HomeMy WebLinkAboutapz.gmc.res.04-98 RESOLUTION NO. ~'~/ Series of 1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PITK_EN COUNTY, COLORADO, ACCEPTING TILE 1997 METRO AREA RESIDENTIAL GROWTI-I MaLNAGEMENT QUOTA SYSTEM SCORES AND GRANTING FOUR ALLOTMENTS TO THE TIPPLER TOWNI-IOMES ~ RECITALS 1. On January 27, 1998, the Growth Management Commission (hereinafter "Commission") held a duly noticed public hearing at which time evidence and testimony was presented with respect to Growth Management applications. 2. The Commission reviewed the fqllowing application for the 1997 Metro Area Residential GMQS competition: · Tippler Townhomes - requesting approval for residential growth management a!locations for 4 free market units. 3. The proposed Tippler Townhomes project is located at 535 Dean Streetin the City of Aspen, Colorado, and is Iegally described as "A Parcel of Land Situated in Lots L, M and N, Block 97, Aspen Townsite, Lot 1, Tipple Woods Subdivision and Lot 2, Gannon's Entry in the NW 1/4 of Section 18, Township 10 S., R.84 W., of the 6th P.M., City of Aspen, County of Pitkin, State of Colorado," 4. There are 2 Metro Area residential allotments available each year; however, unallocated allotments fi.om previous years has resulted in eleven ( l 1) available allotments through the 1997 Residential GMQS process. Tippler Townhomes has requested four (4) allotments for 1997. There was no competition for the available allotments. 5. The C~mmissi~n sc~red the app~icati~n based ~n the f~~~~wing ~riteria in Secti~n 26.~ ~~~~~~ ~f the Aspen Municipal Code (hereafter "Code"): · Revitalizing the permanent community received an average score of 3.6 points; · Providing transportation alternatives received an average score of 3.9_points; · Promoting environmenlally sustainable development received an average score of 3.6 points; and, · Maintaining design quality, historic compatibility and commanity character rece:ved an average score of 3.8 points. 6. The Commission gave the Tippler Townhomes application a score of 14.9 points. This exceeds the minimum threshold score of 12 points. Similarly, the Commission's average score on each of the four scoring categories exceeded the minimum threshold score of 3. 7. Pursuant to Section 26.100.060(C)(3)(f) of the Code, the Commission's scores were forwarded to the Board of Count3 Commissioners (hereinafter "Board") at a regular meeting on February 25, 1998, and the forwarded scores were accepted by said Board. I IIIIII lllll llllll Iili Illllll Ii111 IIIll Iii Illll IIII Ilil 428886 03/17/1999 02:22P RE6OLUT! DAVIS $ILVI 1 o~' 13 R 0.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKZN COUNTY CO 8. Pursuant to Section 26.100.060(C)(3)(f) of the Code, the Commission's scores were forwarded ro the Board of County Commissioners ar a regular meeting on February 25, 1998, with a recommendation that the Board accept the scores. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners that it hereby accepts the 1997 Metro Area Residential GMQS scores as recommended by the Growth Management Commission, as shown in the attached Exhibit A. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 25th DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1998. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Oir PITKEN COUNTY, COLORADO ATTEST: , Deputy County Cl~rk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Joha Ely, County Att~ Cindy Houben, Community Development Director I IIIIII i1111 IIIIii IIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIII III i1111 IIII IIit 428886 03/17/lggg 02:22P RESOLUT! DRVZS $~:LVI 2 of 13 R 0.e0 D 0.00 N 0,00 PZTX'~N COUNTY ¢0 M~TRO AREA GMOS SCORE PROJECT: Tippler Townhomes COM~IISSIONER: 'i~ ^~ ~z:~ ~.~r~-~ t~~ 1. Revitalizing the permanent communiw INITIAL SCORE: 2. Provid~g ~po~afion airedales ~,~ SCO~: ~ sco~: ~ 3. Promoting en~o~entaily sust~nable developmen~ ~ITI~ SCO~: F~ SCO~: 4. Mainta~ing d~i~ qua~W, ~to~c compafibfli~ and eommuni~ cha~cter ~ SCO~' F~ SCO~: "~ I IIIIII IIIII IIIIii III! IIIIIII I!111 II!11 III IIIII IIII I!11 ~ 428~86 0311711~ 02:22P RESOLUT! Dl:lVI$ $ILVZ , 4 oF /,3 R 0,00 D 0.00 N 0.80 PI~TKIN COUNTY CO M~TRO AREA GMOS SCORE SHEET PROJECT: Tinnier Towuhomes !. Revita~ing the perm~ent communi~ 2. Provi~ng ~nsponafion alternatives 3. Promoting en~ronmenta~y susta~able development F~ SCO~: ~[ 4. Mainm~ing desi~ qua~W, h~mde compafibffi~ and comm~i~ chancier IN1TIAL TOTAL: / ~' FINAL TOTAL: I IIIIII fill frill IIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIII III IIIII IIII IIII 428886 ~3117/1999 02:22P RESOLUTI DIqVZS SZLVZ 5 oF 13 R 0,00 D 0.00 N IL00 PZTKZN COUNTY CO .,~',~ ~' ~TRO .-~REA GMQS SCORE / PROJECT: ~/~/ ~/~"" COMMISSIONER: Crirer/a: !. Revitalizing the permanent community. INITk-XL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: 2. Providing ~ransportafion alternatives INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: ~-' 3. Promoting environmentally sustainable development INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCOPE: 4. Maintaining design quality, historic compatibility and community, char.qcter INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: LN fl'.k&L TOTAL: 1111111 i1111 IIIIII IIII IIIIlll IIIII IIIII III IIIII IIII IIII 428886 03/17/1999 02:22P RESOLUT! DRVI$ SZLV! 8 of 13 R 0.00 O 0.00 8 0.00 PZTKZN COUNTY CO Criter/a: 1, Revitalizing the permanent community INITI.~L SCORE: FINAL SCORE: .~ 2. Providing transportation alternatives INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: 3. Promoting environmentally sustainable development [NITLkL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: 4. Maintaining design quality., historic compatibility and community character INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: IlVlTIAL TOTAL: FI/~AL TOT.4.L: I IIIIII IIIII I!1111 IIII IIIIIII IIIII II!11'111 IIitl III1 IIII 428886 83/17/1999 02:22P RESOLUT! OgiVeS $ILV! '7 =;' 13'R 0.~0 n 0.~0 N 0.08 PZTKIN. COUNTY CO ~.'V[ETRO AREA GMOS SCORE SI:lrE,~,T PROJECT: COM]V[I$SIONER: ~ /,~,, ? Cr/~eria: 1. Revitalizing the permanent, community INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: / 2. Providing transportation alternatives INITtz&L SCORE: F1NAI. SCORE: 3. Promoting environmentally sustainable development INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: 4. Maintaining design quality., historic compatibility, and community character INIIIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: I~'iTIAL TOTAL: / ~ FINAL TOTAL: / ,~" 428886 03/17/lggg 02:22P I~ESOLUT! DRVI'$ $ILV! 8 of 13 R 0.00 D 0.00 ~1 ~.~8 PZTKIN COUNTY CO y[ETRO AREA GMOS SCORE SHEET PROJECT: ~ COtVEMISSIONER: ,~ ,~./"D/-c'/:~ ~r/reria: Revitalizing the permanent community. INI~AL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: --: ,, 2. Providing transportation alternatives tNt~AL SCORE: '_4 FINAL SCORE: 3. Promoting environmentally sustainable development INITIAL SCORE: Fi2NAL SCORE: '~ 4. Maintaining d~sign quality., historic compatibility, and community character INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: lEI IIlllll !1111 IIIII III lEI IIII ~3/'l.7/'l. ggg 02:22P RESOLUT! DI1VIS SILV! D 0.09 N 0.e0 pTTKIN COUNTY CO METRO ~4J1EA GMO$ SCORE SHrEET PROJECT: Ti :lerTownho es COMM'ISSIONER: ~T~-"~ ~'~ ~'~ ~ 1. Revitalizing the permanent community. INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: 2. Providing n-ansportafion alternatives I'N!TL,-~L SCORE: FINAL SCORE: 3. Promoting environmentally sustainable development INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: 4. Maintaining design quality, historic compatibility and community character INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: INITIAL TOTAL: FINAL TOTAL: I IIIIII I!111 IIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIII III IIIIII III IIII 428886 ~3/17/iggg 02:22P R£$OLUT! Ol:lVlS SILVI 1~ =it 13 R 0.00 D 0.00 N 0.~0 PZTKZN cOUNTY CO METRO AREA GMOS SCORE SI{EET PROJECT: COM2VIISSIONER: 1. Revitalizing the permanent community ~i'4I~zkL SCORE: i FINAL SCORE: Providing transportation alternatives INITIAL SCORE: ~ FINAL SCORE: 3. Promoting environmentally sustainable development INITIAL SCORE: FI'NAL SC01LE: 4. Maintaining design quatitT, historic compatibility and community character INITIAL SCORE: FINAL SCORE: INI'I'IAL TOTAJL: F~AL TOTAL: I IIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIII IIIIIII mil IIiil III II1111 III Ilil 428886 03/17/lgsg 02:22P RE$OLUT! D~VZ$ SILV! 11 oF 13 R 0.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO METRO AREA GMOS SCORE SFI'EET PROJECT: ~ COMMISSIONER: ~,~\.a,'~O..~-~ ¥,.Mcs,~-d C~re~a: Revitalizing the permanent community. I'NITIAL SCORE: ~ F~'AL SCOPE: 5 2. Providing transportation alternatives INITIAL SCORE: d. FINAL SCORE: '~ 3. Promoting environmentally sustainable development INITIAL SCORE: '5 FINAL SCORE: ~ 4. Maintaining design quality., historic eompatibili~ and community, character INITIAL SCORE: % FtN/~L SCORE: g FE~AL TOT.41,: ~' ~ I I!1111 !1111 IIIIII IIII 11111tl IIIII IIIII III Iit111 III IIII 428886 03/17/1999 02:22P RESOLUT;; D;IVI$ $ILVI 12 ~$ 13 R 0.~0 O 0.S$ N 0.00 PITKZN COUNTY CO METRO :~EA GMOS $CORg SREET PROJECT: Ti~oter Townhomes COM~SS~O~: JA~ ,'~ ~(~ ~ Cg~a: L Re~i~ing the permanent communiW ~ SCO~: ~ F~ SCO~: ~ 2. Pr~vi~ ~nspo~afion alternatives 3. Promoting en~r~nment~ su~m~able devdo~mem ~IT~ SCO~: ~ F~ SCO~: ~. 4. M~g de~i~ qua~, h~to~e eampa~bffi~ and eo~muni~ character ~ SCO~: ~ F~ SCO~: . .~ mm~ ror~: /Y /IIIIII Ig Igl III! Iii11/I IIII1 IIIII III IIIIII III 428886 0311711999 02:22P RE$OLUT! DAYZ$ SZLV! 13 of 13 R 0.~0 D 0.~0 1~ 0,00 P~TR~N COUNTY CO