HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.02022005#~niaKS a secweaTiaw ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Miuutes February 2, 2005 DRAFT In Attendance: Board Members: Sue Smedstad, Debbie Ware, Robert Christiansen, Alice Davis, Bazbaza Owen, Scott Writer, and Laura Kornasiewicz. Staff Members: Tim Anderson. Guests: Toni Kronberg and Greg Karaus L Call to Order -Chairperson Scott Writer called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: A suggestion was made that a $5.00 deposit could be taken at the front desk for the use of locks when patrons have forgotten theirs. Debbie Waze mentioned that a hockey game was scheduled between coaches and it seems had not been communicated to the Ice Rink staff so there were no staff present for the game. The front desk staff did not seem helpful nor did they seem to know what steps to take at that point. Tim Anderson responded that this would be addressed so this does not happen again in the future. Scott Writer also mentioned that there are times when the front desk staff does not seem to be as helpful and friendly as they could be. He mentioned that there should always be a supervisor who is able to address any questions. II. Past Meeting Minutes Approval The December 2004 minutes were approved with changes from Scott Writer. There was not a January 2005 meeting as a Quorum was not present. III. Discussion Items: Business Plan: Tim Anderson informed the Committee that several dates had been identified by PROS and not met. Many Committee members found this to be unacceptable and asked that the Scope of Work and contractual time line be e:mailed to all committee members for review. Lifetime Passes: The Committee recommended that lifetime family FLTN passes be given to the Lewis Family and the Morgridge Family. The definition of this pass will be for the Family of the Principal donor only as long as the Principal is alive. Family is defined as those family members residing under that same roof as the Principal. A motion was made by Scott to approve the recommendation of lifetime passes to the aforementioned families with a second by Laura and approval by the committee. High School Swim Meet: Laura provided an update on how the first swim meet at the ARC went as hosted by the High School Swim Team. Laura stated that the first scheduled meet had been cancelled, but that this gave the team an opportunity to see that all the timing equipment was operational and that the pazents knew how to operate the system. There were certain physical issues with the first swim meet. Lighting over the competitive pool seemed very dim for a swim meet during evening hours. The sound baffles seem to absorb some of the lighting. The Pool lights and the Mercury Lights were not on at the same time. The slide needs to be shut down during meets. Staff cited that they will look into the lighting issue and that the slide can and will be shut off during upcoming meets. Laura also announced that the Speedos Summer Swim Club is currently scheduled to host a 3-day meet in Aspen on July 8, 9, and 10. This inaugural swim meet will last all day and bring approximately 400 swimmers and their families to Aspen. Staff will provide full cooperation to the Speedos. Scott also identified that he felt this swim meet should be the best meet the Western Slope has ever seen. The Committee concurred and staff will work with the Speedos in doing so. Laura mentioned that based on the success of this meet, Aspen could have the opportunity to host additional championship meets in the future. Laura provided a thank you to Greg Karaus for building a timing system caddy for the touch pads which are quite expensive. A suggestion was made by the Committee that an email be sent to Council acknowledging Greg's efforts. Greg's efforts were a valuable cost savings to the Swim Team and the ARC. Laura also announced that the Speedos Summer Swim Club is most likely going to be awarded the Western Slope Championships this summer. The 3 day swim meet will be held July 8, 9, and 10. Meets will last all day and . bring approximately 400 swimmers and their families to Aspen. Staff will provide full cooperation to the Speedos. Scott also identified that he felt this swim meet should be the best meet the Western Slope has ever seen. The Committee concurred and staff will work with the Speedos in doing so. The Committee also recommended that since we have the timing. equipment and ability to host meets, that we should now be seeking swim camps in the summer much like the hockey and figure skating camps that come to our facilities. Toni Kronberg was invited to speak at this time. Toni first mentioned that she thought fencing should be placed azound the Moore Playing Fields and Scott informed her that this was outside the purview of the ARC Advisory Committee. Toni stated that she is going to work building a group called "Friends for an Outdoor Pool". She would like to see a pool specific consultant brought on board. Toni suggested that USA swimming be brought in for a free evaluation of the ARC pool facilities. The Committee agreed that this would be a good idea. Staff will pursue this further. Toni would like to see a new sanitation system placed on the pool. Not much specific information provided as to what or why. Toni then began to speak to the privatization of the rink here at the ARC. She mentioned that Tim Semrau suggested if we add a second sheet of ice at the ARC that selling the Ice Garden as part of the privatization of ARC ice would be appropriate. Scott later clarified some of Toni's comments as to the privatization of ice and what is taking place following a meeting with City Council. Scott's update identified that Tom Schwerin wants to build and Olympic and practice sheet of ice next to the existing sheet of ice at ARC. He and his investors would build this and the City would own it. His group would then lease back the facilities from the City and operate them. WiFi Update: It has come to the attention of staff that new technology may be available for blocking inappropriate web site access. Staff will follow up with Global Cyber Access to see if this is in fact true and report back. The Committee mentioned that this could potentially be a revenue generator as several committee members know the cost of using this service at various airports. Operating Hours: Scott had asked why one side of the ARC (pool, fitness, climbing tower) closed eazlier than the rink. Staff identified that originally the ARC stayed open until lOpm. The revenue we were receiving did not justify the expenditures so the hours were reduced to 9pm. At that time the revenues still were not covering the expenses. At that point staff implemented a twilight fee which began to generate substantially more revenue from 7:30pm to 9pm. We have not heard any complaints from patrons at this time regarding the 9pm closing. The rink operates on a different time schedule due to the needs of the user groups. Marketing: The Committee asked how we are proceeding with marketing of the ARC. Staff has used information received from the Business Plan and has developed a Mazketing Plan that looks at the various seasons of operations, who are target markets are during any given time of the year, and what mediums we would use to attract those target markets. We have then attached our budget to the various tools to be used throughout the year. Measuring the success of any Marketing seems to be the most challenging pazt, but we now have baseline numbers as to Monthly Revenue collections at the ARC and staff is able to compaze any given month of one yeaz to the previous year and the trends associated with that month. This information will also be used to address marketing direction. Staff identified to the Committee that there was a 40% increase in revenue in the month of January over projections. IV. Updates: 300 Level Cooling: Eric Utterson has received the information necessary to calculate loads for the roof structure and thereby submit drawings to the Building Department for approval of the installation of the compressor unit. Eric has informed staff that meeting a June 1, 2005 deadline for installation of the 3001eve1 cooling will not be an issue. Payment Plan for FUN Passes: Staff worked with Vermont Systems, who owns the Rec Trac software, in what it will take to set up a payment plan for FUN pass customers. With the necessazy information as to what needs to be cleaned up in the system and what needs to be installed to the system staff hopes to implement a payment system by September of 2005. An action plan will be forth coming. Gay Ski Week Event: Staff informed the Committee that the Gay Ski Week Event was a huge success. Staff is working on securing dates for 2006. Locker Rentals: A policy for the rental of lockers is being developed at this time. This policy will becoming forward to the committee for approval. Capacity.• Staff informed the Committee that as a part of the 2005 Goals & Outcomes for the ARC, a capacity report will be generated at the end of the year. This means that staff will identify the vazious capacity loads in the ARC and how to fill down times. Particular markets will be identified for down times and out reach programs will begin. A report will be generated by staff at the end of the year identifying our findings and approach to the findings. Action Items: Pass Policy.• Staff introduced a new pass policy for those individuals who have forgotten their pass upon entry to the ARC. The policy was adopted by the Committee with the recommendation that the Policy be softened in wording to be more play like. After all this is a place for FUN. The policy below is what was submitted and will be worked on by staff. PASS POLICIES 1. Lost, Stolen, or Wandering Passes -Lost or Stolen Passes will be replaced free of charge one time within the life of the pass. Replacement of each additional pass thereafter will be charged at $5.00 per pass while the pass is active. 2. Unable to Present Pass -Patrons who are unable to present their pass when accessing the facilities at the ARC will: • Be given a form to fill out with personnel information. This will assure that staff has correct information and spelling and are able to accurately access the patrons pass information. • The patron will step aside while filling out the information sheet so that staff may assist other patrons in an efficient manner. • The patron will go to the end of the line (if one exists) upon completion of the information sheet. • The information sheet will provide staff with an accounting of how often that individual has been unable to present their pass. • Staff will look up the pass for an individual 3 times during the life of the pass. Upon the fourth request, staff will consider the pass lost and charge $5.00 for a new pass, provided the pass is currently active. The committee was adjourned and will meet again on March 2, 2005.