HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.hpc.19870217Historic Preservation Commission
February_ 17. 1987
Vice Chairman Nick Pasquarella called the meeting to order at
2:35 p.m. with members Marge Riley, Charles Cunniffe, Patricia
O'Bryan, Mary Martin, Zoe Compton and Bill Poss present.
Steve Burstein, planning office, reminded the Board they have
seen this project on January 13, 1987, when the Board reviewed
the project but no approvals were given. The applicant is
requesting final review at this point. Burstein pointed out the
Board generally accepted the approach of wrapping the addition
around Elli's, approved a peak in two stories in approximate
dimensions to the existing one-story building with a false facade
with the same heights and many elements aligned in a similar
fashion. Burstein noted the Committee was very interested in the
use of wood construction.
Burstein said some committee members were concerned about loss of
trees adjacent to Elli's and requested more detail in a site
plan. Burstein said the three trees clustered next to the
building probably cannot be saved. Burstein stated Elli's must
have individual historic designation to qualify for the GMP
exemption for expansion, and will need this designation prior to
building permit. This designation is scheduled before City
Council February 23, 1987.
The viewplane is still an issue as staff has not seen a
demonstration whether there is an encroachment in the Main street
viewplane. Burstein told the Board he applicant needs the
permission of the parks department to cut down any trees with a
diameter larger than 6 inches. The applicant has been working
with the parks department to get a workable plan. The proposal
is to leave the two trees in the rear of the property and to
remove the cluster of trees just west of Elli's. These trees
will be moved to the golf course. The applicant has worked out
with the parks department replacing half the number of present
number of nursery stock trees, 8 feet or taller to be visible
from Mill and Main streets. The applicants have proposed a small
planter area with two trees up front and deciduous trees along
Main street and two pine trees along the western side yard. The
parks department seems to be satisfied with this commitment.
Burstein told eh Board other aspects of interests are placement
of the building on Mill street and the entrance way with the
planter in front of the store. There is a concern there may not
be enough room for the entrance and the planters. This site plan
will go before the CCLC, and they can address that.
The applicant is working with the building department on the open
space calculation. The applicants have not satisfied the
Historic Preser¥~tion Commission
February 17. 1987
definition of 25 percent required open space, and there may be
design changes. Burstein pointed out the applicants have
submitted a letter which addresses restoration, which is an
important aspect of the entire plan. Burstein said the
commitment to maintain the Mill and Main streets facades in their
entirety and to repair the wood siding and trim is a good one.
Burstein said it should be included that any replacement
materials and detailing on the construction methods shall be
brought before the HPC.
Another area of concern is the storefront proportions. Burstein
said he is concerned that it would be more in keeping with Elli's
and the commercial core to have more a kickplate proportion and
reduce some of the glass. Burstein said he is also concerned
about the entrance into Elli's west wall, and that more of that
wall ought to be retained. Burstein recommended the committee
give a strong preliminary approval for this project with
conditions of approval
John Cottle, Hagman Yaw architects, told the committee over the
past month, they have tried to address the issues raised by HPC
and staff. These are trees; footprint and open space, viewplane,
and architectural elements. Cottle said the plan is an addition
with two faces, one for Mill and one for Main street. Cottle
presented their landscape plan, which they reviewed with the
parks department. The parks department has written a letter
stating this plan does meet the requirements of the city. Cottle
showed the 4 major deciduous trees to be placed on the front of
the property, a raised planter in the center, and trees down the
Cottle pointed out their plan was to keep the building fronts as
much toward the streets as possible. There are some open space
requirements that make that idea difficult. The architects have
wrapped the open space around the buildings. There is an entry
courtyard to provide some landscaping and relief. There is
pedestrian access to the rear of the building. They have
provided an 11 foot space to distance this from the Miner's
building. The open space terminates in a pocket park on the back
of the site. Cottle showed where the design changes will have to
be made to meet the building department interpretation of open
space. Gideon Kaufman, representing the applicant, told the
Board the interpretation of open space is that one has to be able
to see it for it to count; hence the need to move one corner of
the building back to be able to see the open space
Cottle pointed out in order to obtain a building permit, the
applicants will have to meet the open space requirements.
Another issue is the viewplane, which has been surveyed. Cottle
said the viewplane is taken from the steps of the Jerome and is
Historic Preservation Commission
February 17. ~987
defined by the top of the Elli's building. Nothing can protrude
above that to block the view of the mountain. Cottle showed that
this building does not protrude into the viewplane and will
submit a letter to that effect.
Cottle said architectural elements of Elli's are paned windows on
the street fronts, wood trim, angle corner, and a strong wooden
cap that caps the whole building. The architects have picked up
some of these elements in the new building. There are duplicate
windows on the street fronts. The windows are bounded by pieces
of trim, like Elli's. The paned windows are picked up in the
upper level windows. The corner is cut as it addresses Main
street. The cap has been carried throughout both facades of the
building. The scale of the building is intimate and has been
stepped so there is not a continuous height. There is an 8 foot
break in the building on the Mill street elevation. The alley
elevation continues the same windows and same wood siding.
Cottle said they plan color ties to Elli's with blue stain and
white trim.
Ms. Riley asked the square footage of the addition. Burstein
said presently there is 4,206 square feet on site. The total
square footage after the addition will be 12,071 square feet.
The FAR is 1.43:1, which is less than the 1.5:1 allowed in the
zone district. Darin Brasch, parks department, told the Board
the applicant has agreed to move three large trees currently on
the west side of Elli's to the golf course. These will be
transplanted at no cost to the city. The trees on the back of
the site were planted too close together and will destroy
themselves. The applicants have agreed to remove most of the
trees and keep two large trees at the rear of the site. The
applicants will plant deciduous trees and some evergreens. Ms.
riley said she is against removing the trees.
Ms. Martin congratulated the owners of the building for
maintaining the same architecture. Ms. Martin said the
kickplates should be higher on the new addition to match Elli's.
Pasquarella opened the public hearing.
Pasquarella closed the public hearing.
There were no comments.
Poss said this committee does not have to review the view plane,
landscaping, street scape or open space. These are zoning issues
to be addressed by the staff. The committee reviews the historic
preservation and compatibility of the structure. Ms. Compton
said she feels the addition is very compatible with the existing
building. Ms. Compton said there is something about the stair
tower that gets out of balance. Ms. Compton said she is
concerned about the big plate glass windows on the Main street
elevation. Cottle passed out copies of an store front
Historic Preservation Commission
February 17. 1987
alternative with kick plates and wood siding. Ms. Compton said
she likes the alternate better; it connects the building better.
Ms. Compton asked about the tower entrance. Cottle said the
stairway is there for access to the roof deck. Ms. Compton said
she would like to see something done about the tower and about
the panes. This seems to be distracting from the rest of the
building. Ms. Riley agreed.
Poss said the applicant has done an excellent job of showing an
interpretation of a contemporary building added to a historic
structure. The applicants have done a good job of restoring
Elli's. Cunniffe said the new building is very compatible and
does not take away from Elli's. Cunniffe said the only negative
he sees is the lighthouse, stairway, and would like to see some
alternatives. Cunniffe said the alternate sketch for the
kickplates would be preferable. Cunniffe said the stairway draws
too much attention to itself. Ms. O'Bryan said she is against
moving the trees. Ms. O'Bryan said she is not wild about the
tower. Ms. O'Bryan said she would like to see a model,
especially to see where the glass is on Main street.
Ms. Riley asked if there will be awnings over the windows.
Cottle said they are not planning on awnings, but the building
will be designed to accept awnings. Ms. Riley said she is
against moving the trees. Ms. Riley said she feels the
lighthouse is too much. Pasquarella said he feels the applicants
have done a very good job. Kaufman told the committee the
applicants have to close on this building next week and have to
take a certain risk. Kaufman proposed the Board give this
project final approval subject to the areas to be addressed, like
the tower. This will give the applicant a comfort level of
knowing which areas are left to be dealt with and those that have
been approved. Burstein pointed out the level of detail that has
been submitted is typical of preliminary and not for final
approval. This would give the committee the ability to rework
some of the fine details. Burstein agreed the tree issue may be
resolved at preliminary and the general concept can be approved.
Poss said he feels the applicant has done a good job, and the
committee has seen this project twice. Poss suggested either a
two step motion to give preliminary on the concept and final
conditioned upon meeting the requirements of the city's specific
requirements in the Code.
Poss moved to grant preliminary approval on the project as
presented with the conditions that the applicant includes the
store front alternative with kickplate as proposed in this
meeting and based on the concerns of the committee that further
study be given to the stair tower, that the open space
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February 17. 1987
requirement has been met and is subject to the zoning code, and
not the committee's purview; seconded by Ms. Martin.
Cunniffe said he feels it is good to save the trees but this
applicant is trying to save Elli's, which is more important than
the trees. Cunniffe said the committee should recommend the
project go with what they have done and perhaps include a
recommendation that the trees do not get in the way of the
project. Pasquarella agreed the parks department has worked on
this project, they represent the city and are responsible for the
trees. The committee is responsible for historic preservation.
Burstein said condition ~ 1 is to satisfy the view plane
requirements. Kaufman said that is a zoning issue and it will be
met and approved, or the building will have to be modified. Poss
said he did not feel this had to be in the motion; it can be
covered by the code. Kaufman pointed out a majority of the
committee accepts the recommendations of the parks department
regarding the trees so that condition # 2 is satisfied. Kaufman
said condition # 3 has to be worked out with the CCLC and not
HPC. Burstein said he would like the condition left in to create
a good record.
Kaufman asked the committee to look at the alternative of moving
the back corner of the building to satisfy the open space
requirements in condition #4. Kaufman said if the building
department requires this to be moved, they will do it; otherwise,
they will leave it as it. John Cottle asked in condition #5
there may be an opportunity for a very special retail space and
asked that the condition be re-worded to relook at that space
rather than there be no entrance on the western wall. Poss said
he would amend his motion to see further study of the west
elevation. Kaufman said the two issues to address in final
review are the west elevation and the tower.
Cottle said in condition #6, he would like some wording that as
presented elevations and materials are acceptable given further
detail to carry in this direction. Kaufman said the applicants
would like the areas still to be resolved identified but the
other areas are solved. Poss said the plans as presented at this
meeting do have enough detail. Pasquarella said the committee is
giving preliminary approval and clarifying the details that the
applicant and committee can feel comfortable with. Applicant
said this will also give them the comfort level to go ahead with
historic designation of the building.
Cottle said the applicants have no problem with condition #7. In
condition #8 they would like to have a detailed restoration plan
for the detail on the existing Elli's. Cottle said there is a
chance that construction schedules may not allow the applicant to
Historic Preservation Commission
February 17. 1987
comply with condition #8 as written. Burstein said he would like
a timing mechanism to assure the restoration will be done.
Kaufman said the applicants would agree to a time schedule but
would like to not disrupt the business during the summer season.
Kaufman suggested 18 months for the restoration. The committee
agreed. Ms. Compton asked if the committee could review the
final color scheme. Kaufman pointed out this is not part of the
committee's review criteria. Kaufman said the applicants have no
problems with condition #9.
Ail in favor, with the exception of Pat O'Bryan and Marge Riley.
Motion carried.
Poss said part of this concept was to give preliminary approval
and final approval to be continued upon getting final plans and
specifications. Pasquarella said the committee has given
preliminary approval holding certain requirements so that the
applicants can move ahead. Pasquarella said he is not
comfortable with giving final approval. Burstein said the
committee's conditions of approval tie down the committee's
commitment to that approval. Kaufman said he would not like to
see final approval voted down based on a condition that has
already been met. Cunniffe suggested the motion state the
committee strongly recommends the trees do not conflict with the
building, and that the tree issue should not resurface again.
Burstein suggested the wording be that final approval is
conditioned upon satisfactory presentation of this site plan.
Cunniffe said unless the final plan deviates substantially from
these plans, it will be approved. Cottle reiterated that final
approval will be granted if this design is executed and meets the
conditions as outlined. The applicants suggested that the
conditions that have to be met are specific, like the staircase,
and the west elevation on the existing Elli's front.
Pasquarella recommended the applicants present a model so that
the committee can view the project. Pat O'Bryan and Pasquarella
and Cunniffe said they are in favor of a model, but would not
require it. Burstein said he would be willing to schedule a site
visit to help the committee understand the plan better. Burstein
suggested continuing the public hearing for final approval. The
Board continued the public hearing to March 24, 1987.
Steve Burstein, planning office, told the Board this is located
at 411 East Hyman on the mall and was remodeled last summer.
Burstein presented a drawing of the proposed awning. Burstein
showed the proposed material, and said he would like to see more
of a natural looking fabric. It can still be acrylic but the
shiny fabric is not appropriate.
H~storic Preservation Commission
February 17. 1987
Cunniffe moved to approve the awning for the t-shirt shop with
the condition that the awning be more canvas like; seconded by
Ms. O'Bryan. All in favor, motion carried.
Kim Well, architect, showed the approved project and told the
Board where they are proposing to add windows. Well told the
Board when they started the project, they had no tenants. There
are now tenants who have requested windows. The architects have
added windows on the east and south elevations. They have made
the windows wider so that they butt into each other. The windows
are wider than they are tall. Cunniffe said when this building
when presented, arguments were made for the proportions of the
windows. Cunniffe said one of the principle vocabulary elements
of the building that made it acceptable historically was the
windows. These changes do not help the building.
Carol Farino, historical society, said the proportions of the
windows are critical. Cunniffe said the proportions of the
windows were one of the principle things that justified approval
of this building. Burstein agreed in the GMP presentation, there
were various architectural elements that were very similar to the
commercial core area. Ms. Compton said when the building was
presented, it was well received. If it had been designed with
more windows in the front, the whole configuration would have
changed. Ms. Compton said the front should not be altered, but
the windows on the east could be enlarged. Pasquarella said the
Board accepts the east windows but is very much opposed to the
front window changes. Cunniffe pointed out the east windows
should be looked at with the changes. Well requested this be
tabled for a week to come back with an alternative plan.
Steve Burstein, planning office, said this proposed building will
have a sandstone veneer. There will be an atrium going to the
second floor. Burstein said the Shaft is not a historic
structure and the whole building will be demolished. Burstein
said the elements of concern are building massing, setbacks,
alignment, store fronts, door and windows, and the building
materials. Burstein said the proposed building is two stories-
the height is 27 feet; the atrium is 37 feet. Burstein said his
concern with the atrium is that it is similar to the gondola
building to the south but is not similar to anything else in the
commercial core. Burstein said the applicant should demonstrate
how this structure is a compatible element in the commercial core
historic district. It is a fairly large glass structure.
Historic Preservation Commissiop
February 17. 1987
The existing structure is non-conforming regarding open space and
encroaches on the public right-of-way. This proposal builds back
to the setbacks but is non-conforming regarding open space. The
advantage of this is that it keeps a strong street alignment.
Burstein pointed out the Hunter street side is fairly cramped.
Burstein said another disadvantage is that there is no potential
for landscaping. Burstein pointed out the second floor has small
windows, and it should be demonstrated how these would line up
with the adjacent building. Burstein said he is not sure the
rhythm or fenestration is appropriate.
Burstein said there is an angled entrance, which is a nice
aspect, burstein said more study is needed for the proportions.
Burstein said he is concerned about the scale of the building
materials, whether the sandstone veneer is large or small block.
Burstein said he is not clear about the second floor materials at
this point.
Kim Weil, architect, pointed out the surrounding buildings. Weil
said this site is a transition zone from the historic district to
across the street, which is not historic. Weil pointed out the
proposed building has been kept at one story along Hunter street
to echo the proposed Hunter Plaza and the Pitkin County Bank.
This rhythm has been set up along Hunter street Cunniffe said
this building should be more sensitive to the building on the
southwest of the intersection rather than the other buildings in
the area. Weil said the proposed building has a clipped corner
and a pediment. Well said he is not trying to replicate
Victorian buildings in the commercial core. Carol Farino said
this is an important site. Weil presented samples of the
sandstone that will be used on the building.
Ms. Compton said she like the materials, except there is too much
expansive glass on the fronts. Ms. Compton said the overall
flavor of the building should have more sensitivity to the
historic district. This is the only major corner left in the
historic district to be redesigned. Ms. Compton said the
sidewalk design seems to be adding another element to the
historic district. Ms. Compton said the building is too close to
the sidewalk, is too contemporary, not sensitive to the historic
district, and will set off a mood for that block. Ms. Compton
said she would like to see this redesigned. Ms. Martin said she
does not like this building on this site.
Cunniffe said he has a problem with massing and the front of the
building contains too much mass. Cunniffe said an atrium is a
nice contemporary design but it is too jolting in context with
the surrounding buildings. Cunniffe said he likes the selection
of the materials. Ms. O'Bryan agreed this should be more
sensitive to the Victorian across the street. The building could
Historic Preservation Commission
February 17. 1987
be more subtle. Ms. Riley
contemporary. Ms. Riley said
store front on Cooper street.
voiced their thoughts, and he
objected to the atrium as too
she is also worried about too much
Pasquarella said the committee has
agrees with these comments.
Ms. Martin moved to deny this project as presented and to have
them come back with a different design; seconded by Ms. O'Bryan.
All in favor, motion carried.
Steve Burstein presented a structure for the Board to evaluate at
423 North Second. This house has been moved to this site and it
has been altered. The Board said they would like to give this
house a score of 4, but according to the criteria, it should
receive a 3.
Burstein said the Board has 3 requests for designation and one
request for deletion from the moratorium. The first house for
designation is 500 West Bleeker. This was given a 4 by the
committee and is reasonable to forward the designation on. The
next structure is 215 West Bleeker. The Board approved
recommending designation. The last structure is Sorensen's at
616 West Main. The Board recommended historic designation.
Burstein told the Board Herb Klein would like the Board to
recommend deletion of his structure at 831 West Bleeker. This
received a score of 1 in the inventory. The Board recommended
deletion from the inventory of this structure.
Ms. Compton said she is decorating the back of the Jerome, and
asked the Board if she put in beveled or initialed glass in these
windows does it interfere with the exterior. The Board agreed
there is no problem with this.
Cunniffe brought up expanding the boundary of the commercial core
one block east and west. Ms. Compton recommended Burstein write
a letter on behalf of the committee to favor expanding the
historic district.
Ms. Compton moved to adjourn at 4:40 p.m.; seconded by Ms.
O'Bryan. All in favor, motion carried.
Kathryn~.' Koch, City Clerk