HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.an.Smuggler.1971 /" --. 1'"'. "....." \ .,-, {j -- PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ASPEN; COLORADO '" 'I;) ,~:;J We, the undersigned, being landowners within the esterior boundaries of the territory hereinafter described, do hereby respectfully petition the City Council of the City of Aspen, Colorado, to .annex said territory to the City in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 139, Colorado Re- vised Statutes; 1963, as amended, and allege as follows: 1. That it is desirable and necessary that such territory be annexed to the Municipality. 2. CRS. 163, as exis t or are. That the requirements amended, and 139-21-4, met. of Sections 139-21-3, CRS. 163, as amended, 3. That the signers of the Petition comprise the landowners of more than 50% of the territory included in the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys. 4. That the legal description of the area to be annexed is -~s follows: ~.- ',J" ,......, ""'\ i~"" ,,-' .~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNED ~~. .... ~ " A tract of land in the sw.l;; Secti0n 7, and the Slj:.l;;,Section 7, Tqwnship 10. South, Range 84 West of the 6th P .}1., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Corner No.1, which is cqincidentwith; Corner Nq. 16, East Aspen Additional Townsite Entry; thenceS62-,4lW, 40.27 feet to Corner No.2; thence N67-02W, 32.27 feet to Cornel:! No.3; thence N42-41W, 312.10. feet to Corner No.4; thence N42-35E, 40.'37 feet to Corner No. 5; thence S44-55E, 356.03 feet to Corner No.1, tqe pqint of beginning. ~t:~ OWNERS NAME OWNERS NAME ~G ~l?s 7 If ocr 71 DATE OF SIGNATURE - .(" ..~c ~ , ~ 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNED ..~ Apart of Section 7, "'1'ownship 10 South, Range 84 West of the 6th P.'M1', lying '~:Ln Tract A of Aspen Townsite Addition and described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 10 of said Townsite Addition, which point is on the westerly side line of the Henry Clay LodE:! Mining Claim; thence S 34-47-43 W, alOIl.g the Westerly side line of said Henry Clay Lode, 131 feet; thence S66-09E, 418.75 feet to a point on line 48_1 of said Townsite Addition which bears N37_48_l5E,3l2 feet from corner No. 48 thereof; thence N 37-48-l5E, 1186.12 feet to corner No. lof said Townsite Addition; thence traversing the perimeter of said Townsite Addition as follows,: "' S 56_06_34W, 400.25 feet to Corner No.2; ~N33-53-l7W, 160.8 feet to Corner No.3; ~S 38-0l-l3W,50.6 feet to Corner No.4; ~N 55_l2.,.17W, 158.4 feet to Corner No.5; 'S 34-47_43W, 285. -feet to Corner No.6; .,as 55-l2-l7E, 50 feet to Corner No.7; ",' S 34-47 _43W, 20 feet to Corner No.8; N 55-12_17 W, 50 feet to Corner No.9; and S 34-47~43W, 453.7 feet to Corner No. 10, the point of beginning County of Pitkin, State of Colorado. Rober.t P. IlIcCulloch, Jr. President Top Of Aspen, Inc. OWNERS NAME Box 1730, Aspen, Colorado 81611 MAILING ADDRESS October 11, 1971 DATE OF SIGNATURE ,.. ~. ., ~ 1"""" .~ , . "7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNED A tract of land situ'ctted in a portion of the East Aspen Townsite,- 'the E~ SW~ and the W~ SE~ of Section 7, ,all in Township 10 South, Range 84 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Pitkin County,' Colorado, described as follo;ws: ' Beginning at an iron post, set in the ground, with a brass cap marked for angle point No. 10, of the East Aspen Townsite; thence N54-52-l7W, 58.10. feet to .Angle Point No. 11 of said. Townsite; thence N38-l9-46 W 220.4~ to angle point No. 16 of said Townsite; thence N44-29-22W,3l2.67 feet to angle point No. 25 of said Townsit~; thence N45-00W,129.00 feet to ang1e.point No. 24 of said Townsite; thence N24-05-24E, 139.28 feet; thenclj!' N35-06-55E, 241.91 feet to a 5/8" rebar with an aluminiUm cap; thencel N78...25_l5E, 172.50 feet; thence N86_46_l5E, 100.05 feet; thence' . S79-3t-33 E, 100.06 feet; thence S63-44-45E, l82;66feet; thence S50-45-l5E, 41. 02 i feet to a point of the northerly line. of the SW~ SE~ of said Section 7; theric~ S89-25-42E 250.00 feet along the northerly line of said SW~ SE~; thence S 55-l5-35E,65.82 feet; thence S 54-00-45W, 167.44 feet to an iron post set in the ground, with a brass cap marked for angle point No.5 of said Townsite; S34-47-43W, 758.70 feet to angle point No. 10 of said Townsite; the Point of Beginning cd:}~, / {i2, /p /' C~ ING ADDRESS /*;2I~/ DATE OF SIG ATURE , ,-., . ~ ~ ,- . LAW Of'F'ICES CLARK,OATE:S 8. AUSTIN THE F>ROF'ESSIONAL BUILDING BOX 3707 WILLIAM E. CLARK LEONARD M. OATES RONALD D. AUSTIN ASPEN, COLORADO a16!! AREA CODE 303 TELEPHONE 925-2600 October 6, 1971 Mr. Louis H. Buettner Engineering Aide Post Office Box V Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Luke W. Anthony - PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO. Dear Mr. Buettner: Please find enclosed a copy of Petition for Annexation of Territory to the City of Aspen, COlorado, which is being forwarded to you at the request of Lennie Oates. If we can be of further assistance to you in this matter, please feel free to call on us. Very truly yours, CLARK, OATES & AUSTIN B ~'-b~~ teA raldine Wright I Secretary to Mr. Oates / :gw Enclosure .~ ~........, ,~~ '. ,. ,V' I ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND OWNED ...0 ."'.., _~ tract of land situate in the EaI't Aspen Mlditional Townsite more. particularly described as follows: ! / Beginning at a point whence Corner No. 10 of the East Aspen Additional 'I'ownsite.bears S 34-47-43W 59.34 feet; thenceN34_47_43E 223.llfeet; thence S48-50-17E, 411.65 feet; thence S37-48_l5 W,292.05 feet; thence N66-09W 160.40 feet; thence N 23-44W 277 .05 feet; to the Point of Beginning, which property is also known as Alpine Acres Subdivision, Pitkin County~ Colorado. ,. ~,\,,~.~~ 'J4{..~,1i.~-.w.. o RS N '.. r=-;;Y . OWNERS NAME Y6:ts~ 1?..71 HAILING ADD ESS ~ (, ,l(71 DA'I'E OF SIGNAfURE " ~,~~::.;:::.~,,;;: J~~:;,~;;;::~;"";;:';;';":';:~",, "::;""=-~,~;,;",;~:~,,,=::"'_'~:;":~~':';::';,:;"..;:;'~';~;;:~,":'~.c";,;.:;.c:,~z.:::;".~~"".",-.i:.:",:~"-,,,,~,','':'.:.,~';..,:~,'::i;,;"'~:,.~.,,-::;.;.~~~i.~.,.,,:,'~.: '-''-~~'",>-',,,.,"_..''",,._.;,"",-,;,,,---"-, ~ I""'. "-';< I""'. . .'" SMUGGLER ANNEXATION A tract of land situated in a portion of the East Aspen Townsite, the E~ SW\ and the W~ SE\ of Section 7, Township 10 South, Range 84 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Pitkin County, Colorado being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point said point being concurrent with and the same as Corner 10 of the East Aspen Townsite Addition; thenceN540_52, l7''W 58.10 feet to Corner 11 of said Addition; thence N380_l9'_46"W 220.42 feet to Corner 16 of said Addition; thence S620_4l'W 40.27 feet; thence S220_l7'07''W 88.19 feet more or less to Corner 98 of the North Annexation to the City of Aspen, Colorado; thence along said North Annexation line N22000'W 54.7 feet to Corner 97; thence N330_36'W 73.2 feet to Corner 96; thence N420_59'W 186.9 feet to Corner 95; thence N340_34'w 51.5 feet for Corner 94; thence departing said North Annexation N160_37'E 34.23 feet; thence N420_35'E 40.37 feet; thence N440_47'_38"W 85.96 feet; thence N240_05'_24"E 139.28 feet; thence N350_06'_55"E 241.91 feet; thence N780_25'_15"E 172.50 feet; thence N860_46'_15"E 100.05 feet; thence S790_39'_33"E 100.06 feet; thence S630_44'45"E 182.66 feet; thence S50o;..45'_15"E 41.02 feet; thence S890_25'42"E 250.00 feet; thence S550_l5'35"E 65.82 feet; thence S540_00'_45"W 167.44 feet to Corner 5 of the East Aspen Townsite Addition; thence along the boundary of said Addition S550_l2'_17"E 158.4 feet to Corner 4; thence N380_0l'_13"E 50.6 feet to Corner 3; thence S330_53'_17"E 160.8 feet to Corner 2; thence N560_06'_34"E 400.25 feet to Corner 1; thence S3r_48'_15"W 1179.96 feet of said line being partly in length concurrent with the northwesterly line of the Berumen Annexation to the City of Aspen, Colorado; thence N660_09'W 401.90 feet along a line that is partly in length concurrent with the northerly line of Brownell Annexation to the City of Aspen, Colorado; thence N3Lfo_47'_43"E 131.0 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Containing 50.87 acres, more or less.