WHEREAS, the applicant, Riva L.P., represented by Mary Holley, has requested
conceptual design approval, partial demolition, variancesl and "Residential Design
Standards" approval for the property at 333 W. Bleeker Street, Lots A, B, and C, Block
44, City and Townsite of Aspen. The project involves making minor modifications to the
existing historic structures and creating a one story addition to the buildings; and
WHEREAS, all development in an "H," Historic Overlay District or development
involving a historic landmark must meet all four Development Review Standards of
Section 26.415.010.C.5 of the Aspen Land Use Code in order for HPC to grant approval,
1. Standard: The proposed development is compatible in general design, massing
and volume, scale and site plan with designated historic structures located on the
parcel and with development on adjacent parcels when the subject site is in a "H,"
Historic Overlay District or is adjacent to an Historic Landmark. For Historic
Landmarks where proposed development would extend into front yard, side yard and
rear yard setbacks, extend into the minimum distance between buildings on the lot or
exceed the allowed floor area by up to five hundred (500) square feet or the allowed
site coverage by up to five (5) percent, HPC may grant such variances after making a
finding that such variation is more compatible in character with the historic landmark
and the neighborhood, than would be development in accord with dimensional
requirements. In no event shall variations pursuant to this section exceed those
variations allowed under the Cottage Infill Program for detached accessory dwelling
units pursuant to Section 26.40.090(B)(2).
2. Standard: The proposed development reflects and is consistent with the character
of the neighborhood of the parcel proposed for development.
Standard: The proposed development enhances or does not detract from the
historic significance of designated historic structures located on the parcel proposed
for development or on adjacent parcels.
Standard: The proposed development enhances or does not diminish from the
architectural character or integrity of a designated historic structure or part thereof;
WItEREAS, all properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places are required
under Section 26.420.080 meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic
to "
Preservation, which are:
A. Every reasonable effort shall be made to provide a compatible use for a property
which requires minimal alteration of the building, structure, or site and its environment,
or to use the property for its originally intended purpose.
B. The distinguishing original qualities or character of a building; structure, site or its
environment shall not he destroyed. The removal or alteration of any historic material or
distinctive architectural features should be avoided when possible.
C. Ail buildings, structures, and sites shall be recognized as products of their own time.
Alterations that have no historical basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance
shall be discouraged.
D. Changes which may have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history
and development of a building, structure, or site and its environment. These changes may
have acquired significance in their own right, and this significance shall be recognized
and respected.
E. Distinctive stylistic features or examples of skilled craftsmanship which characterize
a building, structure, or site shall be treated with sensitivity.
F. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced, wherever
possible. In the event replacement is necessary, the new material should match the
material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture, and other visual qualities.
Repair or replacement of missing architectural features should be based on accurate
duplications of features, substantiated by historic, physical, or pictorial evidence rather
than on conjectural designs or the availability of different architectural elements from
other buildings or structures.
G. The surface cleaning of structures shall be undertaken with the gentlest means
possible. Sandblasting and other cleaning methods that will damage the historic building
materials shall not be undertaken.
H. Every reasonable effort shall be made to protect and preserve archaeological
resources affected by, or adjacent to, any project.
I. Contemporary design for alterations and additions to existing properties shall not be
discouraged when such alterations and additions do not destroy significant historical,
architectural or cultural material, and such design is compatible with the size, scale, color,
material, and character of the property, neighborhood, or environment.
J. Whenever possible, new additions or alterations to structures shall be done in such a
manner that if such additions or alterations were to he removed in the future, the essential
form and integrity of the structure would be unimpaired; and
WHEREAS, all applications for partial demolition of any structure included in the
Inventory of Historic Sites and Structures of the City of Aspen, or any structure within an
"H" Historic Overlay district, must meet all of the Development Review Standards of
Section 26.415.010 of the Aspen Land Use Code in order for HPC to grant approval,
1 .Standard: The partial demolition is required for the renovation, restoration or
rehabilitation of the structure, or the structure does not contribute to the historic
significance of the parcel; and
2.Standard: The applicant has mitigated, to the greatest extent possible:
a. Impacts on the historic significance of the structure or structures located
on the parcel by limiting demolition of original or significant features and
b. Impacts on the architectural character or integrity of the structure or
structures located on the parcel by designing new additions so that they are
compatible in mass and scale with the historic structure; and
WHEREAS, Amy Guthrie, in her staff report dated January 12, 2000, performed an
analysis of the application based on the standards, found favorably for the application,
and recommended approval with conditions; and
WHEREAS, at their regular meeting on January 12, 2000, the Historic Preservation
Commission considered the application, found the application to meet the standards, and
approved the application with conditions by a vote of 5 to 2.
That the review standards are met and HPC grants conceptual design approval, partial
demolition, variances, and "Residential Design Standards" approval for 333 W. Bleeker
Street, Lots A, B, and C, Block 44, City and Townsite of Aspen, as presented at the
January 12, 2000 meeting, as follows:
The modifications on the south side of the historic house and the window change on
the east side are approved and may be submitted for building permit as minor
changes. The change from sliding glass doors to french doors on the east side of the
house is also approved, with the condition that the doors be only two panels wide and
a revised drawing be submitted for the board to approve.
2. The new flagstone patio on the east side of the house shall not be tied directly into the
sandstone foundation on the house.
3. The HPC grants the following variances: a 7 foot rear yard setback variance, an 8 foot
combined front and rear yard setback variance, and a 5 foot east sideyard variance for a
lightwell, and a 240 square foot floor area bonus.
4. Restudy the siding material on the new construction.
5. Eliminate the gravel drive/walk on the west side of the building(the one that does not
serve the garage). A narrower walkway may be built, but the area should otherwise
be returned to grass
6. Provide a landscape plan for final review, including preservation of the historic ditch
and a design for the proposed new fencing.
7. All representations made by the applicant in the application and during public
meetings with-the Historic Preservation Commission shall be adhered to and
considered conditions of approval, unless otherwise amended by other conditions.
8. Railing needs to be restudied should be a horizontal element.
9. East addition should have vertical siding.
10. Confirm that window on east elevation is considered historic.
APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION at its regular meeting on the 12th day
of January, 2000.
Approved as to Form:
Davi~Hoefer, Assistant C~ity Attorney
Approved as to Content:
d..z~n~R~id, Chm~aan
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk