PARCEL ID: 2735-124-44-001
WHEREAS, the applicants, Randall and Allison Bone, represented by Consortium Architects,
have requested approval for a Historic Landmark Lot Split, Major Development Review
(Conceptual), On-site Relocation, and Variances for the property located at 635 W. Bleeker
Street, Lots A-C, Block 24, City and Townsite of Aspen, Colorado. The property is listed on the
"Aspen Inventory of Historic Landmark Sites and Structures;" and
WHEREAS, in order to complete a Historic Landmark Lot Split, the applicant shall meet the
following requirements of Aspen Land Use Code: Section 26.480.030(A)(2) and (4), Section
26.470.070(C), and Section 26.415.010(D.)
26.480.030{A)(2}~ Subdivision Exemptions~ Lot Split
The split ora lot for the purpose of the development of one detached single-family dwelling on a
lot formed by a lot split granted subsequent to November 14, 1977, where all of the following
conditions are met:
The land is not located in a subdivision approved by either the Pitkin County Board
of County Commissioners or the City Council, or the land is described as a metes
and bounds parcel which has not been subdivided after the adoption of subdivision
regulations by the City of Aspen on March 24, 1969; and
No more than two (2) lots are created by the lot split, both lots conform to the
requirements of the underlying zone district. Any lot for which development is
proposed will mitigate for affordable housing pursuant to Section
The lot under consideration, or any part thereof, was not previously the subject of a
subdivision exemption under the provisions of this chapter or a "lot split"
exemption pursuant to Section 26.100. 040(C)(1)(a); and
A subdivision plat which meets the terms of this chapter, and conforms to the
requirements of this title, is submitted and recorded in the office of the Pitkin
County clerk and recorder after approval, indicating that no further subdivision
may be granted for these lots nor will additional units be built without receipt of
applicable approvals pursuant to this chapter and growth management allocation
pursuant to Chapter 26.100.
Recordation. The subdivision exemption agreement and plat shall be recorded in
the office of the Pitkin County clerk and recorder. Failure on the part of the
applicant to record the plat within one hundred eighty (180) days following
approval by the City Council shall render the plat invalid and reconsideration of
the plat by the City Council will be required for a showing of good caus~
In the case where an existing single-family dwelling occupies a site which is
eligible for a lot split, the dwelling need not be demolished prior to application for a
lot split.
Maximum potential buildout for the two (2) parcels created by a lot split shall not
exceed three (3) units, which may be composed of a duplex and a single-family
26.480.030(A)(4)~ Subdivision Exemptions~ Historic Landmark Lot Split
The split ora lot that is listed on the Aspen Inventory of Historic Landmark Sites and Structures
for the development of one new single-family dwelling may receive a subdivision exemption if it
meets the following standards:
a. The original parcel shall be a minimum of six thousand (6,000) square
feet in size and be located in the R-6, R-15, R-15A, RMF, or O zone district.
b. The total FAR for both residences shall be established by the size of
the parcel and the zone district where the property is located. The total FAR for each lot
shall be noted on the Subdivision Exemption Plat.
In the Office zone district, the following shall apply to the calculation of maximum floor
area for lots created through the historic landmark lot split. Note that the total FAR shall
not be stated on the Subdivision Exemption Plat because the floor area will be affected by
the use established on the property:
If all buildings on what was the fathering parcel remain wholly residential in use, the
maximum floor area will be as stated in the R-6 zone district.
If any portion of a building on a lot created by the historic landmark lot split is in
commercial/office use, then the allowed floor area for that lot shah be the floor area
allowed for ali uses other than residential in the zone district. If the adjacent parcel
created by the lot split remains wholly in residential use, then the floor area on that parcel
shall be limited to the maximum allowed on a lot of its size for residential use according to
the R-6 standards.
If there is commercial/office use on both newly created lots, the maximum floor area for all
uses other than residential in the zone district will be applied.
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c. The proposed development meets all dimensional requirements of the
underlying zone district. The variances provided in Section 26.415.120(B)(1)(a),(b), and (c)
are only permitted on the parcels that will contains a historic structure. The FAR bonus
will be applied to the maximum FAR allowed on the original parcel; and
WHEREAS, Section 26.415.070 of the Municipal Code states that "no building or structure
shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, relocated or improved involving a
designated historic property or district until plans or sufficient information have been submitted
to the Community Development Director and approved in accordance with the procedures
established for their review; and
WHEREAS, for Conceptual Major Development Review, the HPC must review the application,
a staff analysis report and the evidence presented at a hearing to determine the project's
conformance with the City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines per Section
26.415.070.D.3.b.2 and 3 of the Municipal Code and other applicable Code Sections. The HPC
may approve, disapprove, approve with conditions or continue the application to obtain
additional information necessary to make a decision to approve or deny; and
WHEREAS, in order for HPC to grant an FAR bonus, per Section 26.415.110.E, HPC must find
1. In selected circumstances the HPC may grant up to five hundred (500) additional square
feet of allowable floor area for projects involving designated historic properties. To be
considered for the bonus, it must be demonstrated that:
a. The design of the project meets all applicable design guidelines; and
b. The historic building is the key element of the property and the addition is incorporated
in a manner that maintains the visual integrity of the historic building and/or
c. The work restores the existing portion of the building to its historic appearance; .and/or
d. The new construction is reflective of the proportional patterns found in the historic
building's form, materials or openings; and/or
e. The construction materials are of the highest quality; and/or
f. An appropriate transition defines the old and new portions of the building; and/or
g. The project retains a historic outbuilding; and/or
h. Notable historic site and landscape features are retained; and
WHEREAS, in order to grant a parking reduction, per Section 26.415.110.C, the following
standard must be met:
The parking reduction and waiver of payment-in-lieu fees may be approved upon a
finding by the HPC that it will enhance or mitigate an adverse impact on the
historic significance or architectural character o fa designated historic property, an
adjoining designated property or a historic district; and
WHEREAS, in order to grant an exemption from the method for calculation of the FAR of
garages, per Section 26.314.040, the I-[PC must make a finding that the following three (3)
circumstances exist:
1. The grant of variance will be generally consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives, and
policies of the Aspen Area Community Plan and this Title;
2. The grant of variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use
of the parcel, building or structure; and
3. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Title would
deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district,
and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty. In determining
whether an applicant's rights would be deprived, the board shall consider whether either of
the following conditions apply:
c~ There are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel,
building or structure, which are not applicable to other parcels, structures or buildings
in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant; or
b. Granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege
denied by the Aspen Area Community Plan and the terms of this Title to other parcels,
buildings, or structures, in the same zone district; and
WHEREAS, in order to approve Relocation of a historic structure, per Section 26.415.090.C, the
HPC must find that the proposal meets any one of the following standards:
1. It is considered a non-contributing element of a historic district and its relocation
will not affect the character of the historic district; or
2. It does not contribute to the overall character of the historic district or parcel on
which it is located and its relocation will not have an adverse impact on the historic
district or property; or
3. The owner has obtained a Certificate of Economic Hardship; or
4. The relocation activity is demonstrated to be an acceptable preservation method
given the character and integrity of the building, structure or object and its move
will not adversely affect the integrity of the historic district in which it was
originally located or diminish the historic, architectural or aesthetic relationships of
adjacent designated properties; and
Additionali¥~ for approval to relocate all of the following criteria must be met:
1. It has been determined that the building, structure or object is capable of
withstanding the physical impacts of relocation; and
2. An appropriate receiving site has been identified; and
3. An acceptable plan has been submitted providing for the safe relocation,
repair and preservation of the building, structure or object including the
provision of the necessary financial security; and
WHEREAS, Amy Guthrie, in her staff report dated June 12, 2002, performed an analysis of the
application based on the standards, and recommended that the project be approved, except for
On-Site Relocation of the historic house, with conditions; and
WHEREAS, at their regular meeting on June 12 2002, the Historic Preservation Commission
considered the application, found the application was consistent with the "City of Aspen Historic
Preservation Design Guidelines" and other applicable sections of the Municipal Code, except for
On-Site Relocation, and approved the application with conditions by a vote of 5-0.
HPC recommends council approve the Historic Landmark Lot Split application for 635 W.
Bleeker Street, Lots A-C, Block 24, City and Townsite of Aspen, Colorado, and that the HPC
approves Major Development Review (Conceptual), and Variances with the conditions listed
below. HPC denies the request to move the location of the historic house on the site be denied
finding that the review criteria are not met, but approves installation of a basement under the
house in its existing location.
1. The HPC hereby approves a 500 square foot FAR bonus, waiver of one parking space for
Lot A, a five foot rear yard setback variance and a five foot west sideyard setback
variance for the existing historic garage, and a variance fi.om the method for calculating
the floor area for the historic garage so that it receives the typical exemption despite the
fact that it is not accessed from the alley.
2. Ifa tree removal permit is approved for the trees along the alley of Lot A at some point in
the future, and this results in there being sufficient open area to provide a parking space,
the space will have to be installed, after approval of a site plan by the Historic
Preservation Officer, within 6 months of the date that the trees are removed.
3. The proposed skylight must be eliminated from the west side of the historic house.
4. On-site relocation of the house is not approved, but temporary relocation to install a
basement under the house in its existing location is approved if the applicant provides a
structural report demonstrating that the buildings can be moved and/or information about
how the house will be stabilized from the housemover, a bond or letter of credit in the
amount of $30,000 to insure the safe relocation of the structure, and a relocation plan
detailing how and where the building will be stored.
5. A subdivision plat and subdivision exemption agreement shall be reviewed and approved
by the Community Development Department and recorded in the office of the Pitkin
County Clerk and Recorder within one hundred eighty (180) days of final approval by
City Council. Failure to record the plat and subdivision exemption agreement within the
specified time limit shall render the plat invalid and reconsideration of the plat by City
Council will be required for a showing of good cause. As a minimum, the subdivision
plat shall:
a. Meet the requirements of Section 26.480 of the Aspen Municipal Code;
07/05/2002 10: ~.Sgl
b. Contain a plat note stating that the lots contained therein shall be prohibited from
further subdivision and any development of the lots will comply with the
applicable provisions of the Land Use Code in effect at the time of application;
c. Contain a plat note stating that all new development on the lots will conform to
the dimensional requirements of the Office zone district, except the variances
approved by the HPC.
d. The FAR on the two lots created by this lot split shall be allocated as follows: Lot
A shall receive 2,180 square feet and Lot B 2,400 square feet, which shall be
noted on the plat.
6. HPC recommends that most of the mature lilacs on the property be preserved (and pruned
if desired) if possible.
APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION at its regular meeting on the 12th day of June, 2002.
Approved as to Form:
David Hoefer, Assistant (~ity Attorney
Approved as to content:
It I ~~~.~ lt(ff~T I O~O N
Suzan~ah ~I1, Chair
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk