HomeMy WebLinkAboutordinance.council.066-81FORM ~o C.F. WOECKEL B. $. & L. CO.
100 Leaves
(Series of 1981)
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 81-10, the Planning and Zoning
Connnission has recommended to the City Council that the zoning
regulations be amended so as to modify the scoring system for the
residential GMP competition process to more accurately reflect
current policies of the City of Aspen; and
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 81-10, the Planning and Zoning
Commission has also recommended to the City Council that the zon-
ing regulations be amended so as to correct certain administrative
problems which have developed since the implementation of the
Growth Management Quota System; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to accept the reconunenda-
tions of the Planning and Zoning Co~mnission as set forth in Reso-
lution No. 81-10, and amend Sections 24-11.4 and 24-1i.3(c) of the
Municipal Code of the City of Aspen by the revision of the scoring
categories and points formulas for the residential GMP competition
and by the creation of an additional basis for the Planning Office
re3ection of any application for development allotment.
Section 1
That Section 24-11.4 of the Municip~al Code of the City of
Aspen entitled "Residential Development' Application Procedure", be
and the same is hereby repealed and reenacted as follows:
No residential development shall occur within the city,
except residential development exempted pursuant to Section
24-11.2, until the proposed development shall have received a
development allotment pursuant to the following procedures:
FORM 5[~ C.F. HOECKEL e. B. & L, CO.
100 Leaves
Ail applicants for residential development allotments
shall file with the city planning office on or before
January 1st o~ each year a completed application, which
shall be submitted with the following maps, documents
and information.
A written description of the proposed development
including comments as to:
(aa) ?ype of water system to be used, including
information on main size and pressure ands if
publicf the excess capacity available from
such public system; the location of the near-
est main; the estimated water demand of the
development or building.
(Db) Type of sewage treatment system to De used
and, if public, the excess capacity available
from such public system; the nearest location
to the building site of a trunk or connecting
sewer line; the expected demand of the devel-
opment or building.
(cc) Type of drainage system proposed to handle
surface, underground and runoff waters.
(dd) Type of fire protection systems to be used,
(such as hydrants, wet standpipes, etc. ); dis-
tance to the nearest fire station and its
average response time.
(ee) Total development area; type of housing or
development proposed; number of units, includ-
ing employee housing; and their expected price
range of sale or rental; the distance from the
proposed development to the nearest elemen-
tary, middle and high school; the distance to
existing school bus routes.
(fl) Estimated traffic count increase on adjacent
streets resulting from the proposed develop-
ment; description of type and condition of
roads to serve such deVelOpment; total number
of motor vehicles expected to use or be sta-
tioned in such development; hours of principal
daily usage of adjacent roads; on and off-site
parking to be supplied~ location of alternate
transit means (bus route, bike paths, etc.);
any auto disincentive techniques incorporated
in such proposed development.
(gg) Location relative to proposed or existing
parks, playgrounds, hospitals, airports, mass
transit systems and estimated increased usage
of such facilities by reason of the proposed
development ·
Location relative to proposed development of
retail and service outlets and estimated in-
crease demands on such outlets by reason of
the proposed development.
100 Leaves
(ii) Effects of the proposed development on ad3a-
cent uses and land uses in the vicinity of the
(]j) The proposed construction schedule including,
if applicab±e~ a schedule for phasing con-
A site utilization map including:
(aa) Preliminary architectural drawings in suffi-
cient detail to show building size, height,
materials, insulation, fireplaces, solar
devices (demonstrating energy conservation or
solar energy utilization features), type of
units~ and location of all buildings (existing
and proposed) on the development site.
(bb) Proposed landscaping~ screening, attempts at
preserving natural terrain and open space, and
undergrounding of utilities.
(.cc) Motor vehicle circulation, parking, bus and
transit stops and improvements proposed to
insure privacy from such areas.
(dd) Any major street or road links and sChool
sites, pathways, foot, bicyCle or equestrian
trails, greenbelts.
(ee) General description and location of surround-
~ing existing land uses and identification of
zonin9 district boundary lines, if any.
The planning office shall evaluate all development
allotments applications during the early weeks of Janu-
ary, reject those that are ineligible under Section 24-
ll.3(c), and present its recon~tendations to the planning
and zoning commission no later than February 1st of each
year or at the commission's first regular meeting subse-
quent to that date. The planning and zoning con~ission
shall review all appiications, taking into consideration
the following criteria and point schedule with respect
to each of the following areas of concern:
Availability of public facilities and services
(maximum !2 points). ~he commission shai! consider
each application with respect to its impact upon
public facilities and services and shall rate each
development according to the following f°rmula:
0 -- Project requires the provision of new services
at increased public expense.
i -- Project may be handled by existing level of
service in the area, or any service improve-
ment by the applicant benefits the project
only and not the area in general.
2 -- Project in and of itself improves the quality
of service in a given area.
100 Leaves
The foi±owing services shall be rated accordingly:
(aa) Water (maximuia 2 points) considering the capa-
city of the water supply system to provide for
the needs of the proposed development and~ if
a public system, its ability to supply water
to the development without system extensions
beyond those normally installed by the devel-
oper, and without treatment plant or other
facility upgrading.
(bb) Sewer (maximum 2 points) considering the capa-
city of the sanitary sewers to dispose of the
wastes of the proposed development ands if a
public sewage disposal system is to be used~
the capacity of the system to serve the devel-
opment without system extensions beyond those
normally installed by the developer, and with-
out treatment plant or other facility upgrad-
ing ·
(cc) Storm drainage (maximum 2 points) considering
the capacity of the drainage facilities to
adequately dispose of the surface runoff of
the proposed development without system exten-
sions beyond those normally installed by the
(dd) Fire protection (maximum 2 points) considering
the ability of the fire department of the
appropriate fire protection district to pro-
vide fire protection according to the estab-
lished response standarGs of the appropriate
district without the necessity of establishing
a new station or requiring addition of ma3or
equipment to an existing station.
(ee) Parking design (maximum 2 points) considering
the provision of an adequate number of off-
street parking spaces to meet the requirements
of the proposed development and considering
the design of said spaces with respect to
visual impact, amount of paved surface, con-
venience and safety.
(~f) Roads (maximum 2 points) considering the capa-
city of major street linkages to provide for
the needs of t~e proposed development without
substantially altering existing traffic pat-
terns or overloading the existing street sys-
tem or the necessity of providing increased
road mileage and/or maintenance.
Quality of design (maximum i5 points). The commis-
sion shall consider each application with respect
to the site design and amenities of each project
and shall rate each development by assigning points
according to the following formula~
0 -- Indicates a totally deficient design
~ORM 5~ C. F, HOECKEL B. B. & L. ~0.
100 Leaves
1 -- Indicates a ma~or design flaw
2 -- Indicates an acceptable (but standard) design
3 -- Indicates an excellent design
(aa) Neighborhood compatibility (maximum 3 points)
considering the compatibility of the proposed
building (in terms of size, height and loca-
tion) with existin9 neighboring developments.
(bb) Site design (maximum 3 points) considering the
quality and character of the proposed land-
scaping and open space areas, the extent of
undergrounding of utilities, and the arrange-
ment of improvements for efficiency of circu-
lation and increased safety and privacy.
(cc) Energy (maximum 3 points) considering the use
of lnsulation~ passive solar orientation,
solar energy devices, efficient fireplaces and
heating and cooling devices to maximize con-
servation of energy and use of solar energy
sources ·
(dd) Trails (maximum 3 points) considering the pro-
vision of pedestrian and bicycle ways and the
provisions of links to existing parks and
trail systems, whenever feasible.
(ee) Green space (maximum 3 points) considering the
provision o~ vegetated, open space on the pro-
ject site itsel~ which is usable Dy the resi-
dents of the pro3ect and offers relief from
the density of the building and surrounding
deve lopme n ts.
Proximity to support services (maximum 6 points).
The con~ission shall consider each application with
respect to its proximity to public transportation
and community commercial locations and shall rate
each development by assigning points according to
the following formula:
(aa) Public transportation (maximum 3 points)
I -- Project is located further than six
blocks walking distance ~rom an existing
city or county bus route.
2 -- Project is located within six blocks
walking distance of an existing city or
county bus route.
3 -- Project is located within two blocks
walking distance of an existing city or
county bus route.
(bb) Community commercial facilities (maximum 3
points). The planning office shall make
available a map depicting the commercial
FORM 5O C, F. HOECKEL B. B. & -. CO,
100 Leaves
facilities in town to ~ermlt the evaluation o~
the aistance of the project from these areas.
I -- Pro~ect is located ~urther than s'~x
blocks walking distance from the commer-
cial ~acllities in town.
2 -- Project is located within six blocks
walking distance of the commercial facil-
ities in town.
3 -- Project is located within two blocks
walking distance of the col'~,aercial facil-
ities in town.
For purposes of this section, one Diock shall
be equivalent to two ~undred fifty (250) feet
in linear distance.
Provision for low~ moderate and middle income hous-
ing (maximum 40 points).
(aa) The coim'~iission shall assign points to each
applicant who agrees to deed restrict ail or a
portion of his development for a period of
fifty (50) years to rental and sale price
terms within housing price guidelines estab-
lished by ti~e city council and to occupancy
limitations within housin~ income-eligibility
guidelines established by the city council.
(bD) Points shall be assigned according to the fol-
lowing schedule~
Two (2) points for each five (5%) percent of
the total development that is restricted to
low income price guidelines and low income
occupancy Limitationsi
Two (2) points for each ten (10%) percent of
the total development that is restricted to
moderate income price guidelines and moderate
income occupancy limitations;
Two (2) points for each fifteen (15%) percent
of the total development that is restricted to
middle income price guidelines and middle
income occupancy limitations.
For purposes of this section, one (1%) percent of
the total development shall De based solely on the
ratio of deed restricted Dedroo~i~s to non-deed
restricted bedrooms, provided, however, that the
floor area of the deed restricted space in the
development faust equal at least fifty (50%) percent
of the floor area of the non-deed restricted por-
tion of the pro3ect. For the purposes of this sec-
tion, a studio shall be considerea a three-quarter
(3/4) bedroom.
(cc) To be eligible for points within the provi-
sions of this section, the iow, moderate arid
middle inCome h°using units must comply with
the ~ollowing size limitations or be
restricted to rental and sale price terms no
greater than that allowable had the housing
units complied with the ~o±lowin9 size iimita-
t ions -~
M in imum
Unit Square Footaqe
Max imum
Sq'uare Footage
Studio 400 600
One-bedroom 500 800
Two-bedroom 700 1,i00
Three-bedroom i,000 1,300
(dd) When an applicant agrees to restrict only a
portion of his development to low, moderate
and middle income housing and the portion
restricted is located adjacent to an unre-
stricted portion, to be eligible for points
within the provisions of this section the
ad3acent portions of the development shai± be
constructed of the same exterior building
materials with a compatioie exterior archi-
tectural style.
(ee) ~he deed restrictions created above may be
removed or amended by agreement between the
property owner(s) and the city council upon
the recommendation of the planning and zoning
corem is s ion.
(fl) Should a proposed residential development
cause the displacement of existing employee
housing, deYined as units which for the pre-
vious eighteen (i8) months have rented or have
been sold at rates which fall within the adop-
ted housing price guidelines of the CitY of
Aspen, then the points assigned in section
(bb) above shall be based on the net addition
of employee bedrooms to the housing pool and
not simply on the gross number of units to be
constructed. A net addition of employee hous-
ing to the pool is defined as the conversion
of a free market unit to deed restricted
status or the construction of a new deed
restricted unit.
Provision for unique financing (maximum i0 points)
(aa) The commission shall assign pOints to each
applicant who agrees to sell under a unique
financing program all or a portion of his
development to qualified individuals as estab-
lished by the city council within housing'
income-eligibility guidelines.
(bb) Points shall be assigned according to the
following schedule;
FORM l) C, F, HOECKEL B, B. & L. CO,
100 Leaves
95 percent applicant ~inancin9
Point (s)
Two-bedroom or larger
i i/2
100 percent applicant financing
Unit Point (s)
Stud io
Two-bedroom or larger
(cc) To be eligibie for points within the provi-
sions of this section, the mortgage offered by
the applicant must De freely assumable for a
term of thirty (30) years or mores at an
interest rate of 12% or an interest rate equal
to the current rate of the Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corporation, as determined on the
date of preliminary plat submission. The
lesser of the above interest rates shall be
that offered by the applicant and there shall
be no closing points and no prepayment pen-
alty. The monthly amortization for the mort-
gage must fall within the employee housin~
price guideline which has been designated for
the unit.
(6) Bonus Points (maximum 7 points)
(aa) The commission members may, when any one
determines that a proDect has not only incor-
porated and met the substantive criteria of
sections 24-11.4(b)(i), (2) and (3), but has
also exceeded the provisions of these sections
and achieved an outstanding overall design
meriting recognition, award additional bonus
points not exceeding twenty percent (20%) of
the total points awarded under sections 24-
li.4(b)(1), (2) and (3). Any commission mem-
ber awarding bonus points snail provide a
written justification of that award for the
public hearing record.
The coimmiss~on shall consider ail eligible applications
at a public hearing at the close of which each member of
the conm[ission shall identify the number of points
assigned by him under each of the criteria outlined in
sections 24-11.4(b)(1), (2), (3), (4) ~ (5) and (6), and
the total number of points awarded by all members~
divided by the nut, her of members voting, shall consti-
tute the total points awarded to the pro3ect. For pro-
3ects involving two or more sites, the points awarded to
each site shall be weighted as to the number of units to
be constructed on each site and a weighted value calcu-
lated for the points in each category. Any proDect not
receiving a minimtuu of sixty (60) percent of the total
FO~ s~ C, F. IqOECKEL B. B, & b
100 Leaves
points available under section 24-i±.4(b)(1), (2), (3)
and (4), or a minimum of thirty (30%) percent of the
points avaiiaD±e under each of Sections 24-ii.4(b)(1) f
(2), (3) and (4), shall no longer be considered for a
development allotment and the app±ication sha±i be con-
sidered denied.
All proDects snail De ranked according to the total
points received (highest to lowest) and the ranking thus
established Dy the commission shall be forwarded to tile
city council on or before March 1st of each year.
In the event that any applicant is awarded points for
middle, moderate and low income housing, the commisson
may impose, as a condition for receIving points under
section 24-1i.4(b)(4), limitations on rental or sale
or impose such other terms or conditions reasonably
related to achieving the purposes of section 24-11.4
(b)(4); and may, ~n establishing such terms and condi-
tions, seek the advice of the local housing authority.
Having received the co~m'nission's report, the city coun-
cil shall consider any challenges thereto by applicants;
provided, however, that the city council review shall be
limited to determining whether there was a denial of due
process or abuse of discretion bY the commission in its
scoring. Any challenges must be filed with the planning
office' within fourteen (14) days of the date o~ the pub-
lic hearing by the planning and zoning commission.
SuDsequent to the conclusion of ail protest hearings
provided for in this section, during which the city
council may change the number of points awarded to any
protesting applicant, the city council shall, by resolu-
tion and prior to April 1st of each year, allocate
development allotments amon(~ eligible applicants in the
order of priority established by their rank. Those
applicants having received allotments may proceed to
apply for any further development approvals required by
the zoning, building or other regulations of the city.
UnaliOCated allotments may be carried over to the fol-
lowing year for possible distribution at ~that (or a
later) time.
No applicant shall, after submission of his application
pursuant to section 24-11.4(a), amend, modify or change
his application except in insubstantial part and for
purposes of clarification or technical correction only.
The standardS of section 24-11.7(b) shall determine
whether or not a change is deemed insubstantial.
Section 2
That Section 24-ii.3(c) of the Municipal Code of the City of
Aspen entitled "General Provisions" be and the same is hereby
repea±ed and reenacted as follows;
(c) The Planning Office shall reDect any application for
development allotment which fails to.~
(l) Satisfy minimum utility or access requirements;
FORM 5~ C.F. HOECKEL B. 8. ~ L. CO.
100 Leaves
Comply with any approved master pian for the devez-
opment area;
Comply with the requirements of Chap%er 24, Zonlng~
of the Code, or any other applicaDie land use or
building regulation of the City of Aspen; or
Satisfy the requirement that an applicant who holds
a previous allotment within the same development
area (i.e., residential, office/commercial, or
lodge) must submit Duiiding plans to t~e Building
Department sufficient for the issuance of a build-
ing permit within two years of the deadline for the
submission of the original application to the Plan-
ning Office for that G[vlP allotment. Satisfaction
of this requirement shall be based upon the Plan-
ning O~ice receipt of a written notification from
the Building Department that the applicant has sub-
mitted completed plans for the entire previous
allotment prior to the date of submission of the
current application. Failure by an applicant to
submit such complete plans shall result in a one-
time only rejection of an application and shall not
restrict the applicant from submitting an applica-
tion during the subsequent year.
Section 3
If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof
to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity
shall not affect other provisions or application of the ordinance
which can be giVen effect without the invalid provision or appli-
cation, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are
declared to be severable.
Section 4
That a public hearing be held on this ordinance on the c~~/'-
day of ~ , 1981, at 5;00 P.~h in
the C~ty Council Chambers, Aspen City Hall, Aspen, Coiorado~
fifteen (i5) days prior to which hearing notice of the same shall
be published once within a newspaper of general circulation within
the City.
INTRODUCED, READ AND O~DERED published as provided Dy law by
the City Council of the City of Aspen, Colorado, at its regular
meeting held at the City of Aspen on ~v~~
100 Leaves
Susan E. MiChael
Mayor Pro Tem
City Clerk
FINALLY adopted~ passed and approved on the _~~day of
Susan E. Michael
Mayor Pro Tem
Kalthryn S~Koch
City Clerk
100 Leaves
FORM 50 C. "'. ROECKEL 8, B. & L. CD.
) ss
I, Kathryn S. Koch, City Clerk of Aspen, Colorado,
do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance'was
read in full, and passed on _~
reading at a regular.~,eeting of the City Council of the
City of Aspen on ~,
in the Aspen Times a weekly newspaper of general circul-
ation, published in the City of Aspen, Colorado, in its
issue of __, 19 .., and was finally adopted
and approved at a regular meeting of the City Council on
~ _~., 19 _~, and ordered published as
Ordinance No. ~ , Series of 19~ of said City, as
provided by law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
~~spen, Colorado, this /~(-/
day of ~,~ 19 ~.'
Kathyrn S.~ocn, City Clerk
Deputy City Clerk