the side street. The general site planning is successful. The separation of
the two building is approximately 12 ½ feet.
Jeffrey said option #2 is the most responsive to the historic resource. It is
very rare that we keep the buildings untouched and we have that
Dirk requested that they restudy the porch and make it more open. Jason
said he supports option #2.
MOTION: Valerie moved to approve Resolution 12, 2005for 701 W. Main
Street, Historic lot split and major development, (conceptual) and variance.
Approval of Option #2 as submitted tonight. The following variances are
approved: The interior lot is 32feet wide and the exterior lot is 25.6feet
wide. Variances are approved from the minimum lot size for a variance
from the width of the fathering parcel to the width of the newly created lots
and from the size of the newly created lots. Approval of the east side yard
setback of 3 feet and the rear yard setback of 2.6 feet, also a west side yard
setback of 3 feet. HPC is also granting residential design standard
variances from built to line secondary mass and building element which
enable the house to face the side street; second by Derek.
Yes vote: Jason, Derek, Sarah, Valerie, Michael, Jeffrey
MOTION: Jeffrey moved to adjourn; second by Derek. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjoumed at 7:45 p.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk
about it being better to orient the entry toward Main Street but HPC can
grant a variance for the side street. The standards also ask for a porch and
the little canopy that they have over the 6th Street entrance does not qualify.
Staff supports the lot split and variances that are needed. Regarding the new
building staffrecommends that the roof form be restudied, possibly realign
the ridge so that it slopes down toward the cabin as opposed to the tall gable
end. Restudy the decks and entry areas.
Dirk said the ground floor footprint is around 32 feet long and the upper
floor is 24 feet long. We designed a building with the garage off the alley,
and the entry off the side. On the ground floor there is a study/bedroom. On
the second floor is the living room and the master bedroom and bath are on
the upper floor. The total FAR of the cabin and new structure is 1923. We
tried to put the decks on the north side and pull the main mass of the house
away from the cabin. The owner would prefer the option of the deck on the
upper floor but they are open to discussion.
Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty opened the public hearing. There were no
public comments. The public heating was closed.
Jason said his comment was the same as staff's regarding the deck. The
trellis should be taken off and the deck should be lightened up in order to
comply with Chapter 11.
Derek thanked the architect for submitting changes. The ceilings are at eight
feet. Derek said he can support option #2.
Sarah said she supports the lot split, variances and option #2 as submitted.
Option #2 relates in scale to the historic resource.
Michael said he can accept Option #2. He doesn't necessarily like the height
of the condominium relative to the cabin but recognizing the small site there
is not much option.
Valerie said the board has seen a lot of options on this project and she
appreciates the fact that the structures are separated. Option #2 helps in the
transition to the historic cabin. Do to the confines of the site and the fact
that the condominium is a separate structure she can support the entrance of
obtrusive than the tent and with some additional information she might be
able to approve this.
Jeffery said this is a referral issue and he feels the board can support the tent
but a representative should be involved with the placement and grading
Valerie said the circulation is also an issue. Valerie is the monitor.
Dirk Danker, architect
Affidavit of posting to be submitted to the City Clerk's office.
Amy said Marsall Olson purchased the property and his brother-in-law Dirk
Danker is the architect. At the last meeting Marshall asked whether the
board would approve an adjustment to the lot split. The lot split had created
a 30 foot wide interior lot and a 27 and some feet corner lot. He requested
that the interior lot be 32 feet wide and the exterior lot 25 feet wide. With a
wider interior lot it would be a more workable for the residence that might
be there someday. The board did not have a concern with that. The change
takes a little square footage off the lot with the historic cabin and puts it on
the adjacent residence which is a good thing. This property is non-
conforming and so there were variances necessary in order to do the lot split
at all and HPC did grant those in a previous hearing and you need to approve
them again tonight. The finding was that a lot split is an appropriate thing to
do on this property as it opens up the door for a development scenario that
would be more sympathetic to the cabin and separates the development
around into multiple buildings. For those reasons staff supports granting the
variance. We also need to talk about the new residential building that is
proposed to be constructed behind the cabin. The cabin will be some kind of
art studio, commercial use and the applicant is proposing a detached
condominium building on the alley. The footprint is very constrictive
because the lot is narrow and we want to get some distance from the cabin.
They are asking for side and rear yard setback variances. They have about
1200 square feet to do this structure; however, it is manifesting into a
structure that is three stories. There is some concern about the scale
relationship to the cabin. They are at the height limit. The staff memo
focused on how we can make a transition. Possibly the upper floor deck
could be located somewhere else or entire eliminated. The location of the
entry on the side street was discussed. The residential design standards talk
Amy said the proposal is for a tent for this summer and next. The Parks
Dept. is concerned about the loss of native sage that will be tom up by this
project. Staff certainly respects that the native vegetation is a concern but
we are also worried about where else to put facilities like this. The
manicured areas are mostly designated historic Herbert Bayer gardens. Staff
suggests that HPC support the proposal and that the foot print and size of the
tent should be minimized and not installed in the Bayer landscape areas.
Amy Margerum said they originally wanted to put up a permanent pad but
they decided to wait until the new building is built and see how it is used.
They desire a tent similar to the one the Music Festival uses. They use theirs
almost all summer long. We tried to find a really cool tent but there aren't
any. The tent would be a place for individuals to have dinner or a reception.
It would also be further away from the music tent as we had conflicts with
noise last year and activities. With respect to never putting tents on the
manicured lawn there is a history of doing that throughout the institute. Last
year we put up a tent covering the marble garden. We are very concerned
about the lawn and we have an art committee who are cautious and careful
about the gardens. Amy said the size of the tent is 60 x 90 and we would
cater with our golf carts.
Valerie said there are topographical changes on the site that appear to be flat.
Amy Margerum said they definitely need to some grading at the site. She
would support Park's restoration plan. Some of the sage bushes are over
100 years old. It is easier to restore grass.
Amy said we will work with the City and the tent company on the actual
placement because right now there is a lot of snow on the ground.
Sarah said the concern is after the two year use we now have a scared
landscape. Is the current lawn where the marble garden is too small? Amy
said no but they do not want to destroy the grass there. The sage meadow is
not beautiful and it has been tampered with. We want to have an area where
we can put the tent and not have to take it up and down. It costs us close to
$20,000 to put up and take down a tent.
Valerie said she feels strongly about the grading plan. She doesn't feel there
is enough information with the site under snow and the grade change. She
also doesn't know what the contours are. The pad is going to be more
Valerie said as retailers change it is very important not to loose the historic
opening in the event that we would not be able to ever retrieve it.
Applicant asked if there was anyway they could have a window at this point
and agree to renovate it after their lease is over.
Michael said unfortunately you take these historic structures as they are and
subject to historic preservation regulations and unfortunately it cannot be
The applicant said the building has gone through many changes and it is not
like the building has been intact. There were doors added and windows
Jeffrey pointed out that there have been changes but the historic openings
and egresses to that comer have remained for over 130 years.
Amy said the store front that Harley Baldwin put in was probably done
before the review was required by the commission.
Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty opened and closed the public hearing.
Jeffrey said there can be a way to make it work out on the inside but the
HPC is not interested in changing the historic opening. We are looking at
the pattern that existed not the door used historically.
The applicant said the dummy doors will block what is happening behind it
and she wonders if that is complimentary to the building. Is there any way
that we can keep the door and change the window style in the middle.
Amy pointed out that on the Elli's building they requested a bigger door and
she has recently denied that.
MOTION: Michael moved to approve the minor development for the
application of 201 $. Galena; second by Sarah. Motion denied 6-0.
No vote. Jason, Derek, Sarah, Michael, Valerie, Jeffrey
MOTION: Michael moved to approve Resolution #1 O, the application of
Millennium Plaza LLC for 426 E. Main Street, Unit 1-A of the Galena Plaza
condominiums; motion second by Derek. Motion carried 6-0.
Yes vote: Jason, Derek, Sarah, Michael, Valerie, Jeffrey
Sharon Runnel said since you find it either not within your purview or not of
concern what the impact of this building will be on the neighboring property
owners then I would find the comment about whether the neighboring
property had any variances or what the height of that building was to be
highly inappropriate.
