HomeMy WebLinkAboutARCmin.12032003THE CITY OF ASPEN ASPEN RECREATION CENTER Advisory Committee Meeting December 3, 2003 3:00pm to 5:00pm Call to order - Scott Writer, Chairperson Committee member comments and announcements: II. Approval of Past Minutes III. Discussion Items: 1. January 18th Rental of ARC by ESPN/SKICO 2. Fee Increase to LIA in 2004 Fee Ordinance 3. Timing System for Pool Area 4. Turnstiles? 5. Presentation of~,asses-Policy. 6. Discuss ext6i:i'~J~ng youth priority and public skating to Aspen Ice Garden - during times from 3:30 to 8:00 7. Create Business Plan for AIG and ARC IV. Updates and Progress Reports: · Interior guidelines - Art Burrows · Rust Issue in Pool area · ARC Capital Needs (items & funding needed) · Fitness Equipment · New Programs · Signage and posting standards Action Items: · Representative to Community Day @ ARC · Amend language, re: commitment to operate Aspen Ice Garden (see attached) VI. VII. VIII. Next Regular meeting date and time · January 7th ~ 3:00pm Other business Adjourn Aspen Recreation Center*0861 Maroon Creek Road*Aspen, Colorado 81611 Phone: (970) 544-4100*Fax: (970) 544-4137 Meeting Minutes November 5, 2003 In attendance were: Committee members, Scott Writer, Laura Kornasiewicz, Alice Davis, Sue Smedstad, Debbie Ware, Barbara Owen (arrived later), and staff members, Tim Anderson, and Clem Cleveland. Chairperson, Scott Writer called the meeting to order. Scott asked for approval of the past minutes. Sue motion to approve the minutes and Laura second the motion. Minutes were approved. Scott commented on the great performance by the ARC staff during the fire alarm on the previous Monday the 1st of November. After the minutes were approved Scott did mention that the past minutes should reflect that the 100 level locker room is to be considered as a weight room, but was not yet approved. After a short discussion the committee felt that the 100 level room should continue towards housing weight equipment. Paul Rossi and his assistant Patsy were at the meeting representing the Aspen Gay and Lesbian Community Fund and Gay Ski Week in Aspen. They would like to host an event at the ARC on Thursday, January 29th from either 3pm to 6pm apres ski, or from 9pm to lam. They would like everything except the ice surface for the event. Staff recommended that the later time be used as to not displace locals, and that we should keep an eye on the late time and see that this does not affect the neighbors in an adverse manner. Sue motioned to approve the later time slot and Debbie second. This was approved by all and mentioned again to considerate of the neighbors. The committee discussed importance of transportation alternatives (Paul committed to busses), and having security on hand outside - as party ended to keep revelry low in neighborhood. Toni Kronberg asked to speak to several concems. She had many concerns and Scott asked that she place them in writing and submit to staff to review and respond to. The concerns she voiced and discussed were: More signage for overflow parking - agreed this was a good suggestion · She suggested that there should be a bike path from the golf course through the Moore Open space thus creating a straight shot to the ARC. · She suggested hair dryers are needed for kids in the locker rooms · Where is the bus stop shelter · Feels there should be free weights added to the ARC fitness room. · She would like to see the mission statement from the Advisory Committee · She feels that the'noticing of meeting are not being done properly and should be. Discussion: Scott gave summary of ice subcommittee meeting, including: Note: Please check this - I thought I summed these issues up (I know [ hit some of them (IN BOLD) but may be getting my meetings mixed up. George to prepare draft format for tracking customer usage of ice time. Revenue analysis, and customer analysis to better help staff and committee in analyzing customer usage and priorities. To present to Committee as soon as possible for review. · Discussion about integrating school District into ARC programs and User programs to the greatest extend possible. · Operational/Policy Manual- similar to Aquatics Manual Public skating philosophy. Times, locations and target markets. Make it fun, try kid free skate at LIA. · Aspen School District Coordination o Flex times for skating lessons o Training times during school high school hockey and skating club o Parties after sporting events Service Standards/Outcome measures. Staff to present suggested changes Review and recommend changes to current language Change standards consider acceptable and exceptional c> There is a need for a portable floor and that if acquired it is a City responsibility. o There is no storage as represented on the plans. The maintenance office has taken up all of the planned storage for the ice and ARC in general. This is an issue that is unresolved and will require further discussion. o Free skate a LIA ending at 4:30 not 5:00pm o Lengthy discussion re pricing philosophy. Subcommittee recommending price differentials between ri ~nk, prime time, on vs off-season, bulk and for and not for profit entities. o Summer Camps - preferably at LIA but price difference between rinks an issue © *Tim mentioned that new programs are being added such as water polo, maters swim, and schedule changes were made to adjust for hockey. The ARC operations are moving from a reactive mode to a proactive mode as we get a handle on issues and concerns still revolving around construction and punch lists. *The board would like to see a differentiation in fees from the Ice Garden to the ARC. The would like to see the Ice Garden fees remain where they are and an increase for the ARC ice fees. Staff told the Committee left this to staff for submittal to Council in the 2004 'Fees Ordinance. Laura mentioned and the rest of the Committee concurred that the fees at ARC should be slightly higher due to the parking availability, being on the bus route, proximity to the schools, and the nicer facility amenities. *The committee continued to reiterate the need for added programming and usage. *Clem Cleveland, Marketing Director for the Parks & Recreation Department, presented group rates of which the staff had been working on for the ARC. There was one point of discussion that needed conclusion and that was how to define the fractional owners, are they residents or not. The Committee all supported a motion by Laura and second by Sue to consider fractional owners as guests. It was also mentioned that the Fees Ordinance needed to be clear in defining what Fees apply to group rates, and which fees apply to local rates for facility rentals and other fees associated with the facility. Staff in the 2004 Fees Ordinance will clean this up. Generally with groups the private or corporate rentals shall be of a minimum rental time of 4 hours where the locals may purchase space or portions of space at 1-hour increments such as hockey or the swim team. *The committee stated that the Parks & Recreation Web Site should have daily updates as to what is taking place at the ARC. Staff agreed and due to some technical issues at this time we are not able to do this, but staff was working on it and had a plan at to how this could be addressed that is moving forward. *The Committee stated that information should go out as to the value of gift certificates to the ARC during the holiday season. Staff will work on this. Action Items: *The Committee discussed the Acoustic options in the aquatics area. They stated that these improvements must come from Capital and not operations. Staff explained that excess property taxes identified by votes to be used for the ARC would do so. The Committee after looking at options that were using plain panels to colored panels, to air brushed panels and various pricing ranging from $60,000 to $150,000, decided that an expenditure of $75,000 would be the best direction .at this time. This would get sufficient baffling within the Ceiling that the acoustics would be lowered from a RT (Reverberation Time) of 16 seconds to 4 seconds. The $75,000 would allow us to hang about 800 panels within the ceiling of the ARC pool area and we could select colors as we please. This motion was made by Sue and second by Debbie. In the discussion it was stated that we could come back and add additional baffling on the walls in either the same type of panel or an attractive airbrush look. The Committee approved the $75,000 direction to be presented to Council. Staff will prepare and circulate a wish/needs list for the ARC by the next meeting. The next regular meeting will be held at the ARC on Wednesday, December 3rd from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. See attached Agenda.