HomeMy WebLinkAboutlanduse case.AP.805 Cemetery Ln.54A-88
City of Aspen
DATE COMPLETE: "1. 'e271??
2735-122-60-001 54A-88
PROJECT NAME: Pardee Insubstantial Amendment to an Approved Plat
Project Address: 805 Cemetarv Lane
Legal Address: unit A. Horan Condominiums
Applicant Address: 805 CemeterY Lane
REPRESENTATIVE: Pardee Development:
Representative Address/Phone: P.O. Box 4153 Aspen. 5-8737
P&Z Meeting Date
CC Meeting Date
Planning Director Approval:
Insubstantial Amendment or Exemption:
, city Attorney
~ city Engineer
Housing Dir.
Aspen Water
city Electric
Envir. Hlth.
Aspen Consolo
Mtn. Bell
Parks Dept.
Holy Cross
Fire Marshall
Roaring Fork
Roaring Fork
Energy Center
School District
Rocky Mtn Nat Gas
state Hwy Dept(GW)
State Hwy Dept(GJ)
Building Inspector
_ City Atty
_ Housing
City Engineer _ zoning
Env. Health
Alan Richman, Planning Director
Cindy Houben ,Planning Office
Horan Condominium/Insubstantial Amendment
September 28,1988
Attached is a copy of proposed plans for an addition to unit A of
the Horan Condominiums. The applicant, Lee Pardee, proposes to
add two bedrooms to the existing unit. The applicant has adequate
on site parking spaces to cover the additional bedrooms. The
engineering department requires that the applicants amend the
condominium plat after the construction has been completed.
The application is consistent with section 7-1007 of the Land
User Code regarding an Insubstantial Amendment to an approved
Plat. I recommend that you approve the request with the following
conditions of approval:
1. That the applicant submit an adequate plat for recordation
pursuant to the code requirements for an amended Condominium
Plat for the Horan Condominium to the Engineering Department
within 180 days of completion of the construction of the
2. That the Zoning Official verify that the addition is within
the allowable FAR for the condominium.
Approval for an Insubstantial Amendment for the
above proposal pursuant to section 7-1007 of the
Aspen Land Use Regulations.
Alan Richman, Planning Director
city Engineer
Cindy Houben, Planning Office
Pardee Insubstantial Amendment to an Approved Plat
September 27, 1988
Attached for your review and comments is an application from Lee
Pardee requesting Planning Director approval of an insubstantial
amendment to an approved plat. The property is Unit A of the
Horan Condominiums. The applicant wishes to construct an
addition of 1000 sq. ft. The address is 805 cemetary Lane.
Please review this material and return your comments to me as
soon as possible. Thank you.
~!PJf~ c#~
(303) 92s.1l737
Ms, Cindy Houben
City/County Planning Office
130 South Galena St,
Aspen. CO 81611
Dear Cindy:
This letter is a request for approval of a proposed addition to our residence at 805
Cemetery Lane in Aspen (legal = Unit A. Horan Condominiums). As you know my wife
and I are expecting a daughter in January and a necessary first step to obtaining a
construction loan is approval by the Planning and Engineering departments. So. your
expedient treatment of this request will be greatly appreciated (sounds quite formal.
doesn't it?),
September 20. 1988
We are planning to add an additional 1000 sqJt. containing a master bedroom
complete with views of the golf course and Buttermilk/Highlands/Ajax. a deck accessed
from the master bedroom. a master closet with a 15' clothes carousel which provides in
excess of 45' of hanging space. a master bath which will have a combination steeping
tub/steam room/shower. a large baby's bedroom and bath. The finish will be painted
drywall and carpet,
We also plan to reroof the entire home with cedar shingles. We will replace the
appliances in the kitchen. install new counter tops and tile splashes. The existing master
bath will get anew tub with new tile walls. new vanity with new tile counter top, new
toilette and new lavatory.
In order to assist your appraisal I have included the following:
. Plans for the addition - two copies,
. The existing plat - two copies.
. Proposed new plat - two copies.
. The condo decs - two copies.
. The sljbdiv;~iuft ~.x.t'HlpUUrt lWlf t,,;UfJ;c.~', fVqr k'eo::-.e",eD
. Approval letter from owner Unit B - two copies.
. Application fee, $100 check - one each.
I am aware that regulations require a new plat prior to approval. Also, a plat cannot
be completed until the changes are completed. Please don't let this inconsistency
(Catch 22) delay the process,
I have reviewed my application with Elyse Elliott in the Engineering Department I
would appreciate it if you could direct this application to her.
Should you have any questions, or if you require any additional information, please
don't hesitate to contact me.
LOT SIZE (.345 ac.)
ALLOWABLE FAR - Duplex Structure
15Jl28 sq. ft.
4,920 sq. ft.
1.575 sq. ft.
64 1 sq. ft.
500 sq.ft.
1,716 sq,ft.
3.204 sq.ft.
- 1.000 sq. it
Ms, Cindy Houben
City/County Planning Office
130 South Galena St,
Aspen, CO 81611
Dear Cindy:
I am the owner of Unit B, Horan Condominiums. I am aware that Lee and Laurie
Pardee, the owners of Unit A want to expand their unit. After reviewing the plans for
the addition I support their application,
Should you have any questions, or if you require any additional information, pi ase
don't hesitate to contact me,
JJJJ. 'l/tlI8~)
- I~I~'/.d S ~
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:..~~4 "::'.A.",r.!..~, FEC'':JR:lER
Ii,:,." WHEREAS,. Stephen P. Horan and Nancy Horan. here-
after collectively'called. the .-oeclarant, - are the ow:lIers
r. of the following described real property situated in the
11 COunty of Pitkin, State of Colorado:
Pilinq No. 1-)\
I' wnEREAS, Declarant desires to establish a oor.do-
ainiWl project under the Condominium Ownership Act of the
St.ab of Colorado, and
WUEREAS, Declarant has purchased and constructed
a building and other improvements appurtenant thereto on
the above-described property which shall consist of two
separately designated residential condominlua apartment
units, and
WHEREAS, Declarant does hereby est.ablish a plan'
fo~ the ownership in fee silllple of real property estates
consistinq of the area or space conuinee! in each of 1:he
condOlUnium units in the buildinq iIIlprOV8lll8ftt. and: the co-
ownership by the individual and separate owners thereof.
as tenants in c_. of aU of the reIIlIlininq real property
hereinafter defined and referred to as the CooIor>n El_nts,
NOlI mElIEPOltE. DeClarant does hereby pubUsh and
declare that the following terms, covenants.condi~1on..
easements, restrictions, uses, limitations and Obli9ati~,s
shall be deemed to run with the l&Dd. shall be a burden
and a benefit tv Declarant, Declare1:'. beln,' personal
representati YeS. successors &Dd ...191\8 aDd any peRm.
aoquirinq or owninq an interest in the real property L~d
improvements, their grantees, successors, be,irs, executors,
I! "administrators; devisee. or a.519ft_. "
1. DEFINITIONS. Unle.. the context shall ez-
pressly provide otherw~se, the following definition. ahall
c.) -Apartment- or -Ontt- .ana an individual
air space which i. contained within the UIIfin1ahe4
interior s~facesC". theperlJDeter valla, floors, ..~.'
coeilinqs, w1ndows anel door. of the DweII1nq UlLit.. "'~i
in the building as shown on the Map aDd. any -nde4~::'.i\.
Map to. t>e filee! for record. toqethn with all , ':';P!,'"
fixtures and impro~t. therein conta1necl but .::f: }.;"
not including any of the structural COIIJ.onenta . :"~';, 'I
of the building. if any, within a unlt:, ad lnclud- ~:,'
the qaraqe area as constructed, if any. " ,~'';~:~. ."'.
, ~":;:. ,
(b) "Condominium Utlit- means an apart_nt j, '!J~
toqether wit.h the undivided intereat in the General ,,,.~,' "
and ,Limited Common Elements appurtenant to .ucb :: I:t:"
apartment. " '
I' 'lr.-
(c) -O\a.er- means a per.on, firm, corporation,
partnership, Association or other leqal entity, or
any cOllbinatiOft thereof, ~ng one or JIIOre COI1ido-
JIl.niUII unita, the term .OwneZ'~c .ball not refer t.o
An\. MOrtqaqee, as herein de~iiI,ed, unle.s such
Mortgagee lias acquired tiU.e'parsuant to fore-
closure or any pr~in9 iD,:).leu o~ forecloaure.
(d) -Mortqage- means any zwrtgage, ~cc:d of I':'"':'~
trust, or other security inst:ru.Dt. by whicll . " :
Condoadnlum unit or any part thereof 1a eneUlllb4'red. '.'t~~:~
(e)-Mort9agee- .an.any person DAJDed a. the "t. .
Mort.gagee or beneficiary WKIer any SlOr~g.ge wbicb "4"
encUllbera ,the interut. - of any OWner.. ..:::.~~,.
(fl OCOaloon lUeoents 0 ..ana.
(1) '!be real property ~n which Lh.
building is located.
(2) The foundation, col_s, girdolr.,
be..., supports, MID walla, roof., crawl.pac....
exterior building surface~ and lll1Y oparty w.llo
u shown on the Map.
(3) 'n18 install.t.ions consisting of tM
equipment. and ....t.eri.ls l18king ap the central ..r-o:,;"
vices such as tanks, puIIpII, tlUton,. fans, COIiIpzoe8-" ~\
sora, ducts, power, .ewer, light., 9&8, bot and . ..~
cold w.ter, be.Ung, vent.il.t.ing and air conditl.oa":~:':
inq and, in qeneral, all .pparatlls and inst.all.U....ii?
exist.ing fo" COIIOIOD ....,
, : SacIl partly or ....tirely enclo.ed
air .pace. as 8ft provided for COIIIIlWlit.y or
COIIIOn use,
(5) All oth.r part.a of the Property
nece.sary or coaftAiut t.o ita exiatence, aain-
t.ensnce and safety'or.nonially ill =->T, US8.
part.. of
.. General C~I\.. n.-rt.ta" .ans tho..
the ~ B1.4IoiioIlts wllic& . 8ft DOt. de-
u .Lia1~":,~'~b.. '
(h) oLiIli tad c........, Il_ts~lIIIINuuo t.hose
part.s of the COIlI!lOI> lU_te r.~ for the.
exclusive use of the Olmen of la.. t;haa .11 of
the Condomini.... unit. ill the Bu1lcl1D9';<: Th. .....- , . ':' . ...
face and airspace abo". t.be port.iOU'j)f tile lJZ'OIIII4",.,:, '.
desiqnatec! .Exclusive 0.. _. for tile reapectJ._ ",'> .~.,
Uni t.s ....e Lilli t.ed C_ Il_t.a. C_' so de.l.... , ,'; $,
(i) "Entire Preai..... .Preai.... I "Pro'ecrt.- . ',. /.
or .Property. _an& .aDd 1nclu4aa the lan4, the :...~
building, .11 illlp~t.II and .t.rl.lctuna tI>.~,
and all right., eu_U and .ppurteIlaDC&1i
belonqing thereto.
(j) .COlllllOn E*ponaea. ..... and incl....
(I) All.... lawfully ""BBed apillat
the General Co~n El.-ents,
{2} Expenses of admini.tration .~
manaqe...nt, maintenance, repair or replace.at
of tlla General C_ Ela.nU.
'. I'. ~.
- '~,'.1:"r ~"
'.- 3fl2 ,...181
(j) Expen~p.~ c~cl~~~d cc~n ~xppn8ea
by the Uni t Owners.
Oc:) -Map. mea.ns the COndominium Map referred
to in paragraph 2 below.
(1) "Building" ...ans the building impro_t
comprising a part of the property.
1m' . '11le ti tle "Mani.qinil:~~ shaU r.i~...'t:O.'7
the pt,rson,# firm or entity which JIllY or sballbe
selected and appointed by., t;l\e,..~rs of the ~.
lIiI1i...llD~"'" in accor<1ance ...ith. the proviaiona),
I .",.:,;;}~~~~_~~:~ :i~~:~~all ca._ to ..",
i be file4J!~ recol'd!!iJ!llll';', '1',Ile', llap ahall .s.pic:1: and _' at""
le~t:;,'!:t>.t~~~lOwinq""..~'leqal description of the land and;<
....".;ey, thereof,. the.l!ui14in9 and the location of. the Utli taf;;'
V;ithin. ~.~uil4iD.ql, the' perimeter boundary of each Unit,. ~~
._~""'l!liIobtl... or . other d.ai9ft&tion. 'rhe llap ahall'c:onte1,D~}'
I~.. :.'.-ErJ::.ca5plu;.a5~!:~~;::~~~t~=;:.. :::....=i." .
fJ~i~iona of ._llnita ..nd thet the Ma~ ..... pEe~';!!!i'
:t~equent; t:o subatalltial cOlllpleUaa of the illlpro_te.>,}:""
'"j:~":~"$i~t,~;:i~,;:~,':~,:,::';..,'\_;:.,::'_."'" :~" ':>::-",:,: " ' - ':>':' ,"/,::,,:,~'it:~_
.'~','3' "',,'''''';''''.%D, interpreting the COndomini_ Map the exiat:1~,
PhYt!iCial' ~ri8a of each Utlit n construCted shall be"
"';.~108~ilialy'~...a ' to ..be ita boUDdari.~. .
":,!'he'real-ProPert;y'_1..n~,41'!1~,,1Jltc)tvo, (~.,~a~ .,
:, .iloplti estates, 'each. """" eatate ~isting of. the "PU!'.
;designated uni"" aJlC!,tbe ~~ .inte""at in and.l:Q.t!le">'
general COOIIIDII .1....."", .pparl:fl!l....t.to,. ellC!l unit a,,; is &l!"
forth on the attached &xhibitlil"wh"lch,bY this zeferillce\
,,'..de s pert. hUeof.Ilac:Il'._l'D(~).ball b4iidentified.
· the IIa bY',,,....:&il4 bW.l"l ""i~&eah...... OA,tibu>i~
. ". ;~, " ,', ,'\, ': ',~", ':,\'f::,:', ""'_. "~.~~...' :+i'i~~~~~~t,~:;S":~<:1ft.~,:;_:.:;:,. .' :,.:-,;-:':' .-.,.,:."';, ':__':,::'::(:-",~~]0'~~':~-
4.: rdJa'rBlf COlllOll'BU:i4dh,r>Aporti~of th4l',:.'?
'_ral C_ Bl_ta>1lII:tItl.!R.~"'~liildcr.....-for,th.:
c1usive use of the Owners ot, iliaeIi.UtI~t.. zespec:the1y-; __ s
being the Limited Common B1_ta.'" .
. .' ,.'X-it:::,.<,;;#t,.j~((:)~," :'-_<,..;:':::~:.::.~>;;:;O';::<1<:::':, '::'.:;' ,', -.-,.''', ,:'--
. ~e Limi tad COoaoilIll~L~l(g,~ 't,O~ the ., .
elusive use of the individual ~""'tIlIdJ;''6iif,~ckmtified:., .
the Map, and ahall, witho..t furth.",:iie~~II!t't1leI.illil.'
C....... Ble.nta associated and .ed'vitllt!l..~~tolll\!
~t.t'~ c:-";~n a:e'=~:"'::ai~ :.~tfc::J:r~ :~cP
particular Apartlllent Onit to which it 1lII..,aa.iqneclon't1le;
to the exclusion of the use theNaf by the OliJierCa), of
llAit except by invitation. All of the own.... ofcoi'A......1....
units in this condomini"", project shall have a non-exclllS1.
right in common with all of the other .......... to .. C)~ .,', .
walks. pathways, roads and streeu located vitbiza' 't:IMIi~:
con4oainiUJll project, if any. No referencet.bereto"vbe,
auch limited common elements are exclulve or ftOn-exclual...
need be_de in any deed, instrument of conveyam:e,. or 0 .",
l~trument, and reference is made to the provialon of
graph 6 of this Declaration,
" _. -
}:7;':;~0~~L.:.j.~~\:k"i~;~^;~lr~tij:"..,.....~- ...:.
5. !~r?A.F-:.;...E::';:T.t G'F ;, :';':::'" E~'!.-::::-" :",,:.:' a::.c t.::.e
lmdivic.ed i:::.teres't. :..::: ""'.e c.e'.(;::'"c.;. Co:-:6c?' E:€.~".:'$ ~,:: :..he
Li1'lited ,Common tle:oer:t.s, :..f a:...... a-:;-:;-..:;,-:'(:,"a.:".'t :':..ere-:.: s.:-..a::'
beinsepara.:,le a..*':.c ~.o:c.-?art.:''::~,;..r:.ab::''ea.''lO ~ ., ..~ '-o"".e'~'"
leased,encumbereC. d-e,-:.se.o. or :r..::e=:':'e_~ ~~.f.y:"as ~.a'.c;~,,~;.:
ainiua Onit..
6. .KET900 OF DESCRIPTIOS. Every co:: ~r act. for :":.e
sale of a con~~um uc~t an~ every other i;st~:::t ~f~~=~-
c ~. e:.o a co~do~::._........ ~ ~:. -.:' :..:,s.::::- _~ :..-.,;:': C'c::.c.:tr _:-.~-
~~~ -;~.:. :':-,'€,. ';:.::' :.:.=c:Oe= ;:;:.:. .::.:.:..:._.:.:.:.= :5.e::;:..~.::,::.-:::::: s::-.('?-.~.:, -::..... :":",e
~iu=Xa? APgearinq i::: L~e reCords c~ ~~e co~:.y C:erk
and Recor6er of Pitkin Cou:::ty. Cclo:"acc. in t1:Ie fcl::'OW'i:'le
fa.shio::.: .
Co.::doE:i14i till. Ohi t , SoraJ::. Condomini o;ms
(a condominiue..) acco:-din9' to the Cordo::ti.nium
~? appearin~ in the records of the County
Clerk a.::ld Recorder cf Pitkin County, Colorado,
i~ Book ____, at ?a~
Such description w~ll be eonstr~~ to descr~ the unit, to-
qether with ".he, 4?~t ~c!ivided interest in the COIIIID01:1
elements, aDd to incorporate .al: the' ri<;:hts i.nci.d.eDt toCNDer-
ship of a ~'-;"'iU3ll ::&nit and all the li.&it..ations OIl sQC!1
ownership as described in this Oeclaratio."l.
7, SEPARATE ASSESs><Dl'r A5ll 'l'AXATI05-1I0'flCE '1'0 (
ASSESSOR.. Declarant sba..ll q1.'Ve wrltteD notJ.ee to .tbe Assessor i
of Pl.t.kUl Cotmty, Colorado, of the creati.on of ~iUJll; j
~~rship of this property, as is provided by 1..., so tha-: '1'.
each Onit and t.~ interests a~t thereto shall be c.ee.d '.
a separate parcel and subject to separate assessments and
t.a..xation. In the event that for a period of tu.: atly taxes l
6r assessments are not separately asses~ to ea~~ unit
owner, but are assessed on the property as a wbol~ ,then each I':
1i:it owner shall pay his proportior..ateshare tbereof in aeco:-cl- .
ance vii"...b his perce:Dta~ OlIinercip of the ~riBl ~ t,
el~ts .
e. ~. A Con4oIti.niu. OQ.it may be held and
OVtl:edby ncre ~an one person as joint t.en.aJ1ts, as tenants in
coeP.IO~. ~ a!'!y lecral entity. or iaany rea.! 'Proper~ ten.aDCy
~elatio~s~:~ ~E~~~~::ed ~~6e~ the laws of Colorado.
'ftle General CoIDc::>n Elements .sb&l.lbe owaedUl C<:laIIOD by al.J. f
of <,!'Ie Owrlers 'of <he 1,partloel'lt llI>its &114 sbdl .--iIl l:lDdiYid-'
eC. and. no Owner shal1brinq any actiOll for partitioa or 1-
division of <:.he C.eneral. Ccmb:X'l. EleDlellts. IIot:h.1.D9 CODtaiDed I
herein s!"..a.l::' be- cor..strued. as a li:tit&tioa of t.be rigtlt of .
equitable :;;..ar-:.itionof a CoodominilDl UDit betweeD t:.beOwraers i
thereoL b;t s:.:c.h part.i tion shall not a.ffect aay other I
Cond6!:.ir:.i ~ t::-. it. l
EI.E:MEN'rS. Eacr. O\.":"le:- sha...l boe ent1.tlec1 to 'ezel'CS1.ve OIiiDe.rship
and J:lOS5essior. c~ ;-.is, ~rt::1ent.. Each Ovber aay use the
General And ~iJti:.e-e COl!nO:1 Elements in iICCO~V'ith the
p':J%'POSe for vhic:: t.:.ey a!'"e ir.t.ended,wit:hotlt b,iDc1eru9' or
eneroac:hic.<;, upor. -:'!':e l;n;f"J,l ri9hts of the other o.tDer(s}..
For the purposes :.e:-ecf. a~y pcr-tioa of the CeDer.I ,~
Ele1llleQu showe on ':...'".c CondOlrJ.r:.:. we Map as bearin.g the leqeDd
-open space- shall be ?reserv~d as such ~ each. owner for
aes.the-t.ic a.n~ visual ;;t,;.:r'X;s:es a..~.:: s~all never be used AS a
play or reereati~~a: a=~a~
A~."... ,
BCb. "u~y 1 1J
s~21l1 :_~
t:"..:.ght c-,-:,;,'_',,"', $(>
except ~~ pro~id~e:, "'
of a"i" )(.;...,:: may t...: ::,\:r;{'(:
allowed :c :-eside '.... .,.
'..'" ,-
..::;;:. ;''':;':
QvV~Inrnc~~a1 la;'l~ ~2~
Cor.dc1"Iir:i'':'!':''. t.'ni-.: fs=
not be consider~d t~
Except as ,th<: ~'''''"e:;;.
:":'~ ~..(. U'::"'~:"f":; '~'.'._'
. :;, ':>:C::: :,:
. '~--. -
,€::;;;.;..,;t::':,s, .1."'<':"'," c:
~~~=~~= ~: :~~lde~:ia:
:>e ;;i ','l=-: a ':.::. c.':-'~: :. h: ~
:' :"",?~.G.:':: .
; _:-:,:,3<,:'5 ~t.;;: 1
;"':: c:;~.
o':.~:..;: :',,'l 50"-
a ::;r~,e,
:'t ':..<:: ~. :-",", , .
(. : ,'. :,",,? ~, t~:
shall be al1c-wed. o?>::('t:':. ?os -,"::;:":'<'::'C a~. ::"".12 o...."':-..;>:-:=-.
"Short-te~ :-enta:s" S"'3:: ;::..,:- ::f~::,;E'c. ~5 '::e;:.~:',c:.es c: ~es.s
t.han SlX (6) mor::t.!'.s C:urati::-n. ':':.es,<: :~;:'':'-:'i':i';.~:'':'.3 shell
te~,inate i~ ~~e same manner ~$ the rich';. 0: ~,~st re~~~~l
In paragr~?h 2~. . .
12. F.;Sf.:",;,~n's fOR ENCR,)ACH!o".E.NTS~ If ar:v :x-,:-tio~
of t~!(? G<:!".~.~:;rct'~~"';'1 E.le:!l'\€;.ts :',0.. cr!'lereafter. e:,croaches
upon an A~art~nt. a valid ease~nt for ~~e ~ncroach~~t a:'.~
for the mai~te~a~ce of sarr~, so long as it stands. shall
anc does rxi~t. If a~y ~rtion of an Apartment no~ or
here4:fter er,croac~es u::.o-:::-:-: tt-,e General' Commor. Elements or
upon the acjolning ;Fa~~~~t, a valid ease~nt for the
encroacnment ?~d f~r t~e ~air:tenance of s~~, so 10no as it
stands, shall and does exi=t. For title cr ot~er purposes,
such encroachment ane easements shall not be considered cr
~etermir.ed to be enc~ranccs either on the General Co~n
Element..s or the Aparu!''1Emts. 1'he io!'"eqoln.-;: :.hall apply. as
well, in the e\~n~ of the p~~tlal or total d~str~ctic~ ~:
t~l~ buildinc, either of t~leU!1it:.sor ot..~er i::l::::rover.;e:~:"<:
r.:ol!l?risi!~(':' -all or :.l. pa:!'t of t:\e general commOn ele::<c~:s
and the subs~quent rebulldi~g O~ reco,,5tructio~t..h~~e~f.
13. TERMINATION or !o';zcri:.,'\rc' 5 ::'1:::-0 F:r~HTS ;.sr.
l:~DEMN!rrc.;..T!ON. No labor performed or In.:::te:-:.a.lS :...::-r,isned
and incorporated in an Apartment with t~e C0~S€r.t or at the
~e~~est of the ~er thereof or his aq~nt ~r~is c~ntractc~
or "subcontractor shall be the basis for fiL:,:::: of ~ lien
against the Apart.ment of any other o....ner nnt.ey.press~;' con-
s~~ting to or requesting the same, or a9ainst the C~~cral
Common El~~ents owned by such other ~~ers. Each OWner
shall incernr,i fv and hold harmless each of thE" other 0\0I""'€'."'!l
!r~~ and d~3:~F: ~ll ~:at;:.l:~y arisir.q fr~r ~~e c:3i~ c~ a~y
li~:j C:l9";'flSt t.:.tO' A;'Q!'.i1~;)t. "'[ Gny other .;)...::'lc>r or Clga,l!ist t.nc-
Gene:al Co~~n Eleme~ts fer c?nstruction performed or for
Jaber, rr.at.erlals. sen'.:.ces, or other prod1;cts incorporated
i:1 C':: othe:-..ise at" r;:,;:,',"<:.a~le to the o-..-ner's l.cartment at such
0wner's :-equest. :-<~.t....'~ t.hst,;:lldingthe foregoing, any mortgagee
of a C2.,.,::.::.,"!"..;-,iumu:-;it. \0,'''::' ,;,;,all becume an owner of a condominiUftl
1Jni~ by ~'i:e""d :~ lie:..:. c.: :8::t.'2:~~ureshaU not be ',:nder any
c.ol~ca.';._c;-, 'J :::1ce-;:-:::;:.:y ."'~.:: :~Q.l.C harr::less _~r.';' '.)ther owner
a9a.:.nst jl~:.l"ity :Or ~;a:ms aiising pr:or tc the date such
n::- :-'t"cl~~
:.'''' c='l':'les an O.....:1~':r.
,\:~:..;;SL;'.'R';:!O~ ;~~: ,"~NAGE.MES'T. Each ~mer shall
r_anage his o;::;--:--~'::~t 3:":C s~an: management of t.h€'qeneral
cor-::"~ :.:.i.e~.er:ts :::J-e~:....::l;y ....,;,th the otr.er owner, 'unless the
'J.mers of oc~.h ,':.: ~s ac~ee upon the appoJ.:-;t...~nt of a Hana:::ing
';("e:-:~ tc ad:,:",~~j1_-. ;' h,::,~h ur.its and the common elements.
~c-:.,i:::;E'so'f A;:'~'>(~".,~,",:~ ,'": trH? ~anaging A')ent ~y the Owners of
l\!n~s here'';:1d~.: :A." ;':ac~-i of record by the Manager insofar
as required L';' "~'~ ~!'.,,::-~:ce.
15. RESE:R\',:,:: ;.. t~;:'::-ESS'''';:M:AJNTENA.''cr. PEPAIR AND
r....tRGi:r~C:rs, .~~':~::t~:' - ""T":--- ~.~"'e t~e l rrevocable rlqht 'to
r;-i:l....(. 2.c::es::; ':D ",",1-' ::,t: :.. ~:':"" tf2d C(;~.."'K..'r'. Elenents
ai-:;:....rte:-,a:lt t~~~.!.~: ., ~ 1 :"Ie' 6....! ~~.; :-c'2.scnable hOl;rs
as may be necessary for :h(, ::.S.;;~ctlC'r:.. rr.aintt;r:.ance. repair
or replacement of .:my . ~ t:.)~ (,{:<t;t'r,-,l Co~o!' E:€'l"'ents thereon
- 5 -
~, t,.
.~ ~
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first day 0: c.ach :x;.:-.'_;"";. ;~"':r.: :"..?l:ib:-;.:~.q J..sP~<:" c:- ':,t.ner o..'..er
incurrir.g the cos:. s:-,al: r-:rer..-ar€ a:-'.c del:..,,,,:,, c!' ~_;o~.i.to eac:-.
().;ner an iter.-izec. rno:-.t.!::... sta:.e!"\€::-;~ sho.....:,.= ,:he '..i:.r:c',:,s
estimated or actual expe:.s,e.s ~or ..'hieh t:lE' ~ssess::-.e"tS are
made. Cor,triout'ioDfor r.rnt:>-ly as.s~SSl'rlE:!:-.t5 shall be prorat.ed
if the o~ershi? of ~ ~ondc~ini~~ wnit co~nces O~ a day
other t.'1an the first day of a montl'\.
A$sess~nts f~r th~ r~~sonable actual common
eX~:lS~SJ:'..aV be r::a.de, ':;.... t..!"i'2!J;a7,as;ir,c J,~~:':,~_, c:- C",.".~r-
incurrlng the same:, aIOOng ot.tler t.hl.nz"s.for t.r,e :.c.i.l'':,:'''lflQ:
expenses of management: taxesan~ sp;cial assessroe~~s, ~
until separately assessee; fire',;-:ns<..:.rance .....ith extended
coverage and vanialism and malicious mischeif insurance with
endorsements ateached issued in the a.m::lunt of the me xilllUDl
replacement value of all of the Condominium Units: casualty
and public liability and other insurance premiums: landscap-
inq and care of grounds which are general c~n elements
(the intention being ~~at landscaped areas which are a
limited con:non element shall be the responsibility of the
unit owr.er to which that area is appurtenant, the same ahall
always be maintained int.'le fashion provided in pa.raqraph
16 hereof with respect to unit interiers): common lighting
and heating; repairs and renovations: qarbaqe collections:
wages, water Charges, legal and accounting fees: manaqement
fees; expenses and liabilities incurred by the Mana9inq
Agent or other Owner under or by reason c..fthis Declaration;
the payment of any deficit reJl".aining from a 'pre'.J.ous period,
as well as other costs and expenses relating to ~~e General
Common ~lements. The omission or failure of the Owners
or Manaqinq Agent to fix the assessment for any monL~ shall
not be deemed a waiver, modification or a release of the
Owners from tneir obliqation to pay. No improvements shall
be made to the cODlllOn elements....ithout the consent of both
of the owners. Additionally, each owner shall be obligated
to maintain his pro rata sha~e of a contingency fund in the
sum.of Sl,OOO..OO, ,which fund may be Used from. time to time
by either owner co secure the obligations contained in this
Declaration ~n the part of the other owner to be performed.
20. INSO"RANCE. The Manaqinq Agent or Owners shall
Obtain and mainta~n at all times insurance of the type and
kind y=~.,,:..d€:d hereinabove, and including for such other risks,
of a $i~ila= \.= dissireilar nature, as are or shall hereafter
customarily be covered with respect to other Apartment or
Condominium Buildings, fixtures, equipaent and personal prop-
erty similar in constructio~; desiqn and use, issued by re-
sponsible insurance co,rnpanies authorized to do business in
the State of Colorado, and as shall be satisfactory to all
holders of first ~rtga?es and first trust 'deeds encumberi~9
t~e Unit~.The inscrance shall be carried in blanket policy
ferm namir.g the Owners as the insureds, which policy or
policies shall identify the interest of each Condosdnium
~nit ~'~er (~.ner's ~ame; unit number, th~ appurtenant
uncividec i~~erest in t~e General Co~n Elenents), and which
shall provide !or a standard, noncontributory Mortgagee
clause In favor cf eae~ first Mortgagee, and shall further
pro'vide t:',at.::':.: cannot be cancelled by either the insured or
the insur-ant.,' ,::o::-.:",a:-;y UI".til after ten days' prior yritten
notice t.o e~c~ fiTst~Ttgagee. The Managinq Aqent or Owners,
upon request (.f ar, !lTst MortgClqec, shall furnish a certified
copy of sue!". t,;d:.k ';. peliey and tI':e separate certificate
ident:fyina t~.' ,~ ('r€'~t of the mortgagor.
8t:~ I ,",Upy
'J "_
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:" rc's;x-ct c,'':' :-:".(' :;:tt77( ;::;..::=--:~;:. ..'-_ '-~',_er .=;t:..lty of
a b:reac~ cf '..",~.I::6::':.::', ,'-,:"7, :'7"".; !:.;3 lC:'. , ;-.E''';~;,~(:::C 0:' :",o:;~~o:c,-
Fliz:1ce..-it:-: any F!"C\.:S~::".~ ':: ~~.:'- ::-.0:.=., _r':.'...d:::-f :-cr:-
payr:>er,t of ~r.e j:":"\~:a:,ce ;_:-('~,.:.'~, appl:.c.,;:;lt:" :0 t.:-,at o..',.er's
interest, cr ....:-::0 :>e~~,its cr fa:.ls to prc....er.t t.:~,c hap;>er;i::q
of a:-:y E-...en-:t, \,"~;et:-.er ,':!.::::.:.ri!'19 ::-.efore C"l:- 'after a loss, .....:-.ich
under the provisions of such' "'XJlic.:,...,:.cld ot~e!"...ir-.e i:;val:.date
or suspendt~e e~tlre ~~lic:. b~t t~e ir.s~r~0ce ~~der any
such policy, as to tt~ ~n~erests of all ot~~r insured ~'ners
",...Cdt :'" ::...1~~.~ :....:.'.',..~:.....:.. n ~..' :;;~. _..~ '_:~.~.. ',.... c. >.:~.;": "-:- -:-:-: "'.,.: ':"~, <=:l-..E! l~, r:'::-t b(" i !'Wo!! 1 i di! t-
, ';.,;. ~_~ r.;; ,",," ~.,~ ~_' :'c,:-:.a::-: _,. :'.;.~l ::::.~('"e ~:;c efft':"ct..
Cnless ~~e ~'hers othe~ise aoree, cie~e~~in~t~o~ of maximum
replacement value of GI1Ccnd~rr~ni~~ Dr-its for i~$Urdr.ce pur-
poses shall be made an~ually be o:':€ cr ~re written ir.surance
appraisals, copies of which shall be furnished forL~~ith to
each Mortgagee of a Condc~~r.i~ Unjt. In addition, each Owner
shall be notified of such appraisals.
!~:,urance coverage on the furnishings; additions;
&ndimprover.ents incorporated into a Unit and all items of
r>ersonal prc,t:Je:rty belonglng to an Ovner and casualty and
public liabllity insurance coverage,wi~~in each i~dividual
Unit shall be the re5ponsibility of the Owner thereof.
ASSESSMENTS. The amount of the COJllDC)n Expenses assessed
4ga1nst or incurred on account of each Condoadniua U~it shall
be ~~e personal and individual debt of the Owner thereof.
Suit to ~~~over ~ money jud~nt for unpaid commonexpen~8
shall be ~aintainable by the Managing Agent, or any e9grie~
~~er ~ithout foreclosure br waivin9 the liensecurinq SAae.
No ~'ner r~yexempt himself froro liability for his contribu-
tion towa~cs ~~e Common Expenses by Waiver of the use or en-
joymentofany of the Co~~n Elements or by abandonment of
his Unit.
s~~ due but unpald for the share of Common Expenses chargeable~
to any CondoJr.iniWl'l Unit, including interest thereon at eight 1.
percent per annum, shall constitute a lien on such unit sup-
erior (prior) to all other liens and encUmbrances except:
fa) Tax and special assessment liens on the
:.';;.it i;, :avcr of any gowrnme~,ta.l assessing entity;
(b) All sums unpaid on a first mortqa~ or
first deed of trust of record, including all unpaid
oLligatcry sums as may be provided by such encum-
b~ance, including additional adv8ne~s, refinance or
cx~e~sicn of these obligations made thereon prior
to the arising of such a lien.
.~ evidence such lien the aggrieved OWner or Manag-
ing Ace~t ~~y, but shall not be required to, prepare a written
~otice E~tting forth the' amo~~t of such unpaid indebtedness,
~he ~arr~ of ~he defaulting Owner of the Condoednium Unit and
a descrlction of the Condominium Unit. Such a notice ahall
be sicned cy the 3gg:rieved Owner or the Kanaqinq Aqent" as
appropriat~, and ~~y be recorded in the office of th~ Clerk
and Record~~ c! the Co~nty of pitkin, State of Colorado.
Such lien ~0r ~he Co~nExpenses shall attach fro. the date
of the falL.:..re c! payment of:,'~e debt, and ..y be enforced
by foreclost:%'0 :-,:~ the default':i:,r'9 CMner'a Condoaini.... Unit
by the ag9'ri(~v('c CNner, or tbe'.!"'.ana9inq Agent in like
.--....~,,:~~ "
.1 I
m.:'!:ner a's a. r.'lO:rt'~6S( . r '~(,.{'d cf tr'...;st ':J~. t';'.31 prc;:>erty upon
recording of a nC,t:co.:.' cr claim t.:-.'en'cf. Irl arty sucr: :o=e-
closl.lr~ thedef:'u.ltir'9 Cr...:;er shall C>t.' required to pay the
costs an, expenses of such proceedings, L~e costs and expenses
for filing the notice O~ claim of lier:. ~~d all reasonable
attorr.ey's fees i:'lcurred in enforce!:)E'nt of the lien claim.
The dt.!aulting C1.mer shall also be required to pay to the
foreclosing party a reasonable r~ntal for the Condo~ni~~
Unlt during ~~e period of foreclosure,and the foreclosing
party shall be entitled to a receiver to collect the same.
Tte foreclosing party sh3.1l have 'the power to bid ~n the
COndomir.i~~ ~~it at foreclosure sale and to acquire and
held, lease. ::;o:-t.gage and cor:v;:;.y saPe.
The "mount of the Common Expenses chargeable against
each Condominium Vnit and ~~e costs and expensesl including
attorney's fees, of collecting the same shall also be a debt
of the owner thereof at the time the same is due. Suit to
reCover a money judqment for unpaid Common Expenses shall be
maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the lien secur-
ing same.
Any mortgagee~oldinq a lien on a Condominium Unit
u~y pay any unpaid Co~n Expense payable with respect to
such Unit, and upon such payment such mortqagee shall have
a lien on such Unit for the amounts paid of the SAme priority
as the lien of his encumbrance.
OF CONDOMINIUM UNIT. . Upon payment of a reasonable fee not to
exceed ten dollars and upon the written request of any owner
or of ar.y MortgagE.e or prospective Mortgagee of a Condoainiwa
Oni t, the Managing Agent or the: <>.mer of the other Unit shall
issue a writtensta,tement of facts k.nown to him, express-ly
or ,constructively, setting forth the Amoont of the unpaid
Co~n Expenses, if any, with respect to the subject Unit,
the a,JfIOunt of' the current monthly assesslDent and' the date such
assessment beco~s due, cre~it for advance pa~nts or for
prepaid i tellS, inclOOiog but not lim! eed to ,insurance pre-
miums ,which shall be conclusive upon the issuer of such
statement in favor of all persons who rely thereon in qood
faith. Unless such request for a statement of indebtecb....
is furnished within ten days, all unpaid Common Expenses
which become due prior to the date of making such request
shall be subordinate to the lien of the mortgagee requesting
such statement.
T:',,;- grantee of a Unit 6hall be jointly and severally 'I'
liable with the qrantor for all unpaid asses~ments against
the latter for his proportinnate share of the COmmon Expenses
up to th~ ti~ of the grant or conveyance, without prejudice I
to the grantee 's right to recover from the qrantor the amounta
paid by ttle grantee therefor: provided however, that, upon ,
pay~nt of a reasonable fee not to exceed ten dollars, and 1
UpO""l :.;d tten reques t. any prospective grantee ahallbe en- I
title= to a statement fro~ the Managing Aqeneor OWner of the !
other Urlit of facts kno.....n to him, expressly or constructively, 1
settinq forth the amount of the unpaid assessments, if any,
with respect to the subject Unit, the amount of thecurre~t
monthly assessment and the date that such assessment become.
due, credit for advanced payments or for prepaid items, 1&-
cluding but not limited to insurance preKdums, which shall
be C{)nc 1 us i vp upon the issuor of ...uch .tatement.. unless
such reql.:...'st for a statement of indebtedness shall be complied
,with ....i t~nrj tf;~ days of such request, then such grantee shall
not be liaole f~r, nor shall the Unit conveyed be subject
to a llen for. a~n' unpaid assessments aqainst the fIlubject
. -~~,,,,*;.:;,,, ),.,,~.-,~~_.-~,~~'$\"""""'''''''''''' ->-.,......
...r coPY
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::;;. ~,)?:-G...._~~:.; ~',::,:.~.:-.. ~.:.;::._~.~::\c:!:-y. ;""-'Y
(ho....E:= :',l";al: :'".c.:Z-t.:>-:e :-::::: '--T;~~~:-:: :-;';'7"':-~-t:~.: ',:- _".nxr~a:G'~' Qr
e:-:c~~r h:s :":-.tcrcst: ,~"t."':' c! :'"'.:"'~. ~.:::-::..:~.;;: '::- C:':-,t':-
securit::i i;,stru."ner',t. ;.. ::.:-S':. ~--::::n:g.age 1'''.2.:: ::>:' :.,:;-;'(0' ~':-,::':;;:-.
has first ;:\-:0 ~1\=a~-c.",':. rt:'.~r:ty I..::"de!" :c'i;;?li;:.1:::~' la'.., ~.e
Owner of a Cc:-:do:-::.:'~.:..~~ :",.::.t :':"..."lV create ...'..;:-.~~~,= ~..;:',':.~;~;.';'e::, cr:
the follO\fo"ir.r: co:",;ci t,j.O~S: {l!. ,1',y sue;. ji..:.:.....c:: :=-crtqa:]E's
!thall al"",ays'M subor-c.itl.)t..;:- t.o all of t~,e tc:r!:S. coneit..:.o:"'.s,
ccvenants, restrict.io:-.s. US"S. li~,itatlo;ls. obligatior.s, llen
for common expe~ses, a~Q other oblio3tions createdbv this
Declaration: (2) the Mc~tg~?ee under any junior mortgage
shall release. for the purpose of restoration of a~y i~ro~~-
It'Ient.s :;r/:':;. the r.1Or'::.?a.<;€"c ;.i':-7.';'H: , ,~ll cf ::.::.:0. r::.'1:'t., t.itlE.'
6:;',1 l..nt.ert:::;.t ;.n a:..-.d t.o t.he f.'Z"oce..:.d.::. :.;.::c.e::: ....::. ...:,::;,:.:.::a;-:ce
policies upon said pre~$es which i~surance policies ~~re
effected and placed upo:-. the mcrtgaqed prerr...ises by t.."':.e Man-
aging Agent or other Owner. Such release shall be furnished
forthwith bya junior mortgagee upon written request of ~~e
Managing Agent or the Owner or either of them.
25. RIGHT 'JF FIRST REFUSAL BY ()W!."E.RS. In the event
any Owne: of a Conco~nlum,Un1t, other than~ Declarant,
shall wish to sell or lease the same for a term longer than
one (1) year, and sh~ll have received a bona fide offer
therefor. from a pros?Ccti~~ purchaser or tenant, excluding
an offer from the ~'ner. the $elling or leasing Owner shall
give written notice thereof to the remaining Owuers toqe~~er
with a copy of such offer and the terms thereof. The remain-
ing Owners, individually or collectively, shall have the right
to purchase or lease ~~e subject Unit upon the same ter=s
and conditio~s as set :~~th in the offer therefor. provided
written notice of such election to purchase o~ lease is
given to the selling or leasing Owner, or his agent, to~ther
with a matching down pay~nt or deposit during the twenty (20)
day period immediately following the receipt of ~he notice
of the offer to purchase or lease. The rightoi first re-
fusal herein provided shall not apply to leases or subleases
having a t.~..-m of less than one year and one cay.
In the event any Owner shall attempt to sell or
lease his Condominium Unit without affordir.q to ~~e other
Owners the right of first refusal herein provided, such sale
or lease shall be voidable and may be voided by a certificate
of noncompliance of the ~'aging Agent or aggrieved OWner
duly recorded in ~~e recording office where the Oeclar~tion
is !"-?ccrdec.
However, in the event the Managing Agent or aogr~eved;
o.'ner have not recorded such a certificate of nonco~pl~an~~ I
within one year from the date of recording in the case of a I
deed delivered in violaticn of this paragraph and wi~~in one
year from the, date of possession under a lease executed in
violation of tt1is paragraph, such a conveyance shall be
conclusively deemed to have.been made in compliance with this
paragr aph, and no longer voidable.
The subleasing or sublenting of an apartment shall
be subject to t~e same limitation~ as are applicable to the
leasi:~s or renting thereof. TI1e liablility of the OW'npr
under t:.est' c.:'lVenants ~hall continue. notwithstanding the fact
tbi::lt :;t' ;:,.a~ have 1€'8sed or rented said interest as provided
J!": ,,0 case ",hall therig~t cf first refusal reserved
hereln an",:: '.~';C rJc;~t of a:f"'qwner to subject his Condominium
Unit, to a t c"'..- ~ ,::.:"..,s, "Drtrya'ge or other security ir.strument.
-l'IIII",~,,,~ "" .." lii7~~-'~""""'"
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111~r COpy
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The r:~;:-;':. o! ~.~-'
extend ,~nc ['t.:.."l !or t:-,e :~:.
Colorado. atid ~,: 5:10.. 1 i~.: ;",':;
the:t, plus t'WC!1-t:"-c:;e years.
~~~~~al. ~~ =:0Ylded ~~!e~~. 3~a:l
.. ,. :,,"0",~ ...';~ ."'. ,"'.1 ";:{'C'
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26. EXDI..?TIOS fROM :;:(;:-!:' -OF rI.RS" REF"GSA.L. In the
event of any default en t~e pa:t ~f anyo-'~er ~"loer any first
mortqaq~ which entitles the holder ~.ereCf to foreclose Sd~.
any sale under such foreclos~re. including delivery of deed
to t..~ first mortoaaee ir: t:.eu of s'.,;ch foreclosure. shall be
made free and clear"of t~eprovisicns of ?dragra~~ 25, and
the purchaser, or grantee under !':.l("~ o~ ir. 1 icu of fetre-
closure, of such Condc;.:~:;:..:.r:'. ~-:;it s~.a~l ~ ";:~€=-'2'I.:po:-, ~nd t.."ere'"
after su:;.J~ct. t.o ::.:.C j..~c'...';"$iOI.S of t.h.l.S Oeclarat.lon. If
the purchaserf~llowing such foreclosure ~a:~. or 9rar.tee
under deed qiven in lieu cf sech ~oreclos~re. s~allbethe ;
then holder of the first mortgage, or its r.ominee, the said \
~older or nOl2linee -r therea-fter sell and convey e.."J.e CondoflliniUJtli
Unit free and clear of the provisions of paragra~~ 25, but i
its grantee shall t..'1ereupon a.nd ..hereafter be subject to all 1
of the provisions thereof. I
The following transfers are also exempt iro~ the
provisionS of paragraph 25:
(a) Transfer by operation of la~ of a deceased
joint tenant's interest to ~~e surviving joint
tenant(s) ;
(b) Transfero! a deceased's interest to a
devisee or devisees bv will or his heirs at law
under intestacy la~s;.
fe) Transfer of an Owner's interest by treasur-
er's deed pursuant to a sale fo~ deli~quent taxes;
(d) Transfer of all or any part ofa partner'.
interest as a result of ......ithdrawal, death or other'" I
wise, to the remaining partners carrying on the .
partnership business and/or bona fide transfers to I
a person or persons bec6min~ partners; a transfer I'
.of al,l or part of a partner I s or partners I interests
between one or more partners and/or to persons be-
coming Fartners; ,. I
Ie) Transfer of a corporatlon's l~terest to :
t;-,(", :M:":-~O;;S !orr:'lerly o'fming the stock of the corpora-;
tion a~ a result of a dissolution. A transfer to thel
result~ng entity follnwinq a corporate merger or con-
solidation; provided, ~owever, that at least fifty
~,ercent of the stock. o'f the . resulting ent; ~y is !
owned by the stockholders of the corporat~on former- f
ly owning the Condominium Unit; 1
(f) Tra.:ls!er by gift. l'
REFUSAL. D;::>Orl .....rlttenrequest of any prospeC'tlve transferee,
purchaser,_ te~Qnt or a~ existing or prospectivemortqagee of
any Cond0mJ,nl"Jr.: Uni t, t~H? ~.ana.ging Agent or Owner of the other
Unit shall for~h~ith, 0 w~~re time is specified, at the end
of thE time, iSSue 3 ",:r t'.en and acknowledge~certificate in
recordabl(' forr.;, {,'viden H1a.:
~~....,.,~..-.4'''''''--''''''' <:;
, ...._.,..'.:;>.,~~;.....,........
], ~u
"'. ~ ~ .