Candy Allen asked the date of the first HPC approval of this project? Amy
replied January 14, 2004 and it was good for a year. Candy said in January
2004 the covenants on this property were 1.5 to 1. Amy said this was a co-
op process.
Affidavit of posting - Exhibit I
Amy said Christian Dior is expanding into the space previously occupying
by Louis Vuitton. In moving into the comer space they end up having two
entries into their store and would like to abandon one of them for better
utilization of the interior. They would like to change an historic store door
opening into a window. The doors that are there now are not the originals
but the door was there. Staff does not recommend this change.
Representative from LVMH Fashion Group presented. We have decided to
eliminate the double doors at the comer as we have a small space. The two
main entries are too close together. We want to approach the change by
respecting the building language and the envelope and character. We would
like to take out the double doors and put in windows similar to the ones that
exist on the exterior. We want to use the comer area s a display place.
Jason asked why the existing doors couldn't remain and use that area for a
display area. You aren't lacking space on the outside, it is on the inside.
Sarah said the proposal is not in compliance with Guideline 4.1. The
guidelines state that we need to keep the historic openings.
Valerie said she supports the project and appreciates the comments from the
public. There were similar comments received when this project came
through and at that time we made the finding in particular to the views that it
was something that was not in our review capacity. The views from Galena
Street lofts was not a critical component to the development of this project.
Some glazing and changes to store front windows was done to the faqade
that faces the police station and there is a very complimentary street
presence which supports chapter 13.
Michael said we approved this project the last time not because it was the
Visitor Center it was because it met the guidelines that we are required to
follow and the municipal code.
Derek said the land owner has followed every code and variance to get this
project where it is and this is an exemplary example ofinfill for the
downtown core and he is willing to go forward.
Jason said he comes up to town everyday for the last 12 years on that path
and he always uses the courthouse side so as far as the pedestrian
relationship on that side of the street it is a non-issue. The relationship to the
building behind is a non-issue.
Sarah said the project is meeting guideline Chapter 13 but the one thing that
is troubling is the mass on the comer with the relationship to the court house,
Guideline 13.9 but the rendering does show the relationship between the
court house and given the width it is OK in this case and the inflection is a
nod to our civic building. In regard to our open space we have a beautiful
park above our parking garage that is highly under utilized. Hopefully infill
projects such as these would put more emphasis on our open space and make
them better in town.
Valerie said the application is more compliant with Chapter 13 and the urban
context is very appropriate.
Jeffrey supports Guideline Chapter 13. Our purpose is the look at the
guidelines and we have addressed them. The massing on the comer was an
issue but there is enough buffer and the view corridor will be preserved.
parking. The only parking available is reserved for the police and it is
perpendicular to the sidewalk. The sidewalk is not wide and people will not
be passing those storefronts due to the width of the sidewalk and the police
cars pulling up over the sidewalk. That side is not pedestrian friendly as it is
now. Eliminating all greenery is counter-intuitive to what you would want
happening in Aspen.
Tony Cronberg went over the referendum criteria and does not feel the
process is in the time frame that the statute states. She said HPC is supposed
to give conceptual approval before going to City Council and first reading
already occurred at City Council. The public notice said this was supposed
to be for a new building and in staff's memo it states that it is to remodel an
existing building. There is a big difference. She pointed out that there has
never been a building on that comer where the trees are. Her goal is to
protect those trees and keep it part of our neighborhood character. The little
building there now was built in 1954 which qualifies it as an historic
building. One of the qualities for the historic district is to protect the
neighborhood, community character and the streetscape. Tony requested
that the application be tabled until the decision is made that this is an
appropriate time frame to take a look at this application as it is before the
sixth months which would be May 2nd.
Amy clarified that the applicant had conceptual approval when they
submitted for the P&Z review and it has expired and all we are doing is
reviewing it. Also for clarification we are not adopting an ordinance here
tonight, it is a resolution. The Sanborn map shows a building here by 1904
on the lot.
Michael asked for clarification about the parking. Amy said the Galena
Lofts didn't need a parking variance because it was a grand fathered
condition because they never had any parking and this project has received a
waiver that they requested.
Derek commented that the building behind is pushing the 40 foot height
limit and they received numerous variances and pushing a lot of the
maximums. Amy said she was not sure variances were given but there were
situations that were grand fathered in because they are over the property line
in the alley.
Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty closed the public hearing.
The board recommended minimizing the chimney to 22 inches.
Roger said they want to use a dry stack stone. The board said OK as long as
a mockup is provided. The foundation will be concrete.
Affidavit of posting - Exhibit I
Amy said previously this project included the Visitor Center which has now
been deleted due to a voter decision. The board has seen this project before.
The applicant had conceptual and made an application to come before P&Z
to receive some growth management allocations and subdivision exemptions
and were absorbed with that project and accidentally let their conceptual
lapse. They are back before you to renew it. The Visitor Center use is gone
but that is not pertinent to us. Staff feels the height, scale and massing is
appropriate for this project. This project is on the edge of the commercial
core historic district and there are no designated buildings on the block. We
have had discussions before that there are nice height relationships between
the court house and St. Mary's church. This is clearly a modernist building
and it has all the qualities on the ground floor that address the street such as
windows etc. Amy mentioned that P&Z has exempted the project from the
residential design standards because they are not relevant to homes that are
not on the ground level of the building. P&Z also granted a parking waiver
through a cash in lieu payment.
Amy said Tony Cronberg came to her office to discuss the project as being
somehow historic open space. Amy pointed out that in the 19th century there
were buildings all across this block.
Bill said they studied the streetscape and view plane from the court house
and how they would relate. The two story mass on the streetscape is 24 feet
high and the overall height to the peak is 40 feet high. The project meets all
the codes that are currently in place.
Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty opened the public hearing.
Sharon Runnel said her concern is the mass. One of the issues not addressed
in the prior approval is the fact that there is a residential building behind this.
Views will be tremendously impacted by the scale of this building. Actually
the height of the building is 44 feet. The people behind this will be looking
at masonry and like living into Manhattan with no view or daylight getting
in. On Galena Street the diagram show cars parked and in fact there is no
Roger Kerr:
Issues are the east elevation windows and the possibility of adding two
skylights and eliminating two windows. There are a couple other
miscellaneous items, changing a window to a door on the west elevation of
the Victorian and the flue size of the chimney. We also need a reading on
the concrete patio.
On the east elevation a large window was approved in the front bedroom and
we want to eliminate that and eliminate the two windows in the closet and
add two skylights in the closets. We would also like to add two smaller
windows on the west elevation that had a door. The new proposal is to use
copper windows instead of steel.
East elevation: The board OK'ed the flat skylights and eliminating
windows. Exhibit A is approved.
The addition of two small windows on the west elevation of the addition that
face the historic resource are apProved.
On the west elevation of the historic resource this was an addition added to
the historic resource in the 19 hundreds. It was a window and is proposed to
be changed into a door. It would be a back door to the mudroom.
Amy said there is evidence of an old window opening.
Valerie pointed out that bonuses were given on this project and the board
needs to keep that in mind when approving alterations. We need to stay with
the historic opening. The board did not approve the door.
Chimney: Roger pointed out that the new chimney is not in the same
location and is larger. The old chimney was 16 inches and is not being used
and the new one is proposed to be 24 inches.
Amy pointed out that the guidelines state that new chinmeys need to be the
same scale historically to reflect the width and height that was used
Derek said in reality the code requirements change and that is what is
driving the size of this chimney.
Valerie said guideline 10.6 talks about size and scale and the dormer is very
massive and it feels like it is tipping over. Hayden responded that guidelines
are only guidelines and if you put posts under the deck it doesn't change
anything but it inhibits the space below and you can't put anything below it.
MOTION: Derek moved to approve the project as presented; second by
Discussion: Derek commented that the dormer is far enough back.
Jason said the dormer should work underneath the historic eave. If this was
more of a modem addition he could understand the cantilever deck.
Vote: Jason, no; Sarah, no; Valerie, no; Jeffrey, no;
Yes, Derek. Motion failed 4-1.
Bill said they can make the dormer quieter by putting shingles on the dormer
and the client might be willing to put some columns underneath.
Derek asked if the pitch is feasible to do that and Bill said they could work
with the design.
MOTION: Valerie moved that the deck be restudied and that the eave height
not exceed the historic roof line. Restudy the dormer or elimination of it.
The revisions would be reviewed by staff and monitor; motion second by
Sarah said staff and monitor should be open to a further resolution.
Valerie withdrew her motion.
MOTION: Derek moved that the applicant restudy the dormer, possibly
change the material palate and sizing to a degree and that some sort of post
system be initiated into the cantilever design of the deck. The new designs
are to be approved by staff and monitor. Motion second by Sarah.
Motion carried 5-0.
Yes vote: Jason, Derek, Sarah, Valerie, Jeffrey
Clarification. A dormer can go there but it has to be subordinate to the
historic house. If all parties cannot agree then they can come back to the full
Valerie said the form of a cantilevered porch is inconsistent with how
porches are treated and simply providing some columns to anchor providing
a level one and level two scale to the historic resource would be appropriate.
The popping up of the dormer changed the eave condition and brought it out
of proportion to the historic roof. The proposed dormer does not comply
with Chapter 10 and the guidelines that relate to porches and character
Derek said he does not feel strongly about the cantilevered element.
Regarding the dormer he feels it is set back enough that you will get the
variation needed.
Jason said the cantilevered deck seems like an appendage. The dormer is
awfully close to the front edge and he agrees with Valerie that the dormer
encroaches onto the historic house. The dormer seems more of an after
Sarah said the posts are critical for the repetition around the building. The
dormer is difficult and she understands what the applicant is trying to
achieve but it takes the addition out of the subordinate position to the
historic resource. It is not in keeping with our guidelines. Possibly you
could work with the plate heights to achieve what you are trying to do
regarding the views and keep the addition height lower than the historic
Jeffrey agrees with staff that the deck has a foreign nature to it. Columns
could be added to the deck but they should not mimic the columns on the
historic house. He said he agreed with staff that the dormer throws the
balance off and it is not subordinate to the historic house. The volume of
glass shown overwhelms the faCade on the south side.
Bill Poss said there were always two windows and all they did was take the
height up and take the muntins out.
Hayden Conner said he feels the cantilever is a very acceptable deck in
today's world. Amy said guideline 10.3 addresses additions in general and
the ability to interpret the historic character of the primary building and
being consistent with other patterns and qualities of the original building.
Guideline 10.14 talks about dormers.
Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Derek Skalko, Sarah Broughton ,Valerie
Alexander and Jason Lasser. Michael Hoffman was seated at 5:15 pm.
Staft present:
Amy Guthrie, Historic Preservation Planner
Kathleen Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk
Disclosure: Jason will recuse himself on the worksession- 920/930
Matchless Drive.
Certificate of no negative effect issues for 949 E. Cooper.
No affidavit required.
Applicants: Bill Poss, Stephen Holley, Hayden Connor
Amy relayed that the questions before the board are monitoring questions
that were reviewed by staff and the monitor. The owner requested to appear
before the entire board.
Bill Poss relayed that several issues came up during construction. We have
an historic structure and are adding an addition. During construction we
found that a 7 foot plate height on the back limits some of the views toward
Aspen Mountain. In that space we would like to add two shed dormers.
One on the north side and a smaller one on the West Hallam side. We are
also proposing to take out the muntins on the windows. We are also asking
for a cantilever deck off the back.
Amy said for clarification, Valerie and she approved the dormer on the back
side of the house and the removal of the muntins. All HPC is looking at is
the dormer that faces the street and whether or not the deck can be
cantilevered. Our recommendation is that there needs to be a post
incorporated in the way that other ground level roofs were supported.
Chairperson, Jeffrey Halferty opened the public hearing. There were no
public comments. The public hearing was closed.
Board comments:
216 E. HALLAM - FROST MONITORING ISSUES ...................................................... 3
201 S. GALENA, CHRISTIAN DIOR - MINOR DEVELOPMENT .............................. 8
ASPEN INSTITUTE - REFERRAL COMMENTS .......................................................... 9
AND VARIANCES .......................................................................................................... 11
920/930 MATCHLESS DRiVE - WORKSESSION - NO MINUTES .......................... 13