HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.an.Randall.1975 ';,"'" i" ,....." ~ -..~.'F" i~ HOLLAND & HART ATTOR'N EYS AT LAW JOSIAH G.HOI..I.AND STEPHEN H.HART JOHN L.J.HART WILLIAM D. EMBREE,JR. JAME$ L.WHITE PATRICK M.WESTFELOT CLAUDE M.MAER,JR. ROBEIl:T P. O/WISON JOHN f"LEMING K'EI.LY FRANK Ii.MORISON WILLIAM C. MeCLEARN JAY W.TRACEY,JR. JOHN ALLEN MOORE BEN e:.CHIOLAW JAMES E.HEGARTY FIELD C.8ENTON DAVIDSUnER J.MICl'lAEL FARLEY WARREN I..TOMLINSON SRUCE T.BUEI.L DON O.ETTER JAMES T. MORAN HARRY L.I-I08S0N KENNE:TH D. HUeBARD ROBERT L.VER SCHURE GORDON G. GREIN!:R ROBERT H,DURHAM,JR. WILLIAM E,MURANE L.WILLIAM SCHMrOT,JR. JAMES P. LINDSAY EDWIN S.KAHN SAMUEL P,GUYTON JOHN S.CASTELLANO D!:NNIS M,JACKSON ROSERT E.BENSON RICHARD M,KOON CHARLES T.BRANDT ROBERT T.CONNERY HARADON BEATTY ARTHUR C.DAILY JEFFREY C,PONO JOHN UNDEM CARLSON 500 EQUI'TABLE BUILDING 730 SEVENTEENTH STREET RANDYL,PARCEL DAVIDG.PALMER MICHAEL D. MARTIN BRUCE W,SATTLER RAtJL N.RODRIGUEZ JACK L.SMITH JOHN D. COOMBE EUGENE F.McGUIRE SOLOMON N.BARON THOMAS A.FAULKNf;R ROBEl'lTJ.MOIR MARK R.LEVY R, BROOKE JACKSON PAUL T.RUnUM BRITTON WHITE,JR. WILEY E,MAYNE,JR. RICHARD T,CASSON GREGORY A.EURICH CHRISTOPHf;R N.SOMMER f;OWARD M.GILES BRITT CARO!.ANDERSON ALAN E. BO!.ES,JR, GEFV,I..O W.GRANDEY STePHENL.PEPPER THERESA W, DORSEY KENOA!.L T,SANFORO THOMAS E.GEBOW JANE MICHAEI.STALESNICK S.WYATT M~CA!.LIE I..TYRONE HOI.T WILLIAM M, SURKE JUERETA P. SMITH ARTHUR B. FERGUSON,JR JAMESE.HARTLEY JAMES E. BOICOURT DENVE~,COLORAOO e0202 'TELEPHONE AREA CODE 303 292-9200 CABLE ADDRESS HOLHAf:<T, DENVER MOUNTAIN PLAZA BUILDING P. O. BOX 1128, ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE 925-3476 AREA CODE 303 May 12, 1975 HAND DELIVERY Mr. John Stanford City/County Planner p, 0, Box V Aspen, Colorado 81611 Dear John: FOllowing-up on our discussions relating to Don Randall's desire to annex a portion of his property on lower Smuggler Mountain to the City of Aspen, I enclose with this letter a print of the survey of this property, As you requested, we have shown on the print the following: Existing Zoning (below 8040 line) Size Area Color Code R-MF PUD R-15 PUD R-15 PUD City City County TOTAL 34,465 sq.ft. 18,100 sq. ft. 181,000 sq,ft. 233,565 sq.ft, Brown Black Purple Proposed Zoning Through Annexation to City Size Area Color Code R-MF PUD (between the grade change and southerly boundary) 144,665 sq. ft. Red R-30 and (between the grade change 8040 line) 88,900 sq.ft, Green 233,565 sq.ft. TOTAL .... '" .-.. HOLLAND &HART ~ _of" Mr. John Stanford City/County Planner Page Two May 12, 1975 As discussed, the purpose for the proposed annexation is to eliminate the two zoning classifications on that part of Randall's property within the present city limits (18,100 sq, ft. R-15 PUD and 34,465 sq. ft. R-MF PUD) and to have all of the usable portions of the property (below the 8040 line) under the juris- diction of one governmental entity. In accomplishing this we have indicated on the enclosed print all of the level portion of the property ~etween the grade break you and I viewed and the southerly, westerly and easterly boundaries} as R-MF and all of the property above the grade change and below the 8040 line as R-.30. As part of the annexation, Don Randall is willing to dedi- cate sufficient property to connect Midland Avenue, as the same will be extended by the Aspen view subdivision, to Park Avenue. Further, he might be willing to stipulate that all of the density allowed under R-30 (between the grade change and the 8040 line) be "transferred" or utilized in the R-MF area to leave open the real property above the grade change. After you have had an opportunity to review this letter and the enclosed plat, please give me a call so we can discuss it. Very truly yours, cL-0c.-L Charles T. Brandt for HOLLAND & HART CTB:mec Encl. cc: Mr. Donald T, Randall JOSIAH G,HOLLAND STEPHEN H,HART JOHN L.J.HART WILLIAM Q,EMBREE,JR. JAMES L.WHITE PATRICK M.WESTFELDT CLAUDE M.MAER,JR. ROBERT f'. DAVISON JOHN FLEMING KELLY FRANK H.MORISON WILLIAM C.MeCLEARN JAY W.TRACEY,JR. JOHN ALLEN MOORE BEN E.CHIDLAW JAMES E.HEGARTY FIELD C.SENTON DAVID SUTLER J.MICHAEL FARLEY WARREN L.TOMLINSON BRUCE T.BUELL DON D,ETTER -, r\ HOLLAND & HART ATTORNEYS AT LAW JAMt:S T. MORAN HARRY L.HOBSON KENNETHD.HUBSARO ROSE:RT L.VER SCHU!:tE GORDON G.GREINER ROBERT H. DURHAM,JR. WILLIAM E,MURANE L,WILLIAM SCHMIDT,JR. JAMES P. LINDSAY EDWIN S.KAHN SAMUEL f'.GUYTON JOHN S.CASTELLANO DE:NNIS M.JACKSON ROBERT E. BENSON RICHARD M. KOON CHARLES l.BRANDT ROBERT T.CONNERY HARAOON BEATTY AF'nHURC.DAILY JE:FFREY C.PONO JOHN UNDEM CARLSON 500 E:QUITABLE BUILDING 730 SEVE:NTEENTH STREET DENVER,COLORADO 80202 CHRISTOPHER N.SOMMER EDWARD M,GILES BRITT CAROL ANDE:RSON ALAN E, BOLE:S,JR, GER"'LD W.GRANDE:Y srEPHE:NL.PEPPER THE:RESA W. DORSEY KENDALL T.SANFORD THOMAS E.GEBOW JANE MICHAELS TALESNICK S.WYATT MeCALLIE L.TYRONE HOLT WILLIAM M, BURKE: JUERETA P. SMITH />.RT>1UR B. FERGUSON,..JR JAMES E.HARTLE:Y J/>.MES E.eOICOURT RANDY L.PARCE:L DAVID G.PALMER MICHAICL O. MA!:tTlN BRUCEW.SATTLER RAUL N,ROORIGUEZ JACKL.SMllH JOHN D.COOMBE EUGENE F. MeGUIRE SOLOMON N, BARON THOMASA,I'"AULKNER ROBERT J.MOIR MARK R,LEVY R, BROOKE ..JACKSON PAUL T,RUTTUM BRITTON WHITE,JR. WILEY E, MAYNE, JR. RICHARD T.CASSON GREGORY A.EURICH TELEPHONE AREA CODE 303 292-9200 CASLE ADDRESS HOLHART, DENVER MOUNTAIN PLAZA BUILDING P. O. BOX 1128, ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE 925-3476 AREA CODE 303 June 13, 1975 Mr. William Kane City/County Planner p, O. Box V Aspen, Colorado 81611 Dear Mr, Kane: On May 12, I transmitted to John Stanford a survey print of a tract of land owned by Don Randall and located on lower Smuggler Mountain which set forth the existing zoning .of the property, the square footages of the existing zoning for analysis in connection with the proposed annexation and zoning, which were also shown on the survey print. John Stanford has indicated to me that due to the workload in the planner's office he has been unable to complete his analysis of the proposals and get together with you, Although this particular matter is not an urgent one, I would appreciate it if you and Don could find time in the next couple of weeks to review the materials sent to John and get back to me so that I may discuss the matter with our client. Your consideration of this request would be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, Charles T. Brandt for HOLLAND & HART CTB:mec cc: John Stanford Donald T, Randall ,.-., '-. HOLLAND & HART ATTORNEYS AT LAW JOSIA!; G.HOLLAND 5,EPHEN H.HA~r JOHN L.J.HART WilliAM D.E:MBREE,JR. JAMES L.WHITE PATRIClI M.WESTFELDT CLAUDE M.MAER,JR. ROBE:RT P. DAVISON JOHN FLEMING KELLY FRANK H.MORISON WII..LIAM C.MeCLEARN JAY W.TRACEY,JR. JOHN ALLEN MOORE BeN E.CHIOLAW JAMES E.HEGARTY FIELD C. BENTON CAVID BUTLE::R J.MICHAEL F"ARLEY WARAEN I,..TOMLIN50N BRUCE: T.BUELL CON a.ETTER JAMES T. MORAN HARRY L.HOBSON KENNeTH a.HUBBARD ROBERT L.VER SCHURE GORDON G.GREINER ROBERl'l-I.DURHAM,JR. WilliAM E.MURANE L.WILLIAM SCHMIDT,JR JAMES P.LINO$AY EDWIN S,KAHN SAMunp.GUYTON JOHN S.CASTELLAND DENNIS M,JACKSON ROBeRT E. BENSON RICHARD M.KOON CHARLES T. BRANDT ROBER" T,CONNeRY HARADON BEATTY ARTHUR C.DAILY JE:FFRE:Y C.POND JOHN UNDE:M CARLSON 500 EQUITABLE 8UILDING 730 SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVER,COLORADO e020a MOUNTAIN PLAZA eUILDING RANDY ~. PARCE:~ DAVID G. PAlME:R MICHAE:~ O. MARTIN BRUCE: W.SATT~ER RA(j~ N. ROORIGUE:Z JACKl.SMI'rH JOHN O,COOMBE EUGENE F. McGUIRE SOLOMON N.BARON THOMAS A. FAU~KNe:R ROBERT J.MOtR MARK R. ~E:VY R. BROOKE JACKSON PAU~ T. RUTTUM BRITTON WliITE,JR. WI~e:Y E, MAYNE, JR. RICHARD T, CASSON GREGORY A.EURICH CHRIS1'OPHER N.$OMMER EDWARD M.GI~ES BJ'lITT CAROLANOtRSON ALAN E. BO~ES,JR GERALO W.GRANOEY S1'EPHE:NL.PE:PPE:R THERESAW. DORSEY KENDALL 1', $ANFORD 1'HOMAS E.GE:60W JANE: MICHAELS 1'A~E:SNICK S,WYA1'T MCCALLIE L,1'YRONE HOLT WILLIAM M. BURKt JUERE1'A P. SMITH ARTHUR B. FERGUSON,JR. JAMES E:.HARTLEY JAMES E. BOICOURT TELEPHONE ARE.A CODE 303 292-9200 CABLE ADDRESS HOLHART, D~NVER p, O. BOX \128, ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 TELEF'HONE 925<~476 AREA CODe: 303 March 17, 1975 HAND DELIVERY Mr. John Stanford City/County Planner P. O. Box V Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Donald T. Randall - Annexation Dear John: This letter is written on behalf of our client, Donald T, Randall, owner of approximately 12 acres situated immediately to the east of Sunny Park subdivision, As we recently discussed, a small portion of this property is within the City of Aspen with the remainder in the County. Mr. Randall wishes to express his intention to annex to the City of Aspen that portion of his property situated in the County and below the "8040" line. Also, as discussed, as part of the annexation Mr. Randall is willing to convey to the City sufficient property to enable the City to construct a public street to connect Midland Avenue (as extended) to Park Avenue. At your early convenience, I would appreciate the opportunity to show you this property and discuss the details and procedures of annexation. I will, however, be out of Colorado from March 19 until April 1, so perhaps we can get together upon my return to Aspen, Very truly yours, Q \""vc..-u...='~' Charles T. Brandt for HOLLAND & HART CTB:mec cc: Dave Ellis Donald T, Randall Philip Mahoney