Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Derek Skalko, Michael Hoffman, Sarah
Broughton, Jason Lasser and Valerie Alexander.
David Hoefer, Assistant City Attorney
Amy GUthrie, Historic Preservation Planner
Kathleen Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk
MOTION: Jason moved to approve the minutes of August il-th, August 25th
and Sept. 1, 2004; second by Jeffrey. All in favor, motion carried 4-0.
Yes vote: Jeffrey, Derek, Michael, Jason
Disclosure of conflicts:
Michael - 470 N. Spring and 557 Walnut Ave.
Meeting changes for Nov. and Dec.
Nov. 10th and 17th
Dec. 8th and 15th
MOTION: Michael moved to' continue the public hearing and Historic Lot
Split on 701 W. Main Street to Oct. 13; second by Derek. All in favor,
motion carried.
Amy informed the board that the project involves the bay window on the
front of the house and the last direction the board gave them was to remove
the non-historic bay and they are in the process to study what it'would look
like to restore the original window. They think they may not make the final
deadline to file for final approval.
MOTION: Valerie moved to approve the request for a six-month extension
for 470 N. Spring Street; secondby Derek. All in favor, motion carried.
Michael recused himself.
Sworn in Camilla Auger, Gilbert Sanchez, Stan Clauson
Affidavit of posting - Exhibit I
MINUTES OF SEPTEM~E~'"2'2~'~'2~004
Affidavit of public notice - Exhibit II
Amy summarized that we are dealing with two lots that are going to be
within a larger subdivision that is not in HPC's purview. The lots in
question contain a Victorian miner's cottage that is currently half designated
and in the memo it discusses about an error that occurred in 1995 regarding
the description of the property. The applicant plans to correct that and
amend the designated envelope so that it covers the entire miner's cottage.
They are also volunteering to designate the two cabins that are next to it.
The applicant plans to split off a portion of the landmark lot to create a park
and to transfer development rights of 2,000 square feet off of this parcel to
surrounding lots. They will also do restoration work and additions to. the
historic house. The Victorian, which is in very poor condition, will be
restored and there will be a generous connector between it and a new garage
and bedroom addition. The log cabins will be moved slightly on the site and
linked together in a manner that is fairly inconspicuous to make them a
single-family house.
At the last meeting the concern was about the TDR code amendment and
whether that was the right thing to do. There were also concerns about the
setback variances. The applicant has re-worked some of their proposed
wording that says up to two TDR's could land on a non-historic residential
site as long as it is in the same subdivision as the designated sending
property. The applicant has also identified which parcels they intend to land
TDR's and none are next to the historic building so the FAR is really going
away from the designated properties.
Setbacks: The applicant has eliminated all of their setback requests along
the rear lot line. They did that by shortening the connector well beyond two
feet. The cabins setbacks have been eliminated. The garage is till within
five feet of the rear lot line but that is an allowed right. Staff supports the
application. The only issue is the location of the kitchen addition on the
miner's cottage. The concern is the way it overlaps the historic gable ends
of the building.
Stan said the purpose of the TDR code amendment is to be able within a
single project shift a little more TDR's to appropriate lots. In this project
TDR's are created by the historic house, relocated cabins, and the park itself.
In the present program there would be TDR's adjacent to the historic
properties but what they would like to do is have the ability to move the
TDR's in multiples of two to properties that are further away and much
larger in size. In this particular case the properties are Lot 1, 2, 10, which
would receive two TDR's each. The Griffith lot would receive 1 TDR and
each of the condominiums of Lot 2 would receive 2 each. The largest lots
are well over 6,000 square feet and they are also more distant from the
historic resource.
Camilla commented on the overall objectives. The TDR program is not
retroactive. The idea is to create a maj or open space on the Hunter Creek
trail, which we have been trying to get for years. A new park would be on
Spruce Street and then a destination historic core for this neighborhood. The
project is meant to be very pedestrian oriented, The neighborhood is
surrounded by large projects.
Gilbert relayed that they are no longer requesting setbacks along Race Street
but they are still requesting setbacks on the side yards on the cabins. The
UBC requires a 3-foot setback on both sides. That resulted in the cabins
getting closer together.
Letters from Jon Busch, Larry Griffin and Curlie Bennis - Exhibit III.
Gilbert said he met with Jon Busch and they came to a compromise as to
how to address the concerns Jon had. The letters basically addressed not
having any setbacks on Race Street and the cabin's garage roof would be
slightly lowered.
Map of existing side yard setbacks entered as Exhibit IV.
Gilbert addressed the kitchen and the way the architecture relates to the
existing gable end. Gilbert said they are willing to restudy that issue for
Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty opened the public hearing.
Sworn in: Jon Busch, Robert Zupancis
Jon Busch said he is mostly impacted as he has two garages outside his
kitchen door. The TDR transfer of 500 square feet to the lot adjacent to him
blocks hiTM in. The letter states that there will be no setback variances along
Race Street and they will slightly lower the roof of the cabins' garage. He
stated that he keeps getting new revelations constantly revolving around this
project. Jon did say that he supports the historic part of the application. Jon
said he objects to the TDR's on the lot next to him.
Robert Zupancis said he likes the park but opposes advertising it as a park or
trail head due to the lack of parking in that vicinity. Any city mapping or
guidebooks that are done should not have the trailhead identified. Robert
also said he has issues with the construction access which is not identified
and those are safety issues within the neighborhood. This will probably be
under construction for ten to 20 years. Off-street parking is also an issue.
Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty closed the public hearing.
Board comments
Valerie said her concerns were the variances requested on Race Street but
they have been responded to. Parking at the park is certainly a concern. She
also is concerned that the park won't feel like a park. P&Z will address the
parking issue.
Derek said he was very favorable of the project at the last meeting and he is
comfortable in granting all the variances. The project has only gotten better.
As far as the variance go the applicant has gone beyond what they needed to
do in this project. There are a few homes on Race Street that are not in
compliance with their setbacks. The TDR's are very fair and reasonable.
Jason said the garages are minimal exposure on Race Street. His only
concern is the proximity of the footprint of Lot 1 & 2 to Race Street.
Sarah said her concems were the setbacks but the architects restudied the
context of Race Street and have been sympathetic in the design. The
reduction of the mass of the garage along the cabins is sympathetic to the
neighborhood and that is a good change in the overall mass. Sarah also
supports the TDR code amendment. By keeping the two cabins as a pair,
given our criteria on how we establish an FAR bonus, many of criteria are
being met.
Jeffrey said he is in support of the application. He appreciated the applicant
reaching out to the neighborhood. The design improvements on Race Street
and eliminating the variances is very effective. He also echoes some of the
neighbors concerns about parking in reference to the park but hopefully this
will be a hike to and walking destination. Regarding the TDR's there is
concern on some of the recipient sites. There are some impacts on some .of
the neighbors. The majority of the criteria for the FAR bonus have been
MINUTES OF sEpT~BER' 2~2, 200~
met. Jeffrey is in support of the TDR's to keep the massing off the historic
structures. Jeffrey recommended that staff and monitor look at the
allocation of the recipient sites.
Valerie said she is in favor of the TDR program being used in this project
but is disappointed to see more than one go to each lot. The TDR program is
generous in that you Could gain one.
Amy clarified that presently in the TDR program you can land one 250
square foot TDR per site. Amy pointed out that HPC gives 500 square foot
FAR bonuses on landmark properties and that is the same thing that is
happening here.
Camilla said parking is a serious problem in that neighborhood with junk
vehicles. They never move and get snowed in all winter. The board of
Hunter Creek is cooperating in requesting neighborhood parking and an
internal neighborhood enforcement program, which includes towing. We
will provide parking spaces as required by law on all the houses.
MOTION: Sarah moved to approve resolution #29for 557 Walnut Avenue
with the addition of one whereas related to TDR 's; second by Derek. All in
favor, motion carried 4-0.
Yes vote: Jeffrey, Derek, Sarah, Valerie
Jody Schoeberlein, JeffBerkus and Jim Curtis presented the project. Their
design challenge is how to integrate "mind, body and spirit" into the
In Herbert Bayer later years he connected daylight issues, i.e. sun and nature
into his designs. The architects want the building to be a direct link to the
future. This project will be scheduled with HPC at a later date.
MOTION: Jeffrey moved to adjourn, second by Derek. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjoumed at 7:00 p.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk