HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.09072005DRAFT ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes September 7, 2005 In Attendance: Staff Member(s): Guests: Board Members: Sue Smedstad, Debbie Ware, Robert Christensen, Laura Komasiewicz, and Barbara Owen. Tim Anderson, George Pucak, Paul Kulik. Toni Kronberg, Lee Pardee Call to Order - Sue Smedstad called the meeting to order with a quorum present. Committee Comments: Sue asked that staff provide a packet to Scott Writer (Committee Chairman) due to his absence from this meeting. Staff Comments: None. Guest Comments: Toni Kronberg thanked the AC for the ballot language support. She asked if the AC was going to take a stand on the ballot question and actively campaign for it. Toni asked ifa design process would take place before the pools were built if in fact the ballot question for new outdoor pools passed in November. Toni voiced concern over education on the ballot question over the next 6 weeks. She was concerned about the protection of patrons from falling when using the slide and at the top of the slide. She stated that she had heard concerns regarding loud music in the pool area. II. Past Meeting Minutes Approval Sue mentioned that the spelling of Sarah Blangsted needed to be corrected in the August minutes. The August 2005 minutes were approved with by Laura making a motion and Robert providing a second. All approved. III. Discussion Items: Business Plan: Sue mentioned that she felt the AC needed to adopt a plan for addressing Capital Improvements as identified in the business plan. This plan would be presented at the Council Work session for direction. The AC felt that the various components of the Capital Improvements as identified in the BP should be broken out into Revenue Generators and Guest Service related improvements. The AC felt that Council should adopt the strategy of creating a Capital Improvement Plan with revenue generating improvements being kept at the forefront of improvements. The AC requested that an additional slide be added to the presentation identifying potential revenue producing improvements and customer service related improvements. These items would be at the forefront of a Capital Improvements program. The AC also agreed that this should be coordinated with the potential approval of outdoor pool designs which will be placed on a November ballot. Concession improvements, for example, should be integrated into the pool improvements and are a prime example as to how the pieces of a plan need to be integrated. Instructor Policies: Staff presented to the AC a plan for Consistency in how Instructors are hired and programs are implemented. The plan identified that all instructors would be City of Aspen Employees, and if the City was unable to hire adequate employees to teach programs then Professional Contracts would be entered into with reputable outside programs. Laura motioned that the AC accept staff recommendations with the addition of background checks on all Professional Service Contractors, Professional Service Agreements be reviewed once each year, and agreements will be specific to the contracted program. Robert second the motion and all approved. Code of Conduct: Staff and the AC identified issues related to sharing info regarding under age individuals between various organizations. Staff was going to talk with the City Attorney and see what alternatives we have or to what extent we needed to be concerned with this issue from a legal standpoint. The AC wanted to be sure that the same actions should be consistent among all groups involved in the Code of Conduct as long as we can share some level of information. This policy needs to especially be consistent within the Parks & Recreation Department. How will staff distribute the information to ensure that everyone has accurate information and consistency? The AC was identified as the Grievance Committee when disputes arise. There should be a written Code of Conduct which is clear as to all expectations and actions to enable legal backing of severe punishments. Financial Reports: Several reports were shown to the AC by staff. The AC had identified that they would like all info on one page and Rec Trac would not provide a merging of information. A self generated report by the Administrative Staff of the Parks & Recreation Dept. received the greatest support from the AC. The AC stated that they wish for a bottom line revenue comparison, they wished to see trends and comparisons, and actual numbers through the doors. Staff will work on condensing and bringing a format back to the AC at the next meeting. Trophy Cases: Staffwill devise an application form for the placement of Trophies and cases in the ARC. Staffhas identified recommended areas that will be offered to users, but in the case of deviation the AC will be the determining body. Staff will keep the AC informed each time an application is submitted for new Trophies case locations. IV. Updates: · IT changes for Recreation: · 300 Level Cooling: · Ice Flooring: · Entry Graphics & signage Due to time constraints these topics were not discussed at this meeting. V. Action Item(s): 1. Jr. Hockey addition- Junior Hockey has presented its addition of office space in the LIA to P&Z. They have received support to move forward with City Council and the PUD amendment and they will be requesting a GMQS exemption. Private money has been raised for this addition and they wish to begin construction in the Spring of 2006. The AC had a motion from Laura to support Jr. Hockey in their addition when this item came before City Council. There was a second by Debbie and all approved. "The AJH interior addition has the support of the ARC Advisory Committee." VI. Other Business: Toni Kronberg again spoke at the end of the meeting and voiced her concern and the fact that she was annoyed with the consistency on how meetings were mn. She felt that there needed to be more public comment during each topic. She asked that the word correction, not reprimand be used in the Code of Conduct being drafted. She identified her support for a "Master Plan" to be completed for the ARC. The committee was adjourned and ~vill meet again on October 5, 2005.