -km 4couiot+-1, --jer;< Op, - Office d Recorder. No. 450453 1r, the - ib _s c or erf as e r4o' p 'Is surfo' of e ",tsr;Or OcrtJ ns Of OP v d scri fid wit' "ll Wits condominium rnco a, o served t c--m.trol snowmellit sys, D -Y 0 Cs?_- For nor-snowmeited sidewOlk,,s, storage shall be on Odjacen-; landscaped areas. 14, 1-11nes H, h1cri-4 -5 C artnership for ftsei4: Ono its speomically designated successo I M 03 y Ecsemen+ uo n, Ord 'Mersees nereb reserves or 0 Over, across and -through tnose par ions of this Pilot -designated 'Utility Eosement", far th f 0, ) u s In g, ir�staffing, c-onstructing: mointair�1119, improving- rePcirflng, and replacing drain* nature whotsoever, including but no- 111mited t - gei water and utility facnitiles of any kind of- , storrn drain 're I eloted Irs Protection, devices, sariftory age fatLI,, Ries, ft hydrants and ft sewer Hnes, wc-.,e- lines, snowmak' g, Iflnes, SnOw melt SYster,1 fine% Cable tele",_�ph 'ines, fiber tiptic 4,_cifities, ffl� drain 4 1 and other communicotion -oge 04 water and debris flowing fror other 'Onds water storage and distribution facilities and (iv) vehicular fo- and mointeron-ce of such -utifflitles, tOgether wifth a perpetuo! right of ingress, and -agrees to and from such On E'asement 'coIlectively, hereinafter forred to as "Utility PuroOses'� Hines Highlands 31 0* Unlited Piortnershlip reserves the right, but has obligation, to record a documer," specifying the boundaries Of specific easements within the ObOve-described easement areas Ot any time or from time to time after Improvern ents: related to such Utility Purposes have been constricted. r1hot portion of the existing Dro-inage Easement created by the final of Aspen. Highlands V Pic, dj�a;ge p.:U.D. recorded it, the Office of the Cerk ond Recorder of Pitkin COuntv� Colorodo, -on October 15� 1998 in Plot Book 47 at Page and z ritif, -iis Mop as 0,rcifnoge Ec-serrient Vocat- d, y _p, led or ti th-_ Mo s hereby vacated by Hines Highlorids lLim;te ide. 4 Partrershic pL t s - se it ie rvat" n "ends Village PIIU.D� hts or, so!d f1rali at a' Aspen H.-Igh, tit! i_on 7h's property mav be subji�Ct to t ie following 4- e exCePtlor'S. Obtained from I d GLIO-7tintee Compory " M' en4 m_; -or., itm t N fly 2, 2000, Refer to sold Commitment for -oil +; 't in I- 0M, - ItMen., N-0, dated ,ul-_ it- iformction, C� Easements and rigttts of way for wot pipell e purposes as set forth in r instruments recorded mAine 101 1960 in Book 141 G� PGge 15 and recorded September '18, 1961 1 Book IS5 at Page 231 in the Office OF the PAkin County Cierk and Recorder. 0. Terms. r- fl -tions ond provisions -of Pl I n Cou ty Resolution Nc� 97-167 C�l _- , a � 1. Rk n recorded September 30, 1998 at Reception NOI422629 na ty of Asper Reso."UtIon Nlo-39 (Series of '998) recorded October 5 1998 u. option- NO 422779 and Pitkin 'Courity R rider Rec A esolution No. 98--fs recorded October 15, IS98 under Reception ma, 423268, at, in the Office of the Pitkin County Olerk and Recorder. c) Terms, conditions ona p- ovisions Of agreement recorded April 28� 1981 in -Book 407 at -Page 648 a nd assignment$ therev; 734 a!- Page 848 ;r the Office of the Pitkvi ri-=-ded December 13, 1,993. respect.veiy; in Book 734 at Page 685 and Book -ourty C"Wilk and Recorder. f d' Terms, condaJOIns on4i Of Order 01 in Aspen Cons'01-40ted SO-itattiOn District recorded December S. '997 undear Recedt' N1�411452 in the Office of the Pilkin, I rity Clerk and Recorder. e'- Terms, condifi n,s cn 10 p- w_son,5 of Spec; Cov4!,5 r, 101 nonts Conditions and Restrictions recorded October 27, 1997 under Reception No� 40993,99 ;in the Cffice of tre pqtxin County Clerk w.4 Recorder, Easements and rights of way far snow Maki jones Drowoff Pipe. telephan H ing I .1. -and Coble TV lines as tu t and in Picce os set forth on. the sur-u-ev, O�, C= por' can$ r ed tiOn Of the subject property prepared by Schmueser Gordon Meyer inc., at September 21, 1997, d ed 9) 'EU-soments nghts of way 4er s, Conditions, provisions and obil, , -t - I gotions as pointained in Easern, - corded A ., 1 4 ent Agreement 4!Block W .e --obor 15�, ;4� Recepthom No� 423258 Itkir - I the Offia4 Of the P" ' County Clerk and Recordei ' co$el'rent, do -'s Of way. terms, conaftions, p-ovision's --r-d ObfigctiOns as Contained in Ski Easement Agreement recorded October 15, '998 under Reception N'o, 423259 in the, Office of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder. Terms, oonalt"'Ors and Provisiols oil Row Water A 1. on groomenti Octocier '9198 under Reception No. 422780� 't -1 er Office Of the P_ k1i. County Cierk and Record Iorrns, condtions orld provisions of Water Service Agreement recorded October S. 1998 Ot Reception NO. 422782, and first cddeindurn thereto reco o. - tobs, i9ga under Reception No, 422783 the Office -of the P' I kin County 0trk and Recorder. k) 'rern"s, Conditions or, d provisior, s of Slubdividers Agreernent recorded October 1& 1998. ---he Pitkin Count _i� under Recept, , No� 423271 y 'erk and Recorder. the Office Terms� Ion , condto s a p ygsiar V js of p Or_ -b mb of the PftW rec vze- Agreement recorded Oct er 15, *998 at RecepVon N.C, 4232,76 In the 01 ce Counly C', edk and Recorden m lernns, conditions ar-, pro%­S�Ons a:-, Collectior� Systems Agreement recorded October 'Fo- 1998 a+ Reception; No. 4232" in ,he Ifice of f � P i tt,K,.n County Cferk and Recorder. Term n is, conc� s, prov. b ns, poilo tiors ond - striata s as COrItOmed the Asper Highlands Detailed Submission Picn, recorded OctO 5, '9'28 at RecePton NO, 423269 and as set forth on the Detailed Submi Plan Maps recorded octobe- '5, 1 � ,998 in Fl_ct Book 46 A4, all in the Offit:e of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recordo,-, 0 1 , ms. Mo ions C A obligali"Ons concerila�rg POrXIFIV f-WARies and commercial units as evidenced by memornndums -er r of cc-reernmen-11 record -ed October 15� 919& resP OtivelY, Ot Recep or No. 423279 and Rocept*Ton 4-0. 