JANUARY 19, 2000
Chairman Jon Busch called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Members in
attendance were Bill Dinsmoor and Eric Cohen. Terry Butler and John
Starr were excused,
Bill relayed that he supported the BOCC in regards to the moratorium. It is
appropriate to look at where the county is going in regards to huge houses,
land consumption etc.
Eric's feeling is that the City will wait to see what happens with the county
before addressing any city issues. Eric informed the board that he has a
concern with individuals falling on the street trying to get across from the
Ajax Motmtain Bldg. and the Aspen Square. A suggestion would be to
"pedestrianize" that area and have a tunnel underneath the gondola plaza to
the other side of the street. That area is very dangerous. The city of
Boulder is very successful with pedestrian flow.
Bill stated that the DEPP committee identified that area as a problem area.
If was suggested that a raised walkway go through that area so that there is
no curb to walk off of.
City Manager, Steve Barwick relayed that he is familiar with the area in
Boulder and one issue is that Boulder has grades to work with so that they
could open up the entrances and approach it from different angles. One
other issue with the problem area is the numerous buses dropping off skiers
at that area.
Jon relayed that Acme Bar & Grill and Howling Wolf are handing out flyers
on the streetlights etc. throughout town everyday. Staffwill send out code
Bill brought up the concern that some businesses claim all their sales are out
of state. Has any notion been made concerning enforcement and the
collection of sales tax for the city. Steve said audits are done to ten
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businesses throughout thc year. Those particular businesses relayed that
they had no direct information or explanations about what they were to keep
regarding records. Rules and regulations were then published and all the
auditors in town and accountants were educated. Some businesses have
been fined but in general there are records as to what corresponded. There
is no way to know what is in the box being shipped unless you do
undercover work.
Eric and Bill feel a certain amount of fem' should be put on the owner. Eric
said his company had a very clear policy regarding shipping.
Steve said if the board feels strongly about investigating businesses they
need council's support. If fraud is proved you can disembowel everything
for back for five years.
Bill felt that all sales clerks should be dispersing the "right" answer to
individuals purchasing merchandise.
Steve relayed that the issue is a matter of tax fairness. Ifa driver of a
business drives to Red Mountain to deliver a painting it is not taxable to the
City. The customer must walk out with the item before being taxed. The
place of transaction must occur in the City.
Jon relayed that in the CCLC charter the board has the broad ability to
initiate action, which has impact on the businesses.
Jon also relayed to Steve that approval of lighting projects throughout town
was taken away from the board.
Staff relayed that the decision was made to have internal department sign
off on lighting.
Steve said he sees a variety of different areas for the group to operate in.
One is the physical level like the DEPP project. How does it function and
look. Where do the cars go and park. Where do we have pedestrian
car/problems. Another area is landuse. Do we need more of one particular
district or another. Economics is another area. This is one area that the city
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has not paid much attention to over the last 20 years. It is time to take a
good hard look at the Aspen economy and how it operates and how it is
taxed. Major changes to the Aspen economy are going on.
Bill relayed that one of the realities that CCLC has been involved in is
unless the board has a "champion" or a dept. head or city council member
who is firmly with the board on the issues it simply tums into posturing and
goes nowhere. CCLC wants to know the issues that everyone can agree on
and what they should concentrate on in order to get things passed or
ordinances adopted.
Steve agreed that the CCLC needs to decide what major issues are important
and make sure they are important to city council. It is important to get
agreement up front.
Jon said the CCLC went to the city with an ordinance on newsracks which
had numerous public hearings and council relayed that they wanted a
cooperative thing and it is not working. Jon requested that housing come to
the next meeting to discuss infill.
Steve felt ifinfill is the direction a person needs to be on the committee for
a full year. It will also take approximately $50,000. to review the infill.
CCLC has also discussed having a liason with the ACRA. The ACRA
director is interested in taking more positions on city issues.
Steve said the business community and the city are not closely associated
enough. It is not that we have to have an aligned interest but we need to be
talking and working with each other. The AACP has a section about
changes to the aspen economy and how does it work and now do we
improve it perhaps without increasing the number of tourists in town and
how do we tax it. Some issues will need state legislation. Our economy is
more fragile than we though it was. We need to get more efficient.
This board needs to get aligned with what city council wants.
JANUARY 19~ 2000
Brain Flynn relayed that he has discussed the wildlife protection ordinance
with APS and several of their containers have been approved for that issue.
They are a new trash hauler ~nd would like impute on what CCLC's role is.
Jon said the goal is to clean up the alleys and open them up and get the
delivery trucks in the alleys. The solution, although not perfect is a
common compactor and eliminating all dumpsters in the public right-of-
way. It reduces congestion in the alleys. Residents in the downtown core
complain of dumpster noise at 6:00 a.m.
Bill relayed that the goal is to get as many dumpsters out of the donwtown
and convert the dumpsters to centralized compaction. There is an ordinance
that states that is the goal of the city.
Seth Necamp stated that compactors could be serviced by front load trucks.
There are also options of putting magnetic card readers on the compactors
and each person pays for what they put in.
Scott Chism is the new landscape architect for the Parks Department. He is
the project manager for the Wagner Park bond project.
Rebecca Shickling, Assistant Parks Director, relayed that they have a fairly
aggressive time schedule for breaking ground on Wagner Park.
Scott relayed that he is gathering data with regards to the redevelopment of
Wagner Park. Some concepts that have been discussed are: Redevelop the
restroom/maintenance building and possibly integrating some seating.
Looking at the field itself and possibly lower the field so it creates a
recessed play field and add an edge of seating around the field. The alley
will be looked at and possibly be expanded to accommodate delivery traffic
and get it off the mall directly. A mechanism is in place and there are a
certain number of hours that deliveries are allowed to occur and then it goes
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back to pedestrian access. The children's playground will be retained as
much as possible but the equipment will need to be upgraded. Regarding
the arrangement of the building mass, possibly there will be two structures
that would create a framework when you come imo the park. There are no
formal plans.
Bill relayed that is the big picture that Jeff Woods has been articulating.
CCLC feels it is important to create other infill structures underneath or
around the park to accommodate an event production; electric, gas, soft
structures, fiber optics. They also felt that the ACRA should be involved.
Rebecca requested that a CCLC member be added to the task force. They
are shooting for a fall construction start. It will be a focused task force.
Jori felt that at the enu~vay at the end of Cooper a performance space
should be added. Possibly an arch with a built in wall that could come
down so that the space could work in either direction.
Bill asked what other sporting events Wagner Park is being used for beside
Scott said softball will be eliminated.
Rebecca stated that the budget is $750,000. She also relayed that she will
bring a meeting time schedule for the board to rewew. The comprehensive
plan is the way to go.
Jon also felt that a band stand performance area or raised space should be
built so it can function for ceremonies. Wagner Park is the way it is today
due to drainage problems.
MOTION: Jon moved to adjourn; second by Bill. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk