HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.council.031-98 ~ RESOLUTION NO.~ Series of 1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO AND GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND SUPPLY, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAID DOCUMENT(S) ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council a contract between the City of Aspen, Colorado and Grand Junction Pipe and Supply a copy of which contract is annexed hereto and made a part thereof; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO: ,-,. Section One That the City Council of the City of Aspen hereby approves that contract between the City of Aspen, Colorado and Grand Junction Pipe and Supply a copy of which is annexed hereto and incorporated herein, and does hereby authorize the City Manager of the City of Aspen to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Aspen. INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Aspen on the o?.:r-dayof Qj1kY ~, 1998. . J:~~ I, Kathryn S. Koch, duly appointed and acting City Clerk do certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of that resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Aspen, Colorado, at a meeting held on the day hereinabove stated. n S. Koch, City Clerk .r--, ID: no" ~~. ".'........ '-'.............. I ,~....." .....,.."..... .......... . ~. _ ___.. APR 15'98 6:55 No.002 P.02 f'. SVPPLY P1lOCl1UMlNT AGD",NPIT $ nns AOREEMBN'r,"_"-tmo. tbilas/4ay .tf-""'LoflfJIJg. by arullletweea the City of AJpen. Colotldo.lI~ .4 ".01 to u t;;"cit)'" II:Id ' QIUINj):.TQ"': ~;'t: ~ ~~ &.~J! .~I'r......4to..tho"'VClldor", ,W1lNBSSEnI, that wIlIrNI1bt City WilMs to ~ ~ ~"i"'",- ''''~/!,lif'''' $y~ ~ c.J.Ie4 the UNITeS) beiDa DlO1'D fiI11y dficrlb0411lCl atWWId. herewith .. 'Srchlbit A', ill KCor4aboe wltll. th, tmu ud CDIlditiou 0IltJiDN in the CoDtIU ~ IDd InY ~Iatod SpllDit1lllt.lOAl, tIld VOAdor willbcllo IIOlllll.lcl UNIT to w City 10 the City u 1JIIl"1t1ed In ita Bid. NOW. THEREFORE, the City IDd the Vendor. for the colltidera&iOlli bereiDafter act fo11Ia epee .. (DUOwa: I Pi""',...... Va4or.... to II1II11d City .. to purobaae the UN1T(S) II dellllribed ill the Contract Documeat IDd lIlOIt ~8...Uy iIi VlIldor's Bid fo.r the sum of SovlDty four th~.,... folU' 1I\lndM tviaIV doU.. ($7. 42ft tII),. 2. n..1l~ (FOB 5.5 CINBTBRY LANE. ASPEN. CO.) ~ 3. ,..~ n-._".... nu. Af--I'lAl aballlMludo all CoZlttlK:t J).......~"lP1', lIB the ND'lD ere Usco4 in the Il:lvillUoZl to BleS Uld IIhi CoDfllllt Doc;\IlIIGIlt ax,' _by DlIdc I part Dfthla ApIlaaeat u If tully IiCt out 1l1eqth... 4.1\'--. (Add WIftIIll)' p:ovislGIII_). s. M"NU.~ ~ A.IA~1'1dI ~"1II4111 oftbe COVIDMtI hmofsbAU in~ to tbo~tot'lIId" \~upm~ Chy...,1bt VOlldwa:c.,lotlvclYIIId tIaoJr apmI.l....,.tlIIive.,empIo'... .~"'..l7n. -'''P'lIIdlepl ~ea. Neitber the City 11M tile Vendor 1!IaU' UYO the.riJIIt to ullip, 1ZIAaCct 0l1Nbl.! ita mtaelt or obli~OIU hCrcun.d.r without !he wrIUen <<>>DIIrlt ottU other party. '. 6. T"'rd p~- 'TbiI ~ _ __aball.aot be.! "oN or ~ to co.Ilfer lIpID or Plllt to. *DY thIi4 party or .... exo.pt to patIu to wbDm VOJIdGr or City ~ UIlp thia ~ IA~ wiCb tilt lJ*i~ wrluea plll""1~0A, lilY flabt to e1aIm 411..... or to bri.I!a Ill)' 1IIlt, 1CU01l Of otbor proco.....;"1 apWt eirher the Clt)r or Vead.or ~1.lI" of lIlY bN!IOh ., or ~11J" ofcy ofb torms. OOVCIIlnta, ......01' ~tiOIll M&eI.a~. . 7. W,,_ No waiver of 4oraIl1t by Ii_ party ohny o!t1lI tams, OOVIUIUI Of oolldiUollllllnofto blpQ~...~u'tllld obNrvDcS l1ytho otHr.party au be ool1llnled. fJt.oponIa .., a wafver ollA)' .~r default of Ifty oftho lcirma. l:OVlD&1ItI or ooll4itiotlt IIInIII com.ln""'. to be p..It..'IIled, bpt ADd obJelYed by the ....~. ~ ID: '"lr"--.l'"'. J ;'~'L...' l:..l............ 11....., \ .....,,, II....' u...... '..' .... _...._.. . 8P~ .15 :9.? 6:56 No.002 P.03 ~ II. ~~...t~."" U. r",l~. ne~U.... thIt ~ApeeDt'IVUlDIde In ac:o~ w1da,tJIe laws ~f"'" ~fColo:Uo _1baI1 he IO~. Veaue U apeed to be IX&:lllliwl, ill the eolll1l ofPl*lD ~oUDty. Colan4o: . 9. ~~'l\ll~. Ql tMlV1IDt ~)epl...la .'Il!'" to ea!orolllll)' oftha proviaiou otthfa ~ tht~pIIt)'lbIl1. _titled to Ita co.la_ lAJ'.'".ml.lItoml)''' &oJ, 10. W~~ of~~. ThiaAplpAt WIt 1lOI~ aad rcviewod throUlh . the mutual effoltI Oftbep!ios -...lII4the p.tio...... thatao CODItnac;tio1\ Iha11 be ~ 01' ,..~~ alJalllri..bor~I.,.... party llIIId Oil lliy ello&04 IIDICJ1II1 ,JlItU' 011111 pattielI m tU DfIOtllUoD. NYltw or lkd1II& ottbc A.peomcIIlt. o 11.t"'/IIi1i~~ ,._,... ~~~_ l''''w;\lili\V ~ Vnl\'lJtIo/y ....'ill'/'II.~ V.r ~,1>>y teoij." oftil....,.." tbat Atltliw it IIOf III . ~..... I. pl'lMDU)' ~, "!WR4~4. Jl'OPOIR= doblrUal.lIIcl1vod. iaellgible or vOll11lt8rily fXCl~ tiom ~ In lilY U-llr..-.lOD with all'edm1 or Stato dopIi1mat or lIpIIOY. It fIIrtber OII'tifiu _ prior to lIlaattllltlll au that it did ibcllw. tIIia cIauat witbo\lt IllOCIltloatiolllD alIloWl!' d..1nUICli0lll, IOlillitatiou, propoll1e,~ and mbaoll.tIIQta,'1A the ewat tIIat Vepdar or aD)' lowor tier partillip_ wu UDabIll to oefti1)' to t1tt .lItomtIlt, III .xp1lnati0l was au.ohed to tho 81d IftCl wu delcnnJnod by tbe City to 110 -erJ.,.,.oryto tho City, 12. w~~ A.,I~ t"_~lifl!'t ~ n-hll~ tg~~~."" ,.......111.... of 1"1~ Vendor warrw. _DO pIl'IOI 01' tel.lIaa qqoy hu bttJl ClDplO)'ld or ,...I.....! to ao1ic.1f or lIMe thl. Comract UpOIIIl.......- Clt~ for a eommillion, pcIlCl4lIltlp. hrokense, or ClODtiIIpDt tee, .""P"'''I boDI6de emplo)'NJ or boIIII fide Nl.aI;lUfhod C"'lIl~1a1 or aeWl1lllcutu ~ by tbo VlIldor tor tho PWJIOM of IKq buaIMIl. VGIdor ....lIOt to live In)' 1IAploy.. afthe City. ilUulty or Ill)' oft'er of lIIIap!oyr&\lat In. ""V ftioA with lAY dociIioD, appsovtl. dlNPJllo"l1, ~ propuatiOll of any part of. propIIID ~ll4t or . pu:Il~ llXlWl1t. 1.f1I'-lna lbc ~1IlIlt of ay IpIClfIoation or proo~ "brd, l'OIlSorIai Idvi". iDvOltipZlon, ~_, or hi any 0Ib0r edvllol'f capa;it)' bJ Ill)' ,...,.~"'. or .ppli~1I, nquut for nillna. dotemtiDatJoa. claim or eor.tMI1.,. or otherpaticu1tr lUtter. pauiniDa to t\:lia ~t, or to lIIl)' 10ltllltatlOll or plo~DIII1Mrotor. , VeIldor replWaIJU _ DO 0810111, om_, aapJO)'el or '"J''' ICIDtmve oftbe Clt)' duriDa the term ofthIJ Atio....... hu or OJII (1) year tbInttlar WlI havt~ u..t, clirtct OllDcUzeot, In WI AJnltmnt or tbe pr 'T 1. thmof.-eopt 1hote that may have . bea, blolOl! at the time City CowlcU IJIPI'OYN tbelllllOuIi~1l oftIUs Asnellltnt. o ID: HI~"',-Jl,f.-.1.j~O 1.:',..\'J.e. I l'U, I .,,'"""...... ....VI... ..- ---.. APR 15'98 6:56 No.002 P.04 r ha ICkIltJoD IOQrhel'rtrp",ltlP)'.YCl tw ~oftllo ~1\iQDI.._ 00='-"" gratuitiOl. k1~~aIIllcoll1J.lot ofirltlrllt. t1:It City lhall have the rlaht to: I. eu.o.l tbiI ~ Ap.I,lIfGt withN lIlY ~Ui. by ~ City; 2. DebIr or.UIpICIII tbtMf~"". pIlfi..,.. bIll._ vmdor. GOAtlKtor or JUbllolllflGlln '* Ci&y COlIIrIr*; 3. 0ecI\I0t troal the __ Jdoe or~, or othmvi18I'llCOVOl. the valua ~t~ ~ or I'IllIivId by till VenPr. 8D4 4. ~v<<'\leA vl1ue from Ibo C'w-"I..,.nI.tt 1), T-lr1'''' .~.~l1t ~ ~ r'O".,..u~~~ I'flrl~ The 11I1. eoD~""" by this ~ may be CIIICelod by the Cit)' prior to ~ by the City wbInevw for my roaIOII _iA illeol. ~0Il tbe Cit)' IIlII1 derermiu that B\I41h o&IlQOUUlon 18 iD Its beat JmeratlII'Jd. OOAVaal". . r 14. Jl'".... A...iloihllih>. plt....~ o""F"~ of tho City payable after tha ~umnt fillClll y_ 1I'lI1lO~1l" upcns !iztdI for _ purpoIO boIAa approprllllld, budaotod IIDd othetwiae mad.t ~a\l1c. Iftbia ApIIa:&IIIIIlODtIaIpIIIeJ _ City utfu...... 11III or federal fuDdI to IDIOt its obliptl._ .... ~ Apcrmcat .uu tit CODdDpat upoD tho aYlilabi.Uty of tho. fwlda for paymat JIIU'IUIIIt to the wrms oftbi. ApameQt, U. ~ eft_ell 41lP"""aJ. Iflbi. AIrOOmOIIt Jequll'onhlfClly to pay III1IDlO\ltlt of.mt:UI)' in ex.. of$10.000.00 it Ibal.llIOt De __06 valid UDtiI it bas DeeD approved byb City CoWIQIl orthe City otAlpa. 16. w",,!.~~j.~No di..-t",*,\IIl No.1IN ofrKe, 00101'. med. ..x. marl.ta1ItldU, afl'tc:doaal or MXQI1 ori~OII, _Iy fIJPOIlIlbility. uUoul oriJiD. 1JICOItry, ba&I.cI1cap, or roUaiollal!all bt_1D the employmct ofpll'tolll to pedolm ~tbie ~ V~r ..,.tolll.lllt aU oftllD~ ofCity'alDlIlIioipal ood.l, ....13.'.. pIIIIIl"I"1 to .~~ iIlapIO)'lD.', 'V'" f\Irdw ~ to ClOI:dply with the letter ~.t!lI aplrftotthe CoI01l1itoAnlidiaorimillaCiol:l Act of 1957. .. .tmO"4c4.1lUl ~_II'PUcab1cslltllllli tederI1 JawJ l'IIJl8CdAa diIotimillatiOIl IDd IIIlfiir IIIIPIO)'mlDt prl9f:iee.. 11, t'*.~'~?.~ 1bIJ wd_~t JlOIlI with 111 CoIlI'i;t DocIllIIJClIIfI.-n~.. ~~-.g,1HllW- the pal1ieIQlI IUPlftDd.. or 1D;o.~~pr1or.wrt_1SIlt 0IIl~ ofJht ~.In addilioo. veAcIor Wld.... tbatuo City ofBala! or O!DPlO)'tf. ot1la' \bill tilt ~ot lIl4 City Co\moil ~ II. bocfy at allOWlCil~. ~'iIlItJMlrit)' to __Into an ~ or Iq modi~ the tmDI of tho ~ OIl boM!fofUw etC)'. MY Mil ApHIDaIlt or modlao.uOll to IhiI ~t ar moclUlOUlOl to WI ~l!t 1tUl8t tit in wri1iDl1ll1lS be ~'IlClacl by 1bIl putiN hInto. ,...-., { HI".f".--"t".....1':J:"O 1.:)...)' J~ ID: I ",I..JII ~,~1'~1 U" oW....,. , J.' L- ~,.I""...", I . APR 15'98 '... .......- 6:57 No.002 P.05 , .~ ('-.. . 11. .6.uth,~"'m~ 'l1II~~..".v.OfVIftdor.UIll, ind~to the. City to o....dlia ~..t,..~IJ~ ~ Wlabe i. a ~ , reprU'W'fdlve ofVIIIdor for tU puzpO...ofea. ,ildq t1U ~ and tMt hIIlhe'" full.. oomplole wtborlty to .., \nlD thiJ AIIa_- ibr die tcmI,lIDCt c.:OIIo1UlioDl tpIlOlIJlII bInIn. IN WTJ'IlIBSS WHB)E.OF. Tbo City IIl4 the VIRliar. ~v.IY have ""..--I this ~ to. hi duly 1IX1c.:-'.t!lc day 1Dd,.. &Ie .. \Wlttca ill tbroe ()) c.:opie8,aIl of~, to all i1ltllitB _ PUIPOIOI,IIlall bI COIIIidered IS tbo oriIlIal. roa up: CITY or AlPBN: Byl ArmsT: /~ City Clftk VBNJ)()p.; , 41.v() # ~'I ~~ &;~Y ~: ~~~~/ . ~a. ~4T"' Asncs ~~'s~. Tid.. ,r----