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~~rc;.~S. or :~3S~:
1-, ,"i::-. :"',:'::.~Ct tc ;z;;;;"".(-J t,=,.a 'first ?-'I..':..,;I.:t....
or 1 ts n~,;:,.l ~(',,: : ~ l:. cu 'Of fot"l::'o.: lo:!> <.::-e. .;l;'1C do ':"'.".~
from such f:rs:: .!Iotrtg~gee c:- .:.~_s tlO3""..uwe, ?~",~"":-.~ 4
toparagr:!p!": 26. that t.he d~d!; were :.0 !~'lIct'. :':~'.'l'~' ~'
i:1 lieu of fc!"'~clcsure~:1..j ve'r~ r,cts~Je-L't. t:: ~-'f'
provisions of f~a::agTaph :'5; ~
::;. W.t.!'. r~sp.ect ~.:;., ~\;~!' .::0.n:t:';;:~>~...:...:'..i t.r ";~..:l..:
whic~ is ~ct in {act a sal~ or :ease. t~at ~~e
trans:~r #:11 ~ct be sub)~ctto t,e Frovlslon~ ~!
~a.ragrap;" 2.5"
Such a certificate shall be conclusive eviden~ ~!
:"'he facts eontained tberein"
l~getlt or ar:.y Ovner :M.Y. ....lth ~~e cor-sent of both Owners. ac-
qui:-e and hold for the use and benefi totall the COndoilliniu:l.
OWners, real, tan;ible and intanqible personal property and ,',
may dispose of the' saoe by sale or otbervise, and the beonef1C1Al.
interest in JUly such pr?pe-rt:i shall be owned by the Condcm1nl-. :. "
OWners in the same proportion a,. their respective interests ,;,_
in the General COmmon Elements and shall not be transferable ~\~
except with.. transfer to the transferee of ownel:.hip ol the .":~:,
transferor's t...eneficial interest in a condominium unit, and ,,'
no reference tv ~U~.. personal property need be IIl4de in order ! .,;
to tr~nsfer it in connection with the transfer of a unit. : +,':
Each "'-mer mar use such property in accordance with the purpose I. ,!;"
for which it is intended, without hindering or encroach.:.n; Upoll' .:~~}::
the lawful rights of the other e>..ners,.. '!'he transferot title I ...~j:::'
to a Condominium Unit unjer foreclosure shall entitle the . ~t.'
purchaser to the bene Ucial interest in sl,)Chpersonal p~op- t .~~,:
ertyassociated with the foreclosed Condolftinium Unit.. : :;
29. KA.ILING OF NOTICES. Each Owner shall reqlster
his Niling address WIth theor-..her Owner or Mana91ng Agent and
all notices of demands intended to be served upon. any ()wner
shall be sent by either registered or certifie-dlMil, po!lt.age
prepaid, addressed in the name of the ,Owner at such 1egi!tered
~~~~i;.o address. All notices or de~~nd5 intended to be ~c~,-
ec L;~~ ~he owners or the Manaqinq Aqer.t shall be given by
reqistered or certified mail, postaqe prepaid, to the req~s~-
erej address thereof.. All notices or demands to be served
on Mortgagees pursuant hereto shall be sent by either reqi8t-
ered or certified mail, postaqe prepaid, addressed in the
name 0.' the !otOrtgagee at such, address as: the Mortgagee may
have iurnisned to the Owners or Managing Agent in writir.;.
Unless the Mortgagee so furnishes such address, the Mortgaqp,e
shall b~ entitl~d to receive none of the notices provided for
in this ~'claration. Any notice referred ,to in this sectio~
shall be deemed given when deposited in the United States mail
in the form provided for in this Section.
condOrnln.l~::n (<',tate'-s created by th') Declaratlon and the Map
r"hall conti!1ue until this Declaration is revoked in the manner
and as is ;:rovided in paragr,a.ph,..l8 or this Declaration.
'" .,"
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laIr coPy. 1~1
31. G:E?-."!:RAL.
(a) I! a~1 of the ~=~v~s:o~$ ~~ thlS ~:~ratic~
or Any para~ra?::-'. se:;,te;".Ct;, -::.!~se, ?-"':.rase or -..i-:-:-....~
or the 4?plieat.icn t..:'iere-c! 1:': any circurrtSta:lCes =:--e
invalidatedt su~h ir~alidit.v s~311 nc.t a~fect ~-
validity of ~~e reoai~der of ~~is oeclaratio~.
(b) The provisions c! t~is Declarat~c~ s~all
be in addition ~~d su?ple~~tal to ~h~ C~~do~~~~~
Ownership Act of t~e State of Cclc~~co ~~C tc ~ll
othar provisions of 1a....
(cl Whenever used ;';e!'~::..;.. ~le-$~ t.....,~ \.-;:,~:-:~e:'('t
..:.a.L.. oU.erviM protli&e, t.tu: ,fO :..n9'--"411r ~~r s,nal.i
i:-.clude- tt".e plur.al.the plurAl t.he singu.l.!r.. a.."ld
the use of any gender ShAll ir.c:;'ooe all genders.
(d) Wherever herei.n vrit:ten respo:uJes or
statements shall be required to be Nde by an
owner, failure by s~ch owner, to 50 1Mkeill,nc:! Oeliver
the8AJ1le shall qive rise to t.be right of t..~e other
OW':"ler to threaten to ap?Iy and/or to apply to a
court of competent jurisdiction toorCler the sa.IIl!,
and in the event of such t.~reat or application..
the party threatening to and/or applyinq for sucb
order shall be entitled to recover his COdtS..
including reasonable ~ttorneys' fees in proce3SiD9
and prosecutin;- 'lJuch application or threatenbaq
eo so de.
INWTTSESS WHEREOF, Declarant has duly executed this !
DeclAration this ~day of July 1980. J
C' . /'
- ~e~en 'P.
. "'-
Horan .
./ "-//'
~'. -'~ ,1r.
Nancy G -
~\.. -
The foregOing instrument .as acknowledged before Be
this .::>' day of ..........-1:- ,1980. by Stephen P.Boran and
Nancy Horan.
WI~~SS my hand and official seal.
." '
. -
.-r- .
. t '! .~.~ ",. '.
" . "
J'~ .' '1 S "-
My commlssion expires:
. \:.j:~'7i'..:",(-:,
ft.~. -
"~-:' ..... Bi''''' ;~.-~
.. .; :e.\.~":'
1/:...,.,... k..",
Sotat"v Publl.,q" l'i.
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". ""\;;":~~"~!
-' - ,-.--r
Order Number:
Commitment Number:
1. Effective date:
April 06, 1987 At 8100 A.M.
2. POlicy or Policies to be issued:
:A ALTA Owner's Policy
Proposed Insured:
Amount of Insurance
,e. AlTA Loan Policy
Proposed Insured:
Tax Cert.
Form 100 .'
Form 100.30
$ Form 115.1
$ 5.00
$ 20.00
$ 67.70
Aspen Savings and Loan Association,
c. its successors and/or Assigns
3. The eslate or interest in Ihe land described or referred to in this commitment .and covered herein Is fee simple and title thereto is at the effective date hereof
. , ",." " .. '""" ., ""
vested In:
l J. L. Pardee .. .~\. '.",
· ~:::::=::-H:-' ~ONDOH~," (.':~o:n1~)'
a<<cording to the Condom n urn Map appearing in the 'records of the
County Clerk and Recorde f Pitkin County, Colorado, recorded
July 23, 198 in Plat Boo 0 at Page 5, and as defined and
described in t e Condomini Declaration for Horan Condominiums
recorded July 23, 1980 in Book 392 at Page 179.
State of Colorado
~ r~#
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Authorized Cof.,ll'\tersigMwre
Page 2
1652 (25M 3/86)