HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.03022005NtRIC~~t ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes March 2, 2005 DRAFT In Attendance: Board Members: Sue Smedstad, Debbie Waze, Alice Davis, Scott Writer, and Laura Kornasiewicz. Staff Members: Tim Anderson, George Pucak, Paul Kulik, Susan Arenella. Guests: Lise Bodeck I. Call to Order -Chairperson Scott Writer called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Staff Comments: Tim Anderson explained that a new baby sitting program had begun on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday mornings from gam to noon. Children 7 and under would receive care for $5.00/hr. and the parent must remain on site. Committee Comments: No Board Comments. II. Past Meeting Minutes Approval The February 2004 minutes were approved. III. Discussion Items: WiFi: Sasho of Global Cyber Access Inc. spoke with the committee and explained that he felt we could stay on top of filters needed for unwanted web access within the ARC. This prompted the committee to begin looking at the installation of such a system within the ARC. Set up and equipment cost would be provided thrn a generous unidentified donor. The ARC would pick up the minimal monthly cost for Internet access. The committee had discussion regarding: • How could we pay for this program? It was discussed that we can begin with free access and as the program became more popular we could charge some type of access fee or membership fee. The system should include all access of the ARC including the grass area around the pool if the donor will provide for this. Staff should look at making the system accessible in the parks as well. If not now the system can be easily expanded in the future according to Sasho. The committee voted unanimously to move forward on WiFi at this time. Sasho was asked to price the system out and present it to the donor for approval. Sculpture Donation: Staff was able to identify the piece of Art which is being donated for presentation in the ARC lobby. This is a piece named "End of the Trail" and will need to be displayed in a manner such that people cannot touch it. The committee wished to voice their concern for having such a valuable piece in the ARC when this is a "Hands On" facility and the sculpture piece seems to be very "Hand Off'. The Advisory Committee did not feel the ARC was an appropriate place for this sculpture. The AC is concerned about security, safety, and oversight of the art piece. Staff explained that City Council will accept the piece during the March 14t° Council meeting and the location in the ARC is still to be determined. Staff will keep an eye on this piece and monitor the compatibility with the facility. If it seems to not be working other avenues may need to be pursued. Business Plan: Staff provided the first insight to the "Draft" Business Plan document. Staff felt that the document was very general, confusing, and lacking specific information. Members of the Advisory Committee commented that "we were looking for a road map to get from where we are to where we want to be", and it's not there. The document was very boiler plate and generic. Both staff and the AC agreed that the April 12~h work session presentation to City Council should be postponed so we may ensure that a professional document be presented to Council. Steps at this point will include: • Staff going through the scope of work to identify what objectives were missed. A memo will be sent to PROS identifying the shortfalls of the document and what Scope of Work objectives have not been satisfactorily addressed. (see attachment for such memo and concerns) A conference call will be placed to both Leon Younger and B.G. Clazk to discuss the memo and lacking information. AC Member comments regarding the document were as follows: - Too much Redundancy - Need Specifics - Too many errors and typos, not professional. - Examples & Details -too general recommendations - Interior/Capital recommendation were very confusing at best - Need appendices and references - Good information in presentations not showing up in the document. - Committee feels the document is Incomplete The committee hopes to have a revised version by the next meeting so this process may move forward. It was noted that this document was due in October of 2004 according to the contract. It is now March 2005. More funds should have been withheld on the contract until the final document was delivered. Skating Club Issues: Lise Bodeck was present to voice the Skating Clubs concern for the May dates in which the "Hockey Mountain High" adult hockey tournament will be hosted in Aspen. Her concerns were that there was little or no communication with the Skating Club as to these dates. Lise identified that the Skating Club needed ice time during the weekend for practice. George Pucak (ice azena manager) apologized for the lack of communication and identified that an email list will be organized so that all parties could be contacted about scheduling of the ice facilities. Staff will work with Jr. Hockey on the scheduling of this toumament and the Skating Club to see if time can be arranged for the Club. It was noted that this tournament could become a major economic impact to the Aspen Community during the weekend in May and the hopes that all parties would work together for the good of the community will be kept in mind. General Discussion: The committee recognized and suggested that staff look deeper into working with Snowmass in the summer months on bringing guests to the ARC, and also in identifying affordable lodging for camps. The AC would like to see more camps pursued throughout the facility. Swimming as well as Hockey and Figure Skating. We should look at creating bonus incentives for camps to come to Aspen. This would be good for the ARC and good for the Community. IV. Updates: 300 Level Cooling: Staff identified that design and approvals seem to be moving along just fine for a June 1 completion date. The committee was adjourned and will meet again on Apri16, 2005.