HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.council.069-98 ,t"'"'. RESOLUTION OF THE ASPEN CITY COUNCIL QUIT CLAIMING AND VACATING ITS INTEREST IN CERTAIN LAND LOCATED ADJACENT TO ALPINE COTTAGES, AT 1240 E. COOPER AVE. IN THE CITY OF ASPEN Resolution No. 98- h9 WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1998, the City Council did approve a PUD and Subdivision for the Alpine Cottages located at 1240 E. Cooper Ave.; and WHEREAS, the Alpine Cottages PUD and Subdivision request did indicate a hiatus of property located between the Snyder Park parcel and the former Circuit Ave. right-of-way in Pitkin County; and WHEREAS, the City of Aspen annexed said land into its jurisdiction and is the apparent owner of this section of right-of-way; and WHEREAS, a condition of the subdivision approval for Alpine Cottages was that ownership of this remainder parcel (hiatus) be resolved before filing of the subdivision plat; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met all other conditions of approval and is prepared to file r--, the subdivision plat for Alpine Cottages; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department received an application from Larry Saliterman and Tim Semrau, owners and developers of Alpine Cottages requesting that the city quit claim its interest in the subject lands in exchange for certain trail and water easements granted through the PUD and Subdivision process; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Aspen City Council on September 28, 1998 the Council considered the applicant's request and thought it to be in the city's best interest to quit claim said land. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council; That the Mayor is authorized to execute the appropriate quit claim deed in order to vacate the city's interest in certain lands located between Snyder Park and Alpine Cottages, more particularly described in the attachment to said deed. APPROVED by the City Council at its regular meeting on September 28, 1998. r' r'\, r' r' Approved as to form: al#1~ Ity ttomey g:lplannioglaspenlre$O,docIeityQlUJlcillalpqlClll.doc Si1d7<t:>~ 2 , SEP-1S-8e IS,12 FROM , LAW OFFICES 10'3034435478 PACE 4/4 " ,l!ftcHi.T A , ,~, QUIrCLAIM DEED nus DEED, made as of Ibis _ day of . 1998. THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO. a ........cipal corporaliClll, Grmulr. aDd LARR.Y SALIIERMAN. whose legaJ addRss is 5005 Old Cedor Lake Ro8d. St. Louis P8l'k. y"."....". 55416, oflhe County of EqIe, and State ~ Colorado, Grantee, " WlTNESSE1'H,!bat the Gtanlor, for good aDd valuable l. ..,=4r..lOIiaa, the naipt aud ..Jijj~ of wbich is herdlY adalowlcclpd, bas remised, l'W"Sw. sold, oon~ llIId QUITCLAIMED, aDd by these I"~ clccs release, ~aDd QUITCLAlM lII1to \be Grantee, his heiI$, slImms and ~ fcrevct. all the rigbt, title, intcresl, c1aiuuDi demaad wbicb. the Grmtcrbas iu aDd to 1bereal ptOlIdtY, tcsetberwith all imp.",.....c4IS, if my. situarc, J:yiDgaDd beiug ill the Cowty ofPitlciIl, aDd State of Colondo. described as tbIIows: . See Exhibit 1 ~ hereto aDd~_ herein by1his~~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, ~ with all and siDgullrthe appurtealrDCcS IIld prlvilep:s ~ Ibeteunto bdno,ging cr in mywisc theIamtc appctaiDiDg, aud all tile eslR, rigbl, title, iDIm:st IIId claim wbaI$oevc:r, of tbeGtaala. <idler ill law or equity. to the only proper use, beaelit aDd behoof oftbe GnmIee. his heirs and assip fcrevct. IN WllNESS WHElU:OF, The Onntor bas W""'ted this deed oa the cIate set forth above. CIlYOF ASPEN, COLORADO, a IIl1IDicipal ~ratioo r' Kathryn S. Koch, City Clerl: APPROVED AS TO FORM: John WOICeSler, City A11DlrJ.ey $late of COlorado ). CouIlIy of ) Theforcgoingwas acknowledged Were me this _ day of .199$, by JOHNBENNET as Maycc md KATHRYN S. KOCH. City Cleric: of the CltyofAspe:o., Colorado. all1lllIicipalOOlI""..ri<n My~;,.;on~ Witness my hand aDd ollicia1 seal NolaIy Pub&: r". QIJITCLAlM \)EEl) e . h-4Lcp1F<<=,lDo.t,Q._3'704:4Do1M:rC080237 Net e .. I AppIvwd. (303):J69-4UOQ t99$ AD ri&Jda~ 09122198' TOE 13:52 FA! 1 970 945 5948 ---------- - SCIDlUESER GORDON llEYER III 002 -- -- ~G M ..- .-- 118 West Sth. Suilo 200 Glenwood Springs. CO !:1601 .-!.970} 945-1004 , 'AX (970) 945-5948 22 Sept. 1998 Job No. 9259 D€SCRIPTlON-HIATUS BawCXN FERGUSON eX€MPTfON AND SNYDeR PROPfRTY r"\ A tract of land sitl./ote in the Riverside Addition to the City of Aspen, County of Pitkin. State of Colorado, Section 18. Township 10 SOl./th, Range 84 West of the 6th Pnncipal Meridian being more particularly drJscribed as follows: Beginning at the most northrJrly comrJr of Open Space EasemrJnt Lot 3, f'erguson Exemption Plat as recorded June " 1981 in Plot Book 11 at Page 59; thence (ilong thrJ northerly and easterly linrJ of said Open Space casement Lot 3 the following courses: 24.89 feet along thrJ ore of a curve to the right, having a radius of 293.57 feet. 0 central angle of 4'51':US: and subtending 0 chord bearing S 24'21 '03M I! 24.88 feet; thence 82.55 feet along the arc af a curve to the left, having a radius of 184.52 feet, a central angle of 25'37'08: and' subtendtng a chord beanng S 34'4J'5S. € 81.86 feet along said line and on extension thereof to the southerly line of 0 tract of land described in Book 750 at Page 665 of the records of the ClrJrk and Recorder of Pitkin County, Colorooo; thence N 30'47'00. W 107.3.3 feet along satd sautherly line; thence S 41'01'18- W 3.00 feet to the point of beginning, contalnlflg 583 square feet more or less. The name and address of the person who creatrJd the above legal deser/ptton is Kenneth R. Wilson, L5. 1571 Schmueser Gordon Meyer. Inc., 118 West 6th Street, SuitrJ 200, ,n Colorado 81601. KrJnneth R, I 1-' .' . , ~' t~~ ,-.., rfC' ~/ cO' . s: . ~.,,'--'-~' ..~.; , ~ ~ ~ /fJ'APeN Snyder Park PUD Housing Office HIATUS BeTWEeN BOOK 760 AT PACE 665 AND ~r;USON EXEMPTION aor;E AND FERGUSON EX(MP7ION- .]8902 SO.n: ~~N FERGUSON EXDiPTlON 'JERNDtE 5u80. AND SOOJ( 760 E 685 -'754. $(J,n: ~fMENT -3442 SO.n: If:NJNp.....NiD ;;I.IMIIMICAPIS1~1I .ot:IU\CIAIlJAItAMJItUllW ~""""'" IDUNDJf"- -... ~ ~ HIATUS SWEEN WOERNOLE SU~ AND FERGUSON (XFMPTlON war LINE WOERNDLE SUBOIVISION c ' Cb.-,' "~....~ '?'.o (:/, <S>~ "i"~ .;p ~ ~. ~ .r <1-0 ,-.. <:9"", ,,::; ,6'0. ....0 ~, I 'M Ii' -';' =;~ I -I' 11' -:U' l~:' 1~4 Alpine Cottages Subdivision/PUD .. .....'.....)fg " 1""'\ ','," and/UOI~IA!pqnS sa61l>>o~ aUld/\f o - o - ... . .. '" ., .. t!LJSn t~..s<N R "'" ,'= , 'I'::; ~o .... r00 ~ o~ ~.6- 4f: .~ ~ '? ~ ~ o 9"p.. rh. 0....:... ,.-:-~v II .. '.-- ....-...~ NOIS/IlIOSflS 370NII30M 3N17 JS3M NOl1d/f3>G NOSflOh'.Y ONY 10SflS 370Nh'3OM N33MOS S/UViH 1 I 9LrZ' $7dt':):>USYW MG'1WfJNy IMJ3H '0NnQI -"""'" ;iIO dQJ. NIX (1NfIQ:I OU~JS7~~ / M07ZJ.c 01N~ 0Nn0:J ~Lrl S7 ~ IfIIMftnw. ','., ' OM' Ihfm/ DNnQ!I ." NOl1dl1'J1Y.3 NosnOIl.Y ONY .99 30~d JY 09L )(OOS NEMJ.3S S/UVlH a:l!UO 6u!SnOH and )/Jlld Jap,(us NJdSY .DJ ',L.ros zr..- JN31f3..:3 SS3:X '.1,,/'os ..LJ- S99 JJOY,I.I~ 09L )(OOB ow .0SflS 370NII3OM ON. N0l1dfY3Y.3 Nosno;a; NEMEB SruVl. '.1,,/'OS ;rOBBt' -NOl1.dl1'J1X3 NOSflOIl.Y ONV 30007 3NId7 me palll:>IlA aq Ol llaJ\f r' ~