HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.council.042-74RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
100 Leaves
(Series of 1974)
WHEREAS, the Aspen City Council wishes to join with the
Pitkin County Commissioners and the Aspen Valley Hospital Board
of Trustees to arrange for the maintenance and operation of an
ambulance service, and
WHEREAS, a mutually agreeable arrangement has been arrived
at and the City Council wishes to approve the same, and
WHEREAS, Section 13.5 of the Aspen Charter requires that
all cooperative contracts between the City and other governmental
units or special districts be ratified by resolution,
1. That the joint agreement for provision of ambulance
service attached hereto and incorporated by reference, be and
is hereby approved and accepted by the City of Aspen.
2. That Mayor Stacy Standley be authorized to accept the
3. That as a further limitation of the contribution
provisions of the agreement, the Department of Finance is
directed that contributions under the terms of the agreement
shall be made according to the following schedule:
(a) The City of Aspen and Pitkin County shall share the
costs incurred on a 50-50 basis.
(b) Direct costs shall be estimated for each fiscal year
and adjustments made for actual expenditures at the
end of each fiscal year.
(c) Indirect costs shall be calculated for each item on
the basis of what the actual requirements of the
ambulance service are, and not on the basis of direct
costs. Indirect costs shall not be recalculated or
100 Leaves
adjusted at the end of the fiscal year.
Payments required from the City by the agreement shall
be paid quarterly.
Stacy Standley III
I, , duly appointed and acting
City Clerk do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was
adopted by the Aspen City Council at its meeting held
This a~..... ....... t is '" betv.~ecn and among the parties for
and Jn conside-at{on of the ~n~tua]. promises and benefits to be
derived from the keeping thereof, as stated herein.
1. Pa~i,~_. 'Phc pa~ties to this ~greement are the County
........ ~_ ~':[:zion of the State of Colorado,
(iiereina~itel 'zhe County"); the City of ~spen, a borne-rule
city - ~ ~ ·
a:]:~ polJ.~oa.]_ subdZv~sfon of tho State of Colorado,
~nafter "tho C~y"); and, the Board of Trustees of the Aspen
V~lley ' ~.. ' ~-'
Ho.~pz~, ~ public hospftal board organZzed pursuant to
C.R.S. ]963, ch3pta~ 66, article 7,. ~s amended, (he~e~nafte~
"the Hospital").
2. ~utharization to contract. Thfs agreement ~s n~ade under
the ~n,-' - ,
aut .... mt~ o5 article XIV section 18(2)(a) of the Constitution
of the State of Colorado, and C.R.S. 1~63, chapter 88, article
2, as amended. Each of the parties is lawfully authorized to
provide the functions,"services and facilities which are the
subject of the agreement. This agreement shall become effective
upon the authorization and approval of the Board of County
Commissioners of the County, the City Council of the City, and
the Board of ~ .-
· r~stees of the tlospital. No rights sh~l be
conferred by this agreement prior to i{s approval and authori-
zation, duly enacted, by the legislative or approvtn9 bodies
of all of the · ~ ·
~-~ r t.l Cs .
3. Provi~JDn of fac~]]~'ic~ end
the area o5 thc p%,~ r' ',l A!q~,.'n. Valley lk~spi{-.al
L, oundarie;: of which are on fi]e with the Clerk
PJ. tkin County, Co~orado, under tho terms and
set out in this agreement. The hospital will
Dis tric[;, the
& t~ecor~er of
]:t~ep two (2)
fully equipped amhu!ances _in service at' al}_ times. The Hospital
will be responsible ~or automotive servicing of thc vehicles.
The Hospital will provide one (1) driver and one (1) emergency
medical %cchn.inia:'~ at all times. The Hospital will cause the
ambulance to respond in a timely and r~asonablc fashion to all
calls for assistance whether from privaie or governmental sources.
4. Charges to users. The Hospital shall provide accounting
a~d billing services for the parties in the collection of reason-~
able fees and char%~as from users of the ambulance service. The
amounts or rates of charges and fees shall be set forth in a
budget prepared by the Hospital for the o~eration of the services
covered by this agreement pursuant to paragraph 5. The Hospital
shall use its best efforts to collect charges and fees, but
assumes no resonsibility for collection thereof.
5. Annual budget. Prior to Semptember 1 of each year of
the term of this agreement, (or such other date as may be
necessary to insure funding under this agreement), the Hospital
shall prepare a one-year cash budget for the operation of the
ambulance service which is the subjec{ ef this agreement, and
submit i% to the appropriate agent of the City and o~ the County.
This ~udget shall set forth an amount requested from the City
'and an .....-,~unt' requested from the County. Thc budget will be
reviewed by the parties and acconuno:]ations made if possible.
}f nO .,' "'' be rc'~c'h,~d oi1 the ,:. p~.oDl ].atloll.~ fl01~l the
the City and/or County,
therein by Dece..mber 1,
terminate all services
or on any other matter covered
the.Hospital shall have the option to
described herein on January 1, following.
budget described herein shall take
into account the
following expenses ~:mong others: sa!aries, supplies, capital
expenditures, and indirect ccs[.s, with a retroactive adjustment
for all but indirect costs. Thc bud~ret shall ]mc]Al ~e CZcolt
for fees and charges to be collected, with a reasonable bad
debt allowance therefrom.
6. Payment of funds. The City and County shall cause to
be paid over to the account of the Hospital funds provided for
under approved budgets at such times as each shall find conven-
ient, but not less than quarterly.
7. Term. The term-of this agreement shall be two (2)
years from the effective date of this'agreement.
budget periods herein shall cover calendar years
8. Binding effect. Once a budget, described in paragraph
5 has been approved by the Hospital and that same budget has
been adopted by both the City and the County ali parties are
bound to provide the services and pay over monies under the
terms of that budget. The Hospital's option to terminate
the provision of services under this agreement shall in no
way affect the binding obligations of the agreement so long as
,tho p!rti, os are acting u::d.-~r an a~l'r,:.v~d budget.
in' o~; -;.~',: c" ~ ':::' i , Sic{als who m:,y h,_: .~ }:, .~v s:cr"ing.
The annual
1975 and 1976.
If c~(.h:.~r the. City or the County .~hall, by virtue of
changed e~ec~ offAc, ,als,nok make payments un,~.~ . an, .pproved
budgek, or indicate that J.~ will not~ Che Hospitml shall
the option to discontinue "~ ~ ~' ' ~'
..... ~lce.~ upon thJ. J:ty (30) days notice
to the oth2r parties.
9. ~.~[~!:!~zure. By subscribing this aqreement the parties
represent to each other that they have heretofore enacted the
~.,~ alli~orl:,:~itlO~] ~]czcrJ. bed ih paragrarh
x~.t.l.c.~-. Pa3. agrapn titles are for reference and are
not part of this agreement.
11. EffectJ.ve date. The effective date of this agreement
IN N ,, ~ I,::.~.EO~, the parties have sa. gned this agreement
Aspen, Colcrado.
Chron., Board of County
Com..z~szo ..... s of Pitkin
County, Colorado
Mayor, City of Aspen
President, Board of
Trustees of the Aspen
Valley IIospital