MINUTES OF APRIl, 14, 2004
334 W. HALLAM - FINAL REVIEW- PUBLIC HEARING .................................................................. 1
811-819 E. HOPKINS - FINAL DEVELOPMENT - PUBLIC HEARING ............................................. 5
WORKSESSION - NO MINUTES ............................................................. . ................................................. 6
558 WALNUT STREET ........................ . ....................................................................................................... 6
MINUTES OF APRIl, 14, 2004
Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Derek Skalko, Valerie Alexander and
Michael Hoffman. Sarah Broughton was excused.
Amy Guthrie, Historic Preservation Planner
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk
Certificate of No Negative Effect issued fo~ the Conundrum space, which is
being taken over by a bank.
Derek and Jeffrey Will recuse themselves on 233 W. Main
Valerie will recuse herself on 811 - 819 E. Hopkins
MOTION: Derek moved to approve the minutes of March 24, 2004; second
by Valerie. All in favor, motion carried.
Affidavit of posting was entered in the land use records as Exhibit I.
Sworn in: Bill Poss, Hayden Connor, Stephen Holly
Amy stated at the last meeting HPC approved the revisions to the roofing so
that it tucks back into the building so that there is very little damage to the
historic structure. One of the recommendations is to restudy the gas
fireplace vent, which is toward the front of the house. Normally we do not
allow direct vents to come out of the wall surface, we prefer them to go
through the roof which is what they are doing but it is very close to the front
edge of the roof line. Regarding the landscape there is a deciduous tree
right on the west side of the house in front of a window and staff is
concerned that the tree will block the view of the historic house. Staff is
asking for a clarification that they do not alter the historic ditch that runs
along the side of the property, which is on the City right2of-way. In the past
people of altered the ditch and planted flowers etc. There is a concern about
the metal fence that is proposed to go around the property. We will also
need to see a sample of the roof material and we need clarification on the
light fixtures, some of which might not comply with the City lighting code.
MINUTES OF APRIl, 14~ 2004
The overall project is great.
Bill said the tree is probably a crab apple and is located on the west
elevation right in front of the blank space on the wall. It does not block any
windows and they will make sure they leave enough room for the canopy.
The landsCape plans is very simple.
With regard to the fence the intent is to have a transparent fence. It needs to
be high enough to keep the dogs in. The fence can be worked out with staff
and monitor. A picket fence would be more maintenance. Bill stated that
he would present some samples to the staff and monitor. Bill said the
existing lighting will be used and they will have to frost some of the globes
in order to comply with the existing lighting code. A structural report,
storyboard and demolition plan will be submitted to staff before the building
permit is submitted.
There is one major change; the storage shed that is on part of the back
porch. It is existing and the request is to restore the old part of the addition
with the old materials and restore and keep the newer added addition. The
final drawings do not indicate retaining the shed but the model does.
Stephen Holly said the roof vent on the south elevation will be a simple
stack and painted out so that it blends and it can be moved back.
Derek asked if the crabapple would have any degradation to the foundation
if it gets too close. Valerie explained if it is a crabapple that particular tree
does not have aggressive roots.
Michael asked Amy if she was comfortable with the fence design. Amy's
concern is that metal fences whether they are simple or not, do something to
the character of the property that doesn't fit in a very simple environment.
The historic fences that we see in pictures were wood, a very skinny picket.
Metal fences were not common at all historically and this is such a pristine
property and on the national register.
Bill said they are comfortable to work with staff and monitor on the fence.
MINUTES OF APRIl, 14, 2004
Stephen explained the porch/shed situation. The porch is historic and
attached to the porch is a shed that has been abutted to it.
Amy said the porch has columns as comer boards that can be pulled off.
Michael asked for clarification what was approved at conceptual. Bill said
the porch is on the Sanborn map and when they inspected the porch/shed
area they found old siding and new studs on the shed area. It appeared that
they dismantled what was there and rebuilt it with old siding and new studs.
They agreed to rebuild the porch and keep the old siding. At conceptual the
storage element was not proposed. In reviewing the application the owner
decided he needed the storage area so they are requesting to keep the
storage area. The porch and shed will be rebuilt as it is'now.
Valerie stated that HPC also talked about removing the porch column at
conceptual. Bill said they would agree to remove the column.
Stephen addressed the materials. Right now there is a four-inch lap siding.
They intend to keep the four-inch profile but go to a lap siding with a
shadow line so that when you look at the house from the street you will be
able to differentiate from the two time periods.
Jeffrey asked if the fireplace stack on the south elevation could be moved
back further. Stephen said he would look into that request.
Jeffrey also asked if there was any site lighting for the sidewalk or pathway
illumination? Bill said they are only keeping the existing lighting.
Chairperson Jeffrey Halferty opened and closed the public hearing.
Derek said he is excited about the amount of effort that is going into this
restoration. He also thanked the applicant for the clarity in their drawings
and detailing.
Valerie said she is comfortable with going through some of the smaller
revisions with Staff and monitor. She would have preferred that the
addition for the storage not been kept. Our guidelines talk about not
enclosing a porch and it is enclosing the southern end of the porch. A real
clear differentiation of materials should be incorporated. A suggestion
would be to recess the storage shed back from the facade of the porch in
order to get a shadow line so it doesn't feel like a closure on the end of the
porch. The landscape plan works well with its simplicity.
Michael said he supports the resolution with the changes the applicant has
agreed to which are to move the southern most chimneystack farther from
the front of the building and delete condition #8. He also feels the fence
should be redesign to be a wooden fence and to be approved by staff and
Jeffrey also supported the changes that Michael stated. The material palates
are consistent with our guidelines.
MOTION.. Valerie moved to approve Resolution #13, 2004 for 334 ~.
Hallam for final approval with the following revisions:
Omitting condition ~8.
Modify condition #7 to state that the vent will be moved back.
Adding condition #21 that allows the applicant to keep the storage shed and
the materials to be approved by staff and monitor
Motion second by Derek.
Michael stated he would like the board to make a decision whether the fence
should be wood.
Jeffrey said he would not want to limit the design. Michael said the fence
should be more consistent with the pattern from the 1800's. He would not
want a high style fence. Valerie said we could look at the design and
determine if the fence design is appropriate.
Motion carried 4-0.
Yes, Michael Derek Valerie, deffrey
MINUTES OF APRIl. 14, 200a
Sworn in: Mitch Haas, Rally Dupps
Valerie recused herself.
Amy presented the overview of the project. Conceptual was granted for the
relocation of both of the historic cottages on the property. They are both to
be restored and the non-historic additions stripped off. There will be a new
house on the west and southern boundaries of the south. Staffrecommends
approval. There is a spruce tree in the landscaping that is close to the 819
E. Hopkins house and the concern is that it will block views of the historic
house. We need clarification as to what is happening with the shed. The
shed has been viewed as contributing. The proposal was to move it and turn'
it into a garage. The architect has concerns about its structural integrity.
They would like to dismantle and reconstruct the shed but this meeting was
not public noticed for that. Staff's recommendation is to have the architect
and monitor go to the site and determine what is realistic and what is not in
terms of preserving the building.
Rally said the roofing materials are cut cedar shakes. Some of the shallower
roofs are your standing metal seams.
Chairperson Jeffrey Halferty opened and closed the public hearing.
Michael said he is uncomfortable asserting jurisdiction over something that
we can't say is historic, the shed.
Derek said it seems that the applicant has intentions of working with the
shed. Derek offered to help with the disassembling and reassembling of the
shed. Derek said he is in support of this project. The massing has been
reduced 10% to 15% from the original study. The project is fitting for the
neighborhood and complies with the guidelines.
Jeffrey said he has confidence in the house mover. They brace the building
inside before moving it. He also agrees with Michael's concern about
subjective detailing put onto the shed.
MINUTES OF APRIl', 14~ 2004
Amy said she is concerned about the shed. She feels the skin-should not be
taken off and put onto a new building. It should be either moved or let them
demolish it. The shed is on the alley and has all of the typical natures of an
out building at the turn of the century.
Mitch said it is old but we are not sure it is original to the site. His concern
is whether the shed can withstand being moved.
Amy said regarding condition #6 staff and monitor should determine
whether or not the shed could be moved as an intact building. The shed will
have a garage door and there is one window being proposed.
MOTION: Michael moved to approve Resolution #14, 2004' with the
following amendments:
Condition #6 Staff and monitor shall determine whether or not the shed can
be moved as an intact building.
Condition #7 The location of the blue spruce trees on the west side of 819 E.
Hopkins is of concern and should be reviewed by staff and monitor.
Motion second by Derek. 2t ll in favor, motion carried.
Yes vote: Derek, Michael, Jeffrey
MOTION: Jeffrey moved to adjourn; second by Derek. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk