HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.05042005S.PEN DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes May 4, 2005 In Attendance: Board Members: Sue Smedstad, Debbie Ware, Alice Davis, Scott Writer, Robert Christensen and Barbara Owen. Staff Members: Tim Anderson, George Pucak. Guests: Art Burrows Call to Order - Chairperson Scott Writer called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: Barbara mentioned that the skating club show went great. About 95% of the stands were filled for the 4:00pm show and the late show was 75% full. Scott mentioned that the ARC was an election issue and that the economic impact of the ARC should always be a part of the discussion when talking about the ARC and this community. Staff Comments: Tim Anderson explained to the Committee that the Marketing team had met with a couple of hotels in town and found that convenient transportation was an issue. People did not want to wait for buses. The team was going to pursue the use of taxi's and tipping the Hotel shuttles to provide more trips to the ARC. Committee members identified the dial a ride to Five Trees as a potential convenient mode of transportation to the ARC by guests and should be looked into. Also discussed were the possibilities of the top 5 to 10 hotels properties using their vans to shuttle guests to and from the ARC. We should look into somehow compensating the hotel for this service. II. Past Meeting Minutes Approval The April 2005 minutes were approved. III. Discussion Items: · ARC Entry Identification: Art Burrows from Ajax Design was present to present ideas for better identification to the ARC. Staff informed the AC that people were having trouble finding the entrance to the ARC and once in the building they did not know where to go. Staffcontacted Art to pursue solutions to this problem. Art presented a series of banner with graphics depicting the various types of activities one would find at the ARC. These banners would be first presented in the round flower bed next to the parking lot identifying the entrance. Then additional banners would line the walkway to the entrance by using the existing light poles for attachment. Once in the building additional signage would be presented to direct guest to the front desk, ice rink, pool, and Youth Center. In addition a presentation piece for current events at the ARC would be incorporated in the upper lobby and could be relocated at a later date if necessary. A graphic over the door leading to the Lewis Ice Arena would also be applied to the entry would not look so stark and create more excitement in accessing the facility. The Committee did have questions regarding the Aspen Sign Code. Art felt that all his recommendations would fit code, but also stated that we would work with Community Development in assuring so. The AC also identified the need to see that this signage was as vandal-proof as possible. Further discussion led to looking into the possibility of ordering banners which could be displayed for certain annual events that take place at the ARC. Also, the Aspen Recreation Center Logo should be added to the banners. Emphasize the "A" in Aspen, the "R" in Recreation, and the "C" in Center so people recognize the acronym ARC. An entrance announcement to the Pool should be included in this signage package. Make sure that images reflect Aspen residents in uniform are used in the graphics. Work on replacing signs in the building which are worn. Can we get trophy cases ordered for user groups? Barbara and Alice agreed to assist with final approvals in the look of the banners and signs before they go into and around the ARC. · WiFi: Sasho is continuing to work on this. Business Plan: PROS has received our comments and Red Line Copy of the plan and has identified the week of May 23rd as a return date for updates. ARC Camps: Staffwill be pursuing more camps for the ARC, especially so in the area of Aquatics. Robert Christensen provided the name and contact info of John Mattos, swim coach for CSU, so we may pursue a swim camp for the ARC. John was very interested and staff will pursue this for the spring/summer of 2006. In pursuing too many hockey camps staff is concerned about slicing up the pie too thin. Staff has identified that the summer skating school is growing and this in one area that can be concentrated on. The AC commented on how staff should seek programs which would add to our summer business rather than cannibalize the existing traffic. Service Level Options: Staff identified following comments from the committee, the option of closing the skate shop window during practice sessions for user groups. This was identified as an area where funds could potentially be better utilized rather than paying someone to be behind the counter during practices. The closure of the skate shop during certain hours will not result in a service level drop, rather the services will be provided in a more efficient manner. Staff is going to stop the staffing of the skate counter during practice sessions and redistribute some of the tasks to other locations in the facility (i.e. the front desk). This is hoped to save about $8,000 annually which will be reinvested into the facility for the purpose of pursing more programs such as the swim camp mentioned previously. The AC agrees to the move and recommends that there are no service level changes other than the counter being closed. Staff should find new ways to provide skate sharpening services, and small retail items such as tape, sticks, and shoelaces during practice sessions. IV. Updates: · 300 Level Cooling: The ongoing winter weather was prohibiting the installation of the cooling system. Once warm dry weather anived the company was eager and ready to install the system. Staff is still shooting for June 1st completion. · Hockey Mountain High: Staff was finding some difficulties in getting teams to Aspen this time of year, but still the event was expected to draw 10 to 12 teams for the inaugural event. This is a great start and the tournament should only grow from here. Staffwill evaluate and look for ways to grow the event. Dates have not been set for next year and once dates are identified all user groups will be contacted for input. Sculpture Unveiling: The sculpture is now set for unveiling in August. Action Item(s): · Ballot Language: Staff presented the past language approved by Aspen voters for the purpose of retaining excess property taxes for the ARC. The Committee voted to move forward on pursing the placement of the ballot language for the November election. Retain the same language with updated numbers and dates. VI. Other Business: Junior Hockey Donation: Jr. Hockey has a donated of $7,500 in loaner equipment for kids. The recommendation was made to store the equipment is empty lockers located in the LIA. Outside retailers: Outside retailers are interested in selling at the Ice Facilities. Staffmay have to look into the extent in which they want to sell and how many vendors are interested. Either this can be worked into a hockey swap weekend and invite everyone or the City Staffmay have to put together a formalized bid packet for this purpose. ARC Disciplinary Steps: The AC is quite concerned about behavior and vandalism at the ARC and at the next meeting would like to revisit the Disciplinary Steps at the ARC. Some members feel the policy should be tightened up a bit £rom where it is now. A 3 strike policy is in place. The committee was adjourned and will meet again on June 1, 2005.