423280 in, the' Office a-' th�e '- ki UOU- - Z � Us rk and Record's ol Terms, con '­jo-s� p, CWL r -sion ea-sennen-, on nghts of way as set forth in fristr Ments recorded October '51 998- uon Ls U io. 4Z3 8' e O -r to U eotion N 4-2 th he Rec- ,f of 4 P, kin C' unly Clerk and Recorder. q 'erms, agreemen' I conditions and obNqotions of C-ty Of Aspen, Easement Agreem.ent 'Maroon Ore r to-ber �_$z, '998 as ReceplVon No. 423282 hl- the Office -of -2ftkin Coum:y Clerk on�d Recorder. ecorded ok Pipefire the 31 1-� Ternns_ cond"Monns G -rid Dlctyis4 s 0, cond; and VOUR agreei.ment recorded "ic-auc v If j. 9 - t see v, No� 426:421 in 1, o R me C- o-� COUn";v Clerk and Recarder� , ­��i q 11 11� 1� 14 "0011 11111111 � 11111 `�P,FITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO 9) Terms, Conditions <an d provisions off Resolution No. 99-127 recorded August i2, 1999 at Reception No. 434364 and rerecorded August 30, '999 as Reception No, 435034, if' the Office of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder-, "i Terms, Agreements, provisions. conditiors and obliIgOtions Of City of Asperl Ordinance No. 8 1 eries of 20= ion Mop% recorded May 1, 2000 as Reception No. 442835, in + e -Office of the PHtkin together with Annexof �,Ounty Clerk and Recorder. u'i Terms, Agreements, provisi s, cordit-, on and obiligabons of Mernarandurn, regarding, High Sphoof lift towers, recorded August 30, 2000 as Reception No. 446537, m -the Office o f the Pitkin Count-, Clerk and Re'corder� v., Terms, agreements, provisions-, conditions and Obligations of City of Aspen Ordinortce No. 35 (Series of 2000) recorded on November 28, 2000 as Receptior, No. 449206 arid City a' Aspen Ordinance No, 35 1 Series of 2000) recordea arz November 28, 2000 is Receptjor No� 4 4S20-7� the Office of the PAkin County Clerk and Recorder. w Tarms, agreements, provisions, conditforis and obligations of Dedication and AssurnotiOn Easement Agreement / recorded Decembe- 13, 2000 as Reception No. 4496 5 , 4 in the Office of the Pitkin Coun tk �ty i-eqo ono Ropordtr� Xl The provjoiis1y recorded easements and in-strumer:111-s listed above as cPPficable to the property subiect to this c6ndaminium map may be modified or Vacated Pursuant to the -terms of any such easement or instrurnent and this -ondomellurn m -op need not be omended or referenced. THIS CONDOMINIUM MAP OF WILLE RESIDENCES WAS RE�IIEWE[) AND APPROVED By THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF ASPEN' PLANNING DEPARTMENT ON THIS __I��_DAY OF ,4-444= 200-11 2 JULJE ANN WOODS 'rHIS CONDOMINIUM MAP OF W[," E RESIDENCES WAS RE%AEV&r� AND APPROVED BY THE Cl TY ENGINEER OF- THE CITY OF ASPEN, C QOLORADO, THIS ---D'AY OF 200" - - - - - - - - - - - - _40 � CiT ENGINEER- NICK ADEH CILERK AND RECORDERi'S AC-CEPTANCE CERTIF111%'ATE OF 0^-ERSHIM Know call morl o sen' !��7p u - re I is that H4NES HiGHILANDS: LIV 77-0-7 P_- _TNERSHHP� '-�Wrh_ P R-NERS441P I , A DZ ;-OWARE L, A being the reco�A own'le, of 01" 1:1,11OX, real props�-+ 'bed 'y desarl 4 -s k_- tyz Cox do- M T 3 ' ASPEN HIGHLANDS 3 0, 'Hy of Aspeni. Pit in Coun, rl ol-, � - , occa�rd�i t C So 31 Affla P, PleMel-K-0 % L- � Book C, ge I _D_ Block recorded Seplsmk 01- z 2ni 4 le Pacos 41-�i as Recep-3fon No.436003 I tne itk_ za -4 Ome into =ndarn-3niurn un -,4, nove by Those presents - ia- out, ariatt, c ded _e a Cna common e4et ents OS s Own on this cond in' m mop under the ncnne and style of Wille Reel enceev XE Ak CUTED C -V of A. 2z HIGHLANDS -5 UM11TIED PARPNERSH-11 , A D Al '-,R- UMIT AR S UP flE TNE-7�i HUI— Box 5!t5 Aspen, Colorado B"l' A iNG__,CORP0PAF1AN A DELAWAR- A Geln Ffober,4 C D�d lei. k% Ce as STATE Of Craw -RAC -o) NI S is COUNTY OF PITKIN Me foroWmS strument was ocknowiedged before me t _�s A nv v; A.D_ 2001 bv� Robert E� DcmeI Jr, as vice-president of ASPEN HfGPLANDS SKI 0 CORPCRAn A DELAWARE CORPORA70N, Gerlera� Partner Of the HINES PIGIHLANDS UlWTED PARTNERSHIP, A DELAWARE I TED PART F �N_RSHlp, EXAMINEWS "ER71 7h nderSigned, y dU, 4X WiZed rePresont-ative of Land Title GuOrantee Compony, -,m regularly dolrq: business 'In Pitkin Count C�Iorodc, does hereby icerr-lify thc�, I J I the Person-- i-st, d os owners 0- dhis Condominium map i -I hold fee simple titie 10 the w1th-11 descr;bod real or-oplerlity, free and cisar v; d, liens and encumbrances except those 11 -1 -ted in the General Notes _-� this condomrinfl-urn- map. I �, U licat ' i c as on Although we beileve the facts stated on this old; cre -,r? e. this Corti e s -not to be coins rz e abstract a title, nor on opinion of 4, 't _1 -flee of cno U -or a guoran e Guarantee compary nelther owi understood 0 d CS -re -ed that Land On i W be chargeld w- V finoriclai ophi-ofio- wha�s-vever on any 's"i-Gternent. conmloined, herem_ is C'V --le--d 4 - Ago- t: AAA -M WK Z STA7? OF COLORADt")` )SS COUNTY OF PiTKIN The foregoing was ocknowiloo gomd before Me th, of A.D_ 200, -by- D n y. W Land TMe Guarantee My oommission exotrev, WINESS my -hand and offca! seoi� 3z 5 f Nqft'ry Public SURVEYOWS CERTIFICATE fy Dona Spigener, do hereby ce, tto" 1 am a Registered Land SU_Vey1__1r i Rcensed under th lows 0 the St ado; that this Condom' -XIM, rr-a n Hy --c �qte -,Of Cojor In and of Wille lResidences fuii r depicts bhe improvements, inciuding th or L it d the common elomen4-s_ e oc 'dom, n, s or, and id t, ff ioco dimension, and n and v -v dc!le - lop I 'es, tic"" -Th* h�&* 4%; S 0 n to!: ertloc, b 4nd I s, suct! map was OWAA re Subsequent to substantial campiet. F, t iMiproverrnents; ot such MC. corn Pared a', h L "pli "es w; and contains ofil the Inforrnat, 'Z P reauired oy, C�R�& 38 W' sS Ora 3-20 regulations OR 0 bi 4A pil a le to maps condomn� m Common st subdi `Sion� The treq sur y, Drec, ILI tere _art Ve i's greater than 1-10,000. 0 r U#ec 1 f zn An -as Whereof, I have se, MV d and s Ape wf ne eci is __2 pt S c W21 A= AJi _0i ACCEP7ED, FOR -RECORE)ING THE OFRCE Or- THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF PFrKIN COUN'T'i, COLORADO, Al- ___O'CLOCK_M. ON THIS ___ DAy OF __ 2 00 PLAT BOOK ____ AT PAGE ___ AS RECEPTION No. -CLERK Alu RE T -KIN -OUNTY, C05E01RADO 111�11111111gipill Dana 8� spigener Regist-ered Land S-Zlrxieycr A 1 OF 6 EEDWAR BUSINESS CV,47ER EDWARDS CaL5 Q' 77 1 � 1 11 1 ORA- 0 -816:3-2 _70 926-33,73 - :--A^' 326-339:0 3012-25% COLORAFs DO PITKIN u UN f 'i A BASIS OF ELEVATON E Ev wj-9'59� -'A z ALt' C 20, f > I jF t R=20,00' =28.97' R=65.3 IT 22"'W EASEVEN - 7 Chd becr=S54 PEC. #42j2 75 MiTY EASEW-Aff Chd R.5V =2e ;z Ton=46.63 Detto=70*59'011' R=130.00' 07E) bLChd bear- -N484"5'l 2*W 50 L�=21.34' ra Ton = 11:0.70 Chd=75.93' IN I 2,1 Dellto=09'24�234" .15 0'37E .6 Chd bear --W 71 S Chd-21.324' ',E- MANHOLE 2 s R= 77.27' rW MAP LAI L= 10. 83' U TXI 20.7M PED. Ton=5.4' n' Delto=03'29'56' % 0 (>d bear=N1 1"2V44"W s xi d=1 OM' A 00NORETE A!" LEC jWA.mHa_r S WALL V URLITY U7.fX'f77YEASEAffJ i BUILDING PE V REa#42.3275 00_ RINT Q, - R= 7&27 I " N VACATION 3 EASEENT DETAIL DETAIL 1 L=62.24� I UTI'Ll MDRAH AGE EASEMEN WE i SEE GENERA' N-' kSEE GENERA116. 114 Delto= 20'00'12" Ll "W Old becr--NW0V45 SlY CSE 7"t WALL v lb :2! NOTE: ALL AREA OF LOT 3 OUTSIDE Of Y, A I i Rz N -Y &JiWiNG MPR'Fa VEMENTS AND L C 0 M M ON T REAS ELEMEA N, LIMITED, u I n -S T DISTRICT EASEMENT -HEMET 0,199 PROSPEIFONR true' C 7.5 AREA DESCRIBEID IN GENER-AL NOTE R L01 8° FIRE HYDRAW V4 7r C�CRE ( WALLS Z� DRAWAC-E EASEMEN7- VACAMD By -7#5 *fAF NDS MIAGE ��Ua� Rpl SEE DETAX L=75.531 /SEE BASIS OF tn' Ton=38.22 ��F_�a-DP77a�N JNCP� 444316003 BEARYNC U;Xf7Y EASEMENT Deito=2 '41'30" J. -FE TWL C bear= VV! PROS ROAD VA 7: E' R CA LY87RICT ROADWAY L07 f ASFEN WGj4LAJVD5 VX�GE J:UJa, C A-1:2, -V C F' 7A 7-100l'i 001 REEK S. B-10 X D RECEMIC 435OC3 Imo, VAL BLOC N", R=182 hh'.' 4 5350f,' 1 1 L=3&42 Ton=l 9.28 GRADE, DeKo=1:2'04'40" '09$41"E V, ASPEN Ul I BLOCK f Chd bear --N40 R,Ef 9.4 L LCT 2 4 k VIV-p's GFF F, u 0 A15PEN I jW R=74 I OCK D SL L= 45SC-00 ECEP N YCA' C; Ton --3.24 efto'=0W29?52' 1ER SSMH CE N Rp '48*1 VE Ghd bear- :5 4 Chd=6.47' PIP zl� ...... ... . . FW-NND 1 -1/2 -ALUMINUM DISK A IN PAVERS, "LS 3365555- Ow -OUND !-11/2' Ovs-C IN, RAVERS' LS #336547, 0 SET 5/ ' REBAR' AN�� A: , LS _ 36 t4MINum CAP #-- 5f 55 5 WC W7NESS CIORND ,Rf-- REFEIREkCE P-OHN' ADJACENT LOT — — — — — — — — — — EASEMENT OT UNE u NON—TANl' CURVE G GENERAL COMMON ELEMENT LIMIT �ED: COMMON ELEMENT 0 TES - PA W `S AND EN TP Y L. CZ'S A -RE alMENS`ON ED 6"m SHE x--16. S_ ,2� MALL ANOLES ARE 90" 96' OR 764� LWLM 07�'­FR W�f WO- CA ,r4 461679 Page: 2 of 6 12/11/2001 03:40P 00 0 0.00 V T Ll� CIA N SHEET OF 6 ENGINEERING I ; zDwAR­r's Ts_ocLRN7 97= 926-3373 � �7Ax 926-3390 JOB# '3! 5_3 END CA 1 2,3 ALL URN11 WVNI L MUMD BREAK W WAsI CERAG 4VGH` WALL UM- STA, 1 i z vR- 0, T WALL -CRO S SEInION Lu ac ag" WALL Wli-t -OMMON WA -u END URN11 WVNI MUMD BREAK W Cal CERAG 4VGH` UM- STA, 1 i z vR- -CRO S SEInION G ENE E R -A L Cr WIM 0 IN �:7 Wli-t -OMMON RLOOR Ea NOTES. WA; ` A ES ARE 90' 98' -7� 07�ERWS5- MaCA7M 2, LW7,:-> WFjpE RV VARMC PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO -------------- ----- 40.3 DECK I U ENIT 3-1 -0 ILEVEL 2" 311 113 0 i E REV --"- UMF 310-1 l LEVE11- 2) i ELE'loo-t-OWZ0' ENTRY UNT (LEVEL 1 nu 0 FNTRY UNIT 3-111 —j� s ILEVEIL 1'. 3101 SEC T! Ohl --- --- ---- 4c,2' — UN i T 314, i "LEVEIL 2) -- — — — — - - - - - - - UNIT 3:103 UNIT 13111 2) (LEVEL. iS kLEVEL ELE�--807a 12 ENTRY, UN i NJ SA RS (LEVEL 'IrN 3103& - Ya 3 r& 1 41 r SECTION 2-20 ---- ----------- DECKUNT I IL 31 2 jr 2 ILEVEL 2) � 73�-' DECK UNT IT Ir3jr IL 2 CpE Y UN (LEVEL 2) kLEVEL 5 &E 74.27 41 Y Mv ` ENTR C2 Rs UNIT 3105 is L.C. 31 3, 1: 5 1-06 00—! (LEVEL 1 ELEVZ:�"*qr ------------ 0 ENTRY L.C.E— 3-1L12 w oil 461 III Page: 3 of 6 03:40P Si Tn o -"v I Y TK =r: COUNTS cc FRI Be,00 D 0,00 G-TIRAPHIC SCALE W FEET 10 !t LEVEL I AND A A � m I EDWA:;Rr.';S W S SS CENTTR BO P 0 X 9 -D '66 ­ L RX- g 8 Lol _X g2C 3025 3 i TABL LMNIT WKLL WITH DIMENSiON CEMLING BREAK WIH DIMENISION a4-,WAL-; COILING HEIGHT, 0,5' WAU CO' -- 6' WA L- CROSS SECTOm T WALL G f -I. L L a,-6 ALL >noC WILL--' aEV--80'9" 7" WALL (3-OW9,6' Tom) STAIRS (a0--X9X' 7MP) STAIRS AY-4ow-6/ n'p) 7�7- LEGEND LMNIT WKLL WITH DIMENSiON CEMLING BREAK WIH DIMENISION 102:1 COILING HEIGHT, UNIT STAIRS CROSS SECTOm G f -I. t,ENERAL COMMON ELEMENT >noC T OM MD - MON ELEMENT aEV--80'9" 7" RM LOOR A--n-N I ISHED F E�E'v WALL ANCLES ARE 90*98' OR 172' UNLESS 0111HERWSt 11010A 7M 2- -JNYTS WRE MEASURED' hN VAR117MO, STAGES OF AA -U. RA1194: x - LE -1=8079.87- r LEV-8070.53- 17' C — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 'DEC K U',',r 31"13 EIVEL 2% kL A UNIT %Yqui UN' (LEVEL (LEVEL ENTRY IF 3107& T 11 UNI (LEVE SECTION SECTICN-f 4-4c ------------ UN111- 35109 (LEVEL 2) UNIT 3109 I�ILEVEL l' S-Fill"ITION 5-5c - — — — — — — — — - UNT 3109 (LEVEL 2) ;109 S U T N I 3109 LEVE 11- I SEC 7 71 ON C11 -C2 j 1� 1111'11111111 461679 Page: 4 of 6 I 2/11/2001 03A0P PITKIN COUNTY CO iq se, 0� D 0.00 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) inch = 10 ft, EDWARDS 8' SINESS •CE e wBOXA 9-7 IRfM 632 37 a, a 970 9.246-3371" w FAX' IS26-15390 SHEET 4 OF 5 LEGENK r, ...... . UNIT WALL WTH DIMENSION ,3X CEUNG BREAR. WDIMENSION HE CEHUNG - IGH UNI'r ST S CROSS SEC'nOh ac.E GENERALOBLEMEN, MMON -'T LIMITEUD COMMON ELEMENT a4womSHE l. EVATIO FINID, FLOOR ELE N 0 LEWV J f VEL 5 WAS:. ANGLES ARE 90' OR 225' UNUESS OTHERWSE .1NOICA 170-- 2 WIS AERE MEA W VARYWO -STAGES OF 4ALL FMAS�� 461679 Page: 5 of 6 12111/2001 03:40P V -'p l;^",VTS KIN P*TCOUNTY C0 i R 60.00 DO.00 GRAPHIC SCALE �x - SET I inch = 10, ft LEVEL 3 EDWARD'S 43 E - - 5-" EU ;90-52 Z 970 .92-6 3-1-7-3 PX S26 33W