HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.06012005DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes June 1, 2005 In Attendance: Board Members: Sue Smedstad, Debbie Ware, Scott Writer, Laura Komasiewicz, and Barbara Owen. StaffMembers: Tim Anderson, George Pucak, Nancy Lestey, Paul Kulik. Call to Order - Chairperson Scott Writer called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: Laura mentioned that the summer swim meet was coming together. She reminded the Committee that the pool would be closed during the days and time of the event. (the swim meet is scheduled for July 8, 9, 10) Climbing and Ice Packages will be available to families attending the swim meet. We need an American Flag in the pool for the National Anthem, the backstroke flags need to be re-aligned, and record boards which are being donated will be installed. The AC mentioned that all user groups should be contacted by staff as they are moving forward with display cases to be installed in the ARC. Staff Comments: None II. Past Meeting Minutes Approval The May 2005 minutes were approved after several changes were identified and changed. III. Discussion Items: Disciplinary Action at ARC: Laura mentioned her concern for the lack of respect by many patrons when using the ARC facilities. Laura identified the need for reciprocal agreements with other organizations in reprimanding users of the ARC. A consistent message should be sent, particularly to youth using the ARC by cooperative disciplinary agreements between ARC user groups, the Youth Center, and the School District. The AC stated that both a verbal and written notice should go to parents upon a first offense at the ARC. There should be written documentation of the incident so that it may be circulated to the various groups which need to enforce the disciplinary action taken. The AC identified the following steps be taken: 1. Write up all verbal warnings and keep on file (all of Recreation, not just the ARC) 2. Malicious Behavior needs to be defined in an incident report and policy. 3. Include disciplinary practices in all user contracts. 4. Implement a Global approach to this respect of facilities by involving the various organizations mentions above. In the Interim staffwill see that notification of parents takes place on the first offence. Staff will work on a new policy which identifies what to do in the case of a daily admission where a user is only here for one day. Staff will acquire the School District's Code of Conduct and reporting form as a template. A new policy and procedure for disciplinary action will be presented to the AC to keep this moving forward and work towards by in from other organizations and the consistent message identified by the AC. 2. Hockey Mtn. High-Fall- Staffreported that the Hockey Mtn. High Spring Mens Hockey tournament went fine and all had a good time. Staff also found that most mens teams wish to play in the fall rather than the spring. Although the spring tournament brought in additional revenue over the same period of the previous year, a fall tournament seems to be the direction for future growth. User groups have been contacted at this time as to potential conflicts for dates in the fall. Staffwill keep these in mind when scheduling the fall mens tournament. Scott Writer reminded the staff and the AC that the event must first be good for the ARC and must keep the order of priorities in mind when scheduling. th August ]0th Or 11 Cort~orate Rental of ARC: Staff advised the AC that a Corporate Group was interested in a full and private rental of the ARC on one of the dates identified above. The Group would like the entire ARC for a total of 4 hours from the hours of 10am to 2pm. Upon research of these dates in 2004 staff found these days to only be between $2,500 and $3,000 in revenues. The Corporate Rental would generate between $8,000 and $10,000 for the 4 hours. This was deemed to be good for the ARC by the AC and staffrecommended we try it in the middle of the day and take note of any concerns which may be voiced. Staff will need to work with the Youth Center in compensation for them closing as well. This Group would like the ARC entirely to themselves. 4. Ice Rink Flooring: Staffprovided information to the AC for further support and direction. Concerns, decisions, and issues discussed were: · Staff has found that there are various flooring types and various price ranges. · Storage of the flooring is an issue once we decide to head this direction. We can store on site or perhaps rent a trailer and store the flooring at another site. · If we purchase the flooring we will then need to market and actively go afler large events which may create some impacts upon use of the ice facilities. · Staff is working with the building department to see how many people they will allow in the building if we purchase flooring as this has a direct effect on what type of events we can go after. · The AC felt the direction of new flooring should be pursued with the thought in mind that these high dollar large events are going to keep the cost down for local user groups. · In addition the AC felt that flooring make the ARC a true Community Facility. The Committee urged staff to continue working in this direction and that we should go after the best quality of flooring which would host various types of events. Staff should begin working on a special events policy which may be adopted by the AC. The Community Development Department should be contacted to see if there would be any issues regarding such events, and someone who promotes large events should be contacted for their expertise and knowledge. Business Plan: The Committee first requested that the document be provided in an electronic form so we may provide recommendations and easily edit and mail suggestions. The AC asked staff to take the most recent drafl and see that all of the past concerns and issues have been addressed. Specifics that the AC wanted to see expanded upon and questioned whether or not this had been accomplished were: · Suggestions on how to move forward · Effectiveness of building improvements · Specific recommendations on how to move forward with the remaining strategies which have not been implemented. · A specific sales and marketing plan identification and process. · The Action Plan should stand alone. Staffwill review the document for these concerns, distribute back to the AC for any final comments if members wish, and then ask PROS to provide a final grammar and spell checked version which the AC may review at the July meeting. We would like to shoot for a July work session with Council. IV. Updates: · 300 Level Cooling: Staff informed the AC that work was to begin the 6th of June on this project. · Entry Gate to back entrance of ARC: Staffwill be working on a gate to the back entrance to the ARC due to park users parking in this area which is a fire lane, emergency entrance and exit, delivery area, trash pick up, and there has been damage to equipment and materials due to traffic in this area. · Sculpture Unveiling: The sculpture is now set to move to the Red Brick Arts and Recreation Center. Action Item(s): · Ballot Language: Definitive recommendations for the use of these funds must be identified. The recommendations in the Business Plan will be used to provide such recommendations. This ballot language can be discussed further with Council in a work session on the Business Plan. VI. Other Business: · Staff is continuing to work with Art Burrows on the exterior and interior Graphics for the ARC. We hope to have many of the new graphics in by the 3rd week of June. The committee was adjoumed and will meet again on July 6, 2005.