HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.08032005 ASPEN DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes August 3rd, 2005 In Attendance: Staff Member(s): Guests: Board Members: Sue Smedstad, Debbie Ware, Robert Christensen, and Barbara Owen. Tim Anderson, George Pucak, Paul Kulik. Toni Kronberg, Sarah Blagstad; Aspen Youth Center Call to Order - Chairperson Pro-Tem Sue Smedstad called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Staff Comments: George Pucak identified that the Ice rinks have two 5-star rated maintenance technicians. Jenny Nelson was also recognized for the fact that summer skating schools had grown over 2004. Elizabeth Severy was writing for the Aspen Times this summer and had managed to get some ice stories in the papers thanks to her local knowledge and caring for the ice facilities. Guest Comments: Sarah Blagstad mentioned that she would like to stay more involved with the AC and what is going on between the ARC activities and the Youth Center. Toni Kronberg asked how programming would be increased with the early dismissal for grades 1 thru 4. She asked about chlorine smells in the pool areas and staff explained how the sanitation systems work, water is balanced, and how the smells can sometime occur, but that all of our systems meet State of Colorado standards and staff keep regular records. Sue Smedstad also directed Toni to speak directly with staff if she had any further questions in this regard. Toni spoke to her concerns of the possibility of outdoor pools being added to the ARC and how this would affect competition as the Moore Pool, how parking would be handled, and transportation to the facility. Staff made it clear that if we pursue additional pools that all of these questions will have to be answered at that time. Toni inquired about instructor policies and staff mentioned how they work and that the staff was brining updated policies to the AC. Toni asked if staff had taken into consideration the construction of a Snowmass pool and how it would affect the ARC operations. II. Past Meeting Minutes Approval The July 2005 minutes were approved. IlL Discussion Items: Business Plan: Tim went quickly through the Business Plan highlights and the presentation which will be directed towards Council on the 9th of August. (The presentation is attached for reference.) The committee asked how the presentation would address Capital Improvements. Tim identified that the plan suggested a coordinated approach to the various possibilities identified in the plan. One question asked of Council at the worksession would be how they wish to pursue the Capital Improvements recommended in the plan. Robert Christensen then made a motion that the AC supports the Business Plan with a second by Barbara Owen. The motion stated that: "The ARC Advisory Committee supports the Business Plan as prepared by PROS Consulting". The motion was approved. ARC Concessions: The Concessions at the ARC seem to becoming more and more of an issue at the ARC. Several user groups seem to have concerns. Such comments as the food provided was inappropriate for the athletes competing at that time, or there was no coffee available during early morning hours, more consideration should be given to the fact that non-profits are trying to make money. Staff will organize a meeting between user groups and Champs to go over the issues, work through them, and make the operations better for everyone involved. Users need to come with their recommendations for improvements, and they need to understand the contract with Champs as the same time. Code of Conduct: Staffprovided the code of conduct from the Schools. The AC directed staffto work from this document, try to make it more readable, and work on the organization of the information. Simplify the document while keeping the effectiveness of the intent. Staffwill provide an updated version at the next AC meeting. Instructor Policies: Staffprovided the current instructor policies for programs such as ice skating, swimming, climbing, and tennis. Staff identified the need for consistency in policies with instructors. Instructors need to either be City of Aspen employees or a contracted service so communication is effective and does not reflect poorly on the ARC. Consistency in certifications is of issue here as well. Staff will update the policies and bring them back at the next AC meeting. Toni Kronberg felt that through the City teaching the lesson there would be less revenue realized, and that certifications are not necessary. IV. Updates: · 300 Level Cooling: Staff informed the AC that the cooling system had been installed and was going through a trouble shooting state at that point. A checklist of items needing completion before final payment is made has been identified by the contractor and agreed to by staff. · Ice Flooring: Staff informed the AC that they were still waiting for numbers from the Building Dept. as to what the maximum occupancy limit would be for large events. The AC advised staff that they should keep in mind the potential sharing or renting of flooring to the Silver Circle for community events. · Staff is moving forward with the writing of an agreement and memorandum of understanding between the City and Jr. Hockey in the construction and operation of the new Jr. Hockey office going in the Lewis Ice Arena. The AC asked that the plan be brought forward to the AC for the next meeting. V. Action Item(s): 1. Locker Rental Policy: Currently staff contacts users when their locker rental has expired by phone, e:mail, and messages lef~ on the locker. To further avoid controversy, staff has suggested that as part of the rental agreement the user provide a credit card and when the agreement has expired the user will either remove their goods or another term will automatically be charged to the credit card. For those user not interested in this process, once all contacts have failed, a control lock will be placed on the locker so the party will contact staff and we can provide access and discuss how to proceed from there. Alice motioned to approved and Barbara second the motion with the request that maybe all locker rentals begin and end on the same annual date. Motion approved. VI. Other Business: The committee was adjourned and will meet again on September 7th, 2